The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, May 16, 1998 Paste 15 Budget Was Well-Received . Last week, I had the honor of attending the annual ' . Community Care volunteer ' appreciation evening in "■Bowmanville. There were hundreds of individuals who t: have given countless hours of r.' their time to assist others. Programs like "Meals on -, Wheels", friendly visits, lunch out breaks and drivers , who assist people in cvcry- Î' thing from doctor's visits to *■' shopping and attendance at ' 'day programs. The current debate over - • the Hepatitis C compensation e; gives each of us reason to try and understand the issues. I have constituents whose lives -, are affected. Many people ,,, placed their trust in our blood " supply. Before 1990, there was knowledge of a blood test for the infection. The World 7 Health Organization issued reports and some countries introduced testing before Canada. I believe if there was information around, at the very least, patients or those needing blood should have been advised. Those elected to make decisions must always remember that public safety is a primary responsibility. I was in our caucus meeting when the discussion took place after the Federal and Provincial agreement had been announced. I can attest that there were MPP's there who argued strongly, "that people arc suffering suffering through no fault of their own, why should we put these people through the legal maze for years when the Justice Krcvcr report strongly suggested compensation." I recognize that many will suggest suggest that our Premier's deci sion was motivated by politics. politics. I can tell you that the decision decision is about people's lives. I firmly believe that our Premier learned a valuable lesson on Canadian's compassion compassion during the Dion sisters' sisters' decision. As John F. Kennedy said, "Wealth is the means and people arc the end. All our material riches will avail us little if we do not use them to expand the opportunities for our people." The budget presented this past week has been generally well received. In my view, we are making strategic investments investments in people programs like health care and education. education. We are also reducing the burden oh small business through the elimination of the employer payroll health tax and small business corporation corporation tax being reduced by 50% over the next eight years. We arc providing a $140 million child tax credit for modest middle-income families families with children under age 7. We arc expanding the "healthy babies healthy children" children" program to $50 million by 2000-1. On Friday, I was part of the announcement in Durham Region of $150 million for more front line police officers in support of safe communities. communities. As our Premier said, "Perhaps we could have pushed to balance the budget sooner but we need to invest in areas where the people of Ontario place a high priority like education and health care." We arc still forecasting a $4.2 billion deficit and arc on track to balance our budget by 2000-2001 as promised. We have delivered on the last part of our promised 30% reduction in provincial income tax. We believe that we arc giving hard working taxpayers taxpayers their money back so they can decide where to spend it, not governments. We can demonstrate that tax cuts create create jobs. Look at the 341,000 net new jobs since we were elected. Over 60% of all new jobs in Canada arc right here in Ontario and we represent only one third of the population population of Canada. The opposition opposition parties and many local politicians still believe in high taxes and government spending. They just don't get it. I am surprised to read in our local press about the proposed proposed change in the emergency emergency zone around our nuclear plants. I can assure you that I am not in support of this change and will bring tins to the attention of the Minister. Durham has two nuclear plants in an area with high growth and population density. My constituents need the protection afforded by the right emergency plans. This week, I will be debating debating my private members Bill #8, an Act proclaiming Irish Heritage Day. The intention of this bill is to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of all Irish. This bill compliments all cultures and simply recognizes recognizes the multicultural nature of Ontario and indeed Canada. The Irish have been in Canada for over 300 years and are officially recognized as a founding people of Canada. An interesting piece of history has it that Christopher Columbus consulted Saint Brendan the Navigator's travel travel diaries before setting out to discover the new world. The values of hard work and family family