OR0NO WEEKLY TIMES ORONO WEEKLY (TIMES S 1 m ■ ' 'feg?;! 1 9B » ■ m w Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publi nation Main St. - . Orono TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 per year. To Subscribers--No paper will be stopped un til all arrears are paid, except except at the option of the proprietor. A postoffice notice to discontinue is not sufficient. To subscribers in the United States, States, $2.00 per year, Advertising Kates on Request FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursbay, June 10, 1957 LOCAL Mr. W. G. Forbes of Auckland, Hew Zealand, has completed his course as a Diesel. engineer, and has now accepted a [position in a garage in Auckland, and is quite pleased with the country. Rev. J. H. Ostcrhout, B.A..BJ).. has returned from Smith Falls, where he represented the Orono Circuit-at Circuit-at the annual session of the Bay of Quinte 'Conference. He will occupy his own pulpit' next Sunday morning and evening.- The : only change in members in this immediate vicinity was Rev. A. \\\ Marsh, B.A„ B.D., goes to Tyrone Circuit and Rev. A, M. Wootton of Tyrone goes to Eldorado Eldorado in the Belleville Presbytery. PONTYPOOL Everybody is quite busy finishing their planting. We (believe Mrs. Lome McGill is steadily improving after her long illness. illness. Miss Meritta Richardson is home after visiting with friends in. OsH- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bowen spent 'Sunday at Mr. and Must Sammie Brown's. The dance in the L.O.L. hall on Wednesday night of last .week was a success. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kellet spent Sunday with her mother, Mils. Shaiw, who has 'been ill. Things are booming now at the Pontypool hotel, Mr. Harry Carter is in full charge. Many boys have been taking dives in Pontypool pond already. Rushing the season, eh! What? Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Fowler took a trip to. Orillia on Sunday, which they enjoyed very much. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Porter of Newcastle Newcastle spent. (Sunday with the latter's parents 1 , Mr. and Mrs. James Malley. DESTROY These Noxious Weeds McCRAE'S The Duvall family is 1 greatly missed missed back here. Glad to hear Mrs. George Taylor is feeling better. Mrs. John Cochrane is on. the sick list at present, we hope for a 'Speedy recovery, _ Mrs. Bradley, Orono, is looking after her. A very successful meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Clins. Taylor the latter end of last week, which was in the form of a quilting for McOroabi Ladies' Association. 0 --^C j Miss Marjorie OoRille is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Saturday, June 12 th FROM 3 P.M. UNTIL CLOSING We will give absolutely FREE, Samples of our HONEY GLAZED DOUGHNUTS and a cup of Chase & Sandborns Coffee Everybody Welcome "Let your Baker bake for you" Dean's Bakery 40R2 - ORONO Z! / DURHAM Liberal-Conservative Annual Meeting and Convention " 1 -- 1 ' -- j ; iii ' Community Hall, Newcastle Friday, June 18 1937, at 7.00 p.n% (Standard Time) FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING OFFICERS, TRANSACTING GENERALj BUSINESS AND SELECTING SELECTING A CANDIDATE TO CONTEST THE RIDING RIDING OF; DURHAM IN THE NEXT PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN THE INTERESTS' OF DURHAM LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION (Sow Thistles, Bind Weed, Bladder Campion. Canada Thistle Wild .Garrot, Dodder, Chicory, Tumbling Mustard, Ox-eye Daisy, -Blue Weed, HafWkweeds, Common Milkweed, Wild Letfttaeeç, Cbmmon Burdock, Docks, Cinquefoils, Wild Mustards, Pepper Graissiesi, Stinkweed, White,' C'ivk',i-, Common Kagkv'ejed!, Poison Ivy, Russian Thistle, Spurges. The Weed Control Act States : Clause 5.--Every, occupants of laud or if the land. is unoccupied,, the owner shall destroy all weeds noxious by the regulation^ as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 23.--Any person, who contravenes contravenes any of the provision's, of this Act- or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of an Inspector given under authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less than $10.00 or mere than $50.00 for every such offence, Weeds halve no place in a Progressive Progressive Municipality. Do your share to prevent their spread. Municipality of The Township of Clarke. . -Weed Inspector--R. IT. Wood. ' ^ t'Q SIXTH LINE ■Mr. S. Thomas, who has been working on, a painting job in Toronto, Toronto, returned home. Mrs. A] modi a Henry and daughter Mildred were recent callers here. They were also accompanied by a nephew, Mr. Clarence Henry of the Hydro Electric Go. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thurston and family, Bohcageon, were weekend weekend visitors at her father's, Mr. Fred CoruMi. We regret to Hearn that one of their twin children recently suffered suffered an injury to his face by a fall which required several stitches to close. A recent visitor at the Stewart home was Mr, Palmer of Rocanville, 'Sask., who brought a message from their cousin, Mr. John Roavie, who was once a, well -known resident here and who went to the west fifty-five years ago. He is a cousin of the 'Stewart's and a former chum of men su'eh as our former 6th concession resident, Mr. George Cowan of Orono. Mr. Palmer is also a cousin of our neighbor. Mr. J. Anson Gilroy. Gilroy. Many appreciative words have we « ejL . i THURSDAY CapitOl FRIDAY SATURDAY PORT HOPE Mat. éat. ' 2.30 D.S.T f* Ahead of Toron/o ! "Kid Galahad" The "iSaturday Evening Post" Hit, with EDWARD G. RbBINSON BETTE DAVIS SPEAKERS Hon» W. E$rl Rowe, M.P. Ceèîl ÇU Frost and others PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Charles McNeil, R. R. Waddell, President Secretary .