ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Y> R • NEWTONVILLE DELEGATION PETITION COUNCIL (■Continued from page one) $16; Dr. 0. E. Wilson, Oshawa, professional professional services, $5; Orono Coal and Lumber Co., relief purposes, $1.06; Hydro Electric, for hall, 2 months, $16.19 ; Department of Public Public Welfare, Toronto, relief, $3.24; Canadian Salesman, printing, $5.40 ; J. J. Cornish, relief purposes, $8 ; J. J. Cornish, relief purposes, dor- don family, $24.47; Mr. Jordon set- . tied -part of this account with cheque for $14.00 received from the Forestry Forestry for récent employment; J. Thompson, 3 sheep killed by dogs, $15; J. R Fisher, relief for three families, $16.74; Alex. Craig, hospital hospital bill, $18.28 ; Henry -Casement, hospital 'bill, $23.25. The meeting then adjourned for lunch, continuing again at'2 o'clock. A committee of ladies from Newton- ville visited the afternoon session with a petition from the village. Mrs. Jones representing the ladies. "We ladies are here this afternoon from Newtonville to see what can be done in street lighting for our village. Street lighting has been discussed a great deal in the village by the people, people, but discussing never gets a person person very far, so a delegation heading heading this movement went to Mr. G. E. Chase, manager of the Hydro, in Bowtnanvilie, with a petition. All the ratepayers and property owners of the village have signed this peti- ■ i ion. Our second step, is to find out wihat information the icouncil can give us, or what assistance. We are asking for consideration as a safeguard: safeguard: of life and private property in Newtonville, We think that 12 lights would be sufficient. The fiat rate would he much in favour to the villagers. The small property owners are willing to come up on 1 a .par with •the larger ratepayers.." Moved by Conn. Lovekin and •seconded by Conn. Laing---That the establishing df street lights in Nd\> - - tonvillo, as outlined by the Indie,, be attended to by the council through Mr. Chase -,,f -BWrrianville. . Mr. G. Turnbull of the Adams Motoros, spoke to the souncil with •regard to the purchasing of a .power road gfàdièr, '"iii connection with the maintenance work. The council consented to give the matter consideration. The Canadian Legi-on, -Bowman™ CARD OF THANKS Misa Ida Taylor wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for acts of kindness and ...floral tributes extended to her during her sad bereavement bereavement in the loss of a loving brother. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. William Cochrane wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation -to all their friends, relatives and'neighbors for their kin expressions of Wrnpathy and beauti ful floral trilb title extended during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a beloved son, IN MEMORIAM PLINTOFF---In loving Memory of a dear littiband afid Father, Glen L. F in to IT. who pa&edï away March 5lih, 1936. i.- M Not just to-day But/nyery day, In silence we remqrab% --Hapel and Children. DEATHS •SEYMOIIR --- In Orono on Wednesday, Wednesday, March 3rd, 1937, George Robert Seymour, age 73 years. The funeral will take place from his late residence, Main Street, on Friday, M arch ■ 5th. iS-ervice at 2,30 p.m. Cortege to leave at 3.00 o'clock for Orono Cemetery, Mulch of the money wastes on sweepstakes would be better spent on beefsteaks. a delegate for this purpose. Mr. Jordon then addressed the council with a request for work. The Road 'Superintendent, W. A. Reid rook this rh.