form the basis of many of my personal values and I thank my Irish history for the tenacity and joy of life. Almost everyone celebrates the 17th and is "Irish for a day." "May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light." Town Doubles Price of Industrial Land Midland Régt. Honors Fallen Comrades / M,s ' Upon tho advice of the Industrial Commis- while land south of I 111 will cost $11,00(1 per acre. Bowmanville's industrial land is still priced siun. town council has decided to increase the The former price was $:i.f>00 per acre for both considerably below that of other nearby selling price of town-owned industrial land. locations. The reason for the difference of $1,000 is communities. Whitby, for example, reportedly. Land north of Highway 401, most of it on the that the land north of the highway is, or would be. charges up to $14.0(10 per acre for their industrial Base Line Road, will now sell for $7,000 per acre, fully serviced, and the other is lacking sanitary property. sewers. VOLUME 119 16 Pages BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15c Per Copy NUMBER 19 - VO Tighten Restrictions on Fireworks It's a Big Job Getting Ready to Welcome 50,000 'Visitors Thunks tot velum I legislation passed last tall (Juuen Victoria's Victoria's Birthday, or lirvcrack- vr dax as it has become known to many youngsters, should be much saler this year Regulations regarding the sale ol lireworks have been tightened considerably and certain type.-» of lireworks have been banned altogether lor sale to the general public. In addition, only qualified lireworks supervisors will he allowed to purchase and stage demonstrations ol "display tires caused by firecrackers. i hie lire, at the rear of a King Street West apartment building. building. eaused several thousand dollars of damage. Another lire behind the Arena took Bremen a total ol tl hours to extinguish. In almost all eases, the tires were started by children playing with lire- Resources Canada has prepared prepared a special booklet on the use of display fireworks*. "Because ol the potential for fires, injuries and death that . , could result from improperly I in-works" . CoUfs't'iV ha Vc discharging firew orks at been set up to train fireworks exhibitions, cl al. it was fell supervisors and permits must necessary to write this he obtained by these people if manual as a guide to respons- a group wishes to stage a ible and competent persons so display that the risk of fire and the * . hazard of injury might he kept • Not All I* i re works Banned m a minimum " The Federal Department ol Energy. Mines and Resources emphasized that "only those lireworks deemed to be highly hazardous have been banned for sale to the general public." Exploding "firecrackers", delined as "those lirexyorks whose sole purpose is to ereale noise, have been banned for 100 Acres At Pine Ridge To Be Sold Un Saturday, more than 2f»n paraded to the cenotaph Hope former members ol the Mid- where a wreath was laid, piper played the "Lament" their supplier that tile display land Regiment - attended a returned to the Legion lor a and the veterans honored their will be supervised by reunion at the new Legion mess dinner, followed by a lallen comrades. A large competent person, headquarters in Port Hope, dance. In this picture. Doug representation from "D" n u . k - , UOTinj! Ihv alK'inoon. Ihi'j riicsh,','. I' J. IliRdy»Huy I'mnpimy. mnbilizvil m this nu , bran > bamled . Thev will ,qUçndL'd a church service al Burnessand Scotty Brough- area, was presept for the ^ Anglican Church, ton stood at attention n( Purl reunion. . tine hundred acres of land at Pine Ridge School on Condos- sale to the general public This siun Street has been offered classification includes all lor sale to Darlington Town- noise-making firecrackers, ship hy the Ontario Ministry ol including lady lingers " Government Services The •■Display fin-works". Kwmmicm advised Ilia suvli as rockets. boinhardns. Township Council in a Idler harrapes. and bombshells 'lull'll April mill that Ihev continue to he restricted, were prepared In aeeepl a bid ... Responsible erpimizations and Irum Ihv Township on die If you were expecting 50,000 Visitors you d be individuals may obtain fire- properly busy too. Here Marilyn Donoghue, left, of The projected sale has been Bowmanville, and Susan Johnston. Oshawa, put l ell'l I ell III Darlmplon s pi op- ., f: n ichind (niiehnc nn clone nnnmmeinp fipnnrnl works of Ibis type if they have the necessary local aulhoriza- war memorial while a lion and file a guarantee with rru committee 1er stinlv a lid jJjcfinishing touches on signs announcing General a decision is expeeied shortly. Motors Open House in Oshawa on May 15. 