OR0NO WEEKLY TIMES TITE-LAP ROOFING The permanence and low upkeep upkeep cost of this metal roofing makes it one of the most economical economical on the market. Tite- Lap Galvanized Roofing gives greatest covering capacity. The end lap is so tight it is almost invisible; positively excludes driving sleet, rain or snow. Send roof and rafter measurements measurements for free estimates. RIB-ROLL ROOFING This durable roofing has extra Work. The secret of its strength is. the ribs are only five inches apart! The most copied roofing of its kind on the market. Be sure you get the genuine, economical "Rib-Roll Roofing"! Ask your banker for details about re-roofing on the Government- backed Home Improvement Plan. Use them JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for information on any items in the complete complete Jamesway line. Brooder houses, heating systems, incubators, laying cages, ventilator systems. Use Jamesway equipment for profits. Eastern Steel Products Guelph Street /jniîïed PRESTON, ONTARIO ----" E with all metal . roofing. The \âùSf l .l lead on the head seals the nail-hole. Factories also at MONTREAL and TORONTO DURHAM Liberal-Conservative Annual Meeting and Convention Community Hall, Newcastle Friday, June 18 1937, at 7.00 p.m. ( Standard Time) FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING OFFICERS, TRANSACTING GENERAL BUSINESS AND SELECTING SELECTING A CANDIDATE TO CONTEST THE RIDING RIDING OF DURHAM IN THE NEXT PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN THE INTERESTS OF DURHAM LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. SPEAKERS Hon. W. Earl Rowe, M.P. Cecil G. Frost and others PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Charles McNeil, R. R. Waddell, President Secretary RED & WHITE STORES ROASTING VEAL, Ik 15c, NEILSON'S COCOA, i-Ik tin 17c. MATCHES, 3 boxes 21c. BINGO HORSERADISH, battle I 18c. CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 tins for | 29c. TOMATO JUICE, per tin ..05c. JELLY BEANS, 2 lbs 29c. CHUCK ROASTS BEEF, Ijb „ 15c. PICNIC SHOULDERS," lb. 17c. CRAB MEAT, 1-2 lb: tin 29c. HEAD CHEESE, lb 15c. RUBBER RINGS, 3 dozen, for : ...15c. REFUGEE BEANS, 2 tins for 25c. WHITE LIQUID SHOE CLEANER, bottle 15c. JELLY POWDERS, 4 pkgs. for : 19c- SCRIBBLERS, 2 for , 5c. EXAM. PADS, 2 for 19c. ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS, CUTTINGS, a tin 18c. KEEN'S MUSTARD, Mb. tins 25c. Gold Medal Choice PEAS, tin 10c. Whiz Fly Spray, Bulk, l r ^j n T own , 16 ozs 35c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mrs. J. J. Gilifillan spent the weekend weekend with her daughter Viola, in Toronto. Toronto. Hiss Vleiiii Gainey has accepted a position in thé: Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. We are informed that thé Orange demonstration will take place at Mill- brook on July 12th. Mr and Mrs, J. Greenaway, of Pont Hope, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Maas of Toronto Toronto called on friends while passing through town on Monday. Miss Mary W. Somerville, of Toronto, Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Somerville. Miss' Hazel Wood and Miss Margaret Margaret Brown, Newcastle, visited on 'Sunday at the former's home. Mr. E. E. D'ent of Anticote, N.Y., spent last Wednesday and Thursday with his brother, Mr. !.. A. Dent, The students in the High school are writing examinations Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs, L. Hughes of Oshaiwa is visiting visiting with her brother, Mr. Fred Kelly, also with her cousin, Mr. Will Chapman. Chapman. Mrs: G. A. Sanderson of Areola, Sa-k.. is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. F. Awde, als'o her brother, Mrs. D. (1. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, of Toronto, and family, were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Awde on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Awde and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper visited Mr and Mrs. W. H. Hooper at Pontypool on Friday last. Mr. J. Eaglles'on spent a few days (last week with Ms brother, Mr. B. Engiesoii, of Brooklyn, N.Y., at their coinage at Bice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood motored down from Winnipeg and visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Sherwin, who accompanied them to Oobourg. Mr. W. J. Riddel is attending the Grand Lodge Convention, Ï.O.O.F., 'being held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, from June 14th to 181th. Mr. and Mrs. Oeciar S'cott are visiting visiting friends at Mdnden, Maple Lake, Wedt Guilford and Red Stone Lake, in Halliburton district, Victoria Ob. Mr. Victor Phase,v spent a few days last week With his wife and family family alt Chili. Wood's, returning on Sunday to bis work at the nickel mines near Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs: Earl D. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs; Met-lion, Mrs. Bert Eagle- son and Mr. J. Eagfleson, of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E'agle- son, Cent re street., recently. Mr. A. J. Staples, Clarke Township clerk, brought into the Times office a perfect red rosebud and informed us that he has a rose buislh of these particular roses with over a hundred •buds. Major A.IT. Bounsall of Bowman- ville has move his family to our park for a couple of weeks. The family family consider this one of the nicest places they have ever parked' their trailer. Mr. and Mrs'. F. Tujnhl,yn 'visited their daughter in Orillia over the week-end, and on their way stopped at S'utfon and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley, returning home Wednesday morning. We congratulate Rev. J. H. and Mrs.' Ostevii'Mit on the .*>4tii anniversary anniversary of their wedding day. They were married in Park street Motho- dj'Slt church, Chatham. Ontario, on the loth, of June, ISO'S. M r. and Mrs, A. -Sanderson, Mrs. J. Arm-trong and Miss M. Armstrong, Armstrong, of Peterbqro, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, F.. Little, of Tort Hope, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Walsh this week. Many' customers enjoyed the free doughnuts and cup of Chase and. ■Sanborn's coffee given in Bean's Bakery Saturday afternoon and evening. evening. Over a hunrded dozen doughnuts doughnuts were sold and given away. The new Pontiac Coach to be given away the second night of the Orono Fair, by the Orono Agricultural Improvement Improvement Club, is now on display in front of Mr.'Riddell's barber shop, A* fancy display ' sign, board is Attached Attached to the roof of the ear, announcing tire dates of the Orono Fair, Sept. 21st and 22nd. The artist deserving credit is Mr. W. ,L. Walter, he -also painted the new sign which now appears appears on the window of the Orono Weekly Times. Remember B etiolation Bay Servi- Cf-guat Grono cemetery are being held on Sunday, June 27th. Service to. comimentee at 2.30 o'clock sharp ('S. ;n. .Rev. W. .7. TT. Smyth of Port Periy I will he present and give the; addresis. ' Lohal 1 ministers, will -be, present and take charge of the devotional devotional . service.- Orono Band wil] march from the band room and will furnish ■ music. The fraternal societies societies invited to be.present and assist assist in the decorations. The Oarseaden Re-union will be held at Orono Park, Saturday, June '2fith, 1987. It is hoped that a large gathering of all who claim any kinship kinship will 1 come early and make' a full day of it. They will bring their baskets, baskets, dishes will 1 be : supplied.- There will be. sports for young and old.-Relatives old.-Relatives who are too far distant to allow allow their coining in person, a message message of some sort would be greatly appreciated. ISecretary-Treasurei', Mrs, R. J; H. Oarscaddeh, Stayner, Ont,; President. Tiev. A. J. O' Oars- eadden, 18 MçNâirn Aw.. Toronto. Major and Mrs. J. C, Gamey are attending the postoffiee convention this week held in Niagara Falls. Mr. Arthur Beamish is this week laying a hardwood floor in the home of Mr, Oar] Billings, east of Leskard, -also painting and decora ring. ■ Mr. O L. fo-inmmond received word' last week that one of " his pupils, ïSteHIa Best, bad been successful in winning a gold medal qn her essay on Temperance. There were 7()f> ' compel :;i.rs from High school's throughout Ontario. We extend congratulations congratulations to both teacher and (pupil (pupil Rainey's Grocery Prices for Friday & Saturday HEINZ SOUPS, SMALL SIZE, 3 TINS 25c SQUARE DEAL PEAS, 3 TINS 25c 1 LARGE PKG. LUX and 1 BAR LIFEBUOY SOAP ALL FOR ; " 24c GOLD MEDAL JELLY POWDERS, PKG. 6c NATIONAL MATCHES, 3 BOXES £3 C RED ROSE TEA, 1-2 LB. PKG 25c CALA Y TOILET SOAP, BAR 5c E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMST RONG'S SHIRTS TOOKE SHIRTS at a BARGAIN. Some are slightly r%g\ soiled. The lot includes collar attached and two collar XilP shklnts. . Regular $1.50, for UJv UNDERWEAR CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS and VESTS. Broken «r lots, soiled and not, all sizes. Youri choice, 3 for . £tüC SHOES WHITE SHOES for men, of Fine Calf Leather, with fancy perforation, sizes d» Q Cft 8-10. Priced y w«DU sox Men's Fancy SHORT SOX, with elastic tops, all r* z> Wool. Priced OUC BLOUSES In Nets, Silk, Chiffon and Voile. Priced r A 0 i?a $1.00 to $2.25. Your choice t)UC. & IVC FINE SALT PER CWT. 69c. Shredded Wheat 2 for 23c. BLUE ROSE RICE 3 lbs. 25c. SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 LBS 23c. Fresh Ground Coffee i lb 29c. FIRST GRADE Creamery Butter 1 LB 25c. TALL TINS Tiger Salmon each 21c. Soap Chips 3 lbs 21c. OK. Jelly Powders 4 FOR 19c. Fresh Sausage 2 lbs 25c. Large Vanilla BOTTLE 1 7c. Peameal Bacon 1 lb. 29c.