Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1994, p. 29

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 23,1994 9 p: Isabelle Challice -983-5824 Durham 4-T Club Meets in March Happenings from Kirby Area Quote -"From birth to age 18, a girl needs good parents, from 18-35 she needs good looks; from 35-55 a good personality, but from 55 on, she needs cash." Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGill and son Charles, Bethany were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lawrence Staples. Mr. and Mrs. David Staples entertained entertained last Monday evening in honor of David's Mother's upcoming birthday birthday (March 17). Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Piggot entertained entertained Mrs. . Lena Clysdale Ncwton- villc, to dinner last Sunday in Port Hope. Sympathy of Community to Carl Kimmett and family Lindsay, and well known to many in our community, community, in the sad loss of his father, who passed away last Monday, at his home in Napanec. Funeral was held Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. G.M. Lonficld, Brampton, entertained the Lawrence Staples to dinner party at Ramada Inn. Mrs. Edith Taylor was entertained at a roast turkey dinner party last Saturday Saturday evening at the home of Mr. David David Rccsor and family, Bowmanville. Mrs. Mary Lynn Kimmett and daughter Becky, Lindsay called in to her mothers, Mrs. D. Bailey and Aunt Mrs. E. Billings, on their way home from Mr. Kimmett's Sr's, funeral. Sunday dinner guests of O. Chal- liccs, Miss Kerry Lyn Challice and friend Robert, Lindsay, and Mrs. Nancy Heckbert and girls, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mississauga, were last Thursday luncheon- guests of his sister, Mrs. Marjorie Dickson. We were told Sunday, March 20th at 3:58 p.m., it was spring. It was lovely and sunny, but the scarcity of "heat" sure made the term "spring" a trifle questionable! Town Hall Card Party Nine tables of euchre were enjoyed enjoyed at the weekly card party held in Orono Town hall and following winners winners - Clara Meulman 90, George Mercer 83, Aleck Moffat and Maurice Maurice O'Neil tied at 82, Nerta Masters 81. Low score - Rob Robinson. Five lucky draws: Shirley Gordon 2, Charlie Campbell, Charlie Staple- ton, Gladys Greenwood. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Lunch supplied. 4-T Club Meeting Thirty-one members present at the monthly regular meeting, held Thursday Thursday March 17, in Durham Sr. Citizen hall, of Durham 4-T Club. Robert Chater gave the blessing, prior to all enjoying a delicious pot- luck dinner. The hall was most attractive, attractive, decorated with loads of shamrocks shamrocks and Irish decorations, in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Marion Tennant, President, welcomed welcomed everyone and thanked all who had helped set up the tables and helped with dinner preparations. Isabelle Challice, acting secretary in absence of Joyce Gray who was ill, read previous minutes and these were accepted as read, by Robert Robinson. Quite a number of letters were read out by the secretary. Club treasurer treasurer Benny Woodward gave the treasurer's report. Sunshine Report - given by Mrs. Woodward and following following March birthdays - Ken Gray March 10, Rose Osborne March 19, Bill Boyd March 23, Calvin Hamm March 28. President Marion informs us Heather Climcnhagc, Public Health Nurse is coming as guest speaker to the next meeting. Everyone agreed to invite a guest for supper. Next month, we will have a catered catered meal of scalloped potatoes and ham. All reminded of notices in bulletin board, and to always clean up the hall, after use. Following the business meeting, motion to adjourn by Marjorie Best. Program - Readings by Robert Chater, and, as always, he was a crowd plcascr. His memory is outstanding, outstanding, as items dated back to 30's and 40's! Our President Marion gave a cute reading "Letter from Kcrry- man's Mother", and this was enjoyed by all. The remainder of the evening was enjoyed by playing a few games of bingo. 