Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1937, p. 8

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OKSNO WEEKLY TfifE# ■ NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE Miss Emma Rowland is now opn- walracent from a severe attack of the ■"iiu." Mrs. A. B. Iteimwaring is visiting lier father, who is ill at Hartford, Clonn. Mrs. Wm. Purdy was in town for the Horticultural (Society's spring' Flower (Show. Mrs. 0. A. Massey of Toronto was s week-end guest of Mrs. S toll a Anderson Anderson at the "Newcastle Anns." Mr. Wm;. , (Sanders of ©toufïville was the guest of Mrs. Wm Aktinson and Mrs. It. W. 'Gibson for the weekend. weekend. ■ Mrs. Oberender is motoring over from Dit Boils, Penn., and intends staying for seme time with her 'Sister, Mrs. J. 'Scott Howard. ■ Miss Eileen Clarke; daughter of .Mrs. Mertlev Clark, has enrolled in the Kurse's Training 'School at the BéBevlle General Hospital. .Miss Margaret Sanderson has returned! returned! from Lindsay where she spent several days recuperating after an attack of the "flu." Miss Hattie Mason Mason fe also hack at school after being confined to her home with a severe «old. Everyone seems to be talking of : the good time they are going to 'have at the Easter Monday dance at the t tom mu n ity Hall with Billy Switzer's 'Orchestra of seven pieces in attend anco and a large crowd expected, it might, to he quite the event of the season. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's. 'Church held a very pleasant sown nr meeting on Tuesday last at the home ,<xf Mrs. Ben Mo tee on Boa- •viw -St. A quillt was set up and quilted quilted and pa tehee sewed for another one. Mrs. 'Cecil ■ Horroebs -and Mrs. Bert I 'r'-ri-ion were tea hostesses and Mrs. Moiise showed the \Y. A. im'mhcrsv.er very interSg&i'Bg" 'coilectiion qf relics. - ~ : The Horticultural 'Society's spring flower show, héldl' on March 17th, ;wi»s • considered a great success. _ There •were not as many entries as in other years but thd quality was quite above the 'average, according to the Judge, Mr. Lame of Valencia. A great many people enjoyed the delightful high tea served by the directors, and stayed stayed on to further enjoy the ewainn's lecture given by Mr. Lane on Gladio- 1*0:8. The "Society's silver cup was won by Mrs, Clarence Batty and Mrs. Ben, Thomas, their having an _ equal fthrnlbçr of 'pdimtS' as is usual in the' ease of a tie, each winner will have the cup in their possession for six months. KENDAL (Too late for last, week) Mr. and Mrs. Elbeck of Toronto were week-end guests of Mrs. George JBibdck. Master Artie Toms is home from Oijbaiwa hospital, convalescing from e. minor operation. Mrs. Stella Anderson' of the "New castle Arms" is visiting friends in 'Toronto for a few days. 'Congratulations to Mr. 'and Mrs. Holmes upon the birth of their third son Oil Monday, March 15th. Rev. Frank (Miaaom, asoqmpaeied hy Mrs. Mason and Margaret, visited friends in town on Wednesday last-. .... Mr. George Bonaithom was home fri mi the city and spent the weekend weekend with his mother, Mrs. . Sam 'Bonaithon. iMris, J. H. Gibson, who has -o-ceu- ■•pied Mrs. Wm. Jamieso-n's apartment for- ; the winter, months, has moved to her home on the lake front. Owing t-o Rev. 1>. R. Dewdeney being confined to the. house wi Ih •«flu," the Rev. J. Scott Howard took TjJie miornBrig and evening services :at IS*. George's: chimleh on 'Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Button was called to Toronto on Monday to be near her Thmsbamd, Mr. Wm. Button, who : is i" a serious OfiifiditJoh in the hospital as a result of a into tor accident on Sunday. The High school pupils are enjoying enjoying partial holidays this week due to the fact that Miss. Margaret Sanderson Sanderson is ill with "flu". Mias 'Sanderson 'Sanderson expects to be hack on duty next week. Those interested in dancing will Ibe glad