Visit Us On the Internet: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, WEDNESDAY EDITION, July 11,2001 PAGE 11 Coning Events Coming Events Coming Events Wed., July 18th, 10:00 A.M. 1*1 « country oslsh attiring ot Cmtury Firm Contints, Contint s, tntiguts, Dr. Buggy, box sltlgh, iuoodtn driving driving wtgon, McLsughlin culler, 165 MF dintl tnctor I lotdtr. Firm michiniry - mtny old primitive 6 colltctiblis including mortal buggy, old tuts I old puts. John Dun 210 riding mower, 1975 Ford 1 ton linstock truck » 12' collie box is Is, 1979 Ford 1 ton t U hiul Von body S loids more. Selling at lhe MASSE AUCTION CENTRE on Hwy 35,1 mile north of Rosedale or 7 km south of Coboconk. 911 # 5933. see signs. Note: Partial listing of 3 generations of accumulation in driving shed as found! Featuring: V/ooden wheel market buggy, bush box sleigh on steel runners, machinery & tractor MF 165 diesel tractor & allied loader only 6270 hrs roll canopy dual remotes power steering, multi power H 8 L 8 snow and gravel bucket 8 more, machinery MF #12 square baler, 28' portable hay elevalor, 3 pt Elmira bale spear, 12' hay wagon 8 running gear, 1979 Ford 1 Ion 3500 14' U Haul aluminum box 8 ramp as is, 3pt H.D. log splitter 8 many (arm related items, 10,000kw portable generator Hercules 120, 240 8 550, wooden wheeled market buggy, spring wagon bench seat, 2 hand water pumps, cream separator, 2 large steel wheels, 1 milking vacuum pump, 1 small steel wheel, st. st. milk pails, 1 large wooden wheel, 2 small show cart boxes, 1 show cart under carriage, 2 old buggy tops (need repairs), quantity of buggy related related parts etc. (as found), buggy seats (as found), buggy buggy steps, bag cart, Whipple trees, tack box, 2 school desks, 2 radios, old calendar pictures, 2 Serge milk cans (canisters), Boston rocker (rough), old doll carriage, carriage, wash tub 8 Beatty washing machine frame, 3 cross-cut saws, assortment of old pine window frames, wooden boxes, sewing machine drawers, old plumbers' heater, push lawn mower, old outboard motor, wall 8 floor grates, Gravely lawn mower seat cart, wheel barrow wheel, assortment of odds 8 ends from sheds, furniture, household items etc. Antique Victorian settee, many primitives, 1 set of two sealer sofa, wing chair 8 ottoman, 3 tri lamps (1 ant), 1 console TV cabinet maple, cream can, fireplace tools 8 2 fire baskets, pictures, boxes of glassware 8 collectables, collectables, appliances 8 many useful times. Don't miss ill Terms: cash, visa & Interne only. Lunch Available. No Reserve Call Calvin Mabee Auctions, Rosedale 705-454-2841 or RR#1 Lindsay 705-374-4800 or log on lo: www. Jligljlmths of ^urfyarn (lames July 21 ft 22, . Tirlrptç" Sheep Dog Trials, Scugog ( $ 5 */per^i„ 1-888-253-5552 VUnder 18 FREE, Çn^syomtorrJtÿ Pofl Perry TSii tWri 0 IhbriOxeTribute Miritiont ol MctwlunJ Stu-ipjpfTil INTERLOCK Retaining Walls, Stairs, Decks & Fences. GREAT RATES Heine ill .il old interim L driven,iy, putin or n ull (905) 987-1277 BOVVMANV1LLE MUSEUM CHILDREN'S AROUND THE WORLD HERITAGE CRAFT DAYS Tues., July 10 - August 28, 1pm-3pm $10.00 per Craft Day (Includes a snack) JulyJfl- Inukshuk (Canada) July 17 - Eyes ol God (Mexico) July 24 - Chinese Lanterns 8 Dragon Puppets (China) July 31 - Lakola Sioux Charm Bags (Native American - Plains) August 7 - Peacock ol India (India) August 14 - Spirit Mini Masks (Africa) Auousl 21 - Cnippeqa Dream Catcher (Native American - Northwest 8 Woodlands) . August 28 - Cornhusk Figures (Canada) For more info or to register call Laura 905-623-2734 Graduations Twi-Lighl Estate Auction lor I he late Mr. Paul Nlmigon (property sold) On Site Location: 1574 Stewart 12th Une, RRI3 Cavan, ON. "West of Rosemounf Memorial Gardens* watch for signs. Thurs. July 19th, 6pm sharp Selling: 1990 Chev. 1/2 Ion, V-8, automatic w/ less than 100,000 kms; Duncan Fyle pcs, appliances, appliances, pine furniture, kitchen ilems, lawn- movter, garden tools +much more. FMlLListina July 17th paper. Terms: cash or cheque with ID, Removal: evening ol sale. RUSLAND & MONK AUCTIONEERS 1 APPRAISERS INC. Since 1972. 