85th Birthday Party A very happy 85th birthday party took place in Millbrook Lions Club, on Saturday March 19, in honor of 85th birthday of Mr. Ray Nelson, of Millbrook. There were friends present from far and near, loads of cards and gifts for the decorated tables, plus a beautiful beautiful cake. Special music was supplied by a "young lady" of 91 years, Mrs. Muriel Muriel Morrison, on electronic kcylroard and assisted by her son James, on violin. violin. Also playing violin was the guest of honor, Ray, on violin, and his two daughters on guitars and singing. A real fun time of visiting, eating and enjoying music. The guest of honors wife, is first cousin of the 0. Challiccs, of Orono, who attended this happy event! Orono United Church Birthday greetings to: Robert Reid March 24, (K), Brent Hutton March 24 (0). Food Bank: "Please remember our food bank, Donations may bo left at the back of the church. They arc taken taken to the Salvation Army in Bowmanville Bowmanville for distribution in our area. St. Saviour's 1994 Executive Rector's Warden - Charlotte Anderson, Anderson, People's Warden - Geri Bailey, Bailey, Deputy Warden - Greg McNair, Lay Reader - Gordon Leek, Organist - Phylis Dewell, Sunday School - Sandy Riggers, A. C. W. Pres. - Beryl Beryl Clark, Altar Guild - June Johnson, Sidespcrson Co-ordinator Bob Nichols, Nichols, Church Treasurer - Shelley Moli- ca. St. Saviour's Church Palm Sunday, March 27th, 9:30 morning prayer St. Saviour's. Good Friday service, April 1st 10 a.m. Joint service at Orono United Church planned by St. Saviour's and Orono United led by Reverend Russell Russell and Reverend Hartley. Reader's from St. Saviour's and Orono United. Also - Good Friday Service 11:15 a.m. St. George's Newcastle. Easter Sunday, April 3rd. Outdoor service 7 a.m. Orono Cemetery, Cemetery, led by Reverend Russell, Orono United Church. 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion, St. Saviour's. Easter Flowers: If you would like to place Easter Flowers in the church please contact June Johnson. A.C.W. 7 p.m. April 5th in the Parish Hall. Special guests - "The Galloping Gourmets". All women invited. invited. Corning Events April 14th, Advisory Board meets 7:30 p.m. Parish Hall. May 13th, Church catering to banquet banquet at Orono arena all available hands will be needed. June 1st Salad supper. June 18th Musical Concert, St. Saviour's Saviour's Church. Messages for Reverend Hartley may be left with Judy Leek 983- 9639. On Duty this week: Sidespeople: Blair Crouse and Bob Nichols. Cleaning and Coffee Duty: Gerri Bailey and Betty Ann Wood. Nursery: Shelley Molica. Regal Orders: Today is the last day to place your order for cards, crafts or gifts for Easter. Please contact contact Heather (983-9891). Kirby House Committee: meets on Wednesday March 23, 7:30 p.m. This meeting for Session, Stewards, Trustees, and reps, from Mission and Service, Ministry and Personnel, Manse, Christian Education and Sunday Sunday School. Easter Newsletter: are available today. Please pick up yours and perhaps perhaps one of your neighbour's. Sunday School Pancake Brunch: Sunday, March 27 following the service. service. Donations of pancake mix (the one you mix with water) would be appreciated. There will be an opportunity opportunity to make a donation to the M&S Fund in lieu of 'family tickets'. Sunday School Children: have been collecting pennies in cans towards towards our M&S Fund. Could they please return them as quickly as possible. possible. Sunday School Teachers meet on Thursday March 24 at the home of Gail Empey (983-5959). Choir Practice: meet on Wednesday Wednesday March 23, 7-8 p.m. Lower C.E. Hall. Anyone who wishes to come would be most welcomed. We arc presently working on our Easter music. music. Rowers: Anyone wishing to donate donate flowers to the church during the Easter time, please contact Donna Scott (983-5026). Easter Newsletters: are available today. Please pick up yours and perhaps perhaps one of your neighbours. Regal Orders: Kirby Church is selling Regal as an ongoing fund raising raising project. This is the last day to order order cards, crafts or gifts for Easter. Please contact Heather Johnston (983-9891). Books arc at the front doors and downstairs by the bulletin board. Maundy Thursday: March 31, 6 p.m. in the Lower C.E. Hall there will be a Communion Supper. This will be a light meal of sandwiches during which we shall share Communion. Communion. The Thursday of Holy Week was when Jesus, during supper, broke bread and shared it with the words 'This is my body' and then, after sup per, shared the cup of wine with the words: 'This is my blood'. We shall try to share in that experience. We should finish about 7:45 p.m. Good Friday: 10:00 a.m., Orono Church. There will be a joint service with the Anglican congregation of St. Saviour's. The service will be lead by the clergy and lay members from both" churches. It will last about an hour. We shall concentrate on Jesus' experience during the last hours of his life. Easter Sunrise Service: April 3. There will be an Easter Sunrise Service Service at 7:00 a.m. in the Orono Cemetery Cemetery at the top of the hill above the chapel. The service will last about half a hour. There will be coffee and doughnuts served in the chapel afterwards. afterwards. If the morning is wet the entire entire service will be in the chapel. Easter Morning Breakfast: April [3. will be served at Kirby from 8:00 a,m. Anyone who would like to come will be most welcomed. Easter Sunday Services: April 3. Will be at the regular times: Kirby 9:30 a.m. and Orono - 11 a.m. Sacrament Sacrament of Holy Communion. 