to know of a dance to be held in -the Omnmnit.v Ha'll on Easter Monday. Billy Switzer's Seven-piece Orchestra of Oshawia will provide the mufs-ie. There has: been two- changes made In the time table of the Oollacutt ihm< E'inie. 1 The aftemoon bus.'arrives at 3.15, nltho" it leaves Toronto 1.30 ■as iisuial. The evening bus leaves Toronto 9.45 wm, and arrives in Newcastle Newcastle a t 11.30 p .m. The, engagememt is anne-unleed of "Mabel Elizabeth : Lake; daughter of "Mrs. Frank Gibson and. the, late Mr, Alfred Lake, to Gordon Douglas "Watson, youngest son of Mrs. Wait- son and the late Mr, George A. Watson Watson of Toronto. The marriage will NEWTONVILLE Mr. Melville Jones .made -a trip to Toronto _ last week. Miss Elsie W alliac é visited, fiiiends in Greenbank on Sunday. Miss La Va llie of Toronto- is waiting waiting on her friend, Mrs. O. Ogdein. U. C. League was postponed last week on account of had weather and roads. The girls' sof tball team are putting on a dunce in the Community Hall on April 2nd. Mrs. The*. All in visited her daughter, daughter, Mrs. F. Couch, Newcastle, oyer the week-end. Mrs. Norman iSamlis Visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodham df Toronto over the week-end. Miss. Audrey Jaynes has completed her course at Biellevillle Business College College amid returned home. Mr. Melvil'e Jones motored Mr. and Mrs. >S, R Jones to Port Hope recently to visit Mrs. James. Mr. and Mrs. L. Trusoott -and family family of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. iS. R. Jones, (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. IS am Smith have moved batik to the village on, account of Mr. (Smith having poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and babe, Morrish, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Sunday. Mr. and Mm H. 0. Ban®, Colberne, and Mr. -and Mrs. IS. Palmatecr. Pririce Edward County, visited Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Lane, iSunday. Some on the sick list this week-are : Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison', Mr. Wm. Whittaker,; Mrs. 0. Ogdon. Mr. Arthur Redknapp and Alfred. Mia Willis Jones has- been operating operating the snow plow on -the C 011111 y road in, the ■ vicinity of Pontypo-ol .'lately; amid; has, some interesting ; snap- alibts showing the depth of the. snow Dr. L. B. Williams, : Toronto, will present lantern slides, t-aiben while on his trip t-o the Mother Land, under the auspices of the W.M.IS. of the T'nired Church. This will be given during the week of May 2nd, exact date to be announced later. ' Port, Britain players presented their 3-act play, "Look Out Lizzie," in the Community Hall on F ri-day evending, March 1.9th, under the -auspices -auspices of the Park Committee. The liait was packed to the doors and the deepest interest was maintained throughout the entire play owing to each player taking his or her part perfectly. Cowan's Orchestra supplied! supplied! music (between, the acts and for -the dancing afterwards Lunch was gold iby the committee. Mrs. 'Nichols directed the play in the absence of Mrs. Dickinson. The W. I. held their regular monthly monthly meeting and "Irish Tea" in the basemen 1 of the United Church on Tuesday, March 16th. Owing to the illness of the President, Mrs. Wills Jones, the 1-st Vice-President, Mrs Wallace Holmes', took chargé of the business discussion period. Mrs, Clarence Mitchell had charge of the following urogram : Vocal solo "When- Irish Eyes arc Smiling." Miss Elsie Wallace; reading, "The Courting Courting of Paiddy and Nora," Mrs. John CoUch; recitation,, "An Incentive to dl'eainliness," Miss Jean Wade. Mr Roy Langmiaid, Soli mi. District I*resident, gave a very interesting talk - on "The Growth of the Tnsti tote." Voicail solo, "I'm in love with an Irish Colleen," Mias Hazel Reid ; recitation, "The Maiden's Sacrifice," Mrs. J. Brown. ; piano