Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 2001, p. 11

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Visit Us On the Internet: v/ww.durhamregion.com AUCTION SALE Thurs., Sept. 27, 2001 AT 10:00 A.M. Estate of the Late RONALD POWELL (Of RR#4 Campbellford) PLUS CONSIGNMENTS AUCTION TO BE HELD @ WILLIAMS' AUCTION CENTRE. CENTRE. 33 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE. CAMPBELLFORD, Oil. Quantity of dishes; ant. pcs.; collectibles; cooking utensils, cutlery; cups & saucers; Roper refrigerator (white. 2 yis.). microwave & stand; Roper range (white. 2 yrs.|; small deep freezer; automatic washer; 2 ant. tables w,'drawers: ant. wooden table; 3 ant. wooden beds: 2 ant. chests ol drawers (dovetailed); cheese box; ant. Gramophone cabinet; trunk; wood box; chesterfield & chair; ceiling fan - working; air conditioner - working; fabric; sewing items; box ol baseball books: 5' tin man: 5 totem pole, guilt; wicker hamper; colour TV. VCR; end tables; colfee table; treadmill; cocktail table; banging lamps; large mirror; entertainment centre; filing cabinet; chesterfield & chair; pictures & frames: old wooden arm chair: Hallowe'en Hallowe'en crafts: mise, household items; electric boat molor (65 lb. Thrust); aluminum ext. ladder; Stilrl chain saw; Turf Power 12/38 riding lawn mower; 1990 Honda 300 ATV (2 wheel drive, good); 1986 Chevrolet 1/2 Ion buck w/cap (V8. auto, PS, PB. as is). Many more Items of Interest. A Good Sale. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. Lunch Available. Ilo reserve. WILLIAMS' AUCTIONS S APPRAISALS. Campbellford. Auctioneer: Rod Williams, CPPA. Phone (705) 653-3533 or (705) 7-18-8969 Web Site: www.wi|l|amsaticl|ons,com CARL HICKSON AUCTIONS flEABORO, ON Sat.. Sept. 29th at 11:00A.M. FARM SOLD ■ MOORHA VEN FARM AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY, SOME FURNITURE The property ol BILL MOORE Loi 2. Con 3 Cavan Tv;d. 6 mi. E. ol Ponlvpool. crossover H.w#l15.3rd I,arm on rinhl or 3 mi. W. ol Milibrook on County Rd. 21. John Deere 2140 tractor P/S. duals. 18.4x30; Int. W4 gas tractor; John Deere 175 loader; Ini. 1460 sell propelled combine, cab, air, axial (low, 2500 lus; 820 grain header; 863 6 row corn head: 30' circular saw mounted on W4 tractor: Bush Hog rotary mower, PTO. 5'; Bush Hog 15' tandem disc; McFarland 15' flex harrows; Kuhn O' finishing mower, 3 pi; Ford 3 pt. plough, parts; wood splitter; 1984 Ford 3/4 Ion diesel, as is; 1984 Kenworth highway tractor 9 speed, 350 Cat, 1200 lr„ 44 rear; 1978 Ragland dump trailer, 24'; John Deere 1946 B tractor partially restored; electric fuel pump; hand pump; power washer; 2 Stihl chain saws; floor jack; hydraulic jack; shop hoist; oil furnace; hand tools; scrap; many, many other Hems. Chesterfield; chair; pull out couch; window air conditioner; conditioner; some dishes; freezer, 26 cu.ft.; many oilier articles. articles. Terms: Cash or ID cheque. Ho Reserve as (arm is sold. Furniture sale al 11:00am; Small Hems ai 11:30 AM; Farm Machinery al 12 noon Sate managed & sold by: CARL HICKSON AUCTIONS, Reahoro, Ont. 705-324-9959 Vendor 905-623-8046 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,11 A.M. Public auto Auction at Peterborough Auction Center, Peterborough (2 mi east nil Hwy 117). Selling Repos, public consignments, cars, vans, 4x4's, etc. 97 Sunfire, 96 Taurus CL wagon, 96 Accent hatchback, 95 Hyundai Sonata, loaded, 94 Cadillac, 94 Excel, 94 Taurus, 93 Probe, 92 Elantra, 92 Merc Topaz, 92 Dynasty, 92 Elimina, Elimina, 92 Ford F 150 4 x 4, 90 Cnmry, 90 Thunder- bird, 90 Taurus, H9 Mazda pickup, 89 Jeep YJ Sahara, 89 Excel, 88 Cavalier wagon, 88 Astro van, 88 Ford cube van, 87 Nissan 4 x 4, 87 CMC 5 ton truck, 85 Honda Accord, 84 Audi 5000, 83 Volvo, 72 Ford camper, boat, 9.9 Johnson Johnson motor, 18 lip, gravely riding mower w/ sweeper, snowblower. Wc are expecting over 40 vehicles. Bring to barn Thurs. Fri. Partial early list. Subject to additions and deletions. Some units selling with no reserve. All vehicles guaranteed clear titles. SUM. Cash draw. Terms S500. Cash, debit, visa or mastcrcharge at sale. Balance by cash or certified funds within 5 days. S50 buyers fee, To consign call (705)745-5007 or 1-800-461-6499 Orval McLean Auctions Ltd. RR7 Peterborough CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION Berrybank Farms 3383 Taunton Road, Orono, Onl. 11/2 miles west ol Hwy. 115. Saturday, October 6lh, 2001 - 10 a.m. Selling a lull line ol (arm equipment, Iraclors, machinery, vehicles, hardware, tools and lumber etc. For info, and lo consign lo lIris auction, conlacl the Auctioneer, John D. Berry C.P.P.A.G. 905-983-5787 CORNER'S AUCTION BARN Friday, September 21st S 5:OOpm 3 miles l ast of little Britain on County Rd. 4 II,v property - f Norma Drew i f Wn-dville pin, other-. other-. 9 pe. walnut dminensim -trite, pine blanket hex. ilrnp Iront -eeretary. modern hedreem suite, pine e!:e-l el drawer-, oak T-h.uk chairs with claw tee I. pi.inn stool, arrow hack chair-. Treadle sewing machine. machine. lie-ten re.her. bridge lamp, oak parleur table, wicker chair-, retini-heil llu-xicr cupboard, treadmill. -vea-ien.il chair-, antique pine cupboard lep. flat top farm -vales, pine table. <x!J wutvlen kitchen chairs. 