Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1937, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY Tm.ES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St. - - 'Orono- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $1.25 per year. To Subscribers--Wo paper will be stopped 1 until all 1 arrears are paid, ex eept at;the option of the proprietor. A postoffice notice to discontinue is not Kiillieienl:. To subscribers in the United States, States, $2.00 iper year. Advertising Rates on Request; FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r 1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursbay, March 25, 1937 ACCOUNTS AT THE GENERAL STORE Wo understand better now just how pleased the country storekeeper is with the customer that pays his bill regularly once ; a month. ' This, plan makes payments only about two weeks behind purchases; his average customer iis over two months behind At least, it would seem so, by .looking .looking at life accounts on December 31st,. for oil that date the country storekeeper storekeeper has owing to Into a sum equal 1 to toote than, two months of life entire year's 1 sales,' indlulding cash sales. The general stordveeper in the country town has to; wait for his money for just about twice as high a proportion of his, sales as other merchants', merchants', mnsilderi'ng them all together ; and for about three times as high a proportion as in-the ease of city department department stores. ISO; we should n't be surprised if he seems a little uneasy when we ask him "to charge it" or to "put it on the hill." * ' ,.*■ " *' - * . : " v ; Tin: sec PEI ~of ,j. . BUSINESS, SUCCESS " Advertising of the best kind is by common consent a groat auxiliary to business; success. Effective advertising advertising paters to both the wants and the needs- hit! especially to the wants --of tihe great masses of the people. The wants of the people as well- as their needs, ought to he the constant study of the man, or woman who hopes to suoeeed in business. They ought to be known 'and fully tinier- Stood'. The pretty girl, for example, earning her own living and making -• modest salary may need warm clothing, but she covets a "smart" ticarf, a pretty nedkhm, a fashionable fashionable hair-dress, chiffo-n stockings of the newest tihade,' and she will get them if she can. A young man may need 1 shoes or -shirt, or collar or ties, but be desires- more than these. He désiras _ to take his 'girl friend' •to a theatre, and the dollars ho ought really to spend on his needs goes its joyous and carefree way into- the box office of the playhouse. In catering to the wants, and the needs, of the mass of the. people, the wise business man will make certain, of course, that his 'advertising reaches reaches the people . who - are - roost' likely to become;■ his customers. That is Iris neighbors and the people of his own town. And the quickest and best way to reach these people, is through the columns of your ovyn loealnewspaper. This paper has a real and personal interest in you r success. Your eute-: ■■0668 is nbt only gratifying to him but at the same time milita tes to his well- being, -Outside 'papers have no personal personal interest in you or youir,success. The Orono Weekly Times goes to farmers, merchants, and private residents, residents, you most desire to reach with your advertising. The following statement is ascribed No Abraham. Lincoln: : "The Lord must have loved 'the common people/ for lie made so many of them," The business man should prefer them too --mat because he has made them, of course, but -because they have the making of him. To -sum up---your success is- our -success; your greatest profit is in di- ' rect ratio to the number of satisfied customers you serve. Your newspaper advertising, if placed in the Orono Weekly Times will! -establish the truth -of the above statement. 0- : AUDITORS' STATEMENT (Continued from page one) In compliance vdith the instruction® instruction® to auditors issued by the Department Department -of Municipal' Affairs, we beg to report; as follows : 1. We have examined the books and various documents pertaining to the business of the Township of CtBarke for j.hv calendar year 1936. 3. Wo beJIieve all financial trans- to have heem -properly re- CLARK UNION Mrs. Fred Bla-ckhurn is spending a few -days in 1 Toronto, iDon't forget to get a ticket oil the Home and School quilt. (Mr. Colin Smith visited Bowman - ville friends on Sunday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cornish of Port Perry public school 1 spent the weekend weekend at her mother's. Mr. Go-,). Yeo has moved into the Bulloch residence. lie lived formally formally in the ' Armstrong house. Mr,, and 1 Mrs. 