www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, November 27,2002 PAGE 9 FIND IT FAST IN THE g \ Olanabtan g^tatesma n To Place Your Ads Call 905-576-9335 Fax 905-579-4218 ^ ■ ■ ™! i ; **B' ,757, PQ nrzvera (■£&] - E-Mail Address: c|as$lfled$@diirhamregio».com Call: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://WWW.durhamregion.COm Main Office: ; nv v, ' z || Oshawa This Weelfe 865 Farewell Street, fciiawa Hews: V.v3. ___ Mie.«Fri:^8:00 a.m. - 8 p.m., Closed Satiirdaif»: i '^^ 5 Now Located at SEAflS, 91 Baseline Road. West of Liberty. Open - Mon.-Fri. 10am to 6pm, Sat. 10am-4pm Closed Sunday Careers Careers Careers | Career Training | Career Training | General Help | General Help | General Help | Skilled & Technical I Help I Skilled & Technical Help The Lenbrook Group Career Opportunities A Proven Performer The Lenbrook Group ol Companies is a privately owned Canadian corporation formed in 1978. Witli ils line tradition as a business development organization, Lenbrook enjoys sustained sales revenue growth and a growing portfolio of assets which result Irom the companyis succcsslul involvement in technology and specially brand development activities. Wo arc looking lor enthusiastic, positive and entrepreneurial Individuals with creative ideas seeking a career environment where Urey can develop and invest their talents, and enjoy the rewards ol iheir chart and success. II this sounds like the company you've been looking lor please forward your resume outlining your experience and qualifications lo: Lenbrook 633 Granite Court Pickering, ON L1W3K1 email: liumanrcsources@lenbrook.com Fax: 905837 6352 www.lenbrook.com Speaker Design Engineer- PSB Speakers International Assembly Lino Supervisor- PSB Speakers International Software Engineer - NAD Electronics International Account Executives (I) Western Canada&(1) Québec Customer Service Representative Complete job descriptions are available at www.lenbrook.cam/opportunilies/ We thank all candidates and advise only those selected lor consideration will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. . /j^Lenbrook^ Mackie Moving Systems DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES & EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Mackie Moving Systems, located in Oshawa has an excellent opportunity for a strong human resources generalist. Reporting to the general manager and as member of the senior management team you will be responsible for recruitment, training and development, compensation and benefits. WSIB management, employee relations and compliance with federal legislation requirements. The successful candidate will have a relevant university or college degree, a CHRP designation and a minimum 5 years generalist hu'man resources experience in a unionized environment. For consideration, fax your resume in confidence to the Human Resources Department (905) 434-4655. We thank all interested applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. General Help Time for a career change? your strengths x . our support a rewording, new career. Discover why so many people have made a career change to Edward Jones. Ranked No. 1 in FORTUNE® magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" in America, we offer unlimited income potential, exceptional exceptional training and the freedom to run your own business - without having to leave your community. We seek sales-oriented individuals ■ to become investment representatives representatives in Oshawa, Whitby and the surrounding areas. It's one opportunity opportunity you don't want to miss. Attend our Career Seminar - One Night Only. Monday, December 2 at 6 p.m. 728 Anderson Street, Unit #5 Whitby, ON Host: Karen