16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 26,1994 Exchange Student Tells Rotary About Lite in Sweden The sports-loving Swedish exchange exchange student arrived for his year of study in Canada during a national hockey strike. While his Rotary Club hosts will do their best to show the 17-year- YWCA Distinction Awards Presented On November 3rd Women from around the Durham Region will be gathering on Thursday, Nov. 3, 1994, for the 13th annual YWCA Women of Distinction Awards. This year's 24 nominees from across Durham Region are: Eileen Ap- sega, Sylvia Blommc, Joanne Bur- ghardt, Dahlia E. Campbell, Clairida Corrivcau, Kimberly Glover, Marlene Grass, Kathryn Hadden, Joy Hcrcia, Leah Houston, Janet Venn-Jackson, Melanie Jordan, Stephanie Jukes, Barbara Barbara Martin, Elizabeth McArthur, Heather Metcalfe, Kathryn Mooney, Phyllis Reddick, Kathleen Rhodes, Karen Simpson, Rebecca Siomra, Sheila Smyth, Gloria Summers and Sharon E. Swain. Of those listed, four nominees arc from Clarington. They arc: Leah Houston, from Bowmanville; Dahlia E. Campbell, from Orono; Stephanie Jukes, from Enniskillen and Gloria Summers, from Hampton. The 24 women were nominated in the following categories: • Arts & Culture; • Business, Professions & Trades; • Communications & Public Affairs; Affairs; • Community Service; • Education, Training & Development; Development; • Health Care; • Sciences & Technology; • Sports, Fitness & Recreation, and • Young Woman of Distinction Currently, the Women of Distinction Distinction Awards Dinner Selection Committee Committee is going .through the nominations nominations to select the winner in each category. On the night of the event, each winner will receive her award and a handcrafted silver pin created for the occasion. The guest speaker this year will be the President and owner of The Body Shop Canada, Inc. Margot Franssen. This year the fundraising dinner will be held at the LVIV, the St. George's Ukrainian Orthodox Hall. This move to a more central location, has also meant a change in catering. Diners will be treated to a festive and light Italian meal provided by M & G Italian Catering of Oshawa. There is a reception at 6 p.m., and dinner begins approximately one hour later. Eldad U.C.W. Baking Auction Raises $1,579 October happenings at Eldad U.C.VV. feature our annual Auction on October 3 when auctioneer Amot Wottcn Sr. kept the baking, produce and crafts moving at excellent prices. One pie brought $39.00! The total sum realized was $1579.00. Helen Wottcn and Alma Langmaid were the clerks. October 17 a business meeting was held. President Doris Hills opened the meeting with Thoughts on Love and the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Reports were given by friendship friendship convener Viola Ashton; muffin- break Pat Best and presbyterial regional regional meetings by Doris Hills, Mary Millson mid Donna Johnston. We arc encouraged to start knitting Jack Frost items now, and start Campbell soup labels. Some will now go to help Ronald McDonald projects. United We're Awesome on October October 29 is shaping up. We supplied two cases of apple juice for snack- time. Anyone buying Eldad Church salad bags who has had a problem after after washing them, may return them for a replacement. Church calendars arc now available available from Sec. Trcas. Bernice Watson at $4.00 each. Pal Best will be in charge of Christmas decorations in the church sanctuary. Wesley and Doris Hills will prepare the mitten tree. Donna Johnston read a column of Christopher White's in the Oshawa Times re: Christmas in schools. Norma Sobil, Conference U.C.W. president has taken as her project for lier two-year tenu a