Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1937, p. 2

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For lovers of green tea aim 521 GREEN TEA THE CHINA STAR * V V w V V V w By JOSEPH LEWIS CHADWICK | When Hugh Morley, U. 8. Secret Service agent stationed in Manila, receives receives orders from Washington to sail aboard the China Star, bound for San Francisco, he is forced to take a plane to catch up with it. Among the passengers passengers Is the lovely Sylvia Ames, who instantly attracts Morley. When Phil Lon, an over-inquisitive Chinese-Amer- ican, tries to pump him, Morley says he is a lawyer frtim Baltimore and that he had raced after the ship because- because- of Sylvia. He_ receives orders to guard Eli J. Brandon, international financier travelling incognito as "John B. Ellis." When a note from Sylvia Ames to Ellis is delivered to Morley by mistake, he deliberately accepts it. CHAPTER II Morley regarded the folder note in his hand, and hesitated. Should he deliver it to Ellis and thus make an opportunity to have a talk with the man, or should he read the note first? His orders were to guard Ellis-- or Brandon -- but he didn't know against wliat he was to guard him, and Ellis might hot he communicative. communicative. This note might furnish a clue. What connection was there between Sylvia Ames and Ellis? Yes, Morley decided, it was his duty to read the note before passing it on. He unfolded the hit of paper and read: "Meet me at ten on the port side of the promenade deck! Necessary that I see you. S." At ten, on the promenade deck. A rendezvous with Sylvia Ames. Fortunate, Fortunate, this John Ellis, ... Morley scowled. Why not keep that rendezvous himself? He could easily, glibly, explain that the note had been delivered to him by mistake. Yes, he'd keep that appointment with Sylvia Amest He glanced at his watch and found that it was fifteen minutes to the appointed appointed hour. He drained his glass and tit a cigarette, He wondered how Sylvia had happened happened to be with Phil Lon. Had she known him beforp boarding the ship? Morley sauntered out onto deck. He was conscious of an unreasonable excitement. excitement. More than, he cared to admit admit to himself, he wanted to meet this Sylvia Ames. At ten o'clock he turned from the Ladies Send us your name, and receive absolutely FREE, sample of our Highest Quality, Hospital Sanitary Sanitary Napkins. Hygeia Products, London, Ontario. «5 SEALS l«lt YOUR GROCER OR 10c STORE HAS OR CAN GET THEM ME MB A 'SEAL USE MfMBA'SEAlS rail and walked slowly along the deck, his eyes focusing expectantly upon every feminine figure. He saw her presently, standing at the rail with" Phil Lon. The Chinese saw Morley approaching, and , bis broad grin wavered for an instant, then reappeared. "Ah, Morley--'.' Lon introduced him, but Sylvia Ames looked at him with disconcerting disconcerting indifference. She uttered only a polite acknowledgement. "Someone I must see," Lon muttered muttered suddenly, and hurried off. Sylvia Ames' glance followed him. An amused smile touched her lips. "Strange, how he knows everyone," everyone," she murmured. Morley nodded. "Yes--Mr. Lon is a very strange man." He darted her a quick glance. "Know hom long?" "No---I met him on the boat when I came out to Shanghai. We met again on this trip." She glanced at her wrist watch. "Please excuse me, Mr. Morley. I have an appointment---" appointment---" She started to turn away. "Miss Ames--" She turned back, "Yes.?" "I--Pm afraid you're appointment appointment must be-postponed. Your note was delivered to me by mistake. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, I did not know for whom it was intended, and could not pass it on." She stared at the folded bit of paper paper between his fingers, and a frown of annoyance appeared on her face. "That is unfortunate. Oh, well, another time will do." "I'd be glad to deliver the message message for you," he suggested.. "No, thank you." She took the paper, put it in her purse, and leaned once more against the rail. Morley took up a position beside her. "Been long in the Orient?" he asked. "No--I was in Shanghai only three weeks." "Friends there? Of course there are. Stupid question. I'm afraid I've contracted Mr. Lon's disease-- insatiable curiosity." Sylvia smiled. "He is rather inquisitive, inquisitive, isn't he ? But I don't mind being cross-examined. I was visiting my brother in Shanghai. He is with an oil company there. Have you been out here long?" . Morley was silent for a moment. He had told Phil Lon that he was a lawyer on a brief trip to the Orient, and it was possible that the Chinese had repeated that story. No, he could not tell Sylvia Ames that he had" been in the East -- throughout China, Guam, the Philippines--for , the past two years. Such an admission would lead to further questions. "No," he told her. "This was just a hurried visit." Sylvia glanced at him searching- ly„, "Mr. Lon was speaking of you. Your arrival aboard the China Star aroused his curiosity. I'm afraid tie isn't quite satisfied by your explanation,. explanation,. Apparently, he's been reading too many mptéry stories--he finds mystery everywhere." "In yovq too?" Her silvery laugh was like music. "In me? Hardly! I'm just an everyday everyday sort of person." "I disagree," said Morley. "You are a very unusual person. Right now, you are fascinating me. And you are a mystery, too." "How am I a mystery?" He shrugged his broad shoulders. "In that I'd like to know more about you." "You'll be disappointed. I'm just an ordinary girl seeing a bit of the world.'