Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jun 1937, p. 4

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0R9N0 WE h'KLT TIMES ORONO WEEKLY times Sport Flashes Published Every Thursday At; the Office of Publi 2#>.tion Main St. - - . Orono TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 per year. To Subscriber?--No paper will be stopped until all arrears are paid, except except at the option of the proprietor. A postoffice notice to discontinue is not sufficient. To subscribers in the United States, States, $2.00 per year. Advertising Rates on Request FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r 1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursbay, June 3, 1937 COUNCIL GRANTS $10.00 ( Oontiued from page one) Orono.--Assessment confirmed. Mrs. May Laing property. - -As sessment confirmed. Mr. Win. Little, lot 22. con. 7.-- Assessment confirmed. Reginald Lovekln, lot 35, con. 1. --Assessment reduced $100.00 on land valuation. W. H. Robinson, lot 30, con. 9, Robert 'Morgan estate. Mr. R. R. Waddell handling the case.---Assessment case.---Assessment on buildings and land reduced $500.00. Mr. Corral, farm iat Leskard.---Assessment Leskard.---Assessment reduced $300.00. The asses-! ment mi the property of Dr. MdOulllough and recently Isold to the Agricultural. Society, was withdrawn. withdrawn. The regular business of the council council proceeded. • A resolution was passed that Mr. C. F. Awde, collector of taxes, be authorized to continue collection of unpaid taxes in municipality up to July 1st. A delegation from Millbrook and Calvin Township Plowmen's Association Association spoke to the council, requesting requesting a grant of $10.00 and the appointment appointment of two directors' to interest boys and: men in a ploughmen's match. This grant was passed fey. ' The purchasing of an adding machine machine for the convenience of the road superintendent was considered if the government pay 50 per Cent, of the cost. TO VOTE ON DAYLIGHT SAVING (Continued from page one) couldn't make a living on the farm fey ' working from !six a.m. to siv iun„ he would: give up farming and he thought that every place should have the same time. For his part he did not care whether they had daylight or standard time. Mr. Neil Porter did not see much difference which way it was, as he dealt with farmers in the south of the village that were on daylight saving saving and also with farmers on the north of the village. Major G'ameye declared that Orono was like an oasis on the desert, and that it would be more convenient for all if _ every place would adopt the same time. Mr. Wadded I then took the floor and informed the meeting that the business men of Orono would be the ones that would be effected by daylight daylight saving. There are stores at Leskard, Kirby, Kendal and Crooked Creek that stay open ail hours, and that the§p stores would most certainly get some of the business that would naturally come to. Orono if they were to adopt daylight saving. On Wednesday Wednesday morning the farmers would have to quite earlier in order to do their shopping. It would also affect affect school children who drive to School. We have to be careful what we do and also to consider the farmer at the game time. It was moved by O'. T. Miller, seconded seconded bv W. E. Armstrong--That the Police Trustees he petitioned to ask the council to take a vote on daylight saving in the village of Orono for the months of June. July and August at the election in January. O PROVINCE TARING OVER VICTORIA COUNTY ROADS A. wholesale assumption of Victoria County 1 highways- by the Provincial Government has been announced by Wm. Newman, M.L.A.. and will come as welcome news to residents of all parts of that district. While it is not anticipated that a great deal of work will be carried on this year in connection connection with the changing of these toads to meet with King's Highway The first softball game of the season season on Monday night drew a good -crowd to „ witness the game. * * * -sein -sein the first part of the game it looked as if the Kirby players were going to give Orono a big drubbing, but the old saying, a ball game is never over until the . last man is out, proved true. * * * * • Jim Woods, pitching for Orono, bad a hard time to find the plate, but, oh boy, lie found it with a vengeance vengeance in the 4th and 5th innings. * * * * He has a fast low ball, but he could not seem to keep it off the ground. * * * * Many errors crept into the game and added more excitement to the climax. * * * * Kirlby seemed to fall apart in the disastrous 4th and 1 5th, but Up to that time Shackleton had the local team feeding out of his hand.. * * * * He seemed to have weakened and Orono went to work and made the hits count for runs. * * «• * It was a grand, game to win for Orono, but a tough one to lose for Kirby. * * * * On Monday night the old rivals clashed-- Orono and Forestry---with blood in,their eyes and chips on ther shoulders and were ready for anything anything at all times. * * « # They did not need 1 any umpires in the game, as it seemed to the spectators that all the players were umps. * * * * The players were telling the umpires umpires wha t to call them so why have one at all? * * * * With these two teams playing the umpires hardly get time to give his decision and when he does, there has been t wo or three ahead of him. .