4 The Clarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, November 12,1994 New CO for Ontario Regiment 150-Member Pipe Band Joins Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade On 23 October 1994, The Ontario Regiment (RCAC) said good-bye to LCol D.T. Matthews, CD and welcomed welcomed LCol R.J. Chapman, MMM, OS+J, CD at a change of command parade. The parade, held at The Colonel R.S. McLaughlin Armoury, was marked by the traditions of LCol Chapman receiving the Commanding Officer's sword and Regimental Guidon Guidon from LCol Matthews. This unique event in the Regiment's Regiment's 128-year history was performed performed in the presence of Colonel D. Rive, the Toronto District Commander Commander and Major General (Retd) N.M. Hall, Honouraiy Lieutenant Colonel of The Ontario Regiment (RCAC). The Regiment has a strength of 160 armour corps soldiers, nine of whom are currently serving with The Royal Canadian Dragoons Battle Group in Bosnia. LCol R.J. Chapman is the thirty- ninth Commanding Officer of the Ontario Regiment (RCAC). He is only the second officer to have held the appointment of both Regimental MUNICIPAL CANDIDATES for the 1994 CLARINGTON MUNICIPAL ELECTION to be held on Monday, Nov. 14,1994 MAYOR: (select one) Ann Cowman Diane Harare Reg Willatts REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WARD 1 (select one) Larry Hannah Libby Racansky Evert Vroegh Arnot Wotten LOCAL COUNCILLOR WARD 1 (select one) Gary Majesky Phil Manning Cathy McKeever Mary Novak REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WARD 2 (select one) Carson Elliott John O'Toole Marie Hubbard LOCAL COUNCILLOR WARD 2 (select one) Jim Kondrachuk Pat Pingle David Wing REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WARD 3 (select one) Bill Clarke Ann Dreslinski Randy Flint LOCAL COUNCILLOR WARD 3 (select one) Bonnie Cunningham David Scott CLARINGTON HYDRO COMMISSION (select four) Suzanne Elston Paul Reesor Pauline Storks Anna van den Hoven George Van Dyk PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD WARD 1 (select two) Milton Dakin Rona Formosa Alan Garbe David Gray Paul Nadeau WARD 2 (select two) Marc Battle Charmaine Dunn Michael Siocombe Gail Syme WARD 3 (select two) William Lofgren Beverly Wakefield Robert Willsher SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD (select three at large) Donna Lucus-Astley Alan Baylls Caroline Burke Cecil Mackescy Sergeant Major and Commanding Officer. LCol D.T. Matthews being the first. LCol. Chapman was commissioned commissioned as a Captain in March 1987 and promoted to Major in February 1990. In October 1991 he was appointed appointed Commanding Officer of the Toronto Battle School and in September September 1992 returned to The Regiment as its Second in Command. LCol Chapman is the holder of the Medal of Military Merit, the Order of St. John, the Canadian 125th Medal and the Canadian Forces Decoration with clasp. In civilian life, LCol Chapman is a staff sergeant with Uniform Policing Policing Operations of the Durham Regional Regional Police Service. He is married to the former Diane Breault and has two sons, Jordan and Russell. Hydro Commission Candidates Speak In Bowmanville 'Four of the five candidates vying for positions on the Clarington Hydro- Electric Commission attended the allcandidates' allcandidates' forum held at the Bowmanville Bowmanville High School on Friday , November, November, 4th. The evening was hosted by the Business and Professional Women's Club of Bowmanville. First to address the approximately 150 voters was Pauline Storks who currently sits as chairman on the Commission. Commission. She reviewed some of the actions actions taken in the past two years to improve improve services, to customers. She said the new $1.2 million substation on Concession Street will help meet future future need. Rate increases have been held to zero, she added. George Van Dyk now sits on the Commission as vice-chairman. He pointed to the board's record of no rate increases and the use of local labor labor from architects to landscapers. Possible boundary expansion will be a key issue in future, he says. Paul Reesor said he favored the removal removal of the current commercial security security deposit. He advocated a review of hydro boundaries, but stressed that the interests of existing customers must be considered first and foremost. Suzanne Elston explained her four-point platform which included equity in rates, energy efficiency programs, programs, encouraging the local economy, economy, and a possible look at