Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1937, p. 7

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The Papers =-- EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE. ■ CANADA Small Gifts Free Qâè of the lesser but welcome features features of the budget's tariff changes changes is the grant of free entry to Canada Canada <tf small personal gifts from all countries. The levy of duty on small gifl;,artiues has long been the. cause of a great deal of vexation and annoyance annoyance to recipients that was certainly certainly far out of proportion to any pôsSibta revenue obtainable.--Kingston obtainable.--Kingston .Whig-Standard. More Colts Reports that the horse is 'coming 'coming back" are confirmed by the current bulletin of agricultural statistics statistics from Ottawa. While the estimated estimated total on farms of Canada in 1986, namely 2,918,540. shows a decrease of 12,797 from that of ,1931», tee number of colts and fillies fillies to up : 35,190 from that of the prfivipya year. More young horses are. bçing raised in every province of tî|é Dominion except New Brunswick Brunswick Alberta and Saskatchewan,-- Wobfeock Sentinel-Review. Trees On Highways Toil many of our fine provincial highways are too bare and barren and all c£ them would be improved by the, planting of trees along side. Thèce' is a fascination about tree- lined roads,- utterly lacking along j most" of our most important arteries, arteries, Let ns hope that, the suggestion oft Professor Currelly will not fall on ears and that the delegates will return home to press the idea oh,, tike attention of their municipal cèunSÜa and other organizations. -- Niagara Falls Review. • Good Neighbors 0«sr feelings as Canadians about Mr. -Roosevelt are both symbolic and quite personal. He symbolizes for us as President the American people-- our «good neighbors" indeed. Peering Peering out at a troubled world, we ttthattk: heaven for that "undefended frontier" with an enthusiasm which even the reiterated platitudes of after-dinner speakers cannot abate, A. nation which lias for next-door neighbor!* Unde Sam and the gentle, gentle, Eskimo is indeed fortunate in this; century.---Montreal Star. Problem of the Land It û no exaggeration to say that ill Western Canada's drought rehabilitation rehabilitation problem the f rings, is gteaiep thhn the core --• that the ib,0St: effective work can be done in the areas where preventive rather than corrective measures are required, required, Eivery real farmer knows that a farm's fertility should in? cjrease with the years. Wherever tillage methods are failing to produce produce that result something is, from the long view, wrong. We are a long way yet from meeting meeting that simple test in Western Canada. Canada. and we cannot claim that our agriculture is stabilized until we are it, least sure that the vital top soil î$ staying where it belongs.---Winnipeg belongs.---Winnipeg Tribune. Not Our Picture, Please J H. Smith, school inspector of Stratford, says if it is necessary to spank a pupil, then it should be done in private. Much better that way, for it is hot possible for either teacher or pupil to appear to advantage advantage during the process. -- Peterborough Peterborough Examiner. Men's Clothes We don't believe it. Men's fashion fashion makers predict that, this spring, men's business clothes will blossom out in bright reds and greens and that "host" suits will be made of cloth dyed "burgundy, bottle green and royal blue." One has seen tlje bottle green effect, but not on new suits. Man is too conservative to come forth arrayed, in such colors.-- Niagara Falls Review. Looking Up Ob Farms One of the largest auction sales in the histo"y of' Lanark County took place at the farm of the late Geo. Paterson on the Clayton Road. It is estimated that upward of 1,009 people were present. Meals, put up in individual packages, were served to 500 and after that fresh supplies had to lie obtained from Almonte and some 250 more meals were necessary necessary tv go around. A large list of articles accumulated during a long life on the farm proved a tremendous tremendous attraction to prospective buyers.--Almonte buyers.--Almonte Gazette. Middle-of-the-Road Budget It is not an exciting budget; not a political budget In fact, it shows a quality of restraint that marks a new and much broader outlook toward toward the Dominion's interests. Any drastic cut In the general tariff, which at one time might well have been the stock in trade of the vote- catching artist, has been avoided It is fortunate that m easing the strain of trade restrictions, the present Liberal Government has not courte:! disaster for some of the nation's communities.--Ottawa Citizen, THE EMPIRE British Empire A great historian once said that the British Empire was won in a moment of absent-mindedness. It is true that there was littl calculating foresighht or diplomatic skill displayed displayed in acquiring it. The Empire emerged emerged as the result of characteristics characteristics inherent in the nature of the people who brought it into being. It was an expression of their life. Its foundations were laid in. the character character of its people. It has endured and expanded because their spirit has remained strong and virile. In face of tremendous opposition and severe .osses it has becomê the most astonishing achievement of modern times.