'Chae.. Rtiror, Don and Lyn, Markham, visited her mother, mother, Mrs-.. Geo. Cain on Sunday. The ladies of the Home and School met at Mrs. Watson's on Tuesday afternoon and got the quilt fixed up in good' style. Mrs. H. J, Sou eh returned from T'C.i-wm-uivillv -hospital 1 on Wednesday last. We, are pleased' to tepor-t she •is gradually recovering. Mias Mamie Archer and Eileen and Dorothy iS-ouch attended the skating carnival at Maple Leaf Gardens, Gardens, Toronto, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power _ entertained entertained a number of Crokinole players' on Monday evening. Sorry to- report the Clarke Union boys got defeated. . CÔWANVÏLLE Mr. B'everlby Stringer is visiting in the r.mmiunity from Kirkland Lake. Mr. Ivan Farrow and Mr. Chlaa Rebée, from Orono visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Farrow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. -Brooks- -Cowan visited visited at Mr. ' M or r fell 'Osborne' a on Sunday. Sunday. Mrs. Cowan-is staying for an indefinite time. A well-known Crooked Creek resident resident splashed, some of the ladies going- going- hom-e from church on ISum-diaiy as a, joke, but they thought it no joke. Special .order of service- iis, -being held ' for Sunday school, which is to he held in the, church ,on Eiaster Sunday. Sunday. ISp-dcM music by -a young .people's .people's choir. Everybody invited., 'Kjnrirfl Sunday service will be held -in Clarke church on Easter Sunday evening hit 7.30 o'clock p.m. Mr, Slier win from Orono is- speaker. -Special music by the choir being pro vidbdl - 1 League met last Wedn-esday- evening evening ■ with ia goodly attendance. -The, programme being in charge of W.estol S; ringer, which 'Consisted of a rending rending by Mary Henderson, a very interesting interesting talk on "Canadian Citizenship" Citizenship" by Mr. Sidney Hughes. a vocwl solo- by Mr. Allin TumcMiff, The pnig-ramme was brought to a close by the mizpah benediction, -after which contests and games were enjoyed. KIRBY Mr. John Bigelow was busy drawing drawing waiter last week. Mr. -Miller gave a, splendid sermon sermon on Sunday -evening mi Kirby church. Mr. Hartwell Lowery 1 was busy drawing water last. week. We hope Hartwell will getihis cistern filled up once more; , . Mr. W, AYannan and Bill Hutiirr fo-rd 1 shipped a truck load of cattle last -week, and you can .safely bet that the cattle were in first class condition. Mrs. G. (Renville wen I to Oshawa last week for a few days. George says Ibe doesn't 'mind Woking, but this cooking -and bottle washing is a thing of the past. We had ft letter from. Mr. W. O. Forbes. New Zealand, and be said they were having very warm weather -and that they are going at the harvest harvest in full swing, Tie goes in bathing bathing arid sleeps in a tent, -and likes iris job. There are eighty cows to milk and two thousand -sheep to look after, but the milking is done by milking miachimea corded -therein. 3. All business transacted and agreements entered nto were within the powers of the council. 4. The 'Collector's Roll agrees with receipts by the treasurer and the balance balance in the Canadian Bank of Oom- rnltiroe. 5. No money was borrowed during 1936 a-nd no former loan falling due remained unpaid. 6. There are no outstanding loans and the statements- of liabilities attached; attached; is a complete list of the Township- Township- commitments. 7. Notices of Tax Arrears have been mailed to all parties as- required. required. 8. The insurance carried- by the Municipality to cover risks from, fire and acedent would- teens to- be adequate. adequate. 9. We would suggest that the bond -supporting the Treasurer and also the Tax Collector -are quite out of protxu'tion to the monels ban-died. All 1 of wheli- we respectfully submit. Signed ; J. C. Gamey, M. H. Staples Auditors Township of Clarke. Classified COMING EVENTS The Annual Easter Tea of St. Saviour's Saviour's A.Y.E.A. will be held in their Parish Hall on Wednesday, March Slat. Tea served 5.00 p.m. Admission, Admission, 25 c. -I "The Old-Fashioned Mother", a play by the Osh-aw-a Players, will be given in the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, April 16th, under the auspices auspices of the , Orono Horticultural (Society. (Society. This play cornea very highly recommended and every one should plan to attendi. FOR SALE Hatching' Egga, Baby Chicks, Six Weeks' Old Pullets.--Apply Milfred E, Sherwin, or Phone 56 r 12, d-9-p. FOR SALE Mare 9 years, bred! to Percheron, her -last year foal; driver 4 year® next August ; set -of Team- Harness ; an English Single Harness with Collar and bridle;--4S. Thomas, 6th Line Sale register (Monday, March 2-9 tih.---Household Ejects, the property of .Robert Foster, Park Sit.,; Orono. 