-His Rheumatism Left Him Sufferer Follows Good Advice --and Takes Kruschen "The writer of the following letter had a bad attack of rheumatism, and was advised to take Kruschen. He did so, and describes his experiences in the following words:--• , "About two years ago I developed a severe attack of rheumatism in my left shoulder blade. I tried all sorts of remedies, but with no results, until until one day my brother-in-law, oil hearing of my suffering, exclaimed, '"'here is only one thing for rhou- ! ,t*Sm! That is--Kruschen Salts!' j decided to purchase a bottle, and for the first week took a teaspoonful teaspoonful in a glass of hot water each morning. The pain gradually disappeared.- disappeared.- and has now gone entirely. I am still taking my early morning dose, as I feel convinced that it is helping to keep me fit."--J.G.B., Rheumatic conditions are frequently frequently the result of an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the ingredients ingredients of Kruschen Salts are notable for their work in dissolving uric acid. Other ingredients of these Salts assist assist Nature to expel the dissolved acid from the system. Bermuda Silver Band Entry for C. N. E* 96 Years On One Farm The oldest resident of Tilbury East township recently celebrated her 96th birthday at the farm where she has spent practically all her life. In a day when a restless urge im-_ pels families and individuals to move at frequent intervals, a life spent in the same spot may seem singularly lacking in what the majority consider most worth while. It may appear secluded, uneventful, dull. But there is another side to the picture. The old lady of Tilbury has known no other life than that of the farm. She has become part and parcel of her environment. Its interests are hers. The neighbors are her friends. The church, the school, the rural activities, activities, have for nearly a century claimed her' thoughts and her time. She has made countless friends and has played an interesting part in the development of the community. --- Kitchener Record. Smiles and Chuckles V Official entry has come to the Ontario Ontario Band Association, which conducts conducts hand tournament at the Canadian Canadian National Exhibition, from the Imperial Silver Band of Hamilton, Bermuda. Secretary A. L. Robertson of the association says that not in the past fifteen years have there been as many entries at th : s date.. £ir Henry Watlington, mayor of Thon, has arranged transporta- I'ir the band from Bermuda to '"--A ft York. He has also concluded arrangements for a series of concerts in the Terrace Grill of the Hotel Hamilton for the purpose of raising additional funds with which to defray defray the expenses of the trip to the Exhibition. The Imperial Silver Band is under the baton of S. Clayton Pye who has a wide reputation as a conductor conductor and composer. Mr. Pye was at the "Ex" two years ago in. the capacity of guest conductor at the hand competition. The Bermudians will enter the brass section with an , ensemble of twenty-seven men. years, At intervals of 13 to 15 tilt- earth lies almost exactly in the plane of Saturn's rings. At this l e, we view the rings edge-on eh makes them most difficult to see and for a .few hours, they are invisible, even through the most powerful telescopes. Knights and Daze Opinions vary as to which take us to greater heights-- June's lovely days, with skies of blue, or its delightful nights. Some argus that refreshing winds combined with midday sun, Inspire adventures and cause rare actions actions to be done. While others say, when moonlight sheds its beams on listless souls, Their lives take on new meaning and they start toward higher goals. I don't know what your ideas are; but, friends, this is my plight: I'm living in a blissful daze, inspired by one June knight! --Lyla Myers. HU - M AR Nature's Own Soil Food ★ HU-MAE is the perfect, natural soil and plant food; free of harmful acid and weed seed. Unlike most plant foods and fertilizers HU-MAR retains Its ammonia content; its fertile qualities qualities therefore far outlast all other soil conditioners, HU-MAR retains as high as 70% moisture, is an ideal insulator, and acts as a natural scavenger. These and many other reasons have proved HU-MAR the world's firfest soil conditioner, HU-MAR is the trade, name for a product product found on the Beverley properties In Ontario. Write for our descriptive folder. * TREVOR-SOREN LIMITED 73 Adelaide Street W., Toronto The purchasing agent didn't want to see this particular salesman and instructed his secretary to make some excuse: Secretary (to salesman)--"I'm sorry, sorry, but Mr. Jones can't see you today. today. He has a sprained back." Salesman (a persistent go-getter)-- "Very well, dearie. Go back and tell Mr. Jones that I didn't come here to wrestle with him. I only want to talk to him." Do you get up late mornings and have to rush your dressing, bolt your breakfast and dash to work? If so, that is a bad habit, and one that will tend to make you suffer through accidental accidental injury . . . . Good, habits of work will produce a good product, and at the same time produce very few accidents, for after all, an accident accident is simply