Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 May 1937, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLŸ TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St. - - Orono TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 per year. To Subscribers--Mo paper will be Stopped until all 1 arrears are paid, except except at the option of the proprietor. A postoffice notice to discontinue is not sufficient. To subscribers in the United States, States, $2.00 per year. Advertising Bates on Bequest FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r 1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursbay, May Ï7, 1937 Auction Sale The undersigned Auctioneer has received received instructions from. MRS. WILLIAM STAPLES AND MRS. NEI.L SMITH to sell by public auction at One olelack dharp at the residence of MRS. NEIL SMITH .MAIN STREET, ORONO ---on . (SATURDAY, MAY 29th, 1937 the following Household Effects : Booking Chains; Beds, Springs, Mattresses ; Feather Ticks; Dressers ; Stands; 'Cheat of Drawers; Tables; Olia irs ; Bugs ; 'Cupboards ; Electric Fixtures'; Eight-day Clock; Dishes; Fancy 'China; Kitchen Utensils; •Gravity Washer ; 240-lb. Scale with Weights ; Wheelbarrow ; 2 Lawn Mowers ; Straw Cutting Box ; Tools, and other afit idles too numerous to mention; TERMS CASH Arthur Beamish Thos. Cowan Clerk Auctioneer Auction Sale The undersigned Auctioneer has received received instructions from MISS JEAN McLEAN to seH by public auction at her hesidenioe One con. North of MjeOrea'e Church WEDNÏEHDAY, J UNE 2nd, 1937 the following Household Effects and Farm Property : Diningroom IShiite, quarter cuit Oak---Extension Table, 'Buffet and Six Chairs; 1 'Solid Olak Dresser ; 1 -Solid Oak Chiffinner; 2 Chests of Drawers; 2 Single Beds; 1 Double Bed; 1 Gamp Bed; 1 Solid Oak Extension Extension Talble, 8 feet ;. 1 Drop-leaf Talble ; Small Tables; 1 Couch, Tapestry Tapestry Covered; set of Kitchen Chairs (Cream and Green) ; half dozen -Chairs; 3 Booking Chairs; 2 Oup- 'boards; 1 Kitchen Bange; 1 Coal Oil Stoive, 3-burner ; 1 Wash Bench ; 1 Wash Stand ; 1 Pitcher and Basin ; 2 Wash Basins (enamel) ; 2 Oil Lamps; 1 Wood Box (large) ; 1 •Cfouldh Hammock ; 1 Sewing Ma chine ; 1 Lantern; Dishes and Kitchen. Kitchen. and: Utensils; 1 set of Odd Dishes; Dishes; Quantity of Fruit Jars ; Electric Floor Lamps; Tapestry Bug, 9x 101-2; Piano ; 1 Sbuffler ; One-horse Wagon ; One-horse Bake; 1 Plough; 1 Grind 'Stone; 1 Scythe : 1 set of Harrows ; 1 Hand Sower; 1 Crosscut Crosscut Saw; 1 Pump; 1 set Scales ; 2 Wheelbarrows ; 1 Extension Ladder ; 1 Electric Washing Machine; Forks, Garden Tool's and other articles too numerous to mention. All above articles in 1st class condition. condition. At the same time and place there will 'be offered for sale the farm, 'Consisting of 100 acres (more or less), 50 acres woods, mostly pine ; first- class brick house, wired ; good outbuildings. outbuildings. Terms made known day of sale. (S-ale 2 o'clock. TERMS CASH Arthur Beamish Thos. Cowan 'Clerk Auctioneer Over four thousand different sorts of grass are grown in various parts of the world. --.-- 0 .--_--.--.. Conservative Bally is planned for June 18th, to be hold in either Mew- castle or Orono. LESKARD Mr, 0. Billiiigs sold two valuable work horses recently. Mr. and Mrs. C Godwin of Toronto spent the week end at their summer home. Misses Audrey iand Nora Jordin, Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. We are glad to report that little Joyce Tennant is home from B'ow- nianville Hospital. Miss Jean Bell, Bowttmnville, and her 'Sunday School class of twenty- nine teen age girls held a picnic in the I.eskard School grounds on Monday. Monday. Mr. Lloyd Trull and lady friend of Fenelon Falls, Miss Edith Trull 1 Providence, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Fred Trull. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kdlly and Mrs. S. M. Billings, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs, Will Inch, Weston, were Sunday Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C . Billings. Mr. and Mrs: Alee Gain and Terry, Toronto, (Mr. Henry Cornish, Allan, Joyce and Carole, Orono, spent Sunday Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell, Toronto, Mr. Will Bairs ton, Providence, Mr. and Mrs. George Yeo and family, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. ahdiMrs. O. Bairston. Our general merchant, Mr. Dure'l, is now handling a full line of groceries groceries and soft drinks and ice cream, also gasoline. It pays to patronize your own village store. Mr. Keith Pennant, Clarke Union, and Miss Marjory Tennant, Orono, spent the week end with their, parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Tennent Messrs. Ross Robins and Vernon Saunders spent Sunday withMr. and Mrs. Art Bobbins. HürbF Mrs, Joseph Ohapman is visiting Pearl Morrow over the holiday. Mr. Wm. B'onny, Oakwood, visited at Mr. C. L. Powers on Sunday. Messrs. A. J. Bigelow and sons Philip and Wilfred attended the Woodbine on Saturday and report a good time. Miss Pearl Morrow spent a few days in the city, returning home after after a pleasant time with relatives and friend's: Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Bryson, Hamilton, Hamilton, who were guest® of A. Morrow over the week-end and unfortunately, unfortunately, Mr. Bryson took quite ill and was advised by Dr. Colville to return to his home las soon as possible. We had: a short visit from Mr. Charley Miller last week and -all appreciate appreciate meeting -Charlie; while here he met Jim Morrow .amd they discussed discussed polities from 'the time of ««federation ««federation and Jim claim- that he is a good head. Pleased to have a short visit with Will Armstrong and his mother, who called' at A. Morrow's, while here Will met Jim 'Morrow and a real political conversation took place but all in good nature, and when parting feeling feeling glad they had met once more. Pleased to have a Call from Mr. Fréd Sisson on Monday and, without a doubt, Fred will impart some useful useful knowledge to the Chamber of Commerce, or any person who require suloh, and I believe their name iisi Legion. Legion. We are very pleased to see our old friend Jim Morrow is getting more mellow on the political question» question» since his visit with his brother Andy. After our last conversation we felt sure we oouldl eo-unt on And', y voting a straight grit ticket with Jim supporting Hepburn but still a little sour on King. Time may improve even this. Will wonders never cease? INSTITUTE MEETING (Continued from page one) the year and for re-election. Miss' Lois Wood gave a vocal, -solo, -accompanied by Miss iStafik. The president then called on Mrs. Langmtaid, who spoke to us on our birds and their habits. Mrs. Tait, of 'Bowmianvll'e spoke on The Home Improvement Plan. It was moved by Mrs. Dickson and seconded by Mrs. Gibson, that the directors and executive plan the programmes. programmes. Lunch wae served by the committee and the meeting closed by -singing the Institute Ode. Flower Collection, 22e.; members present, 29; visitors, 11. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES GOLD ;N ANNIVERSARY (Ooi.tiued from page one) Mr. w: Blewitt -a: Bradley, and-' Mrs Pauline MA: E. and - Mrs. Douglas Bae, Mr. son Bill; Sadie Bro and Miss Mr. and Cora Ma- On Tutsi groom wep A dainty in the din tifully dqi iid son Elvin ; Mrs: Amelia . Wellington Blewitt, Mr, Jack Cowan and daughter ml son Clifford ; Mr. and bite and son. Carman ; Mr. Walter Carleton and son and daughters Merle and and Mrs. B. Brown iand Mr. Colin Taylor, Miss wn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamm Thelma Myles, of Orono ; Mrs. Casey Myles and Miss (Murray, of (V.borne, day evening the bride and •e at home' to their friends, buffet luncheon was served ing room, which was beau- eorated with tulips and e gold and white trimmed for its main attraction a wedding cake which was grandson, Mr. AM. Pigo-tt ffotdi. Luncheon being ser- 5 hundred and thirty guests. Seymour and Mrs. B. H. ured tea, assisted by Mrs: son, Mrs. E. White, Mks. and Miss Marjorie Gerry, k Simmerson attended the the music was furnished by A. Gerry of O-hawa. One and thirty guests registered: ving Tuesday evening, no Weekly. Times wish to eir heartiest ©ongratula- [r. and Mrs. Walter on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, and may their good health and happiness continue for many years to come. roses. Th table had delicious made by of Brant; ved to on(t Mrs. W. Brown pd 1 Alec. Man. J. Cowan Mrs. Fran door and Mrs. W. hundred before led The extend th tion's to Mr. J. A. RAE From tin street, Pc leild on Bae, a rei :rict for Port 1 loner loner an e: vats made, Mr. Re J Port i ml then In his rf Onltarj- \L He if the ga vife, ."'rawford Lroiro, he ier, Mrs, m'd two Mid Melvi 78-t whoa ie family residence, Ontario rt Hope, the funeral was Tuesday afternoon of J. A. s ident of Port Hope and dis- inany years, who died at the . „ Hospital, on Saturday, -af- s:(tended illness. Interment at the Union Cemetery, ie farmed on the outskirts for a number of years, moved into town. He was th year and was a member Lodge No. 26, A.F. & A. was an : enthusiastic devotee ifljne of checkers. Besides bis te maiden name was Lena one time resident of is survived by one (laugh - L. Fraimpton of Manitoba, sons, Malcolm of Toronto die of Port Hope. "Subscribe for the Orono Times. - FRIDAY CapitOl I SATURDAY PORT Two Glorious Voices ! Jea: In the it G: SI. HOPE MONDAY Matinee Saturday nette MacDonald Nelson Eddy relatest of Musical'Dramas MAYTIME" ows 6.45-9.10' D.S.T. TUESDAY ONLY Complete Pictures of "The Coronation" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Delightful Fuh ! "CALL IT A DAY" Just One 'Big iSiappy Family, with Olivia de Haviland Ian Hunter--Alice Brady PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Oaterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 30th Sunday School Day 11 am.--Rev. E. L. Beech of New- tdnviüe. 7.00 1 p.m.--Rev. E, L. Beech. Special music by Qhoir and 1 younig people's choir COME AND WORSHIP Classified COMING EVENTS Having learned 1 ithait the date chosen chosen for the Tulip (Show and Tea. was conflicting with several other things and not wishing to interfere with th-o-se , the Horticultural 'Society will hold this event on Tuesday, June 1st in the Orange Halil. Tea served' from 5 p.m. Mr. A. J. Knox will be the speaker of the -evening. Ad. 25c. Classes! for Tulip Show as follows: Best Decorative (Basket, Darwin Tulips; Best Decorative Basket, Breeder Tulips'; Best 3 Blooms, Darwin Darwin Tulips; Best 3 Blooms, Breeder Tulips ; Best Collection of Tulips; Best Dining Table Bouquet Tulips with any other f oliage ; Best Specimen Specimen Bloom. All entries must be in by 2.30 p.m. in order that judging may be finished before tea is served. Please note the change of place and date. FOR SALE Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes, $1.50 per bag.--B. II. Brown; Phone 65r2, o-18-p. FOR SALE Two Durham Bulls, rising year old; also Quantity of Mixed Hay. Apply to Wm. Hayes, Lot 20, Concession Concession 3, R.B. No. 2, Clarke, d-18-p. FOR SALE Perennial and Annual Flower Plants, Tomatoes, Celery, Cabbage, Cut Flowers in season.-- W. J, Lea- man; Phone I7rll. c-lR-c. REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS From B-red'-to-Lay, Blood-Tested Rocks and Leghorns. Special sale Baby - Chicks, 1 week old chicks, reg. $12.50 for $10.50; 2 weeks old 1 , reg. $14.50 for $12.50, prices per 100 chicks Rock pullets and Cockerels; Alvin Clemens, Phone 2433, Bow- manville, near Hampton. e-2'0-c. NOTICE Having received numerous complaints complaints regarding the playing of baseball baseball on the streets and desiring to avoid any serious mishaps that might occur through accidents; therefore kindly take notice that there shall be no further playing of ball on the street and we ask for your hearty cooperation. cooperation. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W. H. C. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.rn.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and) Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all size® and at, reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A.. J. 'Staples or A. E. Morton, at Oreao„ for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Welches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive oarfproeapt attention PARK STREET - ORONO Towiiship of Clarke Court of Revision and Appeal (Notice is hereby given that the first sittings -of the COURT OF REVISION for the Township of Clarke will be held in the Town Hall, in the Village of Orono, on TUESDAY, JUNE 1st, 1937 at the hour of two o'clock p.m. (standard time), to heir and 1 determine determine the several ,complaints and omissions in the Assessment Boll for the said Municipality for the year 1937. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. A. J. STAPLES Township Clerk Orono, May 14th, 1937. Thinking her cat was dead after yeing crushed in a landslide a woman woman at Oslo, Norway,, put it in » rubbish can, but the taibyy jumped out next morning. HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW Chocolate Dairy Drink DISPENSED BY CEDAR DALE DAIRY Just a word to gay--that if you have not--you have missed something It is a Healthy N on-Ca rbonated Drink--A Meal in Itself Drop in at any pf the following stores and try a botitilie j Kum- rite Inn ; 5 c. to $1.00 Store ; F. 0. Copper's Barlbèr Shop; Cawker's Butcher Shop; W. J. Riddell'© Barber Shop ; E. R. Rainey's Grocery Store and Dean's B'a'kery, ORONO DRUG STORE Reduced Prices On G L A Z O Glazo Nail Polish Glazo Polish Reirovér Glazo Cuticle Remove r 19c. J Don't Fail to Have Some Good FIRST AID SUPPLIES on Hand 1 vd ,1-2-in. adhesive 5c. I 1 yd, 1-in. adhesive 10c! 2 1-2 yds 1-2-in,; " ...10c. I 2 lf2 yds 1-in. " 15c. These are all Dry Bak Waterproof Plaster BAND AID makes a convenient and Satisfactory Satisfactory Quick Dressing for Wounds, pkg. 25c. JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REXALL DRUGGIST, and OPTOMETRIST

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