The Kaitlin Group" Payment Page 20 The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, March 15, 1996 Things to Remember Next Time You Move by Paddy Bateman To most Canadians, the very last words they want to hear from anyone in the family family after a household move has been completed is "I'm sorry, I forgot to pack it." Second prize probably goes to, "Gee, didn't you pack that?" "Moving is a time of reasonably reasonably controlled chaos for most people," says Mike LeSage of Allied Van Lines, "and it's not surprising that in some cases a few things slip through the cracks and get left behind. Most of the time it's not toobig a problem, but in certain situations it can become a major aggravation." aggravation." Mike's not talking about "big" leave-behinds, like a major household appliance that's been stored in a neighbor's neighbor's garage or the family pet (yes, both have happened, and more than once). He's referring to the kind of things that can sometimes be a source of major difficulty, either for you in your new home, or for the folks who are moving into the home you're leaving. "Paperwork of all kinds is one of the most common 'forgettables'," says Mike. "And that includes everything from the children's school records to medical and dental records, bank and chequebooks, chequebooks, papers stored in safety deposit boxes, personal phone books, credit cards, and even money that's been hidden for special emergencies." emergencies." "Other invaluable paperwork paperwork people have left behind," . he adds, "include wills, bills of sale, warranties and other legal papers, and even important business records, especially if one of the people being moved happens happens to work at home. With so much being stored on computer disks these days, it's pretty easy to miss that one little piece of plastic that just might happen to have a year's worth of work on it." How can you avoid the problem? LeSage recommends recommends making a list of the paperwork most important to you, and doing so before the hustle and bustle of the move is upon you. Then, he says, "Check it twice. The extra, step is invaluable insurance that everything's been included." included." Health records are, of course, vital to a family's well-being, and those include any from doctors, dentists, chiropractors, or any other health professionals you might have been seeing. You should also make absolutely sure that your children's immunization records are completely up to date. In Ontario, as well as many other places in Canada and the U.S., children are not allowed to attend school if they can't prove they've had all their shots within an appropriate time span. Once you have your list of all those important papers, make sure you send each person, person, professional or institution institution a change of address card. You can buy kits at any Canada Post office. You may remember everything, but other people forget. in Bowmanville Cash Savings P* '"f ""css WZt ... ' ■ 1 '-4.' "' Free Cash Appliances Mortgage 30 1 Lots from 129,990 Dr May/June Occupancy Hospital ^ Freehold towns from ^ --■ ■■■■!■■■--1 MW i 119,990 Pre-construction Prices SPRWÔ *97 h-i I • •• ~ .«=. ^ESiEninim.WOTBe»Tt y 1 .te K ....... L„!_ I qg : '-T FC'l •• (905)623-7027 or (905)427-8605 CLARINGTON O CORNERS Œ Z PICKERING AJAA WHiTBY OSHAWA Câ^edi B«<i V 1 IStnHUV \ VA • I BOWMANVILLE ASPEN SPRUGS DA • r ^ | ASPEN^S V * g £ SPRINGS X Zi O $ M00a HOMES \ OC 3 .5 ui L_ I HWY. 401 < i (905)697-0792 Mon - Thur. : 1 pm - 8 pm Fri.: Closed Weekends & Hoi: 11 am - 6 pm http://www kaillingroup com ""Excluding cash savings and live appliances