a mistake .... When you hear someone else trying to explain explain how unavoidable some accident was, say to him: "Forget the alibi, accident accident are preventable. Wife (preparing breakfast)--"There- isn't a slice of bread in the house." Husband (absently)--"Never mind, dear; just make some toast." Don't make them say: "I spent a year in that town one Sunday." In a discussion on the type of milk which should be provided school children, children, the chairman of the health committee committee In a small town, is reported to have said at a meeting held recently: "What this town needs is a supply of clean, fresh milk, and the council should, take the bull by the horns and demand it." Husband--"Well, 1 suppose you're plenty angry because I came home with a black eye last night." Wife (sweetly)--"Not at all, dear, because when you came home you didn't have that black eye." ) c crs\ n riMF2 ( H ww 3 ns8§^J Here *' I 1 INu } here / \l *4 Everyw itéré \ y A brother to evert) other Scout, without regard to race or creed y The annual interchange of visits between Toronto and Buffalo Boy Scouts this year took a party of 150 Toronto lads across the lake over the week-end of May 22nd, and brought a return visit of young Buffalonians on the following Saturday. * * * A framed picture, in uniform, of Scout George Latimer, an outstandingly outstandingly popular student of Moosomin, Sask., Collegiate Institute, who died last fall, was hung in the collegiate assembly hall, and unveiled by Principal Principal John McLeod in the presence of the assembled student body. * * * One hundred and forty Scouts assembled assembled from 15 different centres of Central Ontario, added 75,000 young trees to the Angus, Ont., "Scout Forest" Forest" during the 8th annual Scout Reforestation Reforestation Camp at that place over Victoria Day. Including this year's planting, a total of 600,000 trees have been planted by 916 Scouts. This is Canada's largest Boy Scout reforestation reforestation project. * * * A living Coronation Crown composed composed of 700 Wolf Cubs was a spec tacular feature of the Coronation Year Jamboree of the Scouts and the Cubs of Winnipeg. Another feature wps a great "Scout Friendship Wheel," the living Scout spokes of which, representing the different Scouting countries of the world, revolved, revolved, singing about a figure representing representing the Scouts' patron saint, St. George, On a giant checker board small Wolf Cub checker men hopped about as they were moved in an actual actual game. * * * Between 300 and 400 Scouts, Sea Scouts, Rovers and leaders representing representing Scout groups from Toronto, Mimico, Weston, Acton, Clarkson, New Toronto, Hamilton, Milton, Galt, Port Credit and Oakville participated participated in the annual three-day Scout Jamboree held at the latter place. The camp was opened by His Worship Mayor George B. Jacobs, and began its sessions with a big camp fire. Teams from the various troops competed in a day-long program program of Scouting tests. First place was taken by the 3rd: Mimico Troop, with the 1st Acton and 7th Toronto as runners-up. Jim--"Politics mean nothing to me. I'm going to vote for that fellow because I like him." Hen--"I understand you were going to vote for him because he gave you $10." Jim--"Wouldn't you like a man who gave you $10?" Read It Or Not In the state of Alabama it is against the law to buy or sell a sack of peanuts after sundown or before sunrise of the next day. It is contrary contrary to law to work for nothing in California. In Kansas no reptiles are permitted to be eaten in public. This includes centipedes, snakes, lizards, etc. Retail Sales Up For April 8,6 Per Cent Advance In. Canadian Canadian Trade Over Month in 1936 Dr. Bottles met the wife of a patient patient he had ordered to bed for a few days : Doctor--"Well, how is your husband getting on?" Wife--"Oh, doctor, I do wish you'd change his medicine ! " Doctor--"Isn't it doing him any good, then?" Wife--"I don't know, but we have such a job getting him in and out of the bath?" Doctor--"Bath?" Wife--"Yes, sir. It says on the bottle bottle of medicine you sent: 'One teaspoonful teaspoonful to be taken three times a day in water'." A lot of men wake up to appreciate great truths--after its about ten years too late. The only thing that keeps a lot of men from marrying twice is the fact that their first wives are so disgustingly disgustingly healthy. AGENTS WANTED • To handle Beverly HU-MAR, nature's perfect soil and plant food. • The only pure, neutral soil conditioner and rectifier f known. • A rea [> honest opportunity to handle a fine profitable product, product, backed by national advertising and unsolicited testimonials. testimonials. • Agencies allotted on a mutual approval basis. • Small capital, from $200 to $2,000 required to carry stock. • The Company guarantees to refund purchase price of tper- chandise left on hand it the terfeination of the agrëemeÜt by either party. TREVOR-SOREN LIMITED 73 Adelaide Street West, .... Toronto In John D.'s Day To trace John D. Rockefeller's business life one must realize that he was born in the days when Martin Van Buren was President. He saw the United States , go through