Bibeau RSVP: 905-665-4520 www.jonesopportunity.com Edwardjones Serving Individual Investors Member CIPF CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE This Week requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as This Week will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion insertion and there shall be no liability for non-insertion non-insertion of any advertisement. advertisement. Liability for errors errors In ads Is limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error. error. All copy is subject to the approval of management management of This Week. Career Training CLASS A, D, AND Z Endorsement Endorsement training at Durham College College Wlritby. Job opportunities lor graduates. Call now and reserve your seal. Completion could lake less Ilian one month. 905-721-33C8 or 905- 721-3310. Careers COMPUTED COURSES al Durham College. MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER ENGINEER MICROSOFT OFFICE, ORACLE DATA1IASE, BUSINESS BUSINESS SUPPORT SPECIALIST, CCNA, At. IC3. MCSA. Changing Changing career path? Train al lop rated Dmliam College In toots instructor led courses. ITill/Pait lime available, funding funding through EI/OSAR, WSIU lo qualified. Ilicso certifications are highly sough! aller skills In today's IF environment. Call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3330. viwv/.diiihamc.on.ca Drivers UlllVrilS, OPERATORS 1 sidewalk shovclois needed lo In v.ork In Picketing, A|,ix and Whilby areas. Telephone (905) C10-0330 Mile General Help A COMPUTED AVAILABLE? Wmk Iiiiiii homo online. $!>00 • $5,000/mo, I'/1 ui I/I, iviy.y.cashiiiiilnondicums.com or call 1-B01KI/3-296/, ASSEMBLE "lirilil I'liulucls al hum», lam $1110 i weekly. Ileasanl wmk,, Call III COIIlim message 21 Ins. (•110)031-1000 e«l. iMIO, Hill General Help LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, longterm longterm temp, Stall Plus will bo Interviewing 9:30 a.m. lo 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 1llr and Wednesday, December December Hill, Iroquois Spoils Complex 500 Victoria Sheet, Whitby. 103 OPENINGS. Company dealing with Foihmo 500 clientele has openings lor all aieas Including. General help, customer service, public re- lalinns, project management, accounts manager, client reps, sales and marketing, iiigmt trainees.. Accepting all experience levels. $500 • SGOO/wk lo start. Full paid hainiug provided. Full lime unpriced apply. Call (005) ■ AMAZING AT HOME job op- poilunily. Full training provided, provided, Internet based, recession piool, unlimiled Income. wwwcomicclinilrc.ims.com or lull lice 1-8BB-257-H0Q I. ARE YOU ON THE OUTSIDE? It's boon a while since wo were this busy. 15 Immédiat» openings In Customer Service. Service. No experience noces- saiy. Fain while you learn. Calf now bolero the newspaper newspaper STAIN on your rhumb dries. Call Aaron (90D)ütiü- 9235 ARE YOU HEADY?? All positions positions available. Our company Is uxhcmcly Busy this season. season. wo must till 2U II iiciiii openings now. lull training provided. Call today, ask lor llciek 1105-5? I-4/50 AIICNTIONI LOSE ' 2-Blhi evciy week, I at the luuils you like and have mine cneigy. All naluial anil giiaianleed, HICIKRIV-ro?. WWW,lose- vvelghle.isy.net CUSTOMER SERVICE/ Order Takers Required S17.50 per hr. avg. Plus bonuses & trips Full training provided Temporary seasonal help also needed Call Dave for an interview 905-435-0280 Muii. Dincei Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Street, Oshawa Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed Saturdays NEXT CLASS JANUARY 2003 Acrylic * Gel * Fiberglass • Small classroom • Hands on training » Spa manicure • Spa Pedicure Certification by