duet, Misses ■* r *>ry and Margaret Default. Mrs (Ruiclmith wavs the winner of the lucky Nimmbeir draw. Bietwelon 5 and 1 60 sat dloiwn to tea. . KENDAL 4. . .. : - !._ Mr. George Pope, Sr., has been, in poor health of late. Mrs, Reg, Elliott has returned home from a visit with her sister-in- town. : Mr. ainid Mm, detail' Glass were (Sunday visitors at Mr. Milton Robinson's. Robinson's. Miss Helen Darlington, Newtonr ville, was a week-end visitor with her mother, Mrs. A. Darlington. Owing to weather conditions the Young People's visit with Newton- ville Young People was postponed on Tuesday night. There was a good attendance at church 011 Sunday morning. Mr. Beech continued a series of sermons leading up to the Easter theme, basing basing his remarke om the words- of Jesus, "Lo I am with you always." Mr. Samuel Bryson underwent a second operation in B'owmanviiie. hospital hospital this past week and is doing as well as can be expected, so we under stand. His son Jack has been spending spending most of hs time in Bowman ville this past week. There was a good attendance at the Pot Luck (Supper on Monday night, which was held in the (Sunday school room and sponsored by the Ladies' Organization. Twenty-two dollars ($212.00), was taken in at the door. Following the supper a good! program was put 011 in the church with Rev. E. Beech acting as chairman. Piano olo, Myrtle Faille ; vocal solo, "Danny "Danny Bay," by M r. McKenna ; reading. Kate IStewart ; solo, Berniice Lang- staff ; piano solo, Neil Stewart ; chorus' chorus' by McLean's school : talk by Mr. Mel lor ; -solo, Wilma Carson : Violin and guitar duets, by Earl Boyd and John : (Sicott. The program was brought to a dose -by singing of God Save the King, The regular League meeting was held as usual on Thursday night with about twenty attending. The meeting was opened Iby reading of Pledge an d hymin, "iNever Nearer Than' Thy Cross." Instead pf a topic Mr. Swnrbrick led a sing -song,, thus teach- trig tin* young people two new hymns "Encamped! along the hills of lights-" and I do not ask for earthly «tore"; The minutes were read by the sec rettaryt, Clarence (Belli. Hymn, "I know not why God's wondrous grace" was sung and the bible reading Psalm 145 was read by Alima Bell. Mr. Beech gave Bis talk on. the books of the bible and' meeting was dl-o-sed with hymn "O for a closer walk with God 1 " and the Miapah benediction. take ipilace quietly, -early in. April. Library report for month of February. February. Number of new members, 23; total number, of members, 234 ; cineu-1 a.ti'on of books, adult non-fiction, 139, juvenile non-(fiction, 34, adult fiction, 819, juvenile fiction, 108, total, 1100 books. Fines o-n overdue books, 64c. During February $100.00 worth of new books were purchased. On Tuesday otf this week Mrs. Wm. Atkinson and Mrs. R. W. Gibson were at li-ntw to their numerous friends, the occasion being in honour of Mrs. Atkinaon's birthday. Mrs Atkinson, Surrounded by numerous gift 'hoquets, received wearing black georgette land lace while Mrs. Gibson was attractive in a flowered silk frock, Mrs. David 'Nall lean Of Oshawa, in green and gold gown!, poured tea in the dining room, where the tea table 'décorations were parried out, in green and white. A. large biirthd'ny cake bold the place of honour, flanked, by silver 'ca-udlesficks with tall ' green can d litis, green bon bonis in green bals P<0% ami small green eon-foot,ions 1 , Master Tommy -Gibson: helipad: receive ibo numerous guests, with much joy ful barking ■ and on their departure escorted them out with -an equal display display of .canine enthusiasm. LESKARD ■ Mr. Arthur Tenant is still 1 run- 11'ing the: general store. Mr. Charles Gay is in the neighborhood neighborhood with his sawing outfit. Messrs. Keith -and Carm-an Tennant. Tennant. are looking for work these days. Mr. Roy Ball is in search of a farm. We wish him the best of -luck. Mi*, -and Mrs. O. Godwin were recent recent visitors With Mr. 