Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1937, p. 4

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orono wmKir times ORONO LEGION MEMBERS ENTERTAIN (Continued from page one) this distTiet. The Legion has no boundary lines and. extends across the whole of the Dominion, from the Pacific Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans. We served under the late King Qcorgc V. and now we have pledged ourselves to Ms son, King George VI. We must imlpress upon our children, of the coming generation, the importance of the coronation and the patriotism they owe to their kind and country, and we hope that they will not find themselves in 1 the mess that we were thrown into under the reign of King George V., which was forced upon ue by the Countries of Europe. At the present moment plans are being made for the next war, and countries have already fanned their alliances, but the great stumbling block at present is the British Empire and our friends to the south of us, who are steadily increasing their army, building ships tu strengthen their navy, manufacturing manufacturing guns and airplanes for defensive defensive purposes and -at the present time their navy is nearly equal to that of Great Britain, and these two great countries are endeavouring to- beep the peace and prevent the European countries from, plunging the world into into war. Municipal ities should secure Some kind of token in remembrance of the coronation, a medal or badge, and distribute them, to the school Children to remind them of the coronation. coronation. of the new king and to teach them to be more loyal to royalty, and the British Empire. The Legion will do everything in its power to see that . the coronation for this district is a success and every member needs to get behind the movement arid help along in every way possible. Mr. Linton was then called upon, and he told the audience that the coronation should be impressed upon the minds of the children, that there CROOKED CREEK )Sid! Rutherford spent the week-end at his home in Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Will Book well expect to move to Kendal in the near future. Mrs. Moiler and Mary were guests of Mrs. Irwin C-olvill, Newcastle, last Sunday evening. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, Frank' Gilmer. We hope she will soon be well again. Most of us have been- busy at the wood and we must be slow for the wood 1 pilés don't seem to get much smaller. Perhaps . we believe in "iSlow but Sure." Tommy Turner of Victoria University, University, Toronto, was home for the week-end. and Mary Me!lor, of Toronto Toronto General Hospital was also a welcome welcome visitor at her home. We are very proud,, as a community, community, to be able to tell that two of our young people have decided to get married. It is not necessary to travel front our neighborhood to find suitable suitable -partners. We congratulate Helen Stone and, Doug. Ogden as they start on the long road of matrimony. was too much Fascism creeping into into the mindls of the children and that they seemed to be drifting aiway from royalty. The -children should he taught to understand what royalty means to Canada am I the Brtish Empire Empire as a whole. Comrade Living, president of the 1 «ArmaiiviVe Legion, extended a vote of thanks -to the Oron-o members on behalf of the Bowmanville members for the evening's entertainment, and he also extended a cordial invitation to Worshipful Master Brown., of Ormio Orange Lodge, to attend the L-egi-on Vi my dinner. Comrades Manning and -Oornforth are delegates to represent the township township o-f Clarke to- co-operate with any . organize thin to arrange for ways and means to celeb rale the coronation, Fat pimiy of» , 1 "I ) ),V| . VLh' ' FOR @ Try This Appetising Recipe FISH CHOWDER IY2 Pounds of fresh fish (cod, haddock or other fish) 2 Cupfuls of diced potatoes 1 Cupful of diced carrots 4 Cupfuls of water % Pound of silt pork, diced 1 Medium onion, chopped 2 ■ Tablespoonfuls of flour 2 Cupfuls of milk Salt and pepper to taste Remove the skin aid bones from the fish and cut int j small pieces. Cook the fish, the iiced potatoes and the carrots in the water for 15 minutes. Fry the salt pork until crisp, remove the pieces and cook the onion in the fat until tender! Add the flour, stir until well blended and gradually add the milk, stirring until the mixture is smooth and thick. Combine this mixture with the fish and vegetables, season to . taste with salt and pepper, simmer simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring stirring frequently and serve hot. BRING Canadian Fish and Shellfish more often to your table. Benefit by their richness in proteins, minerals, vitamins and iodine. Enjoy their delicate, easily digested and fine- tasting meat. And make a saving in your budget, too, for Canadian Fish Foods, through their great nourish* ing qualities, give you full value for every cent spent. Serve Canadian Fish and Shellfish more often. Fresh water fish or seafood seafood ... in fresh, frozen, canned, pickled, dried or smoked form . . . whatever way you prefer this delicacy delicacy ... it is available in prime condition. DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES, OTTAWA Write For FREE Booklet Department of Fisheries, Ottawa Please send me your free 52-page booklet, "Any Day a Fish Day", containing ICO delightful and economical economical Fish Recipes. Name. Address.................... * .GW5 A~M Y HAY A FISH DAY . . y Classified COMING EVENTS iSt, Saviour's A.Y.P.A. Second Annual Annual E-aster Tea. A Big Event. Watch -for [particulars next week. Don't miss the Hostess Tea, t-he social social event of the season, Park Street Church, Tuesday afternoon, March 23rd. Admission, 25c. The Orono Hockey Club are holding holding their Annual Dance on Friday, March 19fh. Carl Tambiyn's 6-piece Orchestra in attendance. Lunch served. served. Admission, 50c., including tax. "The Old-Fashioned Mother", a play by the Oshaw-a Players, will be given in the Town Hall, Oro.no, on Friday, April 16th, under the auspices auspices of the Orono Horticultural Society. Society. This play comes very highly recommended -and every one should plan to attend. Garage for Rent.