705-745-4115 cell: 705-875-1184 AUCTION Sat. July 14lh -10am on location, for Mr. Don Brooks, 5km N. of Welcome on Cly. Rd. 10, exit 401 at Port Hope Hwy #2. Welcome Exil, go to slop sign In Welcome then straight north for 5km to site, property sold, Antiques, primalives, modern home furnishings, furnishings, appliances, collectables, work shop articles, tools, 11Hp riding mower, lawn & garden tools and furniture, several alum, ladders, old horse drawn souiller, chains, jacks, Ige steel construction construction tool box, dpi. hitch, 2 furrow plow, 8' cultivator and grader blade, ply. sleel panels, 1974 Ford 1/2 Ion runs good, needs restoration, wood burning cook stove, excellent carved 1/4 cut oak ball seat all original with hooks 8 beveled mirror, 2 9x12 Peleboro rugs, Hoosler cupboard, excell Dunken Phyfe dining rm suite has been relinlshed, ant. round oak table with 6 pressback chairs, Victorian settee and 2 side chairs, anl. small tables, 2 curved glass door oak china cabinet, 4 Royal Doulton ligurines, 2 chests silver, stove, fridge, auto washer 8 dryer both like new, anl. oak double pedestal desk, old kitchen cupboard, small wardrobe, mortar mixer, 2 anl. Iloor model gramophones In 1/4 cut oak cabinets, 2 anl. rocking chairs, 6" Beaver Jointer planer with cast base, push lawn mower, crocks, coal oil lamps, 2 large anl. cast iron school bells complete, complete, collection old wooden hand planes, ant. side chairs, lil- ng cabinet, qty. hand tools, sockets, wrenches, etc, anl. wash- stand needs refinishing, old fins, old boxes, selection china 8 glass, selection cast 8 brass pcs., selection small collectable pcs., corner what knot w/boltom drawer, selection small collectables collectables pcs., comer what knot w/boltom drawer, selection lawn ornaments, 2 chain saws, wheel barrows, roll barb wire 8 page wire, 4 sections scaffolding, old pulleys, old cast iron crib, sad Irons, angle 8 channel Iron, steel decking, gly. old ornate cast Iron fencing, gas weed eater, power tools, clamps, old scales, lishlng poles 8 tackle, 2- 12 place sellings china, chamber pots, Ige selection cups 8 saucers, pols, pans, housewares, NOTE Large sale everythlna must, go, property sold, NO RESERVES. Terms: Cashjor-cheque With JD, No plas tic. ,Garv WaioerAucllonair.gçy 55-2106 Visit us at www.wà'rnersàuçllon.cq Bi- Cars For Sale m JIM MAYE Ontario Scholar Bowmanville Branch-Royal Canadian Légion Award Veridian Corporation Bursary Ruddock 8 Renal Waddel Scholastic Bursary Goodyear Canada Inc. Award Governor General's Academic Award Words can never express how proud we are of you. Wishing you continued success at Guelph University. Love Mom, Dad, proud sister Shawrta and all your family. Ü m Tenders Tenders 1992 TOYOTA CAMRY, silver, 4 door, all power, 155,000 kms, passed emissions test, excellent condition, must sell, best offer. Call 905-688-6138 1993 ESCORT LX, p.w„ p.s„ ac, 112,000 k„ $3,000 as is. Needs brakes, $4000 certi- flerL Telephone (905)839- 1994 GRAND AM, 4-door, 3.1- V6, aqua blue, 1 owner, lady driven, air, p.w., p.l., p.m., Clarion am/lm CD, trailer hitch, 178,000kms. Certified/ emissions S6000o.b.o. (905)697-2871 1996 BUICK RIVIERA, mint condition, 55,000ml, heated leather, all the options Including Including moon root, new Michelins, remote starter, all regular