2 Jeer relrigerater. drep leaf table-, modern dressers A che-ts of drawers, jam cupheard. oak elrc-si of drawers. drawers. qty. picture frame's, china, gla-s. Iinuseltiild A cel- lec'iible items Don & GrcgCorncil Auctioneers RIM Little Britain, (705) 786-2183 ESTATE AUCTION Antiques, Collectables 4 Household Contents Sunday, Sepl. 23rd, 10:00 a.m. (Viewing 9:00) MacGregor Aucllon, located In OROIIO al Silvanus Gardens. Take 115/35 Hwy. lo Main SI. Orono 4 follow signs. Sunday's Auction includes Estate 4 Consignment articles articles Item an Oshawa 4 Wilmol Creek home. Partial list - diningroom sel, sideboard, washsland, bedroom bedroom sels, deacon's bench, couch 4 chairs, sola bed, mise, tables, chairs, pictures, clocks, Canadians Canadians pcs, dressers, qualily glass 4 china, country 4 kitchen collectables, old cupboard lop, plus many more articles still lo be uncovered. Terms Cash, Chenue, Visa, M/C 4 Inlerac. Call For All Your Aucllon Needs MacGregor Aucllon Services Michael J. MacGregor 905-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 AUCTION SALE GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTON VILLE SEPTEMBER 21st, FRIDAY, 6 I'M. Selling the attractive antiques from a local hume including pine 2 door armoire, oak single armoire, 8 ft. oak 2 in. harvest tables, set 6 chairs, 2 pc. buffet china cabinet, mahogany china cabinet, deacons bench, antique bed, vanity vanity marble washsland, hat stand, 3 pc. leather chesterfield suite (camel colour w/brass studding), studding), 3 pc. French mantle cluck, (very ornate), crystal dresser sel, old 8 mm camera, old chcv trunk bonnet, fridges and numerous other articles. articles. Check the web for updates. Preview after 2 pan. Auction starts at 6 pan. Terms - Cash, appr. cheque, visa, m/c, interne AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.slaplctonauctions.com Estate specialists since 1971 AUCTION, SUN. SEPT 23RD FLEISHMAN'S AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AT WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Colborne Selection Selection new TVs, stereos, housewares, small appliances, toys, jewellery, pot & pan sets, tools, etc. No Reserves. Sale starts 12 noon, doors open 11:00 a.m. SAT. SEPT. 22 AT 10 AM. Eslale ol the Laie Muriel Faulkner, RR2 Omemee, 1109 Meadowvlew Rd. 115 Hwy. lo Cavan/ Milibrook exit go north approx. 12k on Pelerboro County Rd. 10, east 5k on Meadow- view. Qualily Antique Furnishings and Machinery. Lambretta scooter 150cc- early 50's Exceptional Bell piano ornately carved, 9pc dining suite, 6 matching pressback chairs, living rm/bdrm furnishings, Ig. gas truck by Wyndolte Toys, Norilake, Germany and Limogue china, oil lamps. McLaughlin culler, Int. No 91 sell propelled combine 10' grain head. qly. older machinery in good cond., stored inside, not used since 1974. Household 1st. Listing by lax. DOUG MITCHELL AUCTIONS RRS4 OMEMEE 705-799-6769 PUBLIC AUCTION Thurs. Sent. 20th, Start: 6:30 p.m. View: from noon. Kahn Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering 3 ml. N. ol Hwy. 401 exit 399. Featuring: 8 pc. cherry diningroom sel, Viet, couch, pr. ol slipper chairs, 4 chicken coop chairs, maple kitchen cupboard, mah. dressing table, washsland, Phllco floor model radio, 1800's Melodeon, slacking bookcase, 1940's porcelain stove, oak library table, newer sola, Jenny Lind vanlly, Vlct. dresser, Gib- bard drop leal table, 5 pc. bedroom set, maple desk, Vlct. rocker, fireside bench, num. dressers, trunks, blanket boxes, piano stools, sel ol 6 pine chairs, plant stands, Vlct. side chairs, oak hall mirrors wllh hooks, parlour tables, French marble clock, lots ol watches and pocket watches, prints, mirrors, Edison cycle machine, num. carpels, light fixtures, shaving mirror, mah. easel, llalware sels etc. Randy Potter Auctioneer (905) 683-0041 ESTATES 4C0NSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY!) WEDNESDAY, Sept 26th, 4:45pm. Aucllon Sale ol Furniture. Antiques and Collectables for Eslale ol Mildrld Hnnkinson ol Toronto. selling al NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., 1km west ol Utica. TO INCLUDE: 9-pc walnut dining suite, upright freezer, freezer, nesting tables, Pine rope bed, pine blanket box, 5 pressback chairs, 2 drawer oak chest, hall table, pine table, small pine box, 2 wheeled milk can cart, floor lamp, organ stool, child's rocker, medicine cabinet, milk can, candlestick phone, phone parts, chandeliers, oil lamps, Nippon tea set, pictures, Gobel pcs, Coke trays, Victorian wooden candlesticks, old radios, old hand tools, cast iron sap bucket, plus many other interesting interesting items. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 Auction Sale of Closing Antique & Collectible Store from Pickering Bruce Kellett Auctions, At Malcolm Arena 13200 Old Scugog Rd., South of Blackstock Tuesday September 25,2001 @ 5:30pm 1900's dining table & chairs, antique buffet, buffet, 2 tier dumb waiter table, ladies walnut writing desk, McCoy India Cookie Jar, old radios, Royal Doulton, signed art glass, mojolica, 14" Gouda vase, moore craft, susy cooper, vintage shéet- music, vintage vintage glass slide projector, 1914 BB gun (daisy), 1936 rare 50th BB gun (daisy), Beatles noppers, mags & books, milk bottles, 40's Orange Crush die cut store hanger, red Indian oil napkin, many old furniture repair items, 1926 Halloween noise maker, train related time tables & tickets. Phone for fax 1-705-328-2185 or webb http://vwvw.theauctionfever.com Auctioneer: Bruce Kellett AUCTION SALE al Pclhlck and Stephenson Aucllon Barn Hayden Sal. Sepl. 22 starling outside al 5:30 pm Open at 4. From 401 Ext. 431 at Bowmanville, North 8 ml. on Hwy. 57 lo Con. Rd. 8, turn east at Fire- hall lo Haydon. From a store closure Sewing and Cralting articles and other consignments: Industrial Sinner sewing machine, antique wrought iron crib, material, quality ol lace, wigs, porcelain dolls, ribbon, store bin, cushions, mannequin, 10 kl gold B Johnson Centre Island diamond ring, lOkt gold custom family made family ring, appliances, 20' colour TV, mise, lurnilure, books, patterns, crystal, dep. glass, china, dishes, pictures, exercise equipment, mise, tools etc. still unpacking. unpacking. Terms cash, debit, visa, m/c„ amex. Owner and Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705- 277-9829. NEW BARN HOURS Mon.-Wed.-Thurs. noon • 6pm. Households, Estates & Consignments Welcome. Welcome. Call Don. Aucllon every Saturday night. AUCTION SALE Sat., Sept. 22, 2001 AT 10:30 A.M. Property Solti AGNES MACPHERSON RR 114 Marmora, ON (10 Claude Rd., Rawdon Twp.) 11 kms nnrth/enst ol Campbellford on Soringbrook Rd. iCtv. Rd, 38) lo Rvlestone Rd„lhen.nofiy.k!i!mn.Rvle5- lone Rd. lo SI. Marks Rd. (12ih line ol Rawdon), then east 3 kms to comer ol Claude Rd. IWatch lor sale sinn) Quantity ol dishes; cups & saucers; ant. pieces; pots & pans; Panasonic microwave; electric appliances; kitchen table & 4 chairs; Kenmorc washer spin dryer; cabinet; coal oil lamp; end tables; bed chesterfield (like new); corner chesterfield; Hi-Fi; lamps; colfee table; 2 chest ol drawers: double bed; pictures & frames; bedding; bedding; books; Panasonic colour TV; bed cliesterlield; double bed; dresser & mirror; stereo & snkrs.; cedar chest; crib table; book shelves; G.E. deep Ireezcr; bird cage; records; dollies horse; apt. size dryer; alt conditioner; conditioner; wooden step ladder; hand tools & power tools; BBQ; slop ladder; garden tools; Canatliana 8hp/3G" titling titling lawn mower; Mustang riding lawn mower; gas push lawn mower; alum. cxl. ladder; picnic table; Honor Blip roto llllor; wheel barrow; Many more Hems ol Inlorosl. Terms: Cash or cheque wllli ID. Lunch Available. No reserve. WILLIAMS' AUCTIONS 4 APPRAISAL SERVICES, Campiiolllord. Auctioneer: Rod Williams, CPPA. Phono (705) 653-3533 or (705) 748-8969 Woh Silo: www.wllllaiiisaiicllon5.coin EXCELLENT AUCTION, SAT. SEPT 22ND AT 10:00AM for Mrs. Yates of Scarborough with great selection Victorian and antique home furnishings to be sold unreserved at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy #2, Colborne Excell signed mahogany dining rm suite. 9pc. with shield back chairs in. original pristine condition, exceptional burled walnut Victorian Victorian sideboard, rare drop leaf mahogany server with 2 drawers, rare ant. 1/4 cut oak bowed glass china cabinet with original galley top. excell Cameo back Victorian love seat, spooled country couch also excell condition, ornately carved Victorian oval parlour table with original porcelain castors, barley twist tray top coffee table, round bird's eye maple occasional table, unusual Victorian smoker stand, fancy oak umbrella stand, 2 matching walnut magazine tables. 3-drawer and 2-drawer sol walnut sewing stands, 2 ant. beds both with high headboards and one with matching dresser, sol walnut cedar chest, Victorian Victorian hall stand with mirror, umbrella holder & original hooks, 1/ 4 cut oak princess dresser on claw feet and oval mirror, Victorian Victorian dresser with console holders and mustache pulls, mahogany mahogany chest with serpentine front, excellent washsland with harp back, Victorian carved sol walnut shaving mirror, nice banjo clock, mini carriage clock, large Vienna regulator, other clocks, unusual carved Indian chair, sofa & chair, some modern modern home furnishings, household articles, signed oil painting. 2 water colours, plus other pictures, odd ant chairs, collection old fishing plugs, Stirling pcs., Royal Crown derby cups & saucers, saucers, 5pc pear point colfee service, Shelly creamer, oil lamps, silver overlay, cast pcs., collection crystal pcs., pressed glass berry bowl set, dishes, household articles, plus more, NOTE one of our finest sales this year, No Reserves, plant to be early. early. Visa, M.C., Interac, Cash or Good Cheque. Gary Warner Auctioneer 905-355-2106 www.warnersaucllon.com FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,10 A.M. For Patrick and Jean Daniel, Garden Hill (West), Farm located north from Ganaraska County Rd. 9 at Deans Hill, 1 1/4 mile to Oak Hill Rd. and East to Walker Rd. and North 1/2 mile to farm (watch for signs); selling all tractors, tractors, farm machinery, grain equipment, shop contents and large quantity of