CREATIVE NAILS Limited space 905 576-3558 CAREER SCHOOL OF HAIR AND NAILS General Help General Help CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE We require an individual with minimum minimum 3 years experience in new home construction, capable of working independently independently with strong customer relation relation skills. Candidates must have strong organizational organizational skills and knowledge of new home warranties. Please fax resume with references and salary expectations to: (905) 477-9001 or email dkirk@brookfieldhomes.com DETAILER NEEDED Duties include: ✓ Preparing new & used vehicles for delivery ✓ Some lot duties may be required ✓ Previous experience helpful but not necessary. ✓ Salary is negotiable depending on experience. Fax resume: 905-404-1764 or email: wheels@durhamchrysler.com "No phone calls please" NIGHT AUDITOR Part time weekends Good people skills. Hotel experience preferred. Transportation needed. Please fax resume to: (905) 436-9544 MARKETING ASSOCIATES PART-TIME Due to expansion we have 8 positions available. 10-2 P.M. or 5-9 P.M. Call Sheila (905) 839-7747 or fax (905) 839-9471 AZ DRIVER, with minimum 2 years driving experience, required required for Ajax based company. company. Must have float experience experience and excellent knowledge of Toronto. Guaranteed 40 hours per week, benefits package and uniforms supplied. supplied. Fax resume to: 905-' 686-8546 BILINGUAL APPOINTMENT CO-ORDINATORS needed for international company. Immediate Immediate openings in Pickering office. Full and part time days and evenings available. Students Students welcome. $9 - S10 per hr. No selling. Call (905) 426- 1855. CASHIER WANTED, part-time for a Whitby convenience store. Call (905)666-1662. CHRISTMAS OVERLOAD, advertising advertising company getting bombarded with work, need 20 people immediately. Full time available, no telemarketing. telemarketing. Call Tilfiney at (905) 576-' 4425. ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH COBOURG is proud of its ministry embracing Sunday School, Youlli and Young Adult programs. Unfortunately, after eight years, we arc losing losing our Sunday School Coordinator and urgently urgently need a replacement at year end. IF you have experience in training volunteers volunteers and leading a Worship Centre pro- . gram for children, arc interested in further - development Of family-oriented minislry-in'a growing church, and would like to join our staff on a part-time basis in January, 2003, please contact us by e-mail at info@stpetcrscobourg.org or fax 905-372-1940 or write to Box 113, Cobourg ON, K9A 4K2 to the attention of The Churchwardens, lit would he pleased lo hear from you. COURIER DRIVERS with cars can earn up lo SG50t/weekly With vans can earn up lo SlOOOt/weekly servicing Durham Durham and GTA. (905)127-8093. Oshava • Whilby • Clarington • Rxl Rjiy TTiis Week requires carriers for the following areas: OSHAWA CB509 ■ Law St., Somerville, Jones, Hortop ■ 46 papers CD601 • 745 Stevenson Rd N ■ 96 papers CD991 ■ 715 Stevenson RdN-14 papers DD714 - 1330 Trowbridge Dr - 31 papers DF163 • Interlake Dr., Fiinlerland Matterhorn, William Tell- 26 papers DG002 • Brock, Simcoe St. N. colborne SI. E. • 69 papers- DG004 ■ Brock St. E., simcoe SI. N. - 20 papers DG006 • Simcoe, Dearborne, Kendal, Mary - 58 papers- DG007 DG060 DG066 ■ Agnes, Adelaide & Division - 70 papers • Sutherland, Kingsdale, Mary St.N. • 31 papers - Minto Cl, Mary SI, Grierson - 67 papers WHITBY WD353 - Boydin Dr, Eldrldge PI, Fallon Cl • 36 papers WL116 • Dawson SI, Jermyn St - 47 papers W0405 • Brock SI S, Green St • 27 papers PORT PERRY PP - Gibson Dr, Alma SI, Pine Cl, Ash St • 52 papers JANETVILLE PJ002 ■ Janelville Rd, Pigeon Creek Rd, William Ave • 29 papers BROOKLIN OK129 ■ Ault Cres - 48 papers OK124 • Darins Hams, Sinden Dr • 49 papers CAESAREA • Cedar Grove, Summit Dr, Bayview Cres - 53 papers To Deliver a Route near you and start earning cash tomorrow, call circulation at (905) 579-4407 DURHAM PRINT SHOP Requires Requires pail lime graphic artist. Please lax resume lo 905- 571-2126 ECE TEACHER, experienced with toddlers lor centre In Scarborough. Phono lor apl. 1416)721-8884 EVIAN AND PERRIER WATER, ilishihiilor needed lor Oshawa area. No selling, accounts supplied. Invcslmcnl $10,800. 1-808-030 0003. EXPERIENCED OPERATIONS DISPATCH person, bucking company, Fuel lax, PM services. services. communications / ullicc skills. Highland Van and Storage Storage Whilby. lax (91)5) 668- 1181. FRAMERS WANTED steady work Durham Region SITS2W hr, Min. 2yi:i framing exp. Own whit le. Also, lean Hand required. Call John '.W5-121- 11117. 00Ü-I3G-1O11 m Joe 805-922-1252 GENERAL LABOURER nentei to |uin hauling crow. Own inquired Musi wmk In liiiiliam llciikni Please call anytime. (1105) 09/ toil MILLION $ SALOON icquiies wall pcisons, liailcndcis anil ilooisUt. Apply lu pci son hr the limit desk i'l) King SI I'. Oshawa HANDYMAN POSITION available available loi Ajax based company, Musi have electrical, plumbing, plumbing, carpentry experience. Parl-lime position, possibly leading lo lull-lime. Itolirccs welcome. Pax resume lo: 905- 086-8510. HOMEWORKERS NEEDEOI To assemble our products- Mailing/Piocosslng Oui Circulais Circulais • Copy/Mailing PC Disk Piogiaui. Mo experience needed. Pico Inloimallon. Send SASE lo: Claris. 8-7777 Kecle SI. Ret. 7-207 Concoid Onl. I.-IK IY7 LOOKING FOR general la- bouicis loi woodworking shop. Days and alicmoons. lax resume lo (905)723-3g-l5 iQÔKÎHG Im a LICLNSLI) IIUICK MECHANIC and SECOND SECOND Yi AU APPUI UUCP. Ap- ply lo: (I. Wakely Callage lid., 3/3 Waul SI. I „ I'm! llopo or call 905-885-2801. LUBE TECHNICIAN PLUS ASSUMANT MANAGER ■ lull r pail lime, homly wage plus bonus. Expeilcnco needed. Valid diivcis license. Apply al Pciiu/oil, 195 Weslnoy lid, S. ul 401 Ajax. (905)42/ 0/96 NOW HIRING • iu'l i i s Cook, Musi lui availablo evenings X weekends. Hung iiisimie hi Meilcno, al Nmine'ii lloslauianl, llwy 35/ 1151)10110, 905-983-9290. Superior I Propane Inc. As the only national retail propane marketer m Canada, we credit uur success to four important RESPECT INTEGRITY SERVICE EXCELLENCE Every employee plays an integral part in promoting these values in their day-to-day actions - building an effective, customer Service Technician Fenelon Falls, Ontario Reporting to the Operations Coordinator at Peterborough, and working out of the Fenelon Falls site, you v/ill be responsible for the installation and servicing of propane and natural gas related equipment. Specific duties include, but are not limited to, equipment repairs, dispenser inspections and requalifying cylinders. You have experience in plant and bulk installations, as well as gas appliance installations. A valid DZ driver's license and strong customer service focus is required. A G1 or G2 Gas Technician license with LP endorsement is preferred; however we will provide training if necessary. Superior offers a competitive compensation package and benefits program, and required safety training will be provided. If you are interested in this challenging opportunity, please forward your resume and letter of interest, no later than December 6,2002, to: Ron Taylor, Operations Manager Superior Propane P.O. Box 87 Peterborough, Ontario K6Y 6Y5 Fax: (705) 745-8041 H/e sincerely thank all applicants for their interest. Only those candidates under consideration will be contacted. Côwâtil