Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 May 1937, p. 8

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6BONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS : ----===m -- - stssgj] KENDAL NEWCASTLE The T weedle family, Toronto,., spent the holiday at the fanm. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of S'tarkville, were ISunid'ay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bobinson. Mr. and Mrs. !.. D. Bell spent a ! few days last week with their son Carman, at Oamplbellcmft. Mr. and Mrs. Aibercromfbie, Toronto, Toronto, visited! her sister, Mrs. Wesley Elliott, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey of Mid: ken were holding visitors with her mother, Mrs. A. Jackson. Mrs. Norman Thertel! and daughter daughter Hazel and Shirley, of Toronto, were down for the holiday. Miss Amiabell Hendry, teacher of McLean's school, spent the holiday at her home near Newcastle. Miss Mary B< «stock of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bostock. Miss Annie Thompson, teacher of Pontypool School, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Oh as. Thompson. Thompson. Sorry to hear that Mr. James laiNun is in Toronto hospital with serions face injuries ; from the result ojf a car accident in Orono on ' Saturday Saturday night. There was a good attendance at church and 'Sunday School on Sunday Sunday morning. Mr. Porter of Canton Circuit occupied the pulpit and delivered delivered a forceful sermon on the subject subject :is Gbd Is Here," and using for a text "For they that be with us are greater that they that be: lagainst us." The organist being absent, the music was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. ISwar- 11rick and Mr. Swarbrick rendered a, beautiful solo. Rev. Beech conducted the .Eliaaibethville service. 1 The Young People's meeting was held as usual on Thursday evening, the meeting being in charge of the citizenship conveners Messrs. Fred Cornish and Lloyd Glass. The meeting..was meeting..was opened by reading of the League League Pledge and hymn "There is .a fountain filled with blood," followed 1 by the Lord's Prayer. The Bible reading reading was given by Olarenioe Bell and hymn "Blest be the tie that binds" was then .sung. Mr. Beech gave an in teresting talk on the book of Amos and the topic was given, by Mr,. John Stewart, The., meeting. closed with hymn "Saviour Thy Dying Love" and the Mizpah Benediction. ... 'Next Sunday, May 30th, our Sunday Sunday School will hold anniversary services services at 11 a.im. with Rev. Mr. Os- terhout of Orono as the speaker, and at 7.30 ip.m, with Rev. Mr. D. M. Smith of Baltimore conducting the service. The 'music will foe by the eh.il ■dren of the school in the morning and Garden Hill choir at night. On the Tuesday evening following an ice ■cream, festival will foe held in the S. S. room, after which a good program will, foe put on by 'Garden Hill Young People, also they will present their prize conference play, entitled "Marrying Off Father." Admission, adults, 88c. • children 20c. The 25th annual international ploughing match and farm machinery machinery demonstration will foe held, at Fergus, Out., on October 12, 13, 14 and 15, 1937. •--o~--- Gay silk taffeta linings for coats and suits and for hi no -es and petticoats in plaid and checked weaves are adding to the: color of the season. a 5QC. Radio Repair | Service | Any Where Any Time I A more complete line of Tubes will \ not foe found this/side of Toronto I --all Tubes tested free of charge. ? i v -;yy. > s= j Chas. R. Knox j 'Phone 42r2, Orono j Serving the public for six years j formerly with Green's Radio | Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., j let ro:t. ! Newcastle celebrated the holiday very quietly, but there were a great many visitors in town. Miss Dorothy Gibson from Brampton Brampton Genera! Hospital with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson. Mrs. Bernard Mitchell of St. Catharines with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. I, Gibson. Mrs. A. F. Hunter of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Henion of Toronto with Mrs. R. P, Butler and Miss Butler. Mr. W.m. Saunders of StouffvLlle with Mrs. R. W. Gibson. The Misses Lyda and Muriel Lake with their mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson, Gibson, Misa Olive Thorne and Mi*. Go wan Ardagh of Toronto with. Miss Ethel LooMhart. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Howard, Miss Salome Howard and 1 Mr. Stanley Lawson with Rev. J. Scott and Mrs. Howard. Miss Gladys Shaw and friend with Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw. Miss Am»- ta Martin with her parents, parents, Mr. and Mys. P. Mar.iii. Mr. Murray Entier, Mr. Bill and Mr. Jack Toms were also home from Toronto for the week-end. ' Mrs. Buckland is visiting her' daughter, Mrs, D, E, Dewdeney, at the Rectory. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Mason were in town on Tuesday calling on former former parishioner's. Mrs. I. C. Douglas and nurse from Toronto are stopping at the "Newcastle Arm's." Mrs. Bradford Ivay of New York is visiting her mother, Mrs. George FJilbdck. Mrs! George Gaines returned 1 home on Sunday from Toronto. Mr. Gaines is convalescent from her recent severe severe operation. Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Gaines accompanied their mother home. Mrs. IS'pry, Miss Jean Spry, Mr: Morris, Mr. Dick Anderson' and Masters Masters 'Sanmiy Breroton and Litmis 'S'pry motored to Norland for a few days -fishing. On their return they reported' mudbatS to bo more plentiful plentiful than fish in that district. Mrs. Percy Brown and Mrs. It. T. Rutherford took their caste of their play, "Cheerio My Deario", to Enniskillen Enniskillen for May 24th evening and report playing to a crowded hall. Miss Margaret Toms, nurse-in- trainiug at the Western Hospital in Toronto, is home for three weeks holiday's.- holiday's.- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crowther are .shortly moving into their new home and have rented their present dwelling dwelling place to Mr. and Mrs. Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Jim I Smith and daughter Jacqueline spent the holiday holiday at Rice Lake, It is rumored that the Hon. Earl Rowe wil ! bo the guest Speaker à.t a Conservative rally to be held in June in the Community HalL Mrs. 0. E, Horrocks and the Misses Misses Horrocks entertained at the Tea hour on Thursday last in honor of «heir guest, Mrs. Lloyd Rayner, of Ocrion. England. Mrs. W.FI. Gibson is now 'occupying 'occupying the apartment, in Mrs. Win Jamieson's Jamieson's block on King, l S't. The girls' softball team are out very evening in the ball park practising practising under their manager, Mr. Geo. Crowther. • Due to a number .of men. being available :and forming a bucket brigade, brigade, what might have been a ser- iou'-'i fire wias quickly subdued 1 on Tuesday afternoon when Mr. Harvey Britton's barn wias found to be on fire. It was 1 thought fire crackers were the cause. Not much damage was done to the building. COWANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. OroSefley on 'Sunday. Mir. and Mrs-. Mellor, Crooked Creek, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Envin Farrow on Sunday. (Mies Lillian Burley visited at the home of her aunt and unicle, Mr. and Mrs. James . Burley over the weekend. weekend. A fair number attended Cll'arke Church Sunday evening to hear the Wonderful sermon rendered by Mr. Mellor of Crooked 1 Creek. Monish Dramatic Club very sue- NEWTONVILLE Mrs. J. T. Pearce of Kingston was borné for the week-end. Miss Allie Xcsfoit, Toronto, was a week-end visitor at home. Mr. Rolbert Martin, Lake Shore, visited Mr. Jas. Nesbitt, recently. Mists. Ethel Stone, Toronto, was a holiday visitor with Mrs. Frank Law. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhain, Toronto', Toronto', spent the week-end with relatives. relatives. Mr. arid Mrs. Simpson, Port Hope, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Bruce Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson of Burton, Burton, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson Robinson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Braithwaite, Cptwianville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Willis Jones, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, of Osh-/ awa, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A. Rodknnpp. Mr. and! Mrs. Fred Nesbitt. Bowman Bowman ville, visited his father, Mr. Jas. Nesbitt, Sunday. Miss Lila, Payne, Niagara, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Payne. Rev. T. Wallace and Ruby of Greenbank, attended the funeral of Miss B. A. Thompson. Mr. Wilbert I.angstafT and lady friend, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. /Mabel, Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Payne, Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. Colin, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Colin, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Osborne and babe, Morrish, were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Russell ISavery of Stark ville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery. Mrs. Willie Jones, Mrs. Oleland Lane, and 1 Mias Kathleen McKay ■were in Toronto, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II alio well and Med a. Starkvii'.e. were 'Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. It. Gunnell and family, family, Hamilton, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randall and son, Osihawia, were holiday guests, with his mother, Mrs. H. 'Randall. Mrs. S)onion and Deane, Toronto, were holiday guests with the former's parents, Mr. and Mr,-. J. R. Rowe. Messrs. Cecil Burleey, Ed. 'Samis, and Bill 'Stephens, made a trip to the latter's home at Bancroft last weekend!. weekend!. Miss Edna Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson, :Sr., and Mr. Walter Grayson, Grayson, Montreal, were holiday- guests o.f the former's .mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Anniversary -guests' with Mrs. C. Reid, were : Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Peacock, Oshava ; Mr. and Mrs, Oh as. Cowan, Newcastle; Mrs. Darlington, Darlington, Kendal, and Mrs, Leona Cornell, Orono. Anniversary services' in the United Church Sunday were well attended. The speakers for the day were Rev. Banister, Bowmanville, in the afternoon afternoon ,and Rev. ' 'Smith, Cburtiee, in the evening. The choir assisted with two anthems in the afternoon, while in the' evening they sang one anthem and Miss 1 Frances Elliott and Mr. Campbell rendered a duet. The W, I. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. 0. W'alifeey, Miay 18th, when arrangements were made for the beginning of Girls' Work, and also for the District Annual meeting at Solinn. June 9th. Mrs. Tait, Bmnnaiwilie, spoke on "The Home Improvement Plan," The topic on Peace was taken -by Mrs. Gordon Martin, who had charge of the program. Mrs. J. Brown gave a paper on Peace. Mrs. Ken Werry sang a solo. Mrs. Martin and her group then served' tea. The June meeting will foe at the home of Mrs. Morris. ----o- ; Losses caused 'by drought to the cutout of' tho Queensland ' (Australia) dairying industry during the 1936-' 37 'season are estimated at more than $7,500,'000. ' eeastfu'lly presented their play to a fair crowd in 'Clarke Church on Wednesday evening of last week. Mins. Mbrris'h, 'Osborne Morrish and! Mrs. B. Dickinson and daughter 'Miss Norma, Port Britain, visited at the home of Mr. and Mlrs. BVooks Cowan on Friday. FARM-d HOME/WEEK ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE GUELPH June 21-25,1237 Livestock, field crops, beautiful grounds, gardens and work of various departments will be on display. Bring your family ând friends. Arthur G« Street, of Wiltshire, England, author of Farmer's Glory, will address a farmers' picnic at the O.A. C. on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 8th. Don't miss it. HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL, DR. G. I. CHRISTIE, Minister of Agriculture President Thursday, Friday and Saturday ARE OUR Special Feature Sale Days WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT YOUR LOCAL 5c. TO $1.00 STORE DURING THESE FEATURE SALE DAYS See the New Merchandise on display and the Attractive Prices we have to offer. See how WE SAY IT WITH VALUES GROCERY SPECIALS New Ellphant Brand NAPTHA SOAP, 5 bars 23c. SPECIAL--6 assorted TOILET SOAPS 25c. FANCY FREE DESSERT <3 Flavours), 2 for 15c. PITTED DATES, 2 lbs. for - 19c, COOKING FIGS, 2 lbs. for ; -13c. MCCORMICK'S BUTTER SODAS, 2 lbs .....29c. SHELLED WALNUTS, SPECIAL, 5 ounces .10c. CLOVER LEAF PILCHARDS, new stock, 2 tins 19c. Now thalt you have used' STEDMAN'S DIAMOND "S" PAINT for inside work, we can guarantee the outside paint to be equally as good. Special prices on quantity orders. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE | HOME IMPROVEMENT Is Now the Slogan of Better Times We have a complete line of Builders' Supplies Joists Siding Flooring Sheeting Cement Brick Lime Roofing Materials Shingles Wallboards Gyproc PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co SIXTH LINE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornish and family were week-end visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Wallace Thurston, Thurston, Bofocageon. We regret to learn that Mir, George Cooper, Orono, ,a former neighbor, has suffered an injury and hope he will soon foe well again. Mrs. Christiana Henry, who has spent the winter at her nephews, the Glover brothers of Newtonville, is here to ispend the summer months at her home. We regret to learn that qur aiged friend, Mr. John White, is now confined confined to his bed but is still able to. enjoy enjoy life and always glad t 0 meet and converse with his friend's. Mr. Allan Oathicart has recently paid a visit to. his brother William, near Midland), who i : s at present in a feeble state of health and is an aged man and former resident of -Clarke. Our good: neighbor, Mr. Wm. Greenwood,: was helped out on 1 his farm, by volunteer assistance on Tuesday on the part of helpful neighbors with their ever willingness to assist. ' . Their former neighbors in Clarke regret • to hear of the indifferent MR. BALDWIN'S APPEAL (Continued from page one) «long the pathways of the Em [fire is the great Christian truth to rekindle anew . in eaéh ardent generation---to use men as the ends and never merely as a means ; to live for the brotherhood) brotherhood) of man, which imfpldes the Fatherhood of God. The brotherhood of man today is often denied, derided 'and railed "foolishness," (but it is, in fact, one of the foolish things of the world which God has chosen to confound the wise, and the world is confounded' confounded' by it daily. *We may evade it. We may deny it. But we will find no rest for our souls, nor will the world, until vVe aidknoiw.ledge it as the ultimate wisdom. health 'condition of Mr. John It. Stark, of Bethany! who has now been: i'll .for some years. The family were residents of Lot 16, Con, §, Clarke, some forty years ago and were hospitable and respected citizens and were natives of Lanarkshire, Scotland, Scotland, coming to.. Canada about sixty years ago.

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