--James Dixon. c-8-ip. FOR SALE Hatching Eggs, Baby Chicks, Six Weeks' 'Old Pullets--Apply Milfred ,E. Shcrwiii, or Phone 56 r 12. d-9-p. PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR CANNING FACTORY (Continued from page one) pbasized the fact that ha thought he -could handle the case -alright now if said! gentleman did settle in Orono. The Board felt very much relieved. M-ovedl by John Armstrong and seconded. seconded. by Mr. Dent, that -the President President and 'Secretary be instructed' to invite these -two gentlemen -to Oron-o to -look over the situation and to -devisé ways and means. Mr. Lovekin spoke in regard to the support thar. would be- given if a man did decide to come here to start a factory. A-s soon -as the .plant was ready to operate the larger companies would 1 raise the price to the farmers to induce the farmers to -sell to them so as to run the new nom out of business business and then after this is accomplished accomplished lower iho price again. Thé large companies .are hi a position .to pay- more for the: crop and the question question is whether the farmers would stand solidly behind: the smaller man and take loss money. Everyone is looking for the highest bidder t.o sell bis produce to and make every possible possible cent he: can; out of his land. Mr. Riddel! assured him that -the Board -of Directors and members would be 100 per -cent, with the man. The Hydro-Electric question was brought up for consideration. Mr. Riddell informing -that a straw vote had been miaid'e of the property owners owners in Orono and that there were quite a majority -over the last time this question was put before the citizens citizens of Orono. The Directors have not had sufficient time to -canvas the individuals about the proposition. Mr. Riddell stated -that in 1935 $1918.00 went out o-f Orono which just helped other eastern muuieipafine* to cheaper cheaper horse power. M r. Ralph promised that the Directors Directors were putting their shoulder behind behind the wheel: and that they were taking a keen interest in this question question and hoped to derive some good and be a benefit to the community in all- matters. After a discussion on activities for the coronation celebration in Orono, it was moved by W. Riddell and seconded 1 by John Armstrong, that a delegation, consisting of Messrs. Oornisli, Waddell and Porter attend the meeting -of the Canadian Legion at. Bowmanville to enlist their co-operation in connection with -the coronation celebration. The Board promised John Armstrong- Armstrong- they would -see the Game Warden Warden about protecting the fish in the creek for him this summer. A sidewalk <m the Tannery bridge was discussed. Mr. Riddell -saying there would 1 be one put down this Spring. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. II. Osterhout, B'.A., B.D. Pastor ' SUNDAY, MAR. 21st 11.00 a.nv--Palm Sunday -Mess-age. -Mess-age. 7.00 p.m.--The Coronation. Hostess Tea Tuesday afternoon, March 23rd. COME AND WORSHIP Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will -be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Thursday, the 1st day of April, 1937, at the hour of two-thirty o'clock, at the Kum-rite Inn, in the Village of Orono, by Joseph -Ooulson, Auctioneer, the following following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain certain parcel or tract. of land, situate lying and being in the Town-ship of Clarke, in the County of Durham and -being the south half of Lot Number 25 in the Seventh Concession of the said T o-wntib ip of Clarke, saving and excepting thereout and therefrom a roadway two rods wide across the Northern end of the south-east quarter quarter of said lot 25 and sufficient land off the north-east corner of the Southwest Southwest quarter of the said lot 25 to allow allow free access to the Northwest quarter of said -lot 25, and saving and excepting thereout and therefrom also three Village lots- heretofore sold off the said south half of said lot 25, The said lands consist of -approximately -approximately 100 acres of -good! arable land, well built on and equipped'with farm buildings. Tennis : 10 per cent, of the purchase purchase price to be paid down at the time of the sale, balance to -be paid to the Vendor's solicitor wiltliin thirty (30) days from the date of the sale. The property will be sold clear of en- evri ib ranees. For further particulars apply to CON A AT & ANNIS, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Vendor. JOSEPH COULSON, Newcastle, Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W. H. 0. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of John Nathaniel Powers, late of the Village of Orono, in the Cbunty of Durham, Gentleman, deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said John Nathaniel Nathaniel Powers, who died on or about the 15th day of September, 1936, are hereby notified -to send to the undersigned undersigned Solicitor on or before the 3rd day of April-, 1937, their names- and addresses an-d full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities- (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 3rd day of April, 1937, the assets of the said: deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Orono this 10th day of March, 19-37. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont, Solicitor for Bertha Rainey, Executrix. Subscribe for the Orono Weekly Auctioneer. Times. AFTER FLU Reconstructive Tonics Many feel the need of a Tonic after Flu and Winter Colds. We suggest the following : PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 50c. & $1.00 HALIBUT LIVER CAPSULES 55c. & $1.00 PEPTONA, large bottle $1-00 WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT COD LIVER $1.00 MALT & COD LIVER OIL 59c. & 98c. SCOTT'S EMULSION 53c. & 98c. EASTER PACKAGES OF SMILES AND CHUCKLES CANDY SEE O UR EASTER CARDS JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REXALL DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST ORONO MEAT MARKET WE SELL CHOICE QUALITY MEATS ONLY 5 lbs. 65c. SPECIAL 75c Kellogg Corn. Jewel Shortening, lb 13c Beehive Syrup, 5 lbs .40c- 10 Jbs. .... Quaker or Flakes, per pkg 7c; Bulk Tea, real good, lb 39c Jelly Powders, 2 for 9c Buckley's Cereals, 5-lb. bag...22c 'Chocolate Marshmallow Bisr cuits, 2 lbs. for ..25c Creamery Butter, lb * 30c and 26c Beef Dripping ., 7c WE SELL CHOICE QUALITY MEATS ONLY FRESH SAUSAGES, 2 lbs. for •. » 25c, HAMBURG 1 STEAK, lb. 10c. CHUCK AND , POT ROASTS, lb., 12c. BLADE, SHORT RIB, SHOULDER, per lb 15c. SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs. for -- ' «... 25c. PHONE 55rl Meat A Groceries ORONO

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