-utvr up and pro vidoif Mr. Jordon with' work immediately immediately cutting cedars. The Council instructed the Road Superintendent to look after the Biglow Biglow bridge and Leskard bridge. • I Several relief cases were discussed $t some length by the council. Prices on wire for snow fence were received as follows : $4.95 per hundred, hundred, 1000 lib., $50.00; laths, pine, $6.00, total quantity, $120.00. Filed for further reference. Canadian 'Security Co., Thomas Smith, moved to renew policy.--'Carried. policy.--'Carried. ville Branch, requested a delegate from Here to represent the township •at a meeting to arrange for Coronation Coronation activities. Moved that Reeve T. A. Reid bé The Road Account for the sum of $147.21 was moved and carried. Meeting adjourned to meet again on April 2nd, 1937, at 10 a.m. in the Orono town hall. ' I ' PAINT AND MURE PAINT--One Quart,?■$!. 10; Oné Gallon, $3.95 Pint, 60c. ; One I'ii FLOOR ENAMEL -- Ot it, $1.00; One Quart, $1.70 tc Quart $1.25 ; One Gallon, $4.65 C. V. PAINT--One Quart ENAMEL --One, Quart , PAINTS ....$1.00 One Gallon $3.50 j.t $1.10 One Gallon .$4.00 RICHMOND PAINT P A 1 VT -- rw Pint Si 40 One Quart 69c. EX AM FI---Quarter Pint, y One 1 5c ; Half Pint" 25c. ; Pint, 40c. ; Quart, 69c. MONARCH PAINT 3 QUARTS IVORY ENAMEL 49c. 12 QUARTS FLOOR ENAMEL » 8 OU ARTS ENAMEL 4 QUARTS VARNISH STAIN 12 quarts ground a quart 7 QUARTS PAINT J n PAINT BRUSHES -- 1 indi, 10c. ; 1 1-2 indh, 15c.; 2 1-2 inch, 25c. ;l 3 inch, 35c. SPECIAL PRICES Five Set Knives and Forks--Reg. $1.65, special $1.25. Reg. $4.00, special $2.25. Reg. $5.00, special $3.35. Reg. ,$8.00, special $5.50. Reg. $12.00, special $8.25 One Coleman Instant Light Lantern $6.50 Three set of Dishes at Special Prices R.olph Hardware ORONO - PHONE 43rl Classified COMING EVENTS The Orono Hookey Club are holding holding their Annual Dance on Friday, March 19th. Carl Tambiyn's 6-piece Orchestra in attendance. Lunch served. served. Admission, 50c„ including tax. The Orono Women's Institute are having theirVusuaf 'St. Patrick's Social Social evening in tile Council -Chamber on Wednes lay,/March 17th. It will be a Five 1 iuffibvi and Euchre party, followed by' ' a dance. Admission, 20c.,, tax extra. , Everybody,: welcome. The regular meeting of the Horticultural Horticultural Society will he held in the school room of'the United Church an Tuesday qvesiw, March 9th. Impromptu Impromptu .oràtork contest, two classes, (a) under 18, W) /over 18. Prize for each class. Report by Mrs. E. J. Hamm on the Vtvrii cultural Convention Convention recently held in Toronto, will be given. Everyone welcome. Garagâ : f* Rent,--James Dixon. Jk c-8-ip. 'OR SALE Two Durham Cows, T. B. Tested, to renew IStlwspok of March. A. H Keane, Oroi b-6-p, FOR SALE Hatching. Eggs, Baby Chicks, Six Weéks' Old ' Bullets---Apply Mil iked E. Sherwin, or Phone 56 r 12, d-9-p. SEJED OATS FOR SALE Carload of Victor Seed Oats to arrive arrive about % "10th of March. Gov- •rnment TeJed. 96 per cent, .germ™ .nation. 8ffc. per bushel off the car. --Cooper knd Granville, Orono. b-6-p FOR SALE One Truck Tarpaulin, 12x16 ; Bicy- ;le; Well Pump, suitable for well 2-5 ect deep.--C. FqrUf>. Kirby ; Phone >8 r 8. , * b-7-p. RADIO LISTENERS Don't let faulty tups ruin your •ecelption ; replace theii with genuine Vesting-house Radiytrons. Tubes .ested free in your honte. Call in for i demonstration of Jtihe 1937 West- nighouse Anr-J'ilot Radios, CLIFFORD i\ JONES Authorized. Westinghouse Dealer Phone 79rl6 A - Orono CHATTER Nevertheless it's true ! Percy Limn did get hurt on the upper lip by a steel, rack falling. -No one bit him, scratched or hit. So there ! * * * * •Sorry Milt, if we tease too much. Let's get one on W. R. one of these days. * » * * And Harvey, have you noticed we are giving you a breather, too. * * -x- -x Fred Sisson says he is going to Winnipeg one day. We get our largest largest type out to make a headline. He. doesn't go. Thinks he will go to Toronto. Does anyone know where he is going Ï * # * ■* Don't tell anyone I told you, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to be extra nice to Bill Riddell from now on. Go in and pat him on the back and tell him you always did think he was a grand guy--a little bird told us he wa-s expecting a fortune from England England very shortly. -- o : ---- Subscribe for Orono Weekly Times PARK STj UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, RA., B.D. Pastor ■SUNDAY, itABOH 7th 11.00 la.m.