16 and 17. Hundreds of GM people are preparing to welcome guests at three Oshawa locations -- the truck and passenger car assembly plants on Park Road and the North Plant component fabricating operation on Division Street. BITS PIECES 'ouncif Approves 1973 Road Resurfacing Plan Tuxvn Council approved Town Engineer Charles Walt's 11173 Road Resurfacing Program at their Monday. May Till meeting. Close to four miles ol loxvn roads will lie paved or resurfaced this year, at a cost ol $47.1)1.'» The largest stretch to he paved will be 4,'»0l) feet ol Mearns Avenue. Other major paying operations will include 3.1 mi feet of Elgin Street, north of, the bridge, if.tiut) feet ol Jackman Avenue mid two sections ol the Baseline Road *-•420 feet in the east end ol loxvn and, L4IH) I vet vast ol Waverly Hunch. I.HHi feel ol Flett Street is also scheduled to be resurfaced this year still be available for purchase at rpJi»itstores by iwjnciersaEL j V is years of age and over. DOUBLE WHAMMY -- Events seem to be [•'ireworks oi this kind, also happening in pairs these days. On Sunday raiLteMS "8. the . Odd Fellows held their church pinwhecls. parade to Trinity United Church while the Masons ■■hi, Lhii.r inin-iivcs attended St. Paul's United. Fortunately, the program in iienend Moiors oi ; chiei Jim Dayman parades didn't conflict afterwards. This Friday sed the leeisiation eon- night, Minister of State the Hon. Hugh Faulkner of d J lv and Tbm sdav.'Mav is. n; Miracle of /Mass Production Will Be on Public View During Open House at General Motors The largest Open House Town Engineer wmis re Garbage Cans For King St. port also stated "in addition iunds have been allocated for paving ol Coleman. Chapel. Wavvrly Road from King Street to Colemitn Avenue. Frederick. R eh dvr. Edsall and Jackman Road. "The funds tor the above streets have already either liven included m the Works Department Road Asphalt Account or included as Binds to he expended under the final Sewer Contract Cost 'liFan attempt to clean up King Srect". Tuxvn Council luis agreed with a recommendation from Town Engineer Charles Watt and uill purchase III colored garbage containers. containers. to he placed along domain domain street. Local builder Mario Vcltrl of Marianna Developments Developments has offered to pay Hie cost of purchasing the containers upon the con- I act unng techniques They multi-ton sheet metal presses, will see such operations as a huge machine which traces welding, metal finishing: a a pattern and reproduces it in mechanical hand inserting steel and two million feet of seats into cars and the body color!id wire being used each drop where the completed day in the production of body comes swinging through xeluele wiring systems. *^£^5 Legion. On the way downfrom the north, he might KSTl!'" 1 «v.,,->h,m.,«,w,u deserved May Mth weekend lo put out seek a lew converts at Bewdley Fire Hall where truck and passenger ear |„,| K .m„ l h l ,| ; mlüiivsls„ni in visitors ami parking facile file N-D Progressive Conservatives are holding assembly plants nn Dark radiator manulaelurmg. lies will lie available adjacenl their annual mectinc Road and thy .North plastie parts welded hv sound: to all Open House locations. b tilatii vumniitiL'iit fabricating ! ' l . v| L 0 !. 1 ; trolling fireworks. He pointed Peterborough is slated to address Northumbcr- and it , , endorsed the legislation con ( lerk-Admmistrator Joe "These, said the report, trolling Mc I hoy indicated that the -will also be tendered as part oul ,| ial j n i«j 7 | the Bowman- , . ^ . - . ., . , ,. . „ . TT resurfacing program will of the cnnlvad along with the v -ille Fire Department was land-Durham Liberals at a dinner in Port Hope begin sometime this summer, regular lt)7:t Road " : alter all the necessary ap Program " provals have been granted. More than lU.miti area res- diliun that he can udvviTlsv his company's name on each unit. Council went along with Veltri's offer. the plant component fabricating • operations on Division SI DECORATION DAY Sunday. June 17th has been declared Decoration Day at Bowmanville's Cemetery. Town Council passed a resolution to this effect at their Monday. May 7th meeting. Tuesday. May If», will he preview day lor GM people, their lamiiies and friends Wednesday and Thursday, all three plants will he open to the public Open House hours a I Local Kinsmen Club Competes in 25 Mile Cribathon APOLOGY -- Our alert proofreaders missed a dandy last week with the result that a man was listed as a bridesmaid in a pink Swiss- dotted dress with white embroidery trim. We don't think things have gone quite that far yet and apologize for any embarrassment he must have suffered. Visitors will see the miracle MADE IT -- We're delighted to report that Chuck "i mass production os new Brown's