maintenance, oil sprayed each year. A beautiful vehicle. $15,800. (905)434-5780 (snp) 1996 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, excellent condition, loaded, air, am/lm CD, metallic red, $9,999. Call (905)837-6732 alter 6:30pm 1997 Sunlire 2 door coupe 4 cylinder automatic, lile time warranty on body, 83000 km $9000 certified. Call 905-436- 1670 1999 CHEV MALIBU LS, silver, silver, fully loaded, v6, 4 door, air, am/fm/cassetle/cd. Take over lease lor $361 ./mo. 21,000 km. remaining until August 2002. (905) 725-0233 1999 MAZDA MX5 Miala, red, 5 speed, only 43,000 km.„ one owner, cd, a/c, spoiler, extra sel ol lires. $21,000. Call (905) 571-6993, 2000 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, CARAVAN, silver, AM/EM cassette, air, all power, cruise, till steering, 7 passenger, driver side door, sunscreen glass, $20,500, cerlilied. Call 905- 680-9162 96 CHEVOROLET CAVALIER 2 door coupe 4/cyl. Aulo, ps, pb, air, AM/FM/CD stereo, original paint, like new, mini condition. 125,000 km. $7999 Firm Call 905 725-0745. ■ • Vans/ 4-Wheel Dime dy Bar er, excellent condition 200,000 km. $3500 cerlilied and emission tested. Call 905-434- 0392 2001 GRAND CARAVAN SPORT - loaded, 4 captain chairs, am/lm cd player, 17,006km, balance ol factory warranty, $25,900 o.b.o. Call (416)890-8467 or (905)434- CHEVY VAN 1978, in good condition, well maintained, automatic wheelchair lilt, $2500 obo. Also electric wheel chair 5 yrs old $2000. 905- 723-5425. Oshawa THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of tile Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender. CL200I-33 DRIVEWAY PAVING .li !h,.)_.;,;ulicin urn, 11,01-111 .XRIHIWtiU-i tdld Closing Time & Date"; '2:00:00 pin (local time) - 1 r ' Monday, July 23rd, 2001 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ctoringtm Mrs. louArm Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager July 11,2001 Telephone: (905) 623-3379, Ext. 268 Places of Worship Places of Worship Aulo Parts 8fi ENGINE ONLY, Irom 1985 Quick Park Ave. V6, 3.8L, 26,000km., excellent condition, condition, $625. (905) 839-1357. snp WANTED • 3.1 GM motor and transmission, also 4 spd. auto, transmission lor 1990 Eagle Talon. Call 905-434- 0392 . Lost and Found ATTENTION: Bowmanville, Clarington, Oshawa & Whitby Churches! "WORSHIP DIRECTORY" publishes every Friday DEADLINE: Wednesday 10 A.M. For info, contact Bonnie Browne Phone 576-9335 ext. 2217 Fax: 579-4218 FOUND In Iron! of Home Building Centre, King SI. Bowmanville, Bowmanville, hat wilh pins. Please call 905-023-1043. Daycare Available Daycare Available Personals Lease a New Vehicle at 8%% Ht>(],irriloss ol cociii histoiy You work, you dnve (905) 426-0252 iNo turndowns') AFFORDABLE USED CARS, 98 Transport Montana loaded, 44k. 98 Grand Caravan. 90 Villager van. 97 Accent aulo. WE FINANCE O.A.C. PICKER- DIVORCED WHITE LADY, 56, 511., looking for single male 50-66, 5'2'-5'5', non-smoker, animal lover, preferably Catholic. Catholic. For occasional friendly outings like dancing, dining- out, movies. Reply lo: 1300 King Sf.E. 0ox#l49, Oshawa, Ontario. LIH8J4 S.W.F., 59 YEARS just retired. retired. I like outdoors, country drives, dining oui, dancing. I'd like to meet a gentleman 55- 60 with a good sense ol'humour ol'humour and knows how to heal a lady. Hope to hear Irom you: Serious replies to File# 602 P.0. Box 481, Oshawa, L1H 715. DURHAM'S OWN DATING SERVICE! 