Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 19,1994 15 Newcastle Village Bowling Lge. Editors; >lack and Hazel Crago--987-4201 It's great to make errors. Then we know people are reading our column. Mrs. Mary Thompson was thrilled to deliver Tyrone Seniors quilt but it was Mrs. O'Boyle on Arthur Street in the village of Newcastle who won it. Our apologies for the misnomer. We noted that the Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October October 22nd. At this annual fund-raiser pancake breakfast is served from 8:30 through 11 a.m., Craft Show from 10 a.m. to 3:30. Decorated bikes and tricycles are judged at 1 p.m.: hot dogs, donuts, coffee and pop: and the dance in the evening. All these activities are at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall. On Friday evening at Newtonville Hall the regular night of cards was enjoyed. Winners of the games were 1st Dorothy Stebbings 85, 2nd Percy Clarke 81, 3rd Martha Clark 81, 4th Georgina Fenton 80, 5th Hilton Peacock Peacock 80, and 6th Cleo Day 79. Lucky draws were claimed by Marlene Stacey, Stacey, Reg McCool, Elva Foster, Helen Simpson, Helen McCavish and Cleo Day. The next card party at Newtonville Newtonville will be held on Friday, October 28. The Newcastle Senior Citizens will enjoy their evening of cards on Thursday evening, October 20th, at the Newcastle Community Hall. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of May Hall whose funeral funeral took place on Saturday, October 15. Condolences to family and friends of Harold Couch, whose funeral took place on Monday, October 17. Birthday greetings to Hilda Call, Tim Yates, Lorie Rowe Bauman, Mary Wright and Aimee Pepper, and Trish Pearce. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sikma, Mr. and Mrs. William Storks, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper. Grant remains in Strathaven. . With Mrs. Kathleen Kimball on Wednesday evening were Bob and Lois Morton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley, Bowmanville. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended the Clarington Hydro budget meeting last Thursday. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks enjoyed dinner at the Oshawa Golf Club along with friends Ruby and Jimme Lee, Loretta ^and Earl Perry and Mr. Merrill Corrin, all of Oshawa. On Wednesday Mrs. Maxine Fel- gate, Claremont, spent the day with her mother Mrs. Gladys Wood. Stewart Stewart and Jean Wood Orono, visited in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa were Thursday visitors. visitors. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Francine Bandstra. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited the Wayne Hunt family, family, Pontypool. On Saturday night the Stanley Powells were supper guests of daughter daughter Judy, Bowmanville. Last Tuesday the Newcastle Senior Senior Bowlers enjoyed their noon luncheon followed by card games. Winners of the cards were 1st Roy Hayward, 2nd Joyce Stacey, 3rd Marguerite Marguerite Cooper, 4th Vi Hayward, 5th Alice Hopson, 6th Stan Powell and 7th Eva Smith. Lucky draw winners were Wilma Scott, Ruby Brunt, Lena Graham, Ross Allin, Grace McGill, Eleanor Perrin, Marg Burley, John Scott, Lor- na Crockett, Marion Allin and Joyce Stacey. On the weekend Larry, Bar and Albert Pearce attended the Canadian Inter Collegiate Baseball Championships Championships in Guelph. It was a beautiful weekend and Durham College won the B Championship. Jeff pitched one of Durham's games. Congratulations. On Friday evening at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall, Brian and Mary Caswell celebrated their fortieth wedding wedding anniversary - also Hurricane Ha- zel's fortieth. After a time of dancing to a live band, a clogging cow and its master provided entertainment, Doris Sinclair, Carol Robinson and her husband husband Ron Robinson. Then the family, Bev, Les and Jeff gave humorous readings describing events in the forty forty years of their parents' life. Their children Marisha, Shaughn and Jessica Jessica Caswell, Mary, Sarah, Maia and Silas Higgins also participated in the program. Brian and Mary welcomed their friends and relatives and thanked them for their presence." Mary's mother, Ada Hallowell was in attendance. The UCW were thanked by Mary for preparing and serving the delicious lunch. We extend extend congratulations. On Friday evening in Port Hope, Mr. Russell Honey was honoured and given recognition for his services as Member of Parliament. Mr. Harry Wade accompanied Willi Woo to the dinner and evening and said the Blessing. Mrs. Kathleeen Kimball accompanied accompanied Wilma and Morley Robinson Robinson to this function. Mr. Harry Wade was Sunday night dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, Bowmanville. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell, Bertha Powell and Floyd Powell visited Mr. Ronald Powell who is a patient in Western Hospital. Ron expects to be going to Rehab hospital after his knee surgery has healed. Saturday evening supper guests of Elizabeth Skelding were Bill and Mary Skelding, Newtonville, Jack and Nan Skelding, Port Perry. Thursday night Mrs. Jean Rickard spent with grandsons Darren and Danny Elaschuk, Oshawa. Glad to report Mrs. Doreen McNevin is home after undergoing surgery in Oshawa General Hospital. St. George's Anglican Church The October 16 Communion Service Service was taken from the Book of Alternative Alternative Services. The Reverend Robert Hartley preached a meaningful meaningful and inspiring homily on, Whatever Whatever Happened to John? The flowers on the Altar were given given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Jack Holland by his wife Fran. A special Vestry Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 23rd, after church. The purpose is to discuss such issues as painting the Parish Hal, re-roofing the Parish Hall, and making St. George's a viable presence presence in the community. The fall bazaar will be held in the Parish Hall on November 5th, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All are welcome. Choir practice resumes on October October 28th and new members are welcome. welcome. United Church On Sunday, October 16, the Sacrament Sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated celebrated at Newcastle United Church. Mrs. Hazel May Munro was Lay Reader, and also assisted Reverend Donald Stiles as he baptized Tyler Reginald Smith, son of Glen and Lesley Lesley (McIntosh) Smith. Tyler has two sisters Stephanie and Jessica. Mrs. Hazel Crago thanked all who partici- ■ pated in any way at Saturday's Golden Golden Harvest Craft and Bake Sale. Mr. Richard Murphy announced the Steward's lunch which will be held on Sunday, October 30. Prayers were offered for the bereaved family of Harold Couch, and also for Bertha Fisher, Margaret Pearce, John All- dred, Ross and Marg, and Mr. Ronald Powell who is a patient in a Toronto Hospital. Reverend Donald Stiles delivered the sermon, Dirty Feet People, which referred to the first officers in the church. Sunday, October 23rd theme is Stewardship. Saturday, November 5th is the annual annual turkey supper. There are three settings 4:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., and 7 o'clock. Call Mary Paterson 987- 4628 or Kay Kimball 987-4269 for tickets. Ladies League was cancelled for Thanksgiving Tuesday Seniors Jenny Hicks 207, Roy Hayward 192, 160, Albert Pearce 168, John Thome 227, 214, Loma Crockett 207, 293, Stan Allin 160, Marguerite Cooper 154, Art Compton 158, Stan Powell 150, 222, Alec Martin 162, Marilyn Martin 186,LonnPardy 173, 151, Eleanor Perrin 155, 217, Ron Burley 199, Ruby Brunt 158, Tom Wilson 196, Joyce Stacey 230, 206, Marion Allin 186, 178, Vance Cooper Cooper 171, June Wilson 154. Thursday Mixed League Fae Forget 219, 211, 187, Garry Saxby 205, 235, 193, Ken Jury 217, 203, Amos Langley 182, Wes Forget 180, 205, 197, Ted Ritchie 238, Tom Kindratiuk 176, 176, Jean Hall 213, Sharon Saxby. 