Vol. 1. No. 19. No Daylight ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 3 1937. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year. Saving Time For Orono This Year To Vote On Daylight Saving In January At Municipal Elections .Nearly All Those Present At Meeting Would Like To Give It A Try Out A meeting of the business men and citizens was held in the Kumrite Inn Hotel on Monday evening with about twenty-eight in attendance to discuss pro and eon on the daylight saying time for the village of Orono. Mr. B. B. Waddell was elected idhairtaan and Mr. W. J. Riddell as secretary. Mr. Waddell called the meeting to order and asked those present to express their views on the question before the meeting, whether Orono was to'go on daylight saving time or to continue on standard time. It was moved by Major J. 0. Varney and seconded by O. W. Rolp-h --That a petition be prepared and presented to the (council asking them to take the necessary steps as they see fit to have daylight saving come into effect m Orono for the months ■of June, July and August. The motion was put to a vote and it was turned down by 9 to 5. Mr. Waddell informed the meeting that the Forestry were going on daylight daylight swing on Tuesday morning. He thought that the police trustees of the village did not themselves have the power to declare the new time for the village and that it would have to go to Olarke To-wnship Council Council for the passing thereof. All the business men were given "the opportunity of expressing their views on the matter. Some thought it might hunt business with the farmers farmers and some did not see why this should Ibe, -as the farmer could come to town early in the morning when the dew was on the ground and be hack -again ready for work in a short time. Most of the -citizens present did not object to the village having daylight saving, as it, would -not- affect affect them when they were. not in business. The -main reason for wanting daylight daylight saving time was on account of all -the places around here being on fast time which 'made it very -confusing -confusing at times. Most of those- press'» press'» I said 1 they would like to try it once and see for themselves how satisfactory satisfactory it would work for all -concerned. -concerned. Mr. Rolph told the meeting that Daylight (Saving would add; on nine more working hours for the merchants merchants during the week and would only take off three shopping hours for the customers, Mr. E. Hamm stated 1 that if he (Continued on page four) Tulip Show Was Great Success Tulips Better Quality This Year--Some Stems Had Five Perfect Blooms The Tulip (Show and Tea held by the Orono Horticultural Society in the. -Orange Hall on Tuesday, was a very delightful event. The tulips w-ere far above the average (both in quality and -beauty and a bountiful and tasty supper, won favorable comment comment from everyone. A pleasing program added much to the enjoyment enjoyment of the evening. Those taking part in the program- being: Donald, Garni! and Anna 'Staples- -and Glen Tamblyn, musical numbers ; Pearl Cmvan and Margaret Flint-off, readings; readings; Glen Tamblyn and Donald- 'Staples, vocal duet, all being numbers numbers giyen -at the musical festival. These were followed by two delightful delightful songs- by Mrs. Drummond and a duet by Mrs. Drummond and Mr. |Staples. Mrs. (Staples was piano accompanist. In the tulip s'ho-w the judges were Mrs. Annis and Mrs. Gay of Court-ice and Mrs, Carruthers of B-owmanville and the prizes livre awarded as follows follows : Best B adret Darwins-- 1st, Mrs. (Staples; 2d, Mrs. 0, Brown. -Best Three Blooms-- 1st, Mrs. -Staples; 2nd, Mrs. O. W. Rolph. Best Three Blooms, Breeders -- Mrs. 'Staples. Best Collection-- 1st, Mrs. A. Rolph; 2nd, Mrs. Staples. Best I Single (Specimen-- 1st, Mrs, Rolph ; 2nd, Mrs. Staples. Best Dining Table Bouquet -- 1st, Mrs. Hamm; 2nd, Mrs. F. Tam- blyn. 'One very unusual exhibit was that sent in by Mrs. J. E. Richard's. On one stem there were five perfect blooms, on -another three, and on six there were twin blooms, all perfect tulips. - The address' which was to be given by Mr. A. J. Knox was postponed until a further date on account of the beat. o -- Hews by radio -can't -take the place of a newspaper. Yon can't lmn! it up later to settle an- argument. ORONO 14, KIRBY 13 After a wobbly start in the first garnie of Orono and District Softball League, Orono went to work with a vengeance in the 4th and 5th innings innings and defeated Kirby by 14 to 13 on Friday evening last. Jim Woods, pitching for Orono, walked nine hatters, while -'Shaokleton walked walked three. Both sides played loose ball, -a-s neither team has had very -little practise. Kirby secured four runs in the first innings, thr-ee in- the second, six in the third, and after that Woods- found the plate and only five men faced him in -the fourth and in the fifth innings only three batters. Orono got one run in the first, one zin the second, two in the third, five in the fourth and five in the 5th. Patterson and MeHveon for O'ron-o and Keane for Kirby each knocked out a home run. BOX SCORE Orono AB R H Watson, rf ..A 2 2 Patter-son, ss- ...... . ..4 3 3 West, 2b ........ . ..4 3 2 ' Mc-Tlveen. c ..... ...3 2 2 J. Wood, P. ...... ...4 1 1 Rolph, lb. ...... . .. .3 0 0 Mercer, 8 b ...... . . .3 1 1 N. Wood, If ..... ...3 0 Lea man, cf.... .... ...1 A 1 29 14 13 Kirby AB R H Harris, 3b ...... .. .. .2 2 0 McCuti'iieon. rf. .. . ..4 2 .. 1 Wright, 2b . .. .4 2 1" Waddell, s-s ...... . .. .2 1 1 J. Keane, ss ....... ...2 1 1 Dia'vey, If ...3 0 0 Power, cf .. .. .2 1 1 Shackleton, p. .... . ..1 1 0 Lo-werv, O. ...... . 1 1 -S. Keane, lb. . „.,.. .. .1 0 0 Cochrane, lb .. .0 24 2' 13 0 7 Umpires' -- Plate, R. Winter; bases, R. Wood. FORESTRY 9, ORONO 8 The old rival's--'Orono and Forestry--clashed Forestry--clashed on Monday night and a very close game was played with the honors going to Forestry by a score of 9 to 8. Or-onlo was 'sailing right along and! at the end of the fifth innings innings the score stood at five to two for Oono, but the sixth innings proved disastrous, ten men of the Forestry facing L. Myles, pitching for O-rono, and by the time the third man was declared out seven runlsi had crossed the plate to place Forestry in the lead by ia score of 9 to 5. In th-e first of the seventh O-r-ono- scored three runs when six men faced Major Major who was on the mound for Forestry. Forestry. Numerous arguments -crept up from; time to time over plays and d boisions, but nothing serious resulted. resulted. Forestry was credited with 11 hits and Orono with 14 hits and 6 errors. W.C.T.U. Elect Officers At Annual Meeting The 42nd annual convention of the ■Ontario and Durham Women's- -Christian -Christian Temperance Union was held in the United Church, Orono, on Thursday, Thursday, May 27th. Delegatee, were present present from O-shawa, Boiwwmanvil'le, Whitby, Port. Hope, Oobourg, Port Perry and Orono. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President --- Mrs. iS. Farmer, Port Perry. Corresponding (Secretary -- Mrs. Davey, Port Perry, Recording Secretary -- Mrs. R. A. Wright, O-shawa. Treasurer Miss E. A. Peters, Btowmianivifle. The morning session began at 9.00 a.m. (Standard Time), with a meeting meeting of the exetioutive, followed by devotional devotional service by the Orono Union. The -convention was opened; by the President, followed by the minutes of -the executive, appointment of com- m-itees, report of corresponding secretary, secretary, report of treasurer, report of Treasurer, report of superintendents, general business, noontide prayer by ; the Bovnfcm ville Union, and then the adjournment. Lunch was served by the Orono' Union with greetings from the resident minister, R-ev. J. H. Osterhoait and the guest speaker. speaker. The afternoon session started at 1.30 p.m. (Standard Time). Memorial Memorial service by Port Perry Union, minutes of the morning session, report report of plan of work given by Mrs. Strong of Port Hope; report of resolutions, resolutions, music by Whitby Union, Election of -officers and music, Address Address by Mrs, A. E. Lancefield, Hamilton, Hamilton, the subject being "The, King's Highway." offering-, * question mure by _ Mrs. Everson, O-shawa, "and then adjournment. After the meeting closed a bus load of delegates from Whitby. Oshawa" and Bowman ville paid- -a visit to our Forestry 'Station, under the guidance of Orme Gamsby. They were delighted delighted with -the trip- and agreeably surprised surprised with the transformation of an' ordinary farm into -a regular beauty spot in the (space of 14 years, • BOX SCORES ORONO AB R H West, 2b 5 0 3 War-on, lb ....3 1 1 Patter-son, s.s, . .. 0 2 Mcllveen, c. .... ...A 1 2 Mercer, 3b. ... .3 1 1 Kn-ox, rf .....2 '2 1 Myles, p ... .4 2 2 Woods, If ...... . ... .4 1 2 Leaman, cf ... .2 0 0 31 8 14 FORESTRY AS. E H >~eal, 3b . ...4 2 2 Cantrell, cf ...... ... .4 0 1 Ogden, c. ...... . 4 2 1 Winter, 2fo , . . .3 , 1 1 Wood, lib. ... .4 1 .1 Oooper, s.s- ... .4 0 1 Kean, ■ lif . ... .3 1 1 Middleton, rf ....3' 1 2 Major. P. ...... . 3 '1 1 ' « ' , 32 9 IT Umpires---Plate, Robin-son ; bases, Winter. - . Standing of League ' W L PC Forestry ...-- .. .'. -1 0 .1000 Orono .....F,... .. 1 1 .500 Kirby .... .. 