PONTIAC-BUICK GMCTRUCKS BOWMANVILLE CLASS A LICENSED MECHANIC •General/Front end •Start immediately •GM experience an asset Also required APPOINTMENT CO-ORDINATOR SERVICE ADVISOR Call Grant Brock 905-623-3396 Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Office Help | Office Help HELP YOUR HILDREN GROW! TO ALL PARENTS A CREAT LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR KIDS Call the Distribution Dept. 905-579-4407 905-985-2511 PORT PERRY GIVE YOUR CHILDREN THE OPPORTUNITY TO: Learn Earn Turn • Responsibility • Money • Fears Into Confidence Respect • Weakness Into Strength Trust And Recognition • Goals Into Reality Newspaper Routes available in: Oshawa, Whitby, Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle and Port Perry area. Qiwp • WhMy • CtsinLtm • frit frny Tins Week > People Skills • Problem Solving • Life Skills Experienced RIBO Licensed Commercial Lines CSR / Marketer required for insurance brokerage. Send resume to: Schofield-Aker Insurance 337 King St. W„ Oshawa, ON LU 2J8 or fax to: (905) 723-7688 Attn: Human Resources Hospital/Medical/ I Dental | Hospital/Medical/ Dental EXTENDICARE OSHAWA RPNs/PSWs (Part-time & Casual Positions) Required immediately. Applicants must have a current Registration/Certificate. Leadership, critical thinking and problem solving skills essential. Long-term care experience Please forward resumes to; Virginia Comandante Extendicare Oshawa. 82 Park Road North, LU 4L1 Fax: 905-579-1733 Office Help Houses For Sale Sales Help & Agents Sales Help & I Agents | Sales Help & Agenls :■(•*< ' *(4U\ AV>V ENTHUSIASTIC? SELF MOTIVATED? Looking To Be Part Of A Customer Focused Sales Team? We are looking for MOTIVATED and ENERGETIC Sales Representatives for our Whitby location. Must be capable of working PART-TIME Days, Evenings and Weekends as required. Retail Experience An Asset Wine Knowledge An Asset, But Not Required Orientation and Training is Provided Please drop off your resume before the close of business December 6th, 2002 at: Vineyards The Wine Shoppe, (Inside) LOBLAWS, 3050 GARDEN ST. WHITBY, ONTARIO While itv thank all those who apply, ur will only respond to those under consideration and ask that no response he made by phone. BUSY REAL ESTATE OFFICE in Whitby hiring Evening/Weekend Evening/Weekend Receptionist for 1 yr. maternity leave commencing Jan./03. Strong telephone, computer & customer service skills required. Fax resume to 905-430-3842 or E-mail: frankwhilby@royallepage.ca . PART-TIME EXPERIENCED Real Estate Receptionist required required for evenings and alternate alternate weekends for Whitby real estate office. Leave msg at 905-728-1069 ext 330. .'Sales Help & Agents A SALES SERVICE TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN required. S40 - S45K base pay plus bonus and incentives. incentives. Travel and vehicle allowance. Paid training. Must have reliable vehicle. Previous Previous sales and service experience experience an asset. Call (905) 426- 1855 for interview. INTERNET SALES and Marketing Marketing Representative required required immediately by Ajax publishing company. We seek a self-motivated sales professional professional to sell internet advertising advertising products, as well as develop develop strategic marketing programs with new and existing existing clients. Previous sales experience an asset. Hourly rate + . commission. Fax resumes to Publisher (905) 686-1078, E-mail: rwh@is- tar.ca SALES ASSISTANT required for new home sales in Whitby. Candidate must have excellent excellent computer, & communication communication skills and maintain a polished polished & professional demeanor. demeanor. Must be able to work independently and work both afternoons and weekends. New home sales experience is preferred. Fax resumes (905)430-9112 NORTHWEST BOWMANVILLE preferred area, 3 bedroom veltri-built backsplit with pond in back, $199,000. Call 905- 697-7981 or see on line @ www.forsalebyowner.ca. Ad #11137. CUSTOM BUILT BRICK bungalow, bungalow, 4 years new on 1 acre lot situated in the quiet hamlet of Tyrone. OPEN HOUSE: 1- 4pm, Nov 30 & Dec 1st, 2 Summitcrest Crt„ Tyrone (905)263-8687. AJAX LAKE -VIEW new town home $215,000. 