voluntary fund raising for native healing for residential residential school survivors. If each U.C.W. member, or anyone else in the churches, would give 1 looney every year for the next five years, the fund would overflow and would be a great success. The objective is one million dollars. Our group voted $100,00 to start our concern. Quin-Mo-Lac camp appreciate our adopl-a-window contribution. The windows are now completed, Their new project is to adopt-a-deck to lie built at the dining hall. We have offered to host the U.C.W, workshop on Tuesday, January January 10, 1995, Plans for U.C.W. Sunday service on October 30, are in place. A choir practice will lie licit!'October 27 at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Fraser of llethcsda will he guest speaker, coffee-time will follow. The next meeting will lw November November 7 at 7:30 p.m, Blaikie and Roy Rowsell will speak on their mission project. The men are invited - Bring a friend. Press reporter, Lois N. Yellowle.es. old the finest culture and recreation in their comer of the country, they might not get a chance to show off their Toronto Maple Leafs. Karl arrived in time to enroll at Bowmanville High School and take a full course load. He is fluent in English, German and Swedish. Young Swedes become proficient proficient in English at an early age, he explains, because they are exposed to so many American movies and television programs. During a slide presentation to Bowmanville Rotary Club members on October 20th, Karl spoke about his hometown of Skovde. Skovde is located in the south of Sweden, which is between Norway and Finland. Skovde has a population of 55,000. Many residents work at the local Volvo factory, the biggest and most modem in all of Sweden. Within short driving distance of the town are lakeside cottages, theme parks, ski-slopes and ancient viking cemeteries. Karl himself lives a short walk away from an old forest and showed Rotary member slides he had taken there himself. Skovde is proud of both its history history and modem conveniences. The town boasts a coat of arms featuring a saint who once lived in the area. It also boasts modem factories and a small, but growing, airport. During the third week in August, Skovde attracts as many as 75,000 tourists to its annual Food Fest. The country's entire 8.5 million people celebrate Midsummer every year on June 24th, the date of John the Baptist's birthday. A midsummer midsummer tree is the focal point of this traditional dancing and singing ceremony. ceremony. The start of crayfish season is also another cause for national celebration. celebration. It begins the second week of August and leads up to a huge feasts of crayfish served the following following Saturday. On December 13th, Lucia, or Festival of Lights, is celebrated. In schools across the country, young girls chosen to play Lucia lead a procession of song wearing a crown of lights. Sweden is perhaps best known around the world for its neutrality. It has not been in a war since 1814, Karl noted. He went on to describe the unique medical system in Sweden which ensures affordable care to all citizens. Lately, Sweden has gained international international attention for the fitness of its citizens and the achievements of its sporting celebrities. Tennis great Bjorn Borg has won the title at Wimbledon five years in a row. Downhill skiers often occupy top ranking in world and Olympic competition, Karl earned a few jealous grumbles grumbles from Bowmanville Rotarians when he reminded them that Sweden Sweden won the hockey competition in the 1994 Olympic Games in Lille- hammer. Karl himself enjoys ski racing, golf and soccer. He.presented a banner