--Melbourne Argus Tongue Trapped--For having said in a restaurant that the German armed forces were working for war a man has been sentenced at Brunswick Brunswick to five months' imprisonment. B--4 Minimum Wage Bill Gets Second Reading No Dissenting Vole -- Ontario and Quebec to Work Together, in Establishing Minimum Rates, Declares Hon, David Croît IT'S A FACT By kSN EDWARDS i=======r.:: £=?==== V Hi folks! Here are just a few facts that are worth placing in that old scrapbook, scrapbook, from time to time: Did you know, by any chance, that Mr, Seagram's Seagram's horse, "Inferno," was the greatest race horse to ever win the King's Plate. Also, when "Inferno's" remains remains were sent to the Veterinary College for autopsy, it was discovered discovered that the great racer's big heart weighed 17 pounds--just about five more than the heart of the average blood iKirse. Interesting, too, is the fact that Belle Mahone, which won the Plate in 1917, is the oldest living King's Plate winner. If you .don't believe in ghosts, maybe you lean towards fairy tales. . . .-- Do you remember Milo? Well, he is said to have been the greatest of all wrestlers. Milo could actually carry an ox about on his shoulders and write his name on a wall with a 100-pound weight hanging from Ms wrist. ... Oh me, a glass of water, Hives! .... Time marches on, and with it more "believe it or nots", to find that Strangler Lewis of modern-day wrestling, once threw an 1800- pound steer on hi s farm! Send any interesting sport facta to Ken. Edwards c'o Wilson Publishing, Publishing, 73 Adelaide St., W,, Toronto, and the sender's name will be published published in this column along with the fact given. Thank you, News in Brief Air Route Test in May LONDON, Eng.--Sir Philip Sassoon, Sassoon, under-secretary for air, announced announced in the Ilpuse of Commons this week that it was hoped /to start experimental flights towards the end of May as a preparation for the proposed proposed North Atlantic air service. Sir Philip said it was thought that by the end of May ice conditions off Newfoundland would permit the operation of flying boats. Wage Increase Granted ■ MONTREAL -- - Increased wages for 3,000 employees has been announced announced by the Aluminum Company of Canada. The new scale affects regular hourly paid workers in the company's plants at Toronto, Shaw- inigan Falls, Que., ami Arvkla, Que. Theatre Men Jubilant TORONTO--Theatre owners here are highly pleased at the announcement announcement that the amusement tax would be abolished June 1. Declared J. J, Bragg of Famous Players: "It was a nuisance tax and seriously affected our business, but its abolition will be of great benefit not only to us but to the public. I think this step by the Government is tangible proof that the financial condition condition of the Province is greatly improved. improved. Mr. N. !.. Nathanson, president of Famous Players Corporation, declared declared admission prices in. theatres would be reduced when the Ontario Budget provision becomes effective. $10,000 For Scholarships TORONTO--- A sum of money guaranteed to be not less than $10,000, has been presented to University University College, University of Toronto, Toronto, by J. S. McLean, president of Canada Packers, Ltd., which permits the college to send during the next four years four of its students, each for a period of two years, to study abroad. Each student will receive $1,250 a year. The condition stipulated by Mr. McLean, who graduated from Uni- crslty College in 1896, limits the scholarship to fourth year students and recent graduates of the college. At the end of hi s first year of tenure, tenure, the scholarship winner will be required to apply for renewal of the scholarship tor the second year, and where his work merits it the renewal renewal will be granted. Under special circumstances, the winning student may be permitted to use the scholarship at a university university on this continent, but it is the intention of the donor that the winner winner study abroad. The first appointment will be made between now and the end of the term. Winning Ticket Hastens Death HALIFAX -- When C. W. Lutes, 66, retired railwayman, heard he had won $150,000 on an Irish Sweepstakes ticket, the excitement, plus a heart ailment caused his death. All Lutes wanted to do with the money, he said soon after the race, was to return with Mrs. Lutes to their little cottage âU neàmy -Eii-; field. He'd had enough travelling on- trains. Revenue Up OTTAWA--Canada's revenue for eleven months of the fiscal year ending ending March 31 amounts to $402,836,- 442, compared with $337,661,587 the corresponding year, according to a report issued by the Comptroller of the Treasury. Total ordinary expenditures for the eleven months were $326,961,- 101, against $320,490,871 in the same period the preceding fiscal year. Schoolgirls Must Study the Chores BERLIN. Germany schoolgirls are not to be allowed to take their higher examinations until they have learned the rudiments of household work. A decree to this effect has been issued by the Minister of Education. The girls, aged about 16, will receive receive instruction in: Cooking boiled and fried potatoes, making an omelette, omelette, washing-up, keeping the floors clean, and other elementary household household matters. Prize Catch SCOUT LAKE, Sask.