0 1 .000 Council Grants $10.00 To Advance Interest In Ploughing Match Will Lecture In Canada Arthur G. Street, Noted Farmer Farmer of England, Coming Coming To Canada Mr. Arthur G. Street, dairy farmer. farmer. near Salisbury, in- Wiltshire, England ; author of "Farmers Glory" and a dozen other (books on farm topics; topics; lecturer and broadcaster, and one of the most interesting characters characters in English Agriculture, is corn- ARTHUR G. STREET ing to Canada to address a series of meetings. Mr. -Street is being brought to thi-s country through arrangements made by Canada Packers. Massey-Harris and Imperial Oil because of the keen interest entertained for his farming hooks by Mr. J. -S. McLean. Mr. T. A. Russell and Mr. Fr'an-kPreiider- g-aet. The plans for these meetings were màde by the Honourable Duncan Marshall who has read some ten hooks from the pen of Arthur Gr. Street. Mr. Marshall visited- this Wiltshire farmer at his home last summer and was impressed with the desirability of halving a. few public meetings in Canada by an English Farmer who is so practical and so charming in adress. Mr. Street spent four years as a farm laborer on a 'Manitoba home- (Continued on page eight) Some Assessments Lowered Lowered and Some Upheld At Court of Revision 'The regular meeting of the Township Township of Clarke Oôun-cil, with an afternoon afternoon session of the Court of Revision, Revision, wais held in Orono town hail on Tuesday, June 1-st. The yearly Public Liability Insurance Insurance policy was renewed with Mr. J. C. G-amey, insurance agent.- The pubillic hall license- of $3.00 per year was also renewed and ordered paid. A representative of the Bell Telephone Telephone submitted a bylaw for consideration, consideration, fob the approval of erecting poles through , the municipality and requesting the council to appoint the road; .-nperin tendent to act for the council in arranging details. These telephone lines would in no way effect . the nmnicipnlity'? own private dines. It would be merely a means of convenience convenience for users of the Bell Telephone Telephone system," s-taicd the Bell Telephone Telephone representative. This matter Wals held in abeyance for further examination. - Glover and 1 Brown.. road, lots 12 and 13, reported by Conn. Laiing and Reeve T. A. Reid who visited, said' parties, stated that no arrangement . had been made in the -disagreement 'between the two parties other than an agreement was arranged to have the : council employ an engineer to survey the road. A resolution was passed that Mr. R. A. Thompson be paid $5.00- for shooting an unknown and unclaimed dog worrying sheep on lot- 7, con. 7, on Feb. 21st, 1937. The following ■ bills were passed and paid: Lancaster Garage, taxi, 3 trips, $5.0-0 each, $15.00; Mr. MoMurray, relief, 2 months, $16.00; R. H. Wood, caretaker, opening of hall on several several occasion's and Care of transients, $11.80; Orono Weekly Times, minute minute Forms and Court -of Revision, $5.14; Mrs. K. Reynolds, $40; W. E. Davey, taxi to Oshawa,- Mrs, Baldwin, Baldwin, $8.25; Hospital Bills, $47.88; Clarence Allan, -sheep . valuator. $18.- 50; road account, $991.12. The meeting then adjourned for lunch, continuing at 1.30 p.m/ with the business in connection with the Court of Revision . Appeals brought forward are as follows-: follows-: -Orme Beatty, executors to Albert Ragg's estate, lot fi, -con,, 3.--cAss-ess- m-e-nt upheld. Roht. Rainey, house and lot, (Continued on page four) Happy Couple Celebrates 25th Wedding Anniversary A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of 'Mr.- and Mrs. James Ball, Leskard, (Saturday, May 29th, when about one -hundred friends and nieighbors -gathered to do honour to them on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. anniversary. (Mr. and Mrs. Ball were presented with a dinner iset of dishes, a lace -cloth, and several pieces -of -silver. These were tastefully displayed on the dining room table with a three- story wedding -e-afce centreing it. . Misses Greta Mercer and Myrle Virtue presented: the bride with a beautiful basket-of flowers. Mr. John Thompson acted ns chairman and the address -was read by Mr-s. ' Ru-ssell Virtue. Mr, and Mrs. James Bail! : ' Dear Vi-olet and Jim--We, your friends ' and neighbors, have met together together this evening to congratulate and do honour to you on your twenty fifth wedding anniversary. To - you the years have brought ' much joy, and, it mhy be at times-sorrow, since we must take the bitter with the sweet. You have proved good neighbours neighbours and kind friends, ever ready to give a helping hand. You 'have to bles-s your union -a fine son, and daughter, in Kenneth and Rena. We ivish you- many more years together and, on your Golden Wedding Anniversary, Anniversary, find on looking back that there has -(been move bright than cloudy weather. We ask you to -accept these gifts as a token -of our love, -esteem, and sincere good wishes. Signed on behalf of -the committee ---Mrs. Alex'. Watson, Mm Harry Mercer and -Miss- Elva Gay. The bride and groom made suitable suitable replies -and received the con- gratulationis: of many of their friends. A program followed, including -a reading by Mrs. Frazer, several musical musical numbers by Mrs;. IShackleton, Messrs. Kenneth Shaokleton, -Otto Virtue, Jack ISto'bert, Jack Osborne and William Virtue, after which lunch was served and -an enjoyable evening was brought to a close.