'Sale to Commence at one o'clock sharp. Terms Cash--Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Auctioneer. Friday, April 2nd--Farm (Stock, Implements, Implements, ' etc., the property of Lome -8. Robbins,, Lot 33, (Con, 8, Clarke Township, one half mile wesf of Leskarod: ipostoffice. (Sale to commence at 12,30 o'clock sharp. Terms--Gash. -- Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer ; Albert Morton-, Clerk. GOOD SHOWING, PORT PERRY CHARGE The annual report of Port Perry Pastoral charge shows- that Over six thousand dollars was raised during the past year by the United Churches Churches of Port Perry and Prince Albert. Of this amount, fifteen hundred and forty seven dollars goes to missions, missions, iSuch -a record reflects great credit upon - the (pastor, 'Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, and will prove interesting and! gratifying to his miany friend's here, -- ------o'---- -- GRAND OLD MAN ( Continued from page one) attended to him marvelled at the way it healed at his age. He used! up tjofoadoo and was tempera nm Pie may be seen' daily taking 'his- accustomed accustomed walk, which lias been five miles every day ; until -of late when, -the icy conditions has brought it down to- two miles. He attributes; his good health to eating bread and' milk every morning, morning, and! living peacefully with all Ibis' neighbors, he never having had a quarrel with any of them. He never bad a doctor up to the time that his hand was hurt. His mind is' ..very keen and 'active, , especially on -the past. ; He never missed church services, services, where he may Ibe sieen, in his familiar pew in the front -part -of the church. Many a sick home has been visited and blessed by his warm hand shake and word of ,cheer. We say how much better- our community has been 'for bis liking among us. (Such a fine character as his -are far too scarce in our land, and what a fine world this would 1 be if we could all show the same character as this Christian gentleman. gentleman. He says he oaiA -recall -an old, boy left -of hiiis class of school days, - and if there are any left, he would be glad to hear from, (them. May you, still be spared! -to- us for many more years yet is the wish of all your friends. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B'.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY', MARCH 28;h 11,00 a.m.-- Communion. Every Christian has -an appointaient with the Lord at Hds table. 7.-00 pjm.--Easter Service. Special Special Easter Musical Service by tire choir, • GOME AND WORSHIP Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Thursday, the 1st day of April, 1937, at the hour of two-thirty o'clock, at the Hum-rite Inn, in the Village of Orono, by Joseph Oouleon, Auctioneer, the following following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Town-ship of Clarke, in the C-ounty of Durham and being the south half of Lot Number 25 in the Seventh Concession of the said Township of Clarke, saving and excepting thereout and therefrom a roadway two rods wide across the 'Northern end of the south-east quarter quarter of said lot 25 and sufficient land off the north-east corner of the southwest southwest quarter of the said lot 25 to allow allow free access td the Northwest quarter of said lot 25, and saving and excepting thereout and therefrom also three Village lots heretofore sold off the s-aid south half of said lot 25. The said lands consist of -approximately -approximately 100 acres of good! arable land, well built on and equipped with farm buildings. Terms : 10 per cent, of the purchase purchase price to be paid down at the time of the sale, balance to be paid to the Vendor's solicitor wilthin thirty (30) days from the date of the sale. The property will be sold clear of encumbrances. encumbrances. For further particulars apply to CON ANT & ANN IS, Oshawa, Ontario, (Solicitor for the Vendor. JOSEPH COL [.SON, Newcastle, Professional Directory DENTAL DE. W. H. 0. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, 0-ron.o. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment, appointment, Phone Orono 18rl. es*. •i/fbt*., J" G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention Miss M. Taylor is visiting at Mrs. W. -Olemenoe, Bowmanvillle. Mr. A. A. Rolph is reported very ill His many friends hope he will show improvement very shortly. iSipedial -services will be held- tibia week at St. (Saviour's church. Thursday Thursday evening, 8 p.m., Good Friday morning, Litany -and -address at 9.30, Holy Communion will be held E-aster (Sunday at 3 o'clock. Auctioneer, AFTER FLU Reconstructive Tonics Many feel the need of a Tonic after Flu and Winter Colds. We suggest the following : PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 50c. & $1.00 HALIBUT LIVER CAPSULES 55c. & $1.00 PEPTONA, large bottle .$1.00 WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT COD LIVER $1.00 MALT & COD LIVER OIL ............... ,59c. & 98c. SCOTT'S EMULSION 53c. & 98c. EASTER PACKAGES OF SMILES AND CHUCKLES CANDY SEE OUR EASTER CARDS JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REX ALL DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST ORONO MEAT MARKET A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GOOD MEAT FRESH HAMBURG STEAK, lb 10c. 3 lbs, for '. . 25c. FRESH SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for : 25c. SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs. for ; 25c. CHUCK AND POT ROASTS, lb 12c. SHOULDER, SHORT RIB, ETC., lb. 15c: WE ALSO HAVE FOR EASTER Picnic Shoulders and Hams PEAMEAL BACON, lb 25c. BEEF'DRIPPING , per lb 1 7c. PURE GOLD JELLY POWDERS, 2 for ! 9c. BEST FOR THE MONEY ' BLUE RIBBON TEA, 1-2 lb. for :. '. ...........25c. BEEHIVE SYRUP, 5 lbs. for ,40c. 10 lbs. for * .". - 75c. PHONE 55rl Meat & Groceries ORONO

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