-- Jake Pi!- sener, coyote trapper, received a pleasant surprise when he found a full-grown silver fox in one of his traps, It brought him a cheque for $60. Silver fox seldom stray this far south. Toronto.--Second reading of the Minimum Wage Bill for men was obtained by unanimous vote of the whole House last night, the Conservatives Conservatives joining with the Government in sending the measure into committee committee stage. The Prime Minister wound up the debate on the bill, and he clashed briefly with Opposition Loader George Henry. Replies to Argument. Answering one of the chief arguments arguments against a minimum wage for men in Ontario, Hon. David Croll, told the Legislature that not only would Quebec Province enact similar legislation, but that the Quebec board would work in harmony with the Ontario body set up to administer administer the act here. The Labor Minister spoke for. an hour at second reading of his bill. A, Russell N' hilt (Cons., Bracon- dalej, one of the most outspoken champions of the workingmen in the Opposition ranks, came the statement statement that he thoroughly agreed with the principle of the bill, though he warned that difficulty would be experienced experienced in classifying labor in the various industries and in establishing establishing a minimum rate; It was a step in the right direction, however, the Braeondale member declared. Rate Not Yet Set. In summing up the Government's policy, Mr. Croll referred to the speculation in the press over the probable minimum to be established. He said he wished, to make it perfectly perfectly clear to the House that it was speculation and no more. "The act empowers the Industry and Labor Board to investigate conditions conditions in any industry in any y.rea of the Province and to set minimum ~ raTeTAvitiek4t_(rons!ders suited to the type of work .ui. to. the local cost : of living. I have no intention yr .Notating'to .Notating'to the board, From its 1 composition composition I am certain that the it sets will be fair both ■■ -1, ees and to employers. Not many of us can quarrel with the rates similar established for women by the existing existing Minimum Wage Board. Similar freedom will be given the Industry and Labor Board." Mr. Croll had a pile of pay envelopes envelopes on his desk and he picked them up, one by one, and told the Legislature the amount of wages paid working men by chain stores, factories and other employers of unskilled unskilled or semi-skilled men. He gave numerous instances of men receiving as low as $5 weekly for an 80-hour week; of married men receiving less than $9 for a full week's work. Men Mere Amateurs As Shoppers, Says ■Earl of Dudley BIRMIN CHAM -- Misogynists-- women haters---would starve if they were salesmen, said Earl of Dudley, Dudley, speaking at the British industries industries fair in' Birmingham. The ai t of salesmanship nowadays he declared, depended upon a salesman's, salesman's, method of approaching the housewife. "The woman is the professional shopper whereas most men are comparative comparative amateurs," he said. "The salesman today has to put women under a microscope to study their buying- , eehnique, their likes and dislikes, dislikes, their moods and fancies." THE WONDERLAND OF OZ "doo" " ~ "Weil," cried Dorothy. "I certainly certainly won't let you take my head and give me one of your old castoff castoff heads in exchange!" "It will do you bo good to refuse," continued the Princess. "For I need your head for my collection, and in the Land of Ev my will is law. I never have cared much for number 26 and you----" " "1 don't care anything about your number 26," said Dorothy Dorothy finely. "I'll just keep my own heal" Copyright*! 1933, Reilly * Lee Co. "You refuse?" cried the Princess, with a frown. "Of course I do," was the reply. "Then, said Lang- widere, "I shall lock you up m a tower until you decide to obey me. Nanda,"; she said, turning to her maid, "call my army." Nanda rang a bell and. at once a big fat Colonel in a bright red uniform entered the room, followed by ten lean' soldiers who looked sad and discouraged and saluted the Princess in a very melancholy melancholy fashion. "Carry that girl to the north tower and lock her up," commanded the Princess. "To hear is to obey," answered the Colonel grabbing Dorothy Dorothy . by the arm. But at that moment = Tiktok raised his dinner pail and pounded it so forcibly against the Colonel's head that the big officer sat down on the floor with a sudden. bump, looking both dazed and very much astonished. "Help!" be shouted, and ten lean soldiers sprang to assist their leader. By --. Frank Baum. There was great excitement for the next few minutes, and Tiktok knocked, down seven of the army, who were sprawling on the carpet, .when" suddenly the machine paused; the dinner-pail raised for another blow, and: remained perfectly motionless. motionless. "My ac-tion has run down" he 'ealle ! to Dorothy. "Wind mb up quick," She tried to obey, but the big Colonel, who by this time was on his feet again;' grabbed fast hold of the girl and she wax helpless to escape.

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