lumber; Zetor 7245 Diesel 4 x 4 w/cab (1 owner), MF 165 diesel diesel tractor, Ferguson 2085 gas tractor, AC-WD 45 tractor (as is), Minneapolis Moline - ZB (as is), AC-66 pull combine, AC-66 combine (parts), two AC-60 combines (parts), AC-100 self power power combine (parts), 2 grain wagons, two Massey Massey 10 square balers, 3 hay wagons, MF-82-4 Furrow Plow (3 pth), 9 ft,, watveare cultivator (3pth), JD - 1207 Haybine, JD - Van Brunt, 9 ft. seed drill (15 row),MH-ll side rake, Hay wheel tedder rate (3pth), crop sprayer (3pth), 225 Fertilizer Fertilizer spreader (3 pth), old sickle mower, land roller, 2 grain augers, two bale material elevators, elevators, rear mount blade (3 pth), 5 section harrows, harrows, bush hog wood splitter (pto), hoist wagon, wagon, 1967 CMC 950 hoist grain truck, 1985 CMC 20 Scottsdale p.u. 4 x 4, 1977 Chcv parts p/u, old chevette, craftsman 11 hp riding mower, mower, ariens parts mower, aluminum canoe, quantity old steel wheel equipment, old parts equipment, tractor and truck parts, shop equipment, equipment, compressors, HD shop press, drill press, power and shop tools, farm gates, large quantities quantities of rough lumber - oak 1 in. and 2 in., oak beams, red pine 1 in., birch planking 2 1/2 in., red pine planking I 1/2 in., cedar 2 in., black walnut 1 in., black cherry l in., and numerous lots of mise, lumber, including some household effects, etc. etc. Farm listed - owners moving, auction starts at 10 a.m. Lunch provided by Ferry town Church. Proprietor Patrick Daniel (905) 797-2970. Terms Casn, approved cheque. AUCTIONEERS Frank and Sieve Stapleton (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com AUCTION. THURS. SEPT 20TH AT 5PM. AT WARNER'S WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy #2, Colborne Selling from a Belleville homo with selection good modern & antique furnishings. furnishings. appliances, household articles, some collectables, dishes. dishes. 48G computer, etc., excell modem oak dining mom suite, good antique walnut 9pc dining suite, ant. dresser burled walnut walnut with beveled mirror, excellent rocking chair, nearly new aulo washer & matching dryer, good 24' stove and fridge, other beer trldgc, oak TV stand, excell walnut gate leg table, all original In oxcell condition, excell 3pc. wall unit, matching pair Pino chest ol drawers, walnut corner china cabinet, nice sola matching love seat. Rattan occasional chair with foot stool, ant. carpenters chest, single & double beds, dressers & chests 01 drawers, solid walnut cedar chest, garden bench, glass top dinette with metal base matching bakers rack, wringer washer. 2 good sets hunk beds, knee hole desk, selection ant. side chairs, pineapple bod sted needs rclinlslilng, dishes, glass, china, lamps, pictures, household articles, china, glassware, etc., Two Auctioneers, soiling Inside & out. wllli tinadveiliscd consignments selling outside. No reserves. Cash, chenue, Visa, MC, Interac Gary Warner Auctioneer 905-355-2106 www.wnrnersaiiclloii.coin 303 herse Supp: es and Boarded HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3705 Runtime Rd (Court ce) is now accepting new students (children and adu'ts) for our ridmg and hersemansh'p programs, et:. Fcr further information and to register call 1-905-623-7336 33-tfSC LOOKING FOR BOARDING? Quiet barn has 10x12 stalls available. Indoor and outdoor arena, excellent feeding and turnout programs. 905-885- 9191. Poultry and Livestock PALOMINO filly, weaned. Chestnut filly, weanling. Pinto colt, weanling. Black mare and colt. Registered pain colt, yearling. 7 yr. old Pinto gelding. gelding. All quiet. Best offer. 905- 797-3158. Articles For Sale 20 FT. CONTAINERS for sale or rent, make excellent permanent permanent or temporary storage, starting at $2,000. Call Lake- port Equipment Ltd. 905-355- 3281. Colborne. 4 SNOW TIRES. Goodyear Ultragrip Ultragrip M=S P225/60R16. excellent excellent tread and condition (no rims), $300 0B0. Call days 905-242-7726. evenings 905- 432-8406 ATTENTION: Best Price in Ontario! Ontario! 500VV receiver plus speakers only $480. Specializing Specializing in JVC products. Sale 5.1 Dolby digital w/DTS, digital ready Pro Logic High end 2 channel stereo systems. Complete high end packages including receiver. DVD player player w/digital converter including including DTS. 6*1 CD players, double cassette decks, 5 speakers, for very special price. JVC tuners, amplifiers, CD players, cassette decks, turntables, signal processors. VCRs. DVD players, televisions. televisions. 90 day layaway. Oshawa Stereo 905-579-0893 MILLS APPLIANCES 125 King SI. E., Bowmanville 697-1240 $0 Payment $0 Interest till Dcc.2001 WIDE SELECTION & BEST PRICES AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Matching fridge/stove, good condition $249; Whirlpool Washer tdryer, $449/pair. Washers reg/extra-cap $149/ up. Dryers extra/reg S125/up. Irg selection apt.-size washers/dryers. washers/dryers. Large selection of fridges $100/up. Side-bysides Side-bysides $299. White & almond stove, full & apt-size $150/up. Air conditioners $100/up. Dehumidifiers Dehumidifiers $99. portable dishwashers $225/up. Too much to list, visit our showroom. showroom. Parts, sales, service. 