181, 197, Jackie Kindratiuk Kindratiuk 185, 200, Ken Boyd 221, 201, 312, Roy Hopkins 254, 185, 192, Bill Brown 191, 225, Dorella Chard 175, Heather Anderson 231, Chris Nicholson 208, Joe Forget 195, Greg Forget 240. Seniors 100+ Michelle Alldread 117, 169, Brett Griffin 160, 94, Jackson Fields 170, 207, Stephen West 101, 110, Kevin Waterfall 122, 104, Kelly Holmes 102, Julie Brown 127, 156, Krystal Waldensperger 114, 140, Cindy Woodrow 126, 104, Cassy McSwan 133, 138, Dana Sparrow 130, 120, Stephen Grant 138, 155, Richard Pierce 101, 187, Jenna Higgins 185, 131, Amanda Storks 121, 108, Nathan Nathan Coyle 160, 182, Jordan Schmahl 136, 125, Richard Martin 174, 213, Robert Walton 156, 146, Kevin Formosa Formosa 128, 114, Jeff Sparrow 209, 149. Newcastle Pentecostal Church Sunday, October 16, was a beautiful beautiful day in the Lord. We were really blessed to have four young ladies recite recite memory verses which they have learned over 12 weeks. Placing first was Stephanie McLean, second winner winner Ruth McLean, third Kelly Plumb- tree and fourth Samantha Bacon. Congratulations, girls! Sunday at 1:15 we were at Newcastle Newcastle Manor for a service. Samantha Bacon, aged 6, sang The Wise Man Built his House Upon the Rock, to go along with Reverend Mahan's message, message, What Are You Building Your Life Upon? Sunday evening service was a special special one of singing and worship. Intermediates 75+ Bailey Duetta 124, 94, A.J. Waldensperger Waldensperger 86, 75, Cara Dwyer 97, 100, Andrea Pears 82, 121, Bradford Wilson 128, Derek Henderson 77, 79, Nick Hoult 112, Crystal Leca 87, Adam Hughes 95, Nick Lucyk 89, Leah Thompson 102, 118, Katie Hawrylak 74, Leigh-Anne Foote 85, 126, Sean Higgins 127, 179, Ryan McCracken 140, 220, Craig Turner 90, 87, Mike Cavalleri 84,113, Shannon Shannon Couch 96, 85, Wayne Langley 95, 97, Darryl Lucyk 77, 75, Jason Griffin 101, 97, Oliver Koslik 100, 137, Doug Walton 102, 75, Shaun Couch 94,91. Juniors 50+ Brad Mendonca 83, 100, Dan Mendonca 62, Rachel Pears 76, 110, Jessica Arsenault 84, 82, Caitlin Pears 71, 57, Ryan Pascal 58, 76, Stephen Stephen Hughes 80, 73, Laura Lee Dwyer Dwyer 50, 51, Joel Tate 65, 69, Kyle Tit- terton 113, 104, Cameron Wilson 50, 54, Allison Hughes 7.1, 66, Jennifer Thompson 63, 64, Codie Worsley 81, 109. Atomic Energy Control Board Invites Public To Comment on D.G.S. Renewal The Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) is inviting comments with respect to the renewal of the operating licence for the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station and Tritium Removal Facility. Ontario Hydro has applied for renewal of the operating licence for the facilities near Bowmanville, which expires on November 15 of this year. The Board concurs with the AECB staff recommendation on relicensing the facilities for two years, to November 30, 1996, and will be making the final decision on issuing a renewed licence at the Board meeting on November 10. Anyone who wishes to obtain a copy of the staff recommendation for review and possible comment may request a copy by telephone at (613) 995-5894 or 1-800-668-5284.' Comments may be sent by October 31. Truck Lands on Side After Accident on Highway 401 A single vehicle accident in the westbound lanes of Highway 401, just east of the Clarington/Hope Township boundary, closed westbound lanes for much of last Thursday, October 13. The lanes were closed between 9:45 a.m. and 2 p.m. Police said the accident occurred when a tractor trailer truck overturned. overturned. There were minor injuries. THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM The Municipality of Clarington is offering senior citizens 65 years of age and over and the physically disabled a snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks and for driveway windrows adjacent to single family dwellings, which includes semi-detached, link housing and row housing in the urban areas of Bowmanville, Courtice, Orono, Newcastle Village and in the Hamlets of Newtonville, Tyrone, Leskard, Haydon, Kendal, Solina, Hampton, Burketon, Enniskillen, Maple Grove, Enfield, Mitchells Corners and Kirby. To be eligible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age Of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizen's Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certificate. Application forms can be obtained from the Public Works Department, Municipal Administrative Centre at 40 Temperance Street in Bowmanville, or call 623-3379. If you wish to verify that you qualify for the service, please contact Jan O'Neill at extension 202. All applications must be completed and returned to the Municipality of Clarington, Public Works Department on or before November 19, 1994. CS-Ind. 4366 /7\ § MUNICIPALITY OF X/jlarinqton ONTARIO