905-683-1110. Create a private mailbox ad or browse other ads free. Meet a new Friend or Love lor life. KMe* only tfa- 6eU wilt du! Working as partners with parents and Providers, Wee Walch caters to the growth and development of children in a safe, home environment. •Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • Income Tax Receipts • Full and Part lime Care Please call: Bowmanville/Oshawa East - 433-0558 Psychics Nannies/ Llve-ln/Oul ING HYUNDAI, (905)427-0111 | Cars | Wanted . NANNIES + CAREGIVERS leeger Overseas Nanny Maid Service Centre provides experienced, experienced, educated nannies tcareglvcrs. Looking aller your loved ones lor youl For into call: 1-808-3I8-BB39. website: Daycare Wanled LADIES, host a Psychic Party wilh Lady Chrissy. To host a party calf 416-505-9562 (leave message). For telephone readings by appointment call 1 -866-531-0691. www.ladych- ET*J tors" E12ke Financial Daycare Available CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be In running condition. Call 427-2415 or come lo 479 a SI. East, A|ax al MUR- JTO SALES. WANTED - Inexpensive cars or trucks. Running or not, but not loo rusty. Free removal. Call 905-434-0392 (snp) Eilll Trucks For Sale 1984 FORD F150 with cap, In running condition, as Is. $1000 or best oiler. 905-623- 8701 1993 JEEP VJ 4x4, while with 2 tops (black), fini, 4-cylinder, standard, upgraded lires and rims, cerlilied and E tested, excellent condition, $8200. 410-274-3051. 1997 F-15D 4x4, mini condition, condition, new tires & rims, matching matching cap, $10,500 o.b.o. Also hardtop trailer, great shape, fridge, sieve, sink, toilet, sleeps- 4 adults $800 o.b.o. (905)623-0020 leave message message NEEDED 3-5 days/week starling In September, September, for 4 year +1-1/2 year old boys. Need escort to/from Vincent Massey 2-3 days/ week. Receipts preferred but not necessary. Hours/days flexible, rales negotiable. Call Derick or Jodi 905-G23-9302 BABYSITTER WANTED Immediately Immediately lor Ihe summer In nry Bowmanville home. Suit student. student. 8:30am-5:30pm Mon.-Frl. Phone 905-623-8053 VISA SECURED CREDIT Card. Guaranteed approval. Bad Credit, Judgements, Garnishees. Garnishees. All okay. Rent cars, videos, phones. Pay tabs. Call 24 hours. Deposit required. (905)725-8969 ErTl Mortgages liSCa Loans Health & Homecate WHEN YOU NEED assistance call: Gentle Care Nursing Agency, providing quality professional professional services. Services offered: Care of the elderly, meal preparation, private duly care, loot care, light housekeeping, housekeeping, client escort. Professional Professional trained stall. Contact us at 905-039-0602, 1-077-845- 1018. Fax us your ad at 905-579-4218 DEBT CONSOLIDATION, Trouble paying out credit cards monthly? Use Ihe Equity Equity In your home to save thousands thousands ol $. Tax arrears, vacations, vacations, homo Improvements also quality. First Mortgage rates 5.75%. Call J.M.S. 905- 655-6561 BUSINESS LOANS - $10K lo $50K approvals 43 hrs. Government Government secured loans to S250K. 1-877-643-0130 or (905)420-396Q.cnp CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, llrsl & second mortgages to 95%. From 6.5% lor 5 years. Best available rales. Private lends available. Refinancing debt consolidation a specially. For last professional service call 905-600-4980/905-060-2557. MORTGAGE SPECIALISTS Below prime role, last approval, approval, no lees, everyone Including Including llrsl time homo buyers and soll-omploycd persons. Call Judy or Davis, at IILC. (905)420-2081 C'J'S RENOVATING HOME IMPROVEMENTS Decks, Kitchens, Baths, Siding, Painting, Ftec Rooms, Repairs, Elc, FREE ESTIMATES Call 263-4141 ask for Kelly Births Births Graduations tV Bracken / Hosein tV Wendy, Ron and big sister y Hannah 7 feel so blessed and happy lo announce the birth of their lillle miracle, ★☆NOAH JAMES ☆★ on June 29,2001. Proud grandparents arc Barbara and Barry Bracken of Port Perry and Hafiza and Alt Hosein of Etobicoke. Many thanks to the LH