426 Simcoe St.S. Hours: Mon- Fri 8-8pm, Sat 9-5pm, Sun 11- 4pm.(905)728-4043. APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2- door. frost free, deluxe stove, matching heavy duty washer/ dryer $675/atl- will sell sepa^. rate. Also washer used 2" years $250 +Dryer and " 8 mo old dishwasher $275. (905) 767-6598 BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed. chest, tri-dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000. Sacri- fice $3500.416-748-3993 BEEF - cut & wrapped. $2.50lb. Home raised, farm fresh. (705) 277-2654 CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! 3 ROOMS COMPLETELY COMPLETELY CARPETED $299. (30 yrds.) NO HIDDEN COSTS!!! Commercial carpet at $4.95 yd. Berber carpet at $7.50 yd. 40 oz. Saxony carpet at $11.50 yd. Free shop at home services. services. Guaranteed best prices. SAILLIAN CARPETS, 905-373- 2260. CARPET, VINYL & LAMINATE SALE- Carpet three rooms, completely installed w/premi- um pad, aOsq.yds, from $339. Free/fast service. Guaranteed installation, residential/commercial. residential/commercial. Financing available. Customer satisfaction guaranteed. guaranteed. For free estimate Call Mike 905-431-4040 CENTURY OLD BRICK, pine flooring, 10' wide pine baseboards, baseboards, used roofing steel, oak lumber, barn boards. S-10 pickup. DC truck, no rust, running running condition. (905)697-0367 after 7pm. CHILD'S BEDROOM SUITE, white. Double Dresser c/w Arch Mirror, Single Dresser c/ w Book Shelf, Desk c/w Hutch and upholstered chair, Twin over Double Bunkbed. Paid $2,000 in 1998..Firm Selling Price $1,000. Furniture Set or Bed may be sold separately. Ph: 905-428-3498. CHIP TRUCK just built, never used $7,500 or best reasonable reasonable offer, Call evenings 905- 655-4602. CHIROPRACTIC TABLE for sale. 1 1/2 yrs. old. series 300, asking $975., X-ray view box $100. Please call (905) 655-4076. COMPUTER -PENTIUM 200 32MB ram. CD-ROM, 56k modem, 2Gb Hdd, 3.5 floppy, sound/video cards, kbd/spk/ mouse. 15" SVGA monitor, delivered tset-up $350. Great for students. 905-439-4789 DINING ROOM SET. 10pc. includes includes buffet, solid oak, dark finish. $1800 or best offer. Call (905)579-4515 DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92* double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5000. (416)746-0995. DIRECT TV SATELLITES, H & Hu Card programming $25. RCA Direct TV systems with dual LNB. 905-427-6515. Ajax www.canadiandss.ca DIRECT TV SATELLITES $99, H-cards $300. HU cards $200. H or HU programming $30. Looped HU Card swapping $100. Emulators $275. Call 905-767-3G16 Brooklin OTV RCA SATELLITE systems, systems, with dual LNB. H & HU card programming, professional professional installation service available. Special HU hash lix Kirk's Satellite Services. 1- 905-728-9670 DIRECT TV SATELLITE. Complete Complete systems with programmed programmed HU card $280 w/ dual LNB $300. HU hash fix and HU programming $25. Call 905-767-8571 ESTATE SALE: GE frost free fridge, new Maytag washer, console TV. old singer sewing machine, bedroom suite (1937), Nordmcndo radio, oil paintings. Royal Doulton figurines. figurines. Much more. 905-983- 5370 MOVING, MUST SELL Washer Washer & Dryer & stove. Excellent condition. Phone (905)723- 6075 FREE FIREWOOD • Broken woodskids and pallets. Delivery Delivery available Oshawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-43*1* 0392. (sup) Births KIDD * : Timm & Tracey (nee Helm) ami Rig brothers Dawson & Johnathan pmiully announce the arrival nf their beautiful daughter and vivier W * VC'Jv ** «F 245 245 Madison Patricia Anne Oil Friday, July 27, 21101 at 3:21 a.m. Weighing 8 lb. 14 oz. At Peterborough Civic Hospital tp v 'Aw v v '}>■}> v &S> v A big welcome, Madison, from Nana and Poppy Kidd, Granny Annie Belin and all your aunts, uncles and cousins. 310 FURNITURE CLEAR-OUT! Preparing to move... sofa ted couch & love seat $250. brass stand $40. coffee table $50. (2) end tables $40. dining room table & chairs (black as table w/clean white chairs) • make an offer. Call (905)623- 0331 GYM EQUIPMENT - half cage, multi unit machine, plate loaded. originally paid. $1.700. asking $900. one year old ALSO, hex dumb bells and electronic organ. 88 keys. 905-372-0659. HARDWOOD LUMBER. 1,000* board feet, (undressed). (undressed). oak. cherry, ash. maple, some pine & red cedar also available. 905-097-2436. HAY AND STRAW ROUND & SQUARE BALES Stored Inside Pick lip or delivery (905) 797-2249' MECHANICS TOOLS lor sale Tool boxes complete with toots. For more information contact flaz 905-668-6169 MILLS APPLIANCES 125 King St. E., Bowmanville 697-1240 Scratch & Dent Sale Fridges (rom $395 SAVE-LOTS ON FRIDGES & FREEZERS Full Warranty Fast Delivery MOVING SALE: fireplace brass accessories, marble coffee table * all like new. Antique Antique light fixtures. Call (905)697-9462 (snp) PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase pre-purchase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha. Mason & Risch. & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Back to Lessons special. $5.00 from each tuning donated to Canadian Red Cross Relief Effort. Pay no tax on all upright pianos. Gift Certificates Certificates available. $5 Check out the web at www.barbhall.com or call Barb at 905-427-7631. Visa, MC. Amex. PIANO, UPRIGHT, Prince Toronto 1892 walnut case, excellent excellent condition, $1800. Call (905)668-8972. PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PS1 $35.. PS2 Ver 1 & 2 $75. Ver 3 $95. Ver 4 $125. All work guaranteed. Install while you wait. Beatrice/Wilson area (905)721-2365 POOL .