* * * * It is hard to figure about the break's of the game, one team will be sailing along on the crest of a wave, the it seems to give way and then they go up in the air and do every thing wrong. * * * * Harry Mercer must have had i sore back and' the players must have found on t, for they sure did slain them at the hot loorner 1 ---3rd base. # * * * Use a little more oil Harry on the joints and take bending exercises 1 and try to reach the ground the next time. * * * . * Ovouo's 400 p.c. batter did not make an appearance, so this iigi one of the causes they did not win. * * * * Another cause was the pitching of Major for Forestry, lie has all kinds of speed and good control and is cool under fire. He. sure is a sweet pitcher. L. Myles pitched a good game and kept Forestry in check, but in one innings they broke out and sure scored a number of runs. * * * * And the old ball game went to the Forestry camp. » # * * Next game Friday night between Forestry and Kirby and we are picking picking this Forestry team to win. * * * * They -all seem to be a bunch of fighters. standards-, the roads will be definitely definitely improved as eoon -as possible and will be maintained by the Provincial Provincial Government. The* various roadlsl to be taken over as King's Highways and improved in time to meet King's Highway's standards are as follows : Ooboconk Ito Bo-lsover, through Kirkfield (and south to N-o. 7 highway highway through Lorneville and Wood- viilc, a distance of 38.9 miles.) Rosedale to Dorset, .60 miles. Other Other roads for which the mileage is not given but which will also be assumed by the Province are : Mindon to Halliburton, Halliburton Halliburton to Eagle Lake, Halliburton to Wilberforice, Kimmount to Willber- force. MATTHEW GIBSON There passed away at his home, Centre Street, Orono, Matthew Gibson, Gibson, in his 87th year, on Friday, May 28th. He was the third oldest gentleman in. Orono. Born on July 13 th, 1849, at Crooked -Creek, he moved to Orono at the age of two with his parents, where he resided for the rest -of his life. In 1876 he married Phoebe Ann Hill and from this union union two children were born, one son and one daughter. The lato Mr. Gibson attended the Methodist -church until the time of the union. He had been ailing 'since last December, December, being confined to his bed for the last six weeks. His occupation throughout his -lifetime was that of a mason and -carpenter. The late Mr. Gibson was very energetic and always enjoyed a three-mile walk every day. There are left to mourn his- loss, one daughter, Mr's. George Coul.ier, Port Union, and one son, Mr. Delbert Gibson, Oshawa ; also one brother, Mr. John Gibson, of Orono, and three sisters, Mrs. J. Doncaster, of Toronto; Mrs. Harry Barraball, Orono, and Mrs. J. O'Dea, Cadillac, Michigan. iS'envice took place from his late residence, Centre (Street, Orono, on Sunday, May 30th, at 2,30 p.m. Mr. J. J. Mel lor of Crooked Greek conducted conducted the 'service. Interment was made in Orono cemetery. The pallbearers were : Messrs. J. Eagleson. W. Barrett, John Morris, George . Butters, James R'Mhairds and Win. Martin. The flower bearers : Mr. E. Seymour, Seymour, Mr. John Gibson, Mr. Fred Audrewis and Mr. E. Middleton. Many beautiful floral tributes were received from the following frijfemds and relatives : Wreaths-- Son and Daughter. The Truck and Assembly Line, General Motors, Os'haiwa. The Union: U.A.W.A., Local Local 222, Oshawa. Sprays--Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ooubier and family, Port Union; Mr. and Mrs. J. Elagleson ; Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Sherwin and Mrs. awn : Mr and Mrs. F. Pea té. Basket -- Mr. E. Seymour, Classified COMING EVENTS A Strawberry Festival will be held at MeOrea'sf Church on Wednesday, June 23rd. ij a : #Î9-c. WANTED / Experienced girl wanted for general housework. Fopd of children. Apply Mrs. M. Breslifi, RWmanvilile. ,A a-'l 9-p. A very successful auction sale was held at the home of Miss McLean, McOrae's Church, on Wednesday afternoon. afternoon. Good .prices were realized on the furniture, but the farm that was up for sale subject to a reserved bid, was n-ot sold. The Or-ono Weekly Times- is your paper--sulbs-cribe to it now. REDUCED PRICES OX CHICKS From Bred-tfe-Lay, jÈlood-Tested Rocks and Leghorns. / -Special sale Baby Chicks, J 1 week chicks, reg. $12.50 for $1Q'50; 2 .Weeks old:, reg. $14.50 for $ll.50, prices per 100 chicks. Rock; pullets and Cockerels ; Alvin demons, Phone 2433, Bow- manville, near Hampton. e-20-e. ^ i THURSDAY Capitol FRIDAY SATURDAY PORT HOPE Mat. Sat. Stepping Stars ! Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers \ In Their Newest ' Merriest Hit "Shall We Dance MONDAY AND TUESDAY First Time Together Sylvia Henry Sidney Fonda . In a Gripping Drama "YOU LIVE ONLY ONCE » WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Peter B. Kyne's U Ithe Go-Getter " With George Brent and Anita Louise Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 D.iS.T. Saturday 7,15 and 9.30 r PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B'.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 6 th Temperance Day 11 a.m.--Rev. F, T. Grafton, of Belleville, guest speaJker. 7.00 p.m.-- Rev. F, T. -Grafton. Mr. Grafton is a teacher in the Belleville Collegiate COME AND WORSHIP SPENCER CORSETS (CANADA) LIMITED Individu!!, v Designed MRS. J. E. RICHARDS Phone 24rl, Orono Free Demonstration in your own home. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W. H. 0. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and: Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator of all size®. 'Conducts Auction 'Sales and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A, J. Staples or A. E. Morton, ait Orono,, for d'a to. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker AH Repaire to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, iwill receive ourjprompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO ANGLE PARKING-ALSO ENFORCE SPEED*LAWS Two questions were brought up at the meeting of the business men and citizens on Monday night that are very important to the village of Orono. Mr. .Neil Porter said that for the last three weeks parking of cars on the main street was very unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, and that he wou-ld like to see angle parking for cars'. Farmers coming in with produce usually had to stop some distance away from the place they intended to do business, -and he thought if we had angle parking parking it would do away with this to some extent. Moved by N. Porter, seconded) by Major Gamey -- That the Police Trustees be petitioned to have the roads painted for angle parking -and also to put up no parking signa wherever they were needed. The other question, was of the speed that some motorists travelled through 'Orono, especially at the north and south ends of the town,. This was brought up by Mr. W. E. Armstrong, who said that some motorists motorists travelling through the north end of the town travelled from 50 to 60 miles- an hour and was a great, danger to the lives of the children that rniay be on the road -ait the time. The worst time was on Sunday when so many cars, pass through town and. it was npw the time to put a stop to It before someone wais injured or kilted. kilted. Moved by W. E. Armstrong, seconded seconded by F. C. Cooper -- That the Police Trustees be -asked to get in touch with the Provincial Police with -a view to enforcing the speed! limit in ithe village of Orono. -- o-- i BIRTHS ' e I GAMISBY -- At the General Hospital, Hospital, Kingston, on Friday, May 21st. 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gamslby, a son (W'il'li^i Leonard), 'Subscribe for Orono Weekly Time® HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW Chocolate Dairy Drink DISPENSED BY CEDAR DALE DAIRY Just a word to say--that if you have not--you have missed I something It is a Healthy Non-Carbmated Drink---A. Meal in Itself Drop in at any of the following stores and try a bottle i Kum- rite Inn; 5-c. to $1.00 Stofe; 'F. O. Cooper's Barber Shop ; Cawker's Butcher Shop; W. J. Riddell's Barber Shop ; E.R. Rainey's Grocery Store and). Dean's Blabery. Made to make» easy snapshots JIFFY KODAK TJRESS a button, the camera's Si open -- press another, the picture's picture's made s s s Jiffy Kodak, you'll agree, is well named. Good-look- 1 ing, too. Etched metal front; black morocco-grain covering. And as for the pictures it takes, Model Six- 20 gets 2J4" x 334" snapshots; Model Six-16 makes -2%" x 434" pictures; Prices, $8.25 and $$>.25. We want you to inspect our stock of MODERATE PRICED KODAKS and BROWNIES Baby Brownie at $1.25 6-20 Brownie Jr. $2.75 6-16 Brownie Jr. $3.25 The Bullet Folding, at - - - $3.00 ' Finishing promptly Attended To Good Work Guaranteed JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REX ALL DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST

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