3 bedrooms, (death In family) open Sat-Sun 1-5. 924 Audley South 905- 426-4704 noagenft. PFTJV AplJCondos For Sale AJAX, 2-BEDROOM luxury apartment, 2 baths, 5 appliances, appliances, F/P, C/AC, 2 parking spaces, lovely location. Lake Driveway. Private. (905)426- 7390, (905)434-1492 OPEN HOUSE Sat./Sun. Nov. 30 & Dec. 1st. 1-4 p.m 1665 Pickering Parkway, 2 bedroom bedroom condo/w. solarium, immaculate, immaculate, & beautifully upgraded upgraded $169,900. 905-686- 7839 , WHITBY, SAILWINDS luxurious, luxurious, 2 bedroom, solarium, balcony, 5 appliances, pool, doorman, 1,050 sq.ft., $205,000, immediately. Bo Gustafson, Sutton Group. (416)783-5000 RTV Out-ol-Town ItU Properties NOW HIRING FOR DZ drivers for wasle management, Markham Markham area. Clean abstract, min. 2 years experience. Call 1-866-262-3619 or fax (905) 795-8834. MULTI UNIT FOOD SERVICE Manager needed. Must have the following requirements: Menu planning and costing experience; catering experience; food production production knowl-edge; good organizational organizational and people skills; good customer service skills. Must have Health & Safely and food safety knowledge. Familiar with Microsoft Office. Please reply to File #864. c/o Oshawa This Week, PORox 481,865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L1H7L5 OWNER OPERATORS Needed •1997 or newer truck • long and short haul over tho border • paid 'rounder miles'. Fax resume resume 905-080-3000 OR email piijortutilitytranspoitcom PEOPLES TAXI • Taxi Drivers and Car Oetailer needed Immediately Immediately for very busy company. company. Male/female, part time or full. 9Q5-427-7//0 *SN0W ' PLOW BROKERS wanted. Newer 4x1 trucks, roules avallalilû-Scaiborough, Markham, Durham. Guaranteed Guaranteed hours. Please call 905- U19-2/5/ or 41C-i;iü'3343 SPORTS, CARS, CASIII Full training provided for those who like the last lane. Represent Represent the best clients in spoils, tiiitcilainment A finance. $500/ weekly. Call Today 905-000* 090218t. No exp. necessary START HOME BUSINESS with your computer. FT/PT. Toll Free 1-888-567-5404 v.'.uvyou3ndme2succecJ com STRUNG VOICES NEEOEDI Telephone sales re: police icliiecs. Work from our office Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - -1 p.m, or 4:45 to 8 p.m. salary plus bonus and commission. Phone (905) 573-6222. SUPERINTENDENT required 1er adult lifestyle apt. building located in Oshawa. Suitable lor retired couple. Fax to: 41G-297-9193 TEACHERS ASSISTANT required required In Toddler/Casa Program. Program. Hours 1-6. ECE/Mon- lessor! (Toddler) qualification required. Must be sell motivated, motivated, flexible. Send resume to Monlessorl Learning Centre, Centre, 250 Dayly SI West, Unit 17, Ajax, L1S3B1 HAIRSTYLIST WANTED Good Salary & Commission for busy salon in Uxbridge. 416-420-6897 ROOM FOR RENT in busy tanning salon in Pickering and Markham. Eslliclician nail technician wanted. Call 509- 7800 between 10 a.m. • 5 p in. Monday - Friday. Skilled S Technical Help WANTED!! Carriers tor all This Week areas •WHITBY • OSHAWA •COURTICE • BOWMANVILLE • PORT PERRY •BROOKLIN Call 905-579*4407 WE WILL PUT YOU IN 8USI- MESS . In one ol III» lamest Imltisliies in tho world. You can work your own hours, al your own pace, anil ha your own boss. Unlimiled oppor- Itmily, Wnlo open growth po- lcnli.ll. Call Loicin Middleton, 905-138-8199 ol residence 805-570-1185 WEIGHT LOSS PIIOGIIAMS allonlablo, efficient, guar- anted. 