chickeh emporium, not - « Area Odd Fellows Parade to Trinity Local and district 42 members ol the Independent Order ol Odd Fellows met at all locations will be I p.m. to " Y ,, V J :;up in undo inp m loll ::u ^'nlcnn,al fall un Sunday ..... * 1 May (ith to attend the mormni Smith's Mary Brown's chickeh emporium only opened without incident on Friday, but did a roaring business all weekend, with line ups al meal times. Congratulations. "H«kin ul nulnmotivv manu- Marshall was I) D C Marsh all Allan Farrow and Coloi Bearers were I'.G. George Miehelson and P C Brian Fasxvvll. all ol Florence Night- morning ingale Lodge No III» service in Trinity United Rev Wesley Oake was Church at It o'clock They assisted by U.D.G. Master were led by the Kinsmen Gordon Lamont who read the Balmoral Girls Pipe Band Scripture and Noble Grand from Oshawa Parade l Turn to Page Two) Chicken Arrives... Six Months Late PROMOTED -- Last week we inadvertently upgraded Counties Warden Weston Banister to Reeve of Hope. He's the Deputy Reeve and probably just as happy Howard Quantrill is the Reeve and taking the main abuse from taxpayers who won't be too happy about tlieir 7.26 mill increase. POOR MEMORY -- We've been having memory problems recently but have come to the conclusion that it's not all bad. Now, we can watch TV reruns and don't remember until they're just about over,.that we've seen them before. CIRCUS IN TOWN -- Specialty Paper President President Harold "Fibber" McGee, as head of Oshawa Shriners, will he busy this Saturday when'lhe Shrine Circus is playing in Oshawa. We don't know what part lie will he playing, hut hope he doesn't try the high wire act without without a net, especially if his aim isn't any better than it usually is with a golf club. There are three performances at i): BO, 2s00 and 8:00 p.m. Tickets are available al Specialty Paper, Temperance Street, Members ul the Bnwman x die Kinsmen Club, alnng with u pair ol Kinetics, are inclined just prior to leaving Inr Furl Ferry Siiliirdny nmrning. Mny fiih.tu lake part in Hie Second Annual Kinsmen Vnhailum The Bowmanville Kinsmen were one ol live area clubs n ho pushed a ml) the 2.i miles Juin Furl Ferry to Lindsay ."Tin- local ri ihi»"- ed an I BEST WISHES -- to the recently formed Pine , , , ,1 1 , , Ridge Kinsmen Club that will be holding its cm mini,ul slim lui lyslic nxle on Ihvcilli iilona the way cimipvllllim fur Hie bust dec pi...mi„i., nennn Ibis Unlm'dav nluht Nn l"ilii'nsis llirmi|!li llii'ii vllnrls mu iliiulil while Ink Inn n nnilvil vrlli. The Purl Perry , , . Niglll (Il UI0I10 IIIIS SlltlUdaj lilglu, 1NO on Saltirdav hairpin turn al dealh-dvlylng Kinsmen xvun first prize in doubt WCshall IlCOT tllOI'C of tlJClU US tlUlC goes OIL in iiiv iiimin n•■in ii'ii in speedi null iiini in mnke Hie iimi eiiieffury. They already have made o good showing by I'liiht. inn Jim seiu'ii. .inn nccessiu-.x i','|inns en ruine The iinwiimiiviiie niiiiivi.s winning honorable mention for their entry in the l.niui'iiiT, Mill'll l.iiwii'iii'i'. lii'lni'i' Imishinii sel n 'hllslvrlnit' pure for the Kinsmen Olhnllinn nn Snliivdav Dave Cm» Ini'il. Hoi) Full ey. To mill insult lu injury. Ihv evenl, vuverllll! Ihu 2Ô mile 1UnMnU1 UUD1UI,0n 011 61 ■■ (,ay ' linn Mnslvrsnii, l.imlii Mv newly ni'pniilzeil Pine llhlije viilirsv III Jusl over five hours. Ilnhliii' nml llnli Ahlnill linisiuen (huh H unt (Iriino WewoiiT menllon the fact lliul Alllimiiih Hie tvenlher w as heal llielr pni'enl cliih by close Iho crlli lliul lo ho lllsmimlkil.' iilnmsi liienl. Ihe luenl leiim in live miles The Oi'cino lielore lenvlnp here so ll would ' hml ihelr share nl iirnhleins crllthei s alsn iiicrlloil an III Into Ihe Crawford llenllni! They manaiii'il In hicak Ihe Iminii'iiltlr mi'iillon In Ihe van al roar. PLANT SALE -- Next Wednesday evening, there will be nn opportunity (<> pick up some fine plants ut the numifti'Siile on Library grounds hy the Hortieultb'ral Society. M ) i'y.'î; , ' iii' -v' - •7Wï'Æ .) K#. Olmek Smilh «plclurêtl her lot ally* destroyed the chicken Mrs R Rogers ul abovei had lo wait a lot longer interior ol the budding only Clmn h Street arrived earliest ' hours helore the store was and is pictured making the 1 scheduled to open This time lust purchase around, everx thing went like Smith said later that bust* clockwork By opening lime al ness was like that all weekend 11 mi a m on Friday, to We xxerc busier than I could a dozen people were lined up hitx e imagined he com- and wailing lo irx Smith * menictl iSW*vV .«Sifij't 'Vj ' •' limn lie'll cxpcclcil bin lie lliinlly aol In sell Ills first Im.x ul chicken on Eritlny, May Mil. m Ills new Mnry llrinvn's Vli'Ulnln Pi'lvil Chicken cslnli- hjilniicnl nn Klnp Sired Ensl ' A Slim,mm lire Insl Nnvcm F