four wars. He saw the telegraph, telephone, telephone, and radio invented and perfected. perfected. The electric street car, automobile automobile and, airplane all came into. being being during, his span. Gold was discovered discovered in California but the one thing that truly interested him was the discovery and development of oilfields, oilfields, in this and foreign countries. It was this essential commodity, oil, that attracted his great business genius and he soon set himself up as dictator of this commercial realm. Strange to say, however, the passing passing of this extraordinary man will not rock the markets of the world for long ago he handed the reins to his able son and namesake. There are other great fortunes, but there never can 'be another John D, Rockefeller--America Rockefeller--America is different now -- hut as long as the old system did allow allow an individual the opportunity to accumulate such wealth it was fortunate fortunate that it fell into the hands of a man who developed high humanitarian humanitarian ideals as he reached his zenith. OTTAWA.--Cash registers in Canadian Canadian retail stores jingled merrily in April. The dollar value of retail sales was 7.9 per cent, higher than March and 8.5 per cent, above April, 1936, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics Statistics reported yesterday. When corrections for differences in the number of business days and for normal seasonal variations were made, the general index stood at 78.3 for April compared with 75.3 for March. With the single exception of December, 1936, retail trade was at a higher level during April than any month since 1931. The value of sales of the various sub-groups showed a mixed trend compared with April, 1936. Hardware store sales gained 21.6 per cent, and the grocery and meat and furniture groups each advanced 14.5 per cent. Restaurant sales increased increased 9.1 per cent., departmental store sales 6.9 per cent, and drug store sales 5 per cent. The men's clothing group showed an improvement of 1.1 per cent, while sales of women's clothing declined declined 4.2 per cent. Variety store sales recorded 0.5 per cent.; boot and shoe sales, 2.3 Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED W E "still HAVE A ™ PEW VACANCIES left. You can make good money too, selling motor oils, tractor oils, machine oils, greases and roofing cement in your locality. Write Warco Grease and Oil Ltd., Toronto. BANISH FRECKLES TCIRECKLES MUST GO WHERE '*FRECK- leen" is used. See that rough or freckled freckled skin change to lovely, clear smoothness. Order Order now. Money back guarantee. ,$1.00 pet 1 bottle, Elinor Toiletiers, 1068 Burnaby St., Vancouver, B.C. COLLECTION SERVICE NTARIO COLLECTION AGENCIES, ' EX perienced Collection Service. Bailiffs. -- Stair Bldg., Toronto. MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES B OILERS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL Pumps all kinds. Write for stock list. H. W. Petrie Co., Limited, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE CEE Ail SEPARATORS Be one of the three lucky farmers to 7 get a Brand new 1937 stréaitilinët stainless ANKER-HOLTH séparàtor FEEfl; seffd testai for Entry Blank ana "How, to cut separatiftg costs in Half"; E|$Mhg to pàÿ; sSply exraeês ÿfflr op&M. Address anKeb HOMS, Boom 1-3, Sarhia, Ont. ; P NLARCÎEMENT FREE WITH EVERY 25 *"■ J cent, order, Roll films developed and eight prints. 25 cents reprints, 3 cents each. Bright- ling, 29 .Richmond Street East, Toronto. DANDRUFF and Falling Hair, use Mm- ard's exactly _ as you would any hair tonic. Do this 4 times a week and the result will be a Clean Head and Glossy Hair Issue No. 25--'37 ! B-- 1 per cent.; and receipts of dyeing and cleaning establishments, 14 per cent. April candy sales declined. This decrease may be attributed to the changing date of Easter, the holiday trade being 'concentrated in Miarch this year and in April a year ago. Drug Store Defined It is well to have the matter settled settled by a high court, once and for all: "What is a drug store?" It is all to the credit of the learned jurist of the Indiana Supreme Court that he went into the matter thoroughly, delving into Burns' annotated statutes, statutes, Webster's now international dictionary, apothecary definitions, the Encyclopedia Britannica and even Shakespeare. For there have been sharp differences of opinion as to just what a drug store is. And 'what did the learned judge find? That a drug store, of all things, "is a store in which drugs are sold." COMPLETE, PERSONAL 'immht Skps The Canadian Servies yssseEs of these great Steamship ©smpasiies, offer Individual attention and a complet® personal service to ail passengers. Seasoned travellers also , appreciate their many additional additional fine qualities: Food of choice quality served In accordance with the best standards. A complete shipboard holiday--willing helpfulness helpfulness eliminates all care. F riday sailings from Montreal to Belfast, Glasgow, Liverpool, Liverpool, Plymouth, Havre and London at rates which represent represent substantial savings In travel costs. Apply to \iw r 217 Bay Street (Elgin 3471) Torontj? " out the man to see is your tocnfl a&W' "