11)051023 -77111 v.ww-tflvei'.iimcom (JCCf » 7?!)90) Y0UÏÏT WORKERS Icqnhcd lor Ihci.ipenhc runup liuinn loi emotionally ilisliiilieil and contused adolescents in lire iliiiham region, liilMinio limn SVb'Sl'B.OOl) lo si,ill, I'.iiMinio S11,50'$l2.50/limii anil overnight overnight slall S8,50'$!)50/hoiii Speedy position applying Im. lax resume lo 805 1/9 JiWJ AUTO MECHANIC REQUIRED, also clean-up and detail person person required lull or part time lor busy Antique and Classic Car Restoration Company. Call tor Confidential Interview 905-668-1118. DRAFTSPERSON REQUIRED by Architectural woodwork company in Durham Region. Must bo able lo prepare shop drawings lor architect approval approval and shop production Irom architectural drawings and held sketches. CAD. experience experience a mlist along with ten (10) years related experience In the industry. Please lax to- smile In: (805)133-1403 CNC Wlro A Sinker TOM Operator Operator (Charmilles) needed lor last-growing Pickering business. business. Qualified people only. Reply File »865. Oshawa This Week, 865 Farewell SI. Oshawa Oshawa L1II7L5. LOOKING tor an experienced Wall Forming Foreman, experienced experienced Construction Labourer, Labourer, experienced Framer and also looking lor First Year Apprenlice or Electrical Labourer. Labourer. Fax resumes to: 905- 377-1837. MECHANICS REQUIRED tor Ajax based company. Experience Experience will diesel engines and hydraulics an asset, but willing willing to train. Competitive wages, wages, benelits and uniforms. Fax ie5umo lo: 905-686-8516. PRESS OPERATOR Skilled Help -2 colour multi-operator. Minimum 2 years experience. Ollier laccls ol a print shop an asset. Markham. Fax resume 905-291-8869 QUALITY TECHNICIAN: 3rd parly automotive inspection company seeks Quality Tech to co-ordinate quality processes. processes. Duties include: work instructions, maintenance ol 1509000:2002 requirements, developing Inspection standards, standards, conduction process audits. Minimum Grade 12 will! post secondary qualities- lions. 2 yts experience In automotive automotive related environment, working knowledge ol ISO/ 059000, CSI and CSII. Please lax resume to 905-6G5-G15-I. SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC, lull lime position with benelits. Must bo qualified wild past experience and releicnccs. Tax resume to 005-723-2977. TRUCK AND COACH Apprenticeship Apprenticeship available with Ajax based company. Musi have mechanical aptitude, excellent excellent trouble shooting skills and lie dependable. Fax resume lo DENTAL ASSISTANT needed lor busy Ajax practice lor Maternity Maternity leave, starling in January. January. Please lax resume to (905)127-9280. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST. Friendly, motivated, sell- starter to join our learn. Denial experience preferred. Fax cover letter with resume lo: 905-127-5792 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST • very busy growing denial cilice. cilice. Required - an experienced experienced receptionist to join our learn. Must be friendly, efficient, efficient, reliable, and have the ability lo adapt to changing silnalions. Please call 905- 852-3131. RECEPTIONIST • Denture Lab abilities an asset, computer and communication skills required, required, willing lo learn, high cneigy, p/I. Please send resume resume with expected remuneration remuneration lo: P.O. Box 31, Poil Hope, Ontario LIA 3V9. RN'S, RPN'S i PSW'S lor lloor duly, excellent pay scale, call Gentle Care Nursing Agency (905) 683-1149, or 1- 877-815-1018 YORK REGION Orthodontic office requires Denial Assistant Assistant or PDA tor 2-3 days/week. Please lax resume to: 905- 612-9692 MONTAGUE, PEI summer rétréci rétréci or year round 2 storey home, 2 balhs, large country kitchen, many renovations, large treed lot w/privale back yard. Five minute walk to town marina. 