Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Feb 1937, p. 7

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HAD AGONISING PAINS IN HER BACK Free from Pain Since Taking Kruschen Like many other sufferers from backache and, rheumatic ailments, this woman decided to try Kruschen Salts in a last attempt to obtain relief relief from pain. To her surprise, the pains did grow less, and in a few months the backache had disappeared. disappeared. Having made sure of the results, she now writes as follows::-- "For, about four months I had agonising pains in my back, and could net turn in bed. During that time I tried various remedies, but obtained no relief, and was seriously seriously considering going into hospital., hospital., However, seeing a case similar to mine described in an advertisement advertisement for Kruschen, 1 thought 1 would try it, and was more than surprised to find the pain getting less. I have been taking Kruschen . for four months, and would not be without it for anything. I must say I am free from those dreadful pains."--(Mrs.) B. C. Kruschen ia an excellent diuretic --that is, it helps to stimulate kidney kidney functions. When kidneys are restored restored to healthy, normal action, poisonous waste is properly eliminated, eliminated, the blood-stream is purified, and you get welcome relief from the dragging pains of backache. Sympathy for Monday Smiles and Chuckles Arthur Guiterman, in the New York: Times Poor Monday, stepchild of the week, A Cinderella, sad and meek, Is forced to finish what her kin, Her lazy sisters, won't begin. For Tuesday balks at dreary chores Like beating rugs and , scrubbing floors, And says they're more than she can bear And ought to fall to Wednesday's . share ; But Wednesday snaps, "I fail to see Why all the others pick on me !-" Then, Thursday is the maid's day out, And how- can Friday set about New tasks when foolish fold demur At starting anything with her? And so, as Saturday must stop At half-past twelve : to shut up shop, And no one gives a job to Sunday, The whole week's work is piled on Monday ! Issue No. 8 -- '37 B--1 Mrs. Jones was spending a day in bed with a. severe cough, and her husband was working in the back yard, and hammering nails into some boards. Presently his neighbor came over : Neighbor--How's the wife? Jones--Not very well. Neighbor--Is that her coughin'? Jones-- No, you fathead, its a henhouse ! Don't knock. . .. It is well to remember remember that you cannot climb by dragging others down. . . Your 1 progress doesn't depend on other people's mistakes, your fortune on their misfortune .... Success is •a positive attainment. . . It is built on what you do, not on what others do. . . • Blessed is that church whose choir is not a battleground for preferred position and unscemingly jealousies. Stranger --I came in because I read your advertisement for a man to retail canaries. Proprietor--Ob, yes. Are you experienced experienced in that line? --p-- There isn't going to be much privacy in this old world any more. A scientist now claims he can photograph photograph people's thoughts, --- o-- Teaching Public School Forty little urchins coming through the door, Pushing, crowding, making a tremendous tremendous roar; "You must keep more quiet; can't you mind the rule?" Bless me, this is. pleasant teaching public school! Forty little pilgrims on the road to fame, If they fail to reach it who will be to blame ? High and lowly stations brought together here On a common level, meet from year to year. Dirty little faces, loving little hearts Eyes so full of mischief, skilled in all the arts ; Half a dozen asking: "Please may I go out?" But not a pupil knowing what its all about. Wife--Its nearly six weeks now since the baby was born. Have you been to the court house and told the registrars yet? Husband--No, if they live within five miles radius of this house, they won't need to be told. m HERE 5 THE CHEW THAT'S FRESH AS A DAISY AND SWEET AS ,, A NUT !" m immm BIG BEN THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco Money Not Church's Biggest Problem Many Willing Fun- l Tp Contribute But Not their Personal Services How Many Pennies Your Child's Life? ^ toe*. 3 Don't Try to "Save" on Home Remedies -- Ask Your Doctor There is one point, on which practically practically aü doctors agree. That is: Don't give your child unknown remedies without asking your doctor first. All mothers know this. But sometimes sometimes the instinct to save a few pennies by buying "something just as good" overcomes caution. When it comes to the widely used " children's remedy --- "milk of magnesia" magnesia" -- many doctors for over half a century have said "PHILLIPS." For Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is the standard of the world. Safe for children. children. Keep this in mind, and say "PHILLIPS' "PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA" when you buy. Comes now, also in tablet form. Get. the form you prefer. But see that what you get is labeled "Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia." Magnesia." 25 #1 for a big box of the tablets at drug stores. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Each tiny tablet is the equivalent equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, Most women can make a dollar go so far that friend husband never sees it again. Visitor--Is that boy any good in the office ? Business Man--I've not formed a very good opinion of him, sir. He spent a good deal of the morning trying to get 'Est. 1901' on the telephone. A small boy, on being asked how his uncle always, won when he played played cards, but lost when ho backed horses, promptly answered: "Uncle can't shuffle the horses." Stranger--Oh, no. 1 just wanted to ask how the canaries lost their tails. MADE IN CANADA «OI08STION i-ONïriPATiOM ?**.KAUS*A Phillips' MILK OF MAGNESIA POISONED KIDNEYS Stop- Getting Up Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct irritation irritation of bladder so that you can stop "getting up nights" get, a 40- cenfc package of Gold Medal Haarlem Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed. directed. Other symptoms of kidney and bladder weaknesses are scant, burning burning or smarting passage--backache --leg cramps--puffy eyes. Writes the Port Arthur News Chron icle: Not long ago a casual group of our Pert Arthur men were engaged in a discussion of the things men talk all about when they get together. It was a Saturday. One of the group mentioned mentioned that he was currently converting converting some , of his securities into cash. "Just enough to get a little church collection for tomorrow," ventured one of the small gathering. 'No it is not that exactly," said the other man, "but 1. will say this, that I do give regularly to the church. It ia the most valuable institution wo have. I think it does more for preservation preservation of social security and good order order than our laws and our police forces." forces." That probably represents the attitude attitude of a large number of men. There is giving to the church. The fact is proved by a reference to the reports which have been appearing lately from the several annual meetings meetings of the different congregations in Port Arthur. Almost invariably these reports have shown balanced budgets and. .generally increased, receipts. To judge from them alone there is prosperity prosperity in the churches of all denominations. denominations. As one minister has already been quoted 'in this paper, he has never know a community where the money. necessary to conduct the activities activities of the church was so easy to obtain as in Port Arthur. It remains a fact however, that ministers arc not making boasts about the size of the Port Arthur congregations. It appears that many of those who are willing to give of their money, as here referred to, are not so willing to contribute their per- serial services. The difficulty which the ministers and others active in the church work find is not to procure procure the funds but. to build up the congregations and to procure the active active interest of the men and the women women who are necessary to the conduct conduct of the various branches of activity. activity. In no respect is this more true than in respect to young people's work. The complaint here is that the people are not merely willing but are anxious that their children "go to the Sunday Schools, to the regular services services and to join the groups organized organized for the various age and sexes, but all too few of them are willing to take over the responsibilities of directing these classes and groups. The consequence is that the staffs generally ,are undermanned. There is a surplus of young people looking for help and leadership and a scarcity of leaders and helpers. The question which arises from all this is what of the future. Will the young people who observe this form of neglect on the part of their elders continue, as their elders apparently do in these days, to value the church Along Canada's Mining Highway iu f : Day by day brings its mine and oil news. British Columbia, Alberta, Northern Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario (West and East), Quebec, and occasionally Nova Scotia, give news of greater or lesser importance in the development of Canada's natural resources. resources. From British Columbia comes news that Base Metals Mining Corporation will resume work as early as possible in the Spring. The southerly continuation continuation of the orebody mentioned in the last quarterly report was located shortly before closing down, states J II. C. Waite, president,, ly.it. tirer': bar not been ..sufficient work done to mate "its importance. shutt declined severely in the «KUkeT on publication of an unfavourable Tev ut on underground values. well-informed mining people in îefosn' touch with this situation are optlrivie- ' tic on the -long range view of this ire- portant mine. Federal Kirkland, in the Kirkland Lake Camp, after preliminary dütfieiil- ties, started drilling with two diarôfoïd drill rigs, launching the CoMpipyjTi important drilling programme, should be continuous from this property property during the next six weeks. Alberta supplied wonderful news this past week with the bringing in of the fourth and so far largest well of the Turner Valley crude oil development, development, This