>0; - ; v. ( : : i' : " - K||p MONDAY AN| TUESDAY ; His (Surprisa Picture ! GEORGE ARLISS x As a Diplomat and a Black Sheep, in " Man of [Affairs " pgAY ONLY Comedy Snow, Featuring "Mama Steps Out" With Guy Kiibbee and Alice Brady 'Shows at 7.15 and] 9,15 D.S.T. Saturday 7.15 and 9.30 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B'.A., B ; D. Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 13th 11.00 a.m.:--Morning Worship. 7.00 p.m.--Elyening Service. The Pastor at both services COME AND WORSHIP Classified COMING EVENTS Please hold i\ie dite of June 29th for Park Street' / United Church Strawberry EègjZak Further particulars particulars latter. ^ c-22 -c. Anniversary Servies and Strawberry Strawberry Festival M Kirby Church will be held on Sunpayiu/d Monday, June 27th and 28™. jyStrriculttrs later. \J a - 2 °-' c ' The. regular meejjjng of the Women's Women's Institute! will; be 'fteld in the Council Chamber, Friday, June 18th, at 2.30 jt.in. Roll (mil, "A book I have read." TApic-V-Tho review of a book. Convene/- -V Mrs. Hilderley. Sw> M : "0 ***** b-21-c. -*--agfafc. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W. H. C. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours: Daily 9 a.rri.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and; Wednesday afternoon by appointment, appointment, Phone Orono 18rl. AUCTIONEERS N< Dr. Ledger that he will bj from June TICE ishei. Âo announce awaVfrom his office to June 26th. / c-22-c. REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS From Bredpo-Lay, Blood-Tested Rocks and L/ghorns. Spnyial sale Baby Chicks,fl week: old .lucks, reg. $12.50 for $ÿ). 50; 2 weeks old, reg. $14.50 for $12.50, [pyfces per 100 chicks Ro«k pullet# 11 and Cockerels; Alvin Clemens, Phone 2433, Bow- manviffl^ nekr Hampton. c-20-c. heard of the (service® in connection with the 'Sunday School anniversary services here last week. In charge of the (Sunday services: morning and evening were Rev. J'. H. Osterhout, Orono, and Rev. W. Smith of Baltimore. Baltimore. The service of praise was led by the children at evening service with the organist, Mr. Neil Stewart, in charge and the excellent Garden Hill choir led the choral part in their ulsual commendable manner. The entertainment entertainment staged b.v the Garden Hill young people vm also greeted, by a good! attendance of which it was certainly worthy, and the whole affair from start to finish, inclusive of the luncheon and ice cream, was evidently evidently appreciated. ISomti rather ill manners manners by outsiders during the program program was at least rejetable, not excusable. excusable. Subscribe for the Orono Times, TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all size® and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at P«rt Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A,„ J. Staples or A, E. Morton, ait Orono,, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» to Watches, Clock», &nct Jewellery, will receive our'prompt attention PARK STREET V __ ORONO SPENCER CORSETS (CANADA/ LIMITED Inli vid-ully Designed' MRS.! J. L?RICHARDS Pilon ey24rl, Orono Eree Deimufstration in your own home. e\ 7 GA GEMEJVZ» Mr. and Mm W. J. Martyn wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Annié Greta, to Mr. Orme Harold Falls/ son of Mr. and Mrs. Timm,as Falls, Clarke; the marriage •to take place quietly the latter 'park of June.' / CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James Burley Burley wish to express their 'sincere appreciation and thanks for kindnew and sympathy received during the illness and their sad bereavement, also also for spiritual, offerings and flowers. HAVE you TRIED THE NEW Chocolate Dairy Drink / DISPENSED BY CEDAR DALE DAIRY a word to say--that if you have not--you have missed something It is a Health]/ N|m J Carbonfateij| Drink--A Meal in Itself Drop in at any of thte following stores and try a bottile ; Kun> rite Inn; 5c. to i$L0© Store; F. O. Cooper's Barfber Shop; Gawker's Butcher Shbp; W. J. Riddell's Barber Shop; E. R. Rainey's Grocery Store ami Dean's Blakery. PAINT) (MALL CAR 7 IliïÜllIIIIIIIII Z New Car Finish in Only a Couple of Hours! -you'll be proud of your car and the job you, yourself, can do with Steel- cote Rubber Enamel--the world's finest finish. Easy to use -- shows no brush arks or laps--dries in a few hours--costs no more because because the same quantity goes twice as far. A $2.00 pint is enough for average car. Ask your hardware, paint or auto accessory dealer about painting your car with Steelcote. Made in Canada by STEELCOTE MANUFACTURING CO. OF CANADA, Ltd.. Toronto, Can. paints a chair -V* 1 ** Sold by JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B.