Oshawa nurses and Dr. Beatty and Dr. Hall. Extra special thanks to Dr. C. Laskin and the Cycle Monitoring Learn. y HOUSLEY V Mike & Sonya (Sallows) are proud to announce Ihe arrival of their third child 7 Brooke Mackenna 7 Born Tuesday, July 3,2001,9 lbs. At Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater Florida Brooke is welcomed by her two big sisters Morgan and Lauren. Proud grandparents are Ross & Margaret Housley, Ted & Dianne Sallows and Dick & Lynn Lovckin. Improvements Home Improvements HIT THE DECK Builders ot quality decks at a fair price. From designing, to culling, lo building your deck Free estimates and references are available. Owner operaled. Call David at (905) 697-2732 I & T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homes, General Contracting, Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Stairs, Decks, Windows, Doors & Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 Tony Fanara 263-9988 EST. 1976 CARPENTRY 6 CONTRACTING Ji Rudy Kraayvanger William Kraayvanger COMPLBTB CARPBNTRY SBRVICBS Custom Built Homes • Renovations • Additions • Designing BOWMANVILLE (905) 623-1101 ROOFING BY Fully Insured Free Estimates Midway m -L t X homlmmi:ko„v:imt:nts inc. JL 905-427-8613 1-866-688-5923 Party Services Party Services RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 Home Improvements Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 tainting and Decorating Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 983-5293, 983-6221 KILT PAINTING Interior & Exterior 25 yrs. Exp. FREE ESTIMATES 10% Off Seniors Tel: 905-434-4931 Tel: 905-623-0045 Pgr: 905-435-1507 Flooring, Carpeting Garbage Removal Hauling InemuiMUr ^dvoae. •TRANSFER STATION* ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING -uQ Ask about our wlrs, general 'K&5Sb3V SALVAGE -«for- tag: SERVICE QUEEN'S FLOORING S DESIGNS. Sales and Installation Installation (Full service) Carpel, Hardwood, Vinyl, Ceramic tile, Laminate, Custom Made ■ & Designs. 27 years Experience. Experience. Free Estimates and Shop Al Home. Seniors Discount. Discount. Best Prices. Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! Tel 905-438-0057 or Cell:416-930- 0861. Visit our showroom at 1561 King SI. Courtine. Ask for specials. CALLUS 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask for tipping fee rates. Also accepting fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Frl. 8-5, Sat. 8-12, 40-ncy . CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restretching, our speciality. Free estimates. D&N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987-1800 Gardening & Landscaping llijil Mortgages, Loans MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & protection protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 Painting and Decorating Backhoe, Dump Truck & Float Service Cheap Hates, Falla Insured. Call Mike "We Dig II" 905-786-2243 or 905-439-0335 Anytime A LOVING MOTHER welcomes welcomes your child In a smoke- lice home. Lois ol fun, nutrl- llous food and worry-free. Infant Infant CPR certification. Please call Tracey 905-697-9884 DAYCARE AVAILABLE In my home located behind Block- Buster Video on Klngswood Drive Courllce. Several years experience, on school bus mules. Call 905-435-0902 LOVING experienced daycare available olferlng year-round, full-limo care, Non-smoking environment. Sandringham/ Trulls Courllce. Receipts available, 905-433-6732 MARTIN/ASPEN SPRING area, Bowmanville, daycare available In my home, beginning beginning September 1st. Dally activities activities & outings, nulnlious meals & snacks In a pel & smoko-lreo environment. Reasonable rales/recolpls. Call Debbie (905)720-3777 nSlÜ Home Improvements F & A HOME IMPROVEMENTS Interior & Exterior Painting, Home Renovations, etc. FREE ESTIMATES (905) 697-9601 DURHAM TREE SERVICE -V vyi -V 4' Tree Trimming Tree Removal Free Estimates Fully Insured (905) 263-2538 Deaths Deaths K 'DEATH NOTICE LISTINGS For Audio on current deaths, call 905-683-3005 From Clarington, Port Perry or Uxbridge, please call 1-905-683-3005. Mus on the internet: Armslnmg, to & to', AMro & Sons, Ménic, MdiMM7wMom,Ntml!oFiimlHoii!o, 18 Nortlmilt-HlioU, tom tarai Semico, l\ r m, IJ _ KC.Tmi,MmwlOufd Step 1. Simply dial the above number on a touch tone phom i Listen for the name you are looking for. The listings are records by surname first. When you hear the name you want, press 1 to hear details of the funeral arrangements. If you miss any information, press 1 to replay the details. If you want to go back to the main directory of names, press 2 and repeat fronts Sle p z ■» Deaths Deaths STEVENS, Monica Ann - Peacefully at home on Sunday July 8th, 2001 in her 38th year. Beloved daughter of the late Douglas and Patricia Stevens. Loving sister of Philip, Brian, Andrew and Theresa. Sadly missed by her family and friends. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE, "Thornton Chapel" 847 King Street West, (905-721- 1234) on Thursday Irom 7-9 p.m. A Memorial Service will be held in the Chapel on Friday July 13th, al 3:00p.m. Cremation. Donations in Memory of Monica, may be made to the Hospital for Sick Children. BEER, Susan aged 52 years - Suddenly at home on Tuesday July 3rd, 2001. Special friend & dear companion of Harold. Dear mother ol Jeffrey & his wife Jennifer. Cherished Cherished "Grama" ol Mackenzie. Beloved sister of Fred, Roy, Shirley, Linda, twin sister of Stanley, Russell & Cindy. She will be sadly missed by all her family 8 friends. Visitation at THE NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME, 53 Division St. N., Bowmanville 7-9 pm Thursday. Funeral Service will be held in our Chapel 11am Friday. Interment lo follow in Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery, Toronto. Toronto. Donations made to Archway would be appreciated appreciated by her family. BUTLER Doris Emily Peacefully, with family by her side, Doris (nee Beckett) in her 91st year, at Lakeridge Health Corp. Whitby, on Monday, July 9, 2001. Beloved wife of the late George Henry Butler. Dear mother of Lorraine Butler and her.-, husband NeiL McCulloch ..ol Seattle,. Washington and the late Paul Butler. Mother-in-law Mother-in-law of Esther Butler of B.C. Fondly remembered remembered by grandchildren Karen Butler and her husband Bruce Williams, and Jeffrey Butler Butler and his wife Barbara Campbell and greatgrandchildren greatgrandchildren Allyson and Brent Williams. Sister of the late Arthur, Isabel, Evelyn and Frank. Also remembered by Marianne Buchanan Buchanan and Jim and Elsie McGuire. Relatives and friends may pay their respects at the MCIN- TOSH-ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME LTD., 152 King St. E. Oshawa (905)-433-5558 on Tuesday Tuesday July 10, 2001 from 2:30 p.m. until the time of service at 3:30 p.m. Interment Oshawa Oshawa Union Cemetery, In lieu of flowers, donations donations made in memory of Doris to the Chaplaincy Chaplaincy Association Lakeridge Health Corp. Oshawa and Whitby would be appreciated. DUPUIS, Joan Elaine - At Lakeridge Health - Oshawa on Saturday July 7, 2001 in her 59th year. Beloved wife of Joseph. Dear mother of Debby Bartlett and her husband Rob; Donna Godfrey and her husband Dennis Marcuz; and Diane. Daughter of Frank Tremayne-Pengelly and the late Beulah. Loving grandma of Cody, Jacob, Rebecca and Matthew. Sister of Frank Pengelly, Patricia Hekman and the late Gail Ste. Croix. Lovingly remembered by her extended family and. friend Teresa Macdonell. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE, "Thornton Chapel" 847 King Street, West (905-721-1234) on Monday Monday July 9th from 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday July 10th at 3:00 o'clock. Interment Thornton Thornton Cemetery. Memorial Donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association or Canadian Cancer Research Foundation would be appreciated. appreciated. FUDGE, Mary Josephine - Entered into rest at Lakeridge Health Oshawa on Tuesday July 3, 2001 in her 82nd year. Mary, beloved wife oi the late George Fudge. Dear sister of Tom Donohue. Beloved aunt of Colleen and her husband Allan Corner, and great-aunt of Ryan and Brad Corner. Friend of Ervin Brown. Friends will be received at the W.C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL, 110 Dundas Street East, Whitby (905-668-3410) from 7 to 9pm Thursday. Service in the Chapel on Friday July 6, 2001 at 11 am. Interment, Mount Lawn Cemetery, Whitby. NICHOL, Christopher Watson - As the result ol a car accident in Winchester, Ont. on Saturday, Saturday, June 23, 2001 in his 19th year. Beloved son ol Danny and Sharon Nichol. Dear brother of Crystal, Christina, Christie and Chrislalyn. Nephew of Stephen and Kim Jackson, Scott and Sandi Jackson, Sherida and David Price, Shelda and Bruce McLeod, Sheldon and Nicky Jackson. Sadly missed by grandparents Joe and Eleanor Jackson of Hampton. NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME Famlly'owned and operated by Carl Good, Funeral Director, and Joyce Kufta 386 Mill St. S., Newcastle 987-3964 www.newcnstlefuncrallioine.coni "Caring for our Community" . 1 , i rii , ' < n f. ' ■ . *, - j' Deaths Deaths HORNETT "Guy" Charles Graham William Suddenly, as a result of a sailing accident, on July 1st, 2001. Guy, in his 60th year. Beloved husband of the late Sheila Hornett. Loving father of Chris and Colin. Much loved son of Donna and the late William Hornett. Dear brother ol Ewen Hornett and his wife Diane of Bagshol, England. Relatives and friends may pay their respects at MCINTOSH-AN- DERSON FUNERAL HOME, 152 King Street East, Oshawa (905-433-5558) on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Private cremation. A memorial memorial service will be held in Christ Memorial Anglican Anglican Church, 81 Hillcroft Street (at Mary Street N.), Oshawa on Saturday, July 7th, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations donations in memory of Guy made payable to West Island College (In Trust for Guy Hornett), Hornett), 851 Tecumseh Street, Montreal, QC H9B 2L2 lor the Class Of Floats Sailing Program Program would be appreciated. HUGHES Morley Milton (Career Car Salesman with Ontario Motor Sales and Cliff Mills Motors) Suddenly, at Cedar Valley Trailer Park in Lindsay on Sunday, July 8, 2001. Dear friend and companion of Sandra Leaman. Also survived survived by his daughter Maureen Hughes ol Nanaimo, Nanaimo, B.C., his sister Mary Hicks, his brothers Harold and Richard. Predeceased by his parents parents Edward and Eleanor Hughes, his sister Jean Thompson and brothers Jack, William, Stanley, Russell, Raymond and Gordon. Fondly Fondly remembered by nieces, nephews, great- nieces, great-nephews and many friends. Visitation Visitation Irom 7:00 pm until the time of service at 8:00 pm' on Wednesday, August 1, 2001, at HARMONY UNITED CHURCH, 15 Harmony Rd. N„ (at King St.) Oshawa. In lieu of flowers, flowers, donations made to a charity of your choice would be appreciated and may be made through MCINTOSH-ANDERSON FUNERAL FUNERAL HOME LTD., 152 King St. E„ Oshawa (905-433-5558) LEROUX, Garry - At Lakeridge Health, Oshawa Oshawa on Saturday July 7, 2001 in his 49th year. Garry, Beloved husband of Karen (Green). Loved father of Robert, Katherine and Corey, Dear son ol. Jean Paul and the late Margaret Leroux. Loving brother of Gail and Bruce. Garry Garry will be sadly missed by Edna and Ron Green. A private family service was be held at the MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 4 Division Division Street, Bowmanville. Cremation. Donations Donations made in Garry's memory to the Terry Fox Foundation would be gratefully appreciated. appreciated. LILLIE, Darran - Suddenly as the result of a car accident in Mactire on Sunday July 8, 2001, Darran Lillie at 22 years of age. Beloved son ol Wayne Lillie and his wife Rosemarie and Betty McBride and her husband Mark. Dear brother ol Arlene Godby and her husband husband Jim and Michelle Lillie. Beloved grandson grandson of Lawrence and Laura Lillie. Darran will be 'fondly remembered by his step brothers, step sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Resting at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 King Street East Oshawa, Oshawa, with Mass of Christian Burial in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church on Thursday July 12, 2001 at 10:30 a.m. Interment Interment Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens. Prayers Prayers will be held in the Chapel Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Memorial donations to the Canadian Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Visitation Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. w SIDEY, Sophia (nee Gardiner) - Peacefully at Lakeridge Health-Whitby on Sunday, July 8th, 2001 in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the late Douglas. Predeceased by her sisters Clara McFadyen and Eileen Hyre and brother Anthony Gardiner. Sadly missed by her twelve nieces, nephews and their families. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE "Thornton Chapel" 847 King St. West (905-721-1234) for visitation on Wednesday, Wednesday, July 11th from 12 Noon until time of Service in the Chapel at 1:00 o'clock. Interment Interment to follow at York Cemetery, Toronto. SMITH, Margaret Gloria - Entered into rest at the Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay on Saturday, July 7, 2001. Gloria Nellis, in her 69th year, was the beloved wife of Jim Smith. Loving mother ol Owen of Port Perry, Edward and his wife Mary Lou of Seagrave, Kevin and his wife Colleen of Greenbank, Heather (Mrs. Kevin Bolton) of Little Britain, Sean and his wife Natasha of Uxbridge and Rosemarie (Mrs. Dean Myers) of Washburn Island. Treasured grandmother of 10 grandchildren. Dear sister ol Mrs. Patricia Mines and Mrs. Anne Caulield both of Kilbir- nie, Ayrshire, Scotland and Eddie Nellis and his wife Mary of Corby, England. Dearly remembered remembered by many nieces and nephews. Mrs. Smith will be resting at the STODDART FUNERAL HOME, 24 Mill St. Lindsay on Tuesday Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Mass of Christian Burial Irom St. Mary's Church in Lindsay on Wednesday, July 11 at 11:00 A.M. Cremation to follow. Parish prayers will be offered at the funeral home on Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 P.M. Memorial donations to the Canadian Diabetes Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family. Simpson Memorials A Family Operated Business 119 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 Port Hope (905) 885-6434 MONUMENTS • GRANITE OR BRONZE MARKERS • INSCRIPTIONS • monument displays • etchings • home appointments gladly arranged Contact Bill Alldread, Manager 2g "A local business supporting the community" 30-ls'