B. & R. well is named after and largely . owned by the two 11. A. Browns--Senior and Junior. Several wells are now competing for next honours. Royaiite's Sterling No. 4, Area, Newfold, Westslde and Dal- lioiisie are scheduled to complete during during the next month. The Kerr Addison Gold Mines-de- ? vefopment at Larder Lake carries:: all | the tii;!,:: of d great thing. There/i^re many grade sections, but there is also a g'raat tonnage of medium jto low grade. It Is expected that an fol-, tial 500-ton toillx will be erected :#n Kerr Addison, this summer, for operation operation in the fall. Ne>v ore on the .360 foot level of Marl.In L";d was i'epCï I-, ed, A new incorporation with, properties properties close to ICerr Addison, called Barber Larder Mines Limited, was reported. reported. R. S, Potter, well-known mining man, is President. A new financing deal on Oriole Mines, some miles to the west. tf Larder Lake, was reported. In the Patricia District, Western Ontario, Albany River, adjoining Pickle Crow--according to reports from the North had favourable underground underground developments. Well-informed mining opinion expects the Pickle Crow area to be intensively active this year. The Long Lac Camp reported little news of importance. MacLeod-Cock- In tlio Quebec area, Astoria, Ronyn reported good values in shaft sinking. Eouyn Reward in the Noranda area has .drills set up and drilling commenced. commenced. Further east, good underground underground results are reported on the Bouscadillac. as an institution contributing to. the welfare of the state and rociety? Will they, when their day comes, not merely merely neglect attendance and personal service but , cease as well, to give financial financial support? Therein is involved the real problem problem of the church in the present day. Even those who realize the importance importance of money in the operation of any institution will add that money alone is not sufficient to the welfare of the cause. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE And You'll jump Out of Bed in the Morning Karin* to go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing-freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gaa bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Harmful poisons go into the body, and you. feel sour, sunk and the world looks punit. A mere bowel movement doesn't always get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver "as well. It takes those good, old Carier'» Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make the bite How freely. They du the work Of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name! Stubbornly refuse anything else, 28c. m, HAVE "NERVES"? ; ]\|0 need for girls or women to suffer from periodic periodic pains, headache headache or sideache. Many find.that Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a very beneficial tonic. tonic. This is what Mrs. L. Bowman of 14'5 Park Row, Woodstock, Ont, said: "I was feeling 1 rundown and out-of-sorts, had frequent headaches, and 'nerves* caused me no end of discomfort 1 did not rest well at night. But Dr. Pierce's Favorite Favorite Prescription made me feel better in every way. It relieved me of the, headaches, improved my appetite and helped to overcome overcome the other symptoms/ 1 Buy of your druggist now! New size, tablets tablets 50 cts. Large size, tabs, or liquid, $$.35. PERSONAL OBSERVATION With several mining areas . holding real prominence in the' Canadian mining picture during 1936, we have maintained a close persons! touch with mining in the Province of Quebec, having a member of this firm in this area at regular regular intervals, The knowledge gained is avaiiabie, upon request, through our Statistical Department. BRJDGEFU - cAlemlers HEVENORa® TORONTO $TOCK 60 King St, W. In the last 300 years, the dunes of the Sahara Desert; have iiicxxd •southward more than 186 miles,: 'till'd ruined what once was fertile iaçm and grazing land. The settler's themselves are much to blame for this, since they pay little attcritipr to soil control. C lasszfied Adveriising BABY CHICKS T EQHOBNS, Sc, BARRED ROCKS, Me, White Rocks. 12c. From blood '..tested stock. Order early. Guaranteed delivery'. April prices lower. 10% down, ' balance- ' C.O.D. pox 1 C, Kent Hatchery, Chatham. Ont. INVESTORS exchange, - Toronto an OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full fnforriiatfon sent free. THE RAMSAY Company, WorM Ratent Attorneys, 273 Rank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PURE GUARANTEED WOOL vy HEELING YARN -- GUARANTEED pure Canadian wool---Grey, white, mettled mettled 69c; colored yarns--79c lb, plus postage. Bancroft Woollen Mills, Bancroft, Ontario. ■ Y'SH . . . STOPPEES IN A MINUTE . . . Arc you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's foot, eruptions, or .other ekm afflictions? For quick and happy relief* juse cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. B, b* Prescription, Its gentle oils soothe the irritated irritated ekiti. Clear, greaseless and stainless™* «nés fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores,, proves it--or money back, M

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