* .21 ..It,-above, ground pool, pump and filter,needs new liner. $1000 obo. 905- 985-8021. JVC STEREO PACKAGE Surround Sound Receiver. 5 disc CD, Dual Cassette 3 way Tower Speakers Only $10 ° per week No Money Down No Payments until Feb. 2002 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg 905-373-0265 RCA HOME THEATRE PACKAGE 52" RCA Big Screen TV, DVD Player, and Surround Sound Stereo System. All for $24" per week . No Money Down No Payments until Feb. 2002 SHOWTIME TV CobourjM05^373^0265 RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new TV's. Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market. 905-263*8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SOLID OAK coffee, sofa & end tables, beveled glass tops, ball & claw feet, $600 set. 3 yr. old sofa, mulberry/blue plaid fabric $500. 905-404- 9205. SOLID WOOD bunk beds. Double on bottom, single on top $300 obo. 905-668-6819. STORAGE CONTAINER, 24 It. & 22 ft., clean and dry will de- liver. 905-434-0392. TABLES: antique pine drop- leaf, 4'x4'. $450. Canadel kitchen set, nearly new 4 x3' with 12" leaf & 5 chairs, natural/dark natural/dark green $500. (905)426-9467 310 Articles tor Sale tr NEED ,1 tt HOME PHONE? NO CREDITS BAD CREDIT! NO PROBLEM' No deposit Required Activated Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866.687-0863 WASHER/DRYER Maytag. Jr bed/mattress. Kenmore stove, white/smoke, new. Queen-size bed white complete. 1/2-ton truck runningboards, new. Kids bike. 905-720-0002 WHITE ITALIAN kitchen set. leather chairs. $200.. 26" color floor model tv..(zenith) $500.. solid oak triple dresser 2 nite tables, high boy. $3.000. (905)428-8283 315 BARBIES (early 60s), Transformers. Transformers. F.P. toys. My Little Ponies ('70s*'80s). Call 905- 697-3212 Firewood K0ZY HEAT FIREWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hardwood. hardwood. guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn) cut & split Honest measurement, free delivery, 905-753-2246. Pet, Supplies Boarding AND PUPPY DOG TAILS Now offering: tiDog & Cat Grooming Dog Training • Puppy and Adult OSelf-Serve Dog Wash RUTH ANN MILLER 905-623-8000 FAMILY DOG OBEDIENCE at BROOKLIN KENNEL - Starts October 3. Puppy and beginner beginner • small (un classes. Call Pat or Diane to register 905- 655-4721 DACHSHUNDS miniature long haired, puppies, black and tans, reds, dapples, brindles. vaccinated, vet checked. CKO registered. DES-RO KENNELS. Cobourg, 905-372-8226. FREE KITTEN, male, part Persian, Persian, mostly white. Phone 905-983-8149 GERMAN SHEPPARD Pups, CKC registered & paper vet- checked. 1st shots micro- chipped. great temperament, parents on site. $500. (905)725-7992 (snp) HAVE YOUR DOG LET OUT OR WALKED While You Are at Work Call Gimiy at 905-623-2324 Bonded & Insured LABS - chocolate, yellow, black, CKC registered, champion champion blood lines, tattooed, shots, raised with children, ready Oct. 7th, $600. 905-344- 7895. WANTED a Norwegian retriever retriever or Golden retriever (white in colour), call 905- 434-0392 Cars For Sale 1991 PONTIAC TEMPEST, 224km, certified & emission tested. 4 dr, V6, am/fm cassette. cassette. very clean, must sell. $3000 obo. Call 905-434-0392 snp NEED A CAR? $799 Down REPAIR YOUR CREDIT! CAA Card Included 905-426-9571 Nelson Financial 1987 NISSAN MIGRA. 138,000, as is, many spare parts, car still running, $350 080. Call 905-372-8386, leave message. 1988 MUSTANG. LX 4-cylin- der. automatic, excellent condition, condition, no rust, very clean, sporty, factory aluminum mag rims, runs great, very reliable and economical. $2350 certified/emissions certified/emissions 905-922-3165 OAK/PINE FURNITURE..Our Mission Furniture is on the floor...Come and see the Style that has turned the Furniture World upside down..We are also now carrying a full line ot HANDCRAFTED MENNONlTE FURNITURE in addition to our own lines...Traditional Woodworking Woodworking is the leading manufacturer manufacturer of SOLID WOOD FURNITURE in the Durham Region...Bring your ideas/ plans and let us turn them into reality..Drop in and see our State of the Art Woodworking facility and let us show you how fine furniture is made..Rcmember..."There is no Substitute for Quality'...Traditional Quality'...Traditional Woodworking...115 Woodworking...115 North Port Road (South off Reach Road). Port Perry...905-985-8774....www. traditionalwoodworkinq.on.ca SHEOMAN - Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit, only $299. plus tax. Many other sizes and styles available. Also garages. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 1, Pickering. For more info, call 905-619-2093. PIANO SALE on all Roland digital, Samick acoustic pianos pianos and used pianos. All Howard Miller clocks.. Larne selection ol used pianos (Yamaha, (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% ol all rental payments payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO PIANO (905) 433-1491. www.Tcl- ep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! UNDERSOLD! CARPET SPECIAL Kite. Room Ciirpi't IS Asst. Colours 18 oz. .560/sq. ft. 20 oz. ,88jf/sc|.t'i. 10 nun Uittli'i'innl from $2.50/si|..vrl, 36 oz. Carpel Remnants 10 pcs.12x9*12x6 from $89-5169.99 RICE & CO. 4 St. George St. S, Bowmanville 905-623-1622 1989 CHEV CAVALIER Z-24 V- 6 5-speed. 224,000kms. Power Power windows, door locks, trunk tilt, cruise, pioneer stereo. Cert, e-tested. Good condition. Asking $2995.905-571-5138 1991 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER grey. V6. automatic, tinted glass, good driver, safety +e- tested. 183k. ready to go $3,595. Murray 905-718-1808 Oshawa Dealer, 83 Ritson Rd. S. 1992 SATURN SL2 certified, emission tested, new tires, well maintained, excellent condition. $5200. Call 905- 668-8763 1992 TOYOTA TERCEL OX 2 dr, 5 spd, 199,000kms. am/ fm/cass. e-tested. certified, clean, well maintained, red exterior, black interior, $4,600 905-666-0160 between 6-9pm 1994 CADILLAC STS in immaculate immaculate condition. Polo green with tan leather. A pleasure to drive. Must sell 164.000 km $12.900. certified and emissions tested, please call 905-579-4898. 1994 Plymouth acclaim 167k $3999. 1990 Cavalier $2695. 1990 Dodge Shadow $2495. 1986 Buick Skyhawk $1895 Cars certified and emission tested. 905-683-7301 or 905- 424-9002. 1994 PONTIAC GRAND AM, loaded. E-tested, will certify, $5.295 905-885*2914 after 5:00 p.m. 1994 SUNBIRD SE, P/W. P/L. wheel package. ABS. air. cruise, red. very clean, certified, certified, e-tested. 1990 PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM, low mile- age, clean car. 905-259-7243 1994 SUNBIRD SE. 2 door, sunroof. P/L. V6. excellent condition, 205k s. $4500 cer- tilied. Call 905-697-0244 1995 HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 door, 5 speed, 140K, Sony stereo, power steering, brakes Great on gas. One owner, regularly serviced. $5000 Certitieu *E-tested 01)0. Brian 905-686-6874 1995 SATURN SL2, 4 door, 5 speed, loaded, air, cd, gold exterior, $8,000. certified. For more information please call (905) 666-2840 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, September 19,2001 PAGE 11 Birthdays Birthdays | * * s? :-c £ * Happy 13 lh Birthday on September 21" Happy Teen Years Aaron Mulder / am very proud of you. I love * you with all of my heart and ÿf so would Pépère. He never Ÿ got to know you, but he is looking over you as you grow into a mature young adult. i.y Have fun in your teen years! * Love Mémère and Paul 400 1996 CEO METRO, excellent condition, clean air and safety included. Must be seen. Asking Asking $3995 o.b.o. Phone (905)576-1231 1996 MERCURY SABLE V6 70.000 km original. Fully loaded. Cert. 6 Emission. $12.000. O.B.O. After 6pm 416-(416) 579-1096. 1996 SILVERADO PICK-UP. Fully loaded, extenda cab. 305 vortec. S12.000 (905)-440- 6376 1997 BLACK BONNEVILLE SSEI fully loaded, lady driven, supercharged engine, heads up display. CD with bos speakers, sunroof, hands free cell phone included. All the bells and whistles. Quick Sale $18,000. Call (905) 668-1396. 1997 CHEVROLET LUMINA, 4 dr.. 3.1 LTR.. V6. auto, loaded, loaded, remote, keyless entry. 93.000 kms.. certified $9,900 0B0, trades considered. Call Lakeport Equipment Ltd. 905- 355-3281. Colborne. My Oh My! Look who turns sweet sixteen on Sept. 21. 2001 Ht £2 Love you, Nan and Papa 1997 HONDA CIVIC LX ■ 4dr.. black, auto. air. 140,000km. certified/emission tested, well maintained. $11.200. (905)666-4055 1997 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo, auto, air, 6 cyl., 85,000km. platinum, running boards, root rack, new tires, certified $19,999 OBO. Phone 905-420-8284 or 905-623- 5258 1998 JEEP TJ, 4 cyl. 5 speed, 37.000 km. $14,500; 1995 JEEP YJ Sahara. 6 cyl. 5- speed. 103.000 km. $10,500: 1988 JEEP YJ. 6 cyl. auto. 116.000 km. $5995: 1995 CAVALIER. 2 dr. 5 speed, 175.000 km, CD player $5995; 1988 GMC PU 4X4, 5 speed, rebuilt eng, loaded, incl. air. $6800; All vehicles certified & E-Tested. Call Doug, days 905-985-0074; Eve: 705-277- 3250 Dealer. 1998 Pontiac Sunfire GT, $12,500, 47,000k., 5 speed manual, fully loaded, air, am/ fm stereo. CD, sunroof, clean excellent condition, call 905- 571-1805. 1998 SUNFIRE GT, green, 5- speed, 2.4L, fully loaded, sunroof. sunroof. CD. 88kms, $11.500. Call (905)837-9213 (snp) 1998 SUNFIRE. green, 5 speed standard, 72,000km, 2- door, air, CD, certified, warranty. warranty. alarm system, $8,499. (905)579-2057 2000 SILVER SUNFIRE. 