» THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, JANUARY 31,2001 PAGE 5 Catholic trustees told to take budget control The separate school board has been told to take "tighter control" of its finances, following an audited audited statement which shows the board had an $894,000 deficit last year. In a presentation to trustees with the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington • Separate School Board, accountant accountant Mac Allan said "it is imperative imperative the board take tighter control over finances." Mr. Allan told trustees school boards have a reserve account of • about five per cent of a yearly budget, which for the local sepa rate board would be about $5 million. However, because the board needs to dip into its reserve funds this year to help fund education, education, as well as pay off the $894,000 deficit, education director director Mike Langlois said the board will have no money in reserves reserves after this school year. "We aren't surprised by any of this. We knew it was coming," he said. Board staff will now make quarterly reports to trustees on the state of the board's finances. finances. Mr. Allan's report shows the board spent $86.5 million last year in educating separate school students. Most of the money came from provincial grants, with taxpayers paying $19 million. million. In his report, Mr. Allan also noted the board paid out $382,293 in retirement gratuities to retiring teachers following the 1999/2000 school year. Each teacher who has worked at least 17 years is eligible to receive a cash settlement of one-half the number of unused sick days when he or she retires. In 1998/1999 that figure was $576,368. " 'N Enter To Win A r from School board r NOTES JAN. 31, 2001 Taxes pay for hospital Residents in Northumberland and Clarington could soon help pay for a new $189-million hospital hospital in Peterborough Peterborough through their separate school taxes. Trustees with the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Separate School Board were told the Public Utilities Utilities Commission in Peterborough has applied to the Ontario Energy Energy Board for a four-per-cent increase increase in electricity electricity rates this year, and a higher higher rate the following following two years. Any profits made by the City- owned PUC will be used to build a new hospital. Ray i Rigby, superintendent of business and finance, said the PUC won't divulge divulge the rate increase increase proposed for years two and three. In a report to trustees, he said the four-per- cent hike would mean an extra $20,640 in electricity electricity bills for the school board. Using a six-percent six-percent increase for year two and three, he said energy energy costs would increase $32,198 in 2002 and $34,130 in 2003. Trustees asked staff to meet with the mayor of Peterborough Peterborough to discuss discuss the increase. increase. Board class sizes OK The separate school board is just below provincial provincial regulations for class sizes, A report to trustees with the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Separate School Board indicated the average class size in the board's four high schools is 20.99 students, The provincial requirement requirement is 21 students. St. Stephen's S e co n d a r y School in Clarington Clarington has an average average of 21.61 students per class, while St. Mary's In Cobourg has 20.44. At the elementary elementary level, the board has an average class size of 24.41 students. students. The provincial requirement requirement Is 24.5 students. To advertise your services to the residents of Clarington, call Christian-Ann at 623-3303 Vùtiteet 84 Mill St. S., Newcastle 987-4515 Morning Worship 10:30AM Nursery Care & Sunday School Feb. 4 - Lunch/Annual Meeting Feb. 9 - Cupid's Night Out Feb. 11 & 25 - Regular Worship Feb. 18 - 10:10AM Hymn Sing - Holy Communion n ALL are WELCOME w certificate il ■ / Î v z - x vîSFxn in 0 m ; . to Z V v 11' r JsrJ yL. ti Coming Wednesday; in the Canabtan Statommt lii'AwSx. ■ / " « c ii i v /' o l /•: r / a 1.1) s m o n i i. i Kcewxiviantxiwuwimati' CHEVROLET CAVALIER VLX 1 4-Speed Automatic Transmission 48 Month s *amUasc CHEVROLET MALIBU with Traction Assist • Air Conditioning • Remote Keyless Entry • 5-Vear Powertrain Warranty *215 $1,820 down payment, $730 freight and $300 security deposit required 48 Month SmartLlue with $0 Down Lease Rate/Purchase Financing wnn >u uown « A - / . »*254 -"1.9% $730 freight and $300 up to 4B months/up to 60 months security deposit required • 3.1 Litre V6 I/O IIP Engine 1 4-Speed Automatic Transmission •Air Conditioning • 60/40 Split-Folding Rear Seats 48 Month SmartLiasc 278 48 Month SmariLcau Purchase Financing with 50 Down !' $2.340 down payment. $795 freight $795 licighl ond $400 Up , 0 3Q monlhs and $325 security deposit required OR with 50 Down *332 -2. security deposit required CHEVROLET VENTURE VALUE VAN ALERO G.X BY OLDSMOBILE • 3.4 Mire V6 185 III> Engine 1 4-tVliccl Anil-Lock Broking System • Slmickml Integral Chilli Seal • Dutil Sliding Doors 48 Month SmahtLeam $ 238 $4,325 down poymont, $940 freight and $300 security deposit required OR 1335 with $0 Down payment $940 freight ond $400 security deposit required Purchase Financing Cash Purchase Price 1.9%' " s 22,998' Excludes freight of $940 • d-Speed Automatic Transmission with Enhanced Traction System • 4-Wheel Disc Brahes with Anti-Loch Rrahing System • 4-Wheel independent Suspension • J.4 Litre Twin Cam ISO I IP Engine 48 Month SmartUasi *268 $2.225 down payment, $7V5 freight ond $325 security deposit required OR $319 with SO Down payment $793 freight ond $373 security deposit required Purchase Financing Cash Purchase Price OR 2.9%' °" $ 19,498 r Excludes freight of $705 OR DON'T PAY FOR 90 DAYS AND NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED. 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