adopting a ward system for the public utility to better handle a large territory. Anna van den Hoven did not attend attend the forum. Musicians from the Ontario Massed Legion Pipes and Dmms Band will appear at the 33rd annual Santa Claus Parade Parade in Bowmanville on Saturday, November 19th. The band consists of 150 members drawn from various centres across Ontario. The Ontario Massed Legion Pipes and Drums Band will be among 11 marching bands helping to escort Santa Claus to Bowmanville Bowmanville on Saturday, November 19. The Massed Legion Pipes and Drums consist of 150 members from Ontario towns, cities and villages. Carson Elliott, one of the founders founders of Bowmanville's first Santa Claus Parade, will be sponsoring their appearance. Mr. Elliott was also instrumental in arranging an appearance appearance by the Governor General's Horse Guards in one of the earlier Bowmanville parades. The band which is coming to Bowmanville was formed in 1974 by Ross Baxter, of Meaford and seven seven Legion Pipe bands of Ontario. It has had 20 years of successful operation, operation, performing in 15 countries and many top parades. The band has been a goodwill ambassador in Mexico, the United States, Europe, West Indies and South America. Gerry Mountford, of Orillia, is the President. The senior drum ma jor is Bill McCutcheon of Alliston and the pipe major is Foster Hanson, of Port Perry. The massed band has performed in almost every major parade and highland games competition in Ontario. Ontario. They have appeared in the Tournament Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Pasadena, California on numerous occasions. occasions. They were one of the bands marching in the Tournament of Roses Roses Parade on its 100th anniversary in 1989. Their latest appearance in the world's largest parade was last January. A total of six pipe bands and five brass bands will be part of the 33rd annual Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade which takes place Saturday morning on November 19th. "This is Your Community" Please Participate by Voting Monday, November 14, 1994 Compliments of the committee to elect John O'Toole Ward 2, Regional Council (à THE COMMITMENT: DEDICATION TO FULL TIME REPRESENTATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY TO YOU and YOUR FAMILY. III Illll f||| yoi 1 III! RETURN 1 Region al Council .If you wàritlPàf please phone 623-4567 or 623- ON NOVEMBER 14TH CHOOSE A STRONG AND FORCEFUL VOICE ... WITH A COMMITMENT TO THE ISSUES IMPORTANT TO YOU. Elect Regional Councillor CARSON ELLIOTT (Xj Ward 2 - Municipality of Clarington Authorized by the CFO for the Carson Elliott campaign © MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will be considering appointments to the Clarington Public Library Board pursuant to the Public Libraries Act. The Board that is appointed will be responsible for the administration of public library service in the Municipality of Clarington. Service is voluntary citizen participation and there is no remuneration. COMPOSITION The Board will be comprised of up to 9 members to be appointed on the following basis by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington: a) Two members shall be persons recommended by the Northumberland and Clarington Public School Board. b) One member shall be a person recommended by the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Separate School Board. c) The remaining members shall be persons nominated and appointed directly by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be a Canadian Citizen and a resident of the Municipality of Clarington. If you wish to be considered for appointment to the Clarington Public Library Board, as one of the members nominated and appointed by the Council, application forms are available from the Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Completed application forms must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 25, 1994. If you wish to be considered for appointment to this Board on recommendation of one of the School Boards, please contact the applicable office noted below. Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Separate School Board 459 Reid Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 4G7 705-748-4861 Northumberland - Clarington Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street Cobourg, Ontario K9A4B5 905-372-6871 Marie P. Knight, A.M.C.T., CMM Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 - MUNICIPALITY OF ( Aaruujton Date of Publication: November 9, 16 and 23, 1994 ONTARIO CS-Ind. 5050 ©