--MorniUg Worship, 7.00 p.m. -- Misk yfeveHyn Mitchell, Mitchell, of Toronto, Ouest Speaker. A very gifted speakei. COME AND WORSHIP . ' ' ', ----i iSubeoribe for the Oarowo Weekly Tie*. NEGLIGENT DRIVING (Continued from page one) lights, everything else has, and it is more difficult for motorists to see pe destrians." Mayor 'Strike stated further "that he didn't think lie was driving over 35 miles per hour and. that the pair were dressed in dark clothing." The evidence of the occupants of .Mayor .IStrike's car corroborated (he evidence of Mayor Strike, each esti 1 mated the speed of the car at not over 45 miles an hour. Provincial Constable Arthur Bunciman, who arrived on the scene shortly after the accident, testified that, he found the body some 9 feet south from the edge of the pavement on tfye shoulder of the road. There was a wide mark same 32 feet long and about 5 feet from -the edge of the shoulder, hut he coulid not say what car had made the marks. Constable Runcknan stated that "Mr, Strike had told him he was trying to pass another car but the car in question had not been located as yet." The Provincial Constable Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W. H. 0. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m.--6.00 p.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl. said the front of the Mayor's car was covered with a thin film of mud ami that he had difficulty in seeing when be drove it to a garage. . Mr. Strike replied that he had driven in the country that afternoon and the roads had been particularly muddy and he had cleaned off his windshield so that vision was all right. Dr. W. II.Baldwin. Bro-oklin, stated he conducted the postmortem on the deceased and found lacerations on the head and that death had been sudden, the result off a severe internal internal hemorrage of the brain. :--_ 0 Read the Advertisements in. The- Orono Weekly Times. How many people in Orono know that the CEDARDALË DAIRY HERD is being fed on a balanced ration, containing minerals, protein, protein, fat and fibre, etc.., in proper proportions, thus giving a perfectly balanced food in the form of milk, which is handled under saniary conditions, being under supervision of Provincial Provincial Mille Control Board and the only Dairy licensed to sell milk and cream in Orono and vicinity ? Brighten up the Home With I New Wallpapers I s 1 * 1 ?'$ I 1 ■*!*• 1 '■?«* WE INVITE YOUR PERSONAL IN- ' i: ' :'■•:■ yfr SPECTION OF OUR COMPLETE SHOW- m •'•I. • W ING OF WALLPAPERS. NEW AND ^ EXCITING INNOVATIONS IN WALL- ^ PAPER DESIGN^. S 'I 1: I JOHN J I REXALL 1. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST ORONO MEAT MARKET WE SELL CHOICE QUALITY MEATS ONLY CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb 26c. FRESH SAUSAGE, HOMEMADE, lb 10c. CHUCK ÀNDTP0T ROASTS, 1-b 12r BLADE, SHORT RIB, SHOULDER, SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs. for P Rr G SOAP, 8 bars for per lb ...... 1 5r 25c. SODA BISCUITS, 3 lbs, for 25c. BUCKLEY'S CEREAL, Èàg . 22c. GOOD BULK TEA. lb v .. . 39r COOKING ©mONSMO lbs for 15c. PINK SALMON, 3 tins ffoL.L'....,.. 9Sr BEEF DRIPPING, lb 7c. Good Hamburg -, 2 lbs. for 15c WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS T. W. CAWKER PHONE 55rl Meat & Groceries ORONO