15 minute drive to sandy beach al Pamure Is. 10min drive to 2 renowned 18 hole goll courses at Bredenell. $89.000 Phone (902)838-4532 weekdays alter Gpm,- anytime weekend. Pictures upon request. request. sne Rfl Lots & Acreages P.E.I. TWO 10 ACRE lots on quiet paved counlry road. 7 acres clear, 3 wooded with brook running through wooded area. 10 min. lo Panmule Island Island Beach, 15 min, lorm (2) 18 hole renowned goll courses courses al Burdenell. $19,000 each. Phone (902) 838-4532 weekdays weekdays aller 6 p.m., anytime on weekends, sne 401 IN DURHAM Region. Prestige site, ready to go 5 1/2 to 15 acres with all services $75.000/acre. Call Ed Vanha- verheke, Associate Broker, Royal Lepage Frank Real Estate Estate (905) 987-3211 direct or 1905) 686-5877. Toll free 1- 866-987-3211 IndustJ Comm. Spice Teaching Opoorlunlllos ONTARIO CERTIFIED teacher required lo tutor a grade 10 science student In Ajax. Monday Monday • Friday lor 1 hr. lessons each day. 4 or 430 p in. nnlil June Call 41G 410-1591. (905) 5/0-7372 I.KAI) HAND & I.ICKIS'SKIl TIUKIK MECHANICS mvilvil lur iil'luininiii sliill. Ilcnclil I'kg. hit iv.wimc In: (905)725-7521 905-086-8546. | OHIco Help ' WHILBY. Houses For Snip ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER: 3rd parly automotive Inspcc- linn company seeks Account- ;\nt/[lookkcc|)oi lu ensure cl- lecluo completion ol all liiian- rial repelling systems. Duties Include: accounts payahle/ic- ceivahle, payroll. Invoicing, trial liai, nice, lutiin.il entiles Minimum college or cqulv, education with accounting background, Automotive experience experience an asset but mil mandatory. Please lax resume resume to 905'6C5 6151, wood Hours, ceramic hies, air conditioned, gas lircplaco. Large yard, garage, finished basement. Near 401/Go, $224,500. (91151430 22/4 OPEN HOUSE Sal/Sun, 2- ■Ipm, 30 Hlenmoio Ur. DESIRABLE SOUTH AJAX. ■ lovely Lit 1 Imliuom, detached, detached, lircplaco In Ijinily- room, air con,, garage, hardwood hardwood under bioailloom, near lake, schools, parks, Go, 105 Bryant lid. 5239,900, Call 905■ 708-4801. 2700-sq.lt, INDUSTRIAL lor rent. Fully equipped for use as body repair shop or business availablo tor sale withAvithout equipment. 905-576-0198 905- 725-9503 CENTRAL WHITBY, HEATED storage units In Industrial building, various sizes, dock level, 10x10' S100/month. Movers available. ALSO new speakers less than hall price. Karen (905)576-1685 DRY STORAGE / commercial space available 1500 sq. II, linmiro. (905) 6G8-7491. OSHAWA/WIIITBY Boundary Mall • Irom 1,000 lo 20,000 sq. lt. units, linished/alr con- rlitioncd/sliowiooni/woik/ol- lice. Flexible space. Excellent exposure. Call Ed Vanhavar- beke, Associais Broker, Royal Lcl'ago Frank Real Estate. (905)987-3211 direct or (905) 686-5877 or Toll Tree 1-866- 987-3211 CENTRAL BOWMANVILLE, 3013 sq, II. (up to 8,000 sq. II, available, Clean open space with high ceilings, Low reniai rale, Building also available tor sale will! luxury apartment. Gall Ld Vanliavoinckc, Associate Associate Broker. Royal Lel'jga Frank Ileal Estais ('3051 087- 3211 direct or (005) 086-58/7. lull lies 1-80C-D8/-32I1 K (416) 24-Hour Fax: (90S) 579-4218; Clnsslllod Online: Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears Our phono imoa mo open lho Internet at http://www.durhamrefllon.com Mon. to ITI. until o p.m, Email: clasillleda@durhamrefllon.com