from his Rotary exchange student Karl Rodert (left) presented tins banner hometown Rotary Club to Bowman- from his sponsoring club in Skovde, Sweden, to Dr. Ted Mann of the ville Rotary Club President Chuck Bowmanville Rotary Club at last Thursday's meeting. Karl will be Cattran. the guest of local Rotarians for one year. Ç. £. f2u<zeitnM &&ewtolet # # Otd&mo&ile 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP White, loaded, 56,000 km. 1993 Cavalier White, air, auto, 28,000 km. 1992 Cavalier Z24 White, V6,5 sp., air, 77,000 km. llIjBi JImI! 1991 Pontiac Grand AM White, 4 cyl., air, 50,000 km. ÉISSJ8B 1993 Cavalier RS Red, V6, air, auto, 56,000 km. . fSin© ISfflBS p. y) H v&% ng.ivtwrftg. 1993 Chev Geo Teal, standard, 65,000 km. 1990 Chev Corsica Blue, V6, auto, air, 72,000 km. Æ8BB5 1994 Pontiac Bonneville Green, saddle leather, loaded, 18,000 km. ÉÉÉaiSS» 1992 Olds Ciera Grey, V6, loaded, 50,000 km. 1994 Olds Cutlass Teal, loaded, mint, 27,000 km. 1993 Olds Cutlass Blue, loaded, 15,000 km. SiSJf! 1991 Beretta GT White, V6, loaded, 115,000 km. Oil) I v J n 1I 1991 Olds Cutlass Black, V6, loaded, 81,000 km. 81MB5. 1991 Olds 98 Grey, loaded, 48,000 km., mint. $18.995. 1991 Pontiac Sunbird Conv. White, loaded, 71,000 km. 5lB.a)s8a. 1985 Ciera Blue, V6, auto, 136,000 km. (6Æ JaffiES 1994 Cavalier Teal, air, auto, 34,000 km. Sflfl.495. 1992 Cavalier RS Blue, V6, air, auto, 76,000 km. titlljij Gp;$ 1991 Olds 88 Maroon, loaded, 60,000 km. . .S14.99S. 1986 Chev Nova Red, auto, 147,000 km. v) ? ti.y tt ut/ cvJ « P TX'. i. -%» 1993 Chev Lumina Euro Maroon, V6, loaded, 28,000 km. F-j Ilk J e r'l.r «5 39. *. iK" tiffi 1990 Lumina Blue, V6, air, 108,000 km. $8,595 1993 Cadillac Seville Maroon, loaded, slider, 16,000 km. 837.995. 1992 Olds Ciera SL Gold, V6, loaded, 29,000 km., mint. iMAB.SO®, 1991 Cadillac DeVille Maroon, loaded, 47,000 km., mint. tnm 1992 Buick LeSabre Ltd. Maroon, loaded, 59,000 km. 1992 Buick Regal White, V6, loaded, 64,000 km. 1992 Befetta GT Teal, V6, loaded, 115,000 km. Î9HH.SB58SJ 1992 Olds 98 Elite Blue/Silver, loaded, 68,000 km. ' 3I8.09S. 1990 Olds 98 Maroon, loaded, 93,000 km. vS'rip qÔK n9tiCu„iDt.;.cy 1991 Olds 88 White, V6, loaded, 112,000 km. Bseps 1989 Ciera SL White, V6, loaded, 77,000 km. «fl» 1988 Olds Wagon Brown, VO, loaded, 124,000 km. 1994 Lumina Van Teal/Silver, 3.8 litre, air, auto, loaded. 1991 Ford Blue, V6, auto, air, 57,000 km. 1991 Chev Lumina Van Silver, V6, loaded, 167,000 km. 1993Chev Maroon, V6, 5 sp., 15,000 km. $13.990 1993 GMC Ext. Cab Maroon/Silver, loaded, 49,000 km. Sifjjsgj 1988 Voyageur Blue, V6, loaded, 174,000 km. mil 1990 Ford Bronco Black, V8, loaded, 148,000 km., si»*. $14.995. 1990 Plymouth Voyageur Blue, V6 .loaded, 140,000 km. èaà ones 1989 Isuzu 4x4 Black, std., 4 cyl., 216,000 km. ülfsSîliii 1994 Astro White, 7 passenger, air, auto, 11,000 km. $20 J5M lïéûesjgj 1989 Chev 4x4 Black, auto, 123,000 km, 1993 Astro Ext. Blue/Silver, loaded, 42,000 km. 819.Mll. 1994 GMC Safari Ext. Teal/Teal, loaded, 19,000 km. 6@B EGgps 1993 Chev Lumina Van Orchid, V6, loaded, 23,000 km. àsm esnes ty) C'Jd lifir 6 E.» V k' ( 1993 GMC Safari Ext. Maroon, loaded, 13,000 km. Q.yiL'JLI o 1993 Chev Blazer 4x4 Black, 4 dr., loaded, 47,000 km. 1991 Ford Blue, V6, auto, 57,000 km. glMil 1991 GMC White, short box, 305 V8, auto, 96,000 km. $12,901 1 txv.'iv i ' 1991 Chev Blazer 4x4 Maroon, loaded, 74,000 km. : r- *ykisx:-.. .udh 1992 GMC Red, V8, auto, 43,000 km. gasa 1990 Astro Grey, 7 psg., air, 119,000 km. 1988 Dodge Red, V6, 61,000 km. SALES HOURS Mon.-Thurs, 9:00 a,m.-8:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 n.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00n.m.-5:00p.m. ©