4.1 BOWMANVILLE OFFICE 133 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1T4 (905) 623-9922 PRE SCHOOL PROGRAMS MONDAY Time for Baby & Me (12 to 26 months) Date: April 11 to June 6 (8 weeks) Time: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Fee: (M) $30 (NM)$40 Location: YWCA office * An opportunity to discover new ways to enjoy your child. Enjoy music, games, stimulating play and guest speakers. Let's Pretend (3 to 5 years) Date: April 11 to June 6 (8 weeks) Time: 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. Fee: (M)$25 (NM)$35 Location: YWCA office * Designed for the child with a vivid imagination. Weekly themes, props, and puppets will make this an adventurous program. Kids at Play While Mom's Away (4 to 5 years) Date: April 11 to June 6 (8 weeks) Time: 1 to 2:30 p.m. Fee: (M)$40 (NM)$50 Location: YWCA office * Children will do a variety of different activities and meet new play mates. TUESDAY Story & Play Time (2 to 5 years) (parent participation) Date: April 12,26, May 10,31 and June 14 Time: 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Fee: $2.00/visit Location: YWCA office * Come and listen to stories, sing songs, and enjoy circle time with your child. Mini Michaelangelos (2 to 4 years) Date: April 12 to June 7 (9 weeks) Time: 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Fee: (M) $30 (NM)$40 Location: YWCA office * A creative time for children who enjoy working with their hands. A variety of arts and crafts with different textures and mediums will be explored. WEDNESDAY Take A Break (2 to 5 years) Date: April 13 to June 1 (8 weeks) Time: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Fee: (M) $48 (NM)$58 Location: St. John's Anglican Church * Every mom needs a break. Leave your child with our qualified staff. . Your child will be involved in crafts, games, songs and stories. Snack is provided. *** SPECIAL *** If you Register for "2" Take-A-Brcak Programs, you will receive a 107c discount on the second program!! THURSDAY Toddler Gym (12 to 26 months) (parent participation) Dale: April 14 to June 9 (9 weeks) Time: 9:30 to 10:10 a.m. Fee: (M)$25 (NM)$35 Location: St. John's Anglican Church * An introduction to physical movement and self awareness through climbing, balls, hoops, and gym equipment, Tiny Tots Gym (2 to 3 yenrs) (parent participation) Date: April 14 to June 9 (9 weeks) Tune: 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. Fee: (M)$25 (NM)$35 Location: St. John's Anglican Church * A great way to release your child's energy! An emphasis on fun for those ready for more apparatus work, exercise, simple games and songs, Toddler Drop In (2 to 5 years) Dale: April 14,21,28, May 12,26 Time! 1:(K) to 2:30 p.m. Fee: $5,(K)/chlld Location! YWCA Office The YWCA offers a variety of programs for children and adults throughout the Oshawa, Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle areas. Register in person or by mail. Please bring your current Membership Card when registering or memberships may be purchased at the time of registration. Memberships: Adults $20. Seniors $10. Youth $10. For more information on the benefits and costs of becoming a member, contact our Oshawa Office, 576-8880 or our Bowmanville Office 623-9922. %». OFFICE HOURS: Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FRIDAY Take A Break (2 to 5 years) Date: April 15 to June 3 (8 weeks) Time: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Fee: (M) $48 (NM)$58 Location: St. John's Anglican Church SATURDAY Boogie Babies (18 to 36 months) (parent participation) Date: April 16 to June 11 (8 weeks) Time: 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. Fee: (M)$20 (NM)$30 Location: St. John's Anglican Church * Through the use of props, music, songs and games your child will learn to love and move to music. Kinder Gym (3 to 5 years) Date: April 16 to June 11 (8 weeks) Time: 9:45 to 10:25 a.m. Fee: (M)$25 (NM)$35 Location: St. John's Anglican Church * Preschoolers will enjoy participating in cooperative games, play activities, action songs, exercise and exploring various types of gym equipment. CHILDREN'S DANCE PROGRAMS TUESDAY Musical Movements (3 to 5 years) Date: April 12 to May 31 (8 weeks) Time: 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. Fee: (M) $24 (NM)$34 Location: Bowmanville Senior P.S. * Music appreciation, creative movement, and dance elements are explored. WEDNESDAY Jazz (5 to 7 years) Date: April 13 to June 1 (8 weeks) Time: 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Fee: (M