.' "Married? Or promised?" She laughed. "Neither. And now that that's settled, let's get into the other riddle--you." He matched her laugh. 'Why am I a riddle? Mterely because .Mr Lon says so?" Her eyes probed his with disconcerting disconcerting steadiness. '-'Whjz," she asked, "did you tell Mr. Lon that you had seen me in Manila? That you had followed the China Star By plane to see me? I was not ashore at Manila." "Lies have an amazing way of finding a man out," he said lightly. "Why did I tell Mr. Lon that? Because,--because Because,--because the idea, the lovely idea, of you was in my mind. The idea of you, Miss Ames, was in mÿ subconscious mind long before I ever saw you---" Her eyes sparkled. "You're the boldest and smoothest flatterer I've ever met. You don't expect me to believe that I'm--well, your ideal of a woman !" There was a mocking smile upon her lips. He hesitated, scowling darkly at the glow of h:s cigarette. Then, he flung the cigarette over the side, and took her hands in his. "Whether it's the moon or not," he said, "I don't know, but that's exactly exactly what I do expect -you to believe." believe." She gasped, drew away from him, then turned and almost ran along the deck. (TO BE CONTINUED) Secret of Longevity It is pleasing to find a variation in the prescriptions for good health at great age. Too much they have been limited to long walks, total abstinence, abstinence, regular drinking and the like. Brigadier-General Samuel E. Tillman, who will be 90 in October, astonished the ship news reporters the other day by attributing his fine physical condition to the fact that he has never supported his trousers with a belt. Suspenders are his secret, secret, now revealed by a mhn who has -gained distinction as soldier, astronomer, astronomer, chemist and geologist. There is much to say for the Tillman Tillman theory. Suspenders may be ugly, while belts are aesthetic, but the old galluses put the weight of the breeches on the shoulders and not on the hips. Put a Belt on a man and he will automatically thrust his paunch out to keep the leather from slipping. Give him suspenders and he van put his chèst out and his tummy in without fear and social disaster. There is also the element of congestion of the abdominal capillaries capillaries under pressure of the belt. Suspenders went out when the vogue for country life made men try to be beautiful sans coat and waistcoat. They are coming back now and General Tillman's certificate certificate will give them another fillip. If a man cannot have two cars in his garage he can express prosperity by haying suspenders for each and every pair of trousers. "Half of the world's philosophers are pessimists who tell us that progress progress is impossible and that there is no escape. -- Nicholas Murray Butler. Ask your dealer about the new Coleman Stoves that make their own gas, or write -- The Coleman Lamp and Stove Co., Ltd., Dept. WL. Toronto, Ontario. 0 AIDS WG£$mM Household Science SUSAN By FLETCHER Frosty Drinks for Summer Days What is summer without good iced drinks? But what's the use of iced drinks if you get all hot and bothered making them ? However, there are short cuts for making cool drinks and the following recipes are selected to give you the quickest, easiest, and most delicious methods for making several grand drinks. Iced tea and iced coffee are the first that come to mind, that is, for the adults. But there are also the children to consider when serving refreshing refreshing drinks and their choice will always be something with chocolate flavor. Iced chocolate then, for the youngsters, not only because they love it, but because the wise mother can supplement her children's diet this Way and give them plenty of nourishment in the odd glass of iced chocolate. It's also an ideal way to serve milk to those young scamps who insist that they don't like milk. Iced Tea 3 cups fresh cold water 3 rounding teaspoons tea Heat water just to a bubbling boil. Measure tea into scalded tea pot (earthenware, china, or glass). Pour on the boiling water, coyer, and let stand to steep for 4 to 5 minutes. Strain over' cracked ice in tall glasses. Serve