4DR., Perfect for student. A/C, CD, Automatic, Remote Lock, Ex- cel/COTN. 19,480 KM, to buy SI5.000. To assume lease, $2000 down, S260P/MTH, Pri- vate. (905)-72Q-0631 2000 SUNFIRE. assume lease, owner leaving country, silver, 4 door, air conditioner, CD, spoiler, $318/month. Nothing down. Call (905)404- 2123 2002 BUICK RENDEZVOOUS, $34,000. Brand new. Loaded. Black'with grey interior. Call 905-404-7817 Coming Events FREE PUBLIC FORUM "LIVING WITH ARTHRITIS" with Dr. Ali Siiickh Rheumatologist Presented by THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY Thurs.. Sept. 27.2001 7PM-9PM at St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Church 214 King St. East, Newcastle FREE REFRESHMENTS provided by The Health Ministry of St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Church For more information and lo reserve a seat, please contact: 905-434-7221 The Ganaraska Quitters Guild is resuming meetings! Wednesday, Sept. 26,7 p.m. at St. Saviour's Anglican Church COMING EVENT New members welcome Beginner to Advance Maple Grove United Church TURKEY SUPPER Saturday, September 22nd Sittings at 5 or 6:30p.m. Adults $12, Uner 12 $5 For tickets phone 905-623-2359 or 905-623-4075 87 325 BMW 4dr, aulo, as is S3,500. 87 S10 EXTCAB, aulo running condition, good body, $700/obo. 88 BUICK REGAL, auto, runs good, needs bodywork, bodywork, $700/obo. 88 CELICA GT 5-speed, 138km runs good, body good, $1,200 as is. Call 905-985-9625. AFFORDABLE USED CARS, 2000 Accent GS Auto, 5 to choose from. 98 Grand Am 6 cyl., air. 98 Villager GS low k s. 97 Buick LeSabre loaded. 94 MX3 Precidia V6. 5-spd. PICKERING HYUNDAI, (905)427-0111 LEASING New/Used Vehicles 8.5% you work/you drive 100% success rate No turndowns 905-426-0252 405 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD MURAD AUTO SALES. WANTED • Dead or Alive . Cars, Trucks, Machinery.. Call 655-4609 (SNP) 410 Trucks For Sale '84 S10 4 x 4, Extendicab, (good shape) corvette yellow. Lund truck cap. BFG's, lois of extras. Alpine Fosgate. $4,000.(905) 426-8590. Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve 1988 CHEVY VAN, good shape, runs well. Certified $3300. Call Hope (905)404- 8676 1991 AER0STAR, Eddy Bauer, Bauer, excellent condition 200,000 km. $3500 certified and emission tested. Call 905-434- 0392 1991 CHEV ASTRO van, in excellent condition, asking $3,500 as is o.b.o. also 1988 FORD S150 Super cab truck. $1,500 obo. Call 905-728- 6859. 1995 PONTIAC TRANSPORT SE van, loaded, new engine, 20,000 km or 1 year warranty, excellent condition, asking $10,000 certified. Phone 905- 983-9715 1998 WINDSTAR; 3dr„ red ext., grey int., 4 capt. chairs, seats 7. air, pwr locks, mirrors mirrors & windows, tilt, cruise, and more. Emissions done, will certify, less than 68,000km asking $15,500. (905)579-8759 1999 CHEV 16' Cube van, flat floor roll up door, alum box, only 40,000km, sells certified $23,800. Call (905)355-2106 2 - 1996 CHEVROLET LUMINA APV Vans, white PS. PB. AC, cruise, tilt, good con. $9000 each O.B.O. Uncertified. 705- 432-2318. Mon. • Fri. from 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. 2001 GRAND CARAVAN SPORT • loaded, 4 captain chairs, am/lm cd player, 18,000km, balance ol factory warranty. $23,500 o.b.o. Call ^6)898-8467 or (905)434- 435 1391 POLARIS 250 Trail Doss •1x2, good condition, S2395 000. 1091 Suzuki DR350S certified, S2395 ODO. Call 905-023-1831 1994 HONDA XI180, great reliable reliable kids hike, $2.200 OBO. 905-885-0413. Anniversaries Anniversaries Retirement Party for BILL CROSSEY (CROZ) OPEN HOUSE Saturday, September 29th l-4pm at Memorial Park Clubhouse Liberty St. S„ Bowmanville OPEN HOUSE to celebrate the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Molly & Herman Vandebelt Westminister United Church Wallbridgc-Loyalist Road RR #5, Belleville (401 Exit #538,911 #1199, approx 1 mile N. of 401) Saturday, Sept. 22, l:30-4:00pm for more information conlacl Robert Vandebelt (613) 969-0731 RR#1, Foxboro, ON KUK 2BO 254 ■■ 254 Allison Helena McManus recently graduated from Brock University with an Honors Bachelor of Accounting Degree with first Class Honors. Allison's parents, Dave and Dchi McManus, siblings Craig and Andrea, Newcastle, Ontario are very proud of her accomplishments. Proud grandparents are Jack and Irene McManus and the late Shirley Higgins (Smith), Niagara falls, Ontario. Allison has accepted a staff accountant position with BDO Dumvoody, Markham, Ontario. Congratulations Allison! 440 Auto Parts & Repairs WANTED - 3.1 GM motor and transmission, also 4 spd. auto, transmission for 1990 Eagle Talon. Call 905-434- 0392 Aulo Financing NO CREDIT? No Problem. No credit application refused ... Bankrupt, Divorced. Separated, Separated, Credit Counselling. Collections? Collections? Start driving again! Call Bob at Victoria Ford. 905* 372-3673. Garage & Storage Space 455 AFFORDABLE UNHEATED covered spaces lor medium sized vehicles during lire winter, winter, 5100/monlli All vehicles must bo running and insured. Call (9051055-9833 alter 5pm. Heavy Duly Emripmonl 4 REEL TANDEM TRAILER/ FLOAT • OVWn 12.000 lbs.. 9-14.5 lilies, as is 54,900 ODO, Call Lakepoil Equipment Lid. 905-355-3281. 249 Coming Events ROAST BEEF SUPPER Hampton United Church Sat., Oct. 13,2001 Sittings 4:30 & 6:30p.m. Adulls-$12 Children under 11-S5 For tickets call: 905-263-4914 or 905-263-2389 265 Lost and Found FOUND- GREY CAT, no tail. Bowmanville, CluircIVGeorge area. (905)697-3710 LOST CAT • Grey and white male cat in the vicinity of the Goodyear Tire Plant. It you have information, please call 905-623-6284

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