'and Mrs. Smart. Mr, .L. S. Iiobbius will offer his farm stock and implements for gale on. April' 2nd. We -expect a special speaker on Sunday for the Easter service, also special music. Mr. William MacDonald has 'been in Toronto the past week painting and papering. Mr. Clarence Martin bias been engaged engaged with Mr. Milton Cornish, for the corning year. Mr, Norman Foe has Ms in-cu- bat'ors runniiing now, and reports a very successful' hatch. Mr. Henry Fierce, Bowman ville, is gathering eggs in our vicinity, and has mia'n'y satisfied 'Cusitom-er-s. Mr. Lome Robbins is giving up farming owing to ill health and Mr. Milton 'Cornish has leased' the farm for a term. •Several of our young people attended. attended. the special service at Kirby on- Sunday night. Mr. MeBpr was.' the guest speaker. A number of our youing people attended attended the League at- Kirby on Thursday night. Mr. Oscar iSkeld- ing taking' a sleighload. A good time was reported'. Mr. Arthur Bell -spent 'Sunday at the home of Mr. L. D. Bell, Kendal. The next, meeting of the Home and (School Club will be held on Monday, March 29th, Messrs. Carl. Billings, Arthur Robbins, Norman Bair stow end: Harvey Dayey are responsible for the prograimm-e. , A. large number of thé ladle* .met at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. George ( hater in honour of their daughter, Jane, a recent bride. She received many useful presents for which she thanked those present. The afternoon afternoon was -spent, in cards. Lunch was served ; and an enjoyable time was bad. .Subscribe for the Orono Weekly Times, W-e give the news. COWAN'S ABOUT FOUR WEEKS AGO WE INTRODUCED A RED SALMON WHICH WE CLAIMED TO BE THE BEST YOU EVER TASTED. WE HAVE HEARD NOTHING BUT THE HIGHEST PRAISE FROM EVERYBODY WHO HAS TRIED IT. THE PRICE IS 1.3 CENTS. IF YOU HAVE NOT AS YET TRIED IT, WE WILL BE GLAD TO LET YOU TAKE A TIN ON APPROVAL, AND IF NOT SATISFIED YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY ONE CENT FOR SAME. Navel Oranges, reg. 40c., per dozen . 33c. ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs 77c. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1-2 lb. tins 21c. ROYAL YORK ORANGE PEKOE TEA 26c. CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS, large new blue pkg 18c McLAREN'S PEANUT BUTTER, 25 ounces 23c. GRAHAM WAFERS, 1 lb. pkg , 22c. AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, large tin 9c. LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, 3 for 25c. PHONE 77rl WE DELIVER NOW IS THE TIME TO Transform Your Home Low Bros. H. S. Paints, Varnishes and Enamels Flo Glaze Paints and Varnishes Brushes, 10c. to $1.35 FLOOR WAXES AND VARNISH STAINS Don't Miss Our 1c. Varnish Sale Phone 66 PERCY LUNN General Merchant Orono EASTER SPECIALS HABITANT VEG. SOUP, large 28 oz. tin He, FLOUR is up 10c. a bag, but while ©ur present stock lasts, we quote ECLIPSE 244b. PASTRY FLOUR 83c. SUR'E-GOOD BANTAM CORN, choice quality. Special Special tin - * ...lie. LUX TOILET SOAP, 4 (lakes for ; 25c. PUFFED WHEAT, 2 pkgs 19c. MUFFETS. Special, 2 boxes 17c. ROMAN MEAL or LESHUS. Special pkg 29c. CANADA CORN STARCH. Specijal, 2 pkgs. for ...H9c. PRUNES, medium size, lb. 10c. HOT CROSS BUNS ; don't be? disappointed, order early, idozcn . ^ ,e, 5c. NORFOLK RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY JAM, Special 32-ounce jdr « ....27c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE THE BETTER PLACE TO SHOP WI NTER WEATHER IS NOT OVER RE-FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD 'BLUE COALSCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock rit all times also---- LUMBER; SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S .SUPPLIES; Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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