with sugar and cut sections of lemon. Serves 4. Iced tea may be garnished with sprigs of fresh mint, slices of orange, lemon, or lime, or with cherries or strawberries. strawberries. Iced Coffee 4 cups fresh cold water 1 cup ground coffee Cracked ice. For percolator method, pour water into pot of percolator; set percolator basket in pot and measure coffee into it. Cover. Let percolate slowly and gently 10 to 15 minutes. (To obtain full strength, let percolate 15 to 20 minutes). Pour over cracked ice in tall glasses. Serve with sugar and cream. Serves 4 to 6. Coffee may be prepared by any other method--drip, boiled, or steeped steeped -- using above proportions. The extra strength coffee is necessary on account of the melting ice.- Always use freshly made coffee. Iced coffee made from left-over cold coffee is unsatisfactory. Iced Chocolate 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup water 3 tablespoons sugar Dash of salt 3 cups milk; Add chocolate to water in top of double bo-iler and place over low flame, stirring until the chocolate is melted and blended. Add sugar and salt and boil 4 minutes, stirring constantly. constantly. Place over boiling water. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly; constantly; then heat. When hot, beat with rotary egg beater until light and frothy. Cool and pour over cracked ice in tall glasses. Stir well to blend and chill. Top with sweetened sweetened whipped cream. Serve with simple wafers or plain bread-and- butter sandwiches. Serves 4, From the following recipe for chocolate syrup, you can concote all sorts of chocolate drinks, by adding ice cream, malted milk, mocha flavoring, flavoring, mint or pineapple flavoring. 4 or 5 squares unsweetened chocolate chocolate 1 cup sugar 2-3 cup hot water 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten , Melt chocolate over hot water; cool to lukewarm. Add sugar to the. water, sjirring until sugar is dissolved; dissolved; then cool to lukewarm. Ad<j this syrup to egg ydks, about one- fourth at a time, beating well after each addition; add chocolate in the sajgp way. Then continue beating mixture 1 minute, or until slightly, thickened. Ttirn into jar, cover tightly, and place in refrigerator. Syrup can be kept for several days. Use 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup to a cup of milk in making iced chocolate chocolate drinks. Makes 2 cups syrup. Useful Tips If you need only a little lemon juice, pierce a hole in the lemon with a steel knitting needle and squeeze. The hole will close up and the lemon will remain fresh. Polo-necked sweaters often stretch in the wash. To prevent this run a wool strand round the neck and draw up tightly. Do not take out until the sweater is dry. Hang a carrier bag behind the pantry door and put empty paper bags, brown paper and string into it. You will save time when you have a parcel to make up. When boiling milk put a dean marble into the pan. It will stir the milk automatically and prevent burning. burning. Tissue paper will remove rainspots from satin. Crush the paper into a soft ball and rub over the spotted parts with a circular movement. Flood Soil, Waste' Told Of the many million tons of fertile fertile soil washed from upland farms by the January flood, nearly 40,000,- 000 tons were spread over bottomland bottomland and city streets in the Ohie Valley, reports the Soil Conservation Service. The report is based on a survey which included actual measurements of soil removal and silt deposits all along the valley from Pittsburgh, Pa., to Cairo, 111. Even larger quantities quantities of agricultural soil probably were carried down the river below Cairo. The swiftly moving waters deposited deposited more than 25,000,000 tons of silt in the rural areas of the valley proper, proper, a further 8,000,000 tons on the Bottom land of several tributaries near the confluences and nearly 4,000,000 tons in 165 towns and cities cities of the valley--based on sample measurements in twenty-seven river communities most seriously affected. Farming land in the valley also was damaged several by more than 11,- 000,000 tons of sand churned up from the river bottom and laid down over adjoining fields and meadows. WAKE OF YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin 5 to go 4 The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Harmful poisôns go into the body, and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't always get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name ! Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c. BLACK-HEADS Get two ounces of peroxine powder from your druggist. Sprinkle on a hot, wet doth and rub the face gently. Every blackhead will be dissolved, The one safe, sure and simple way to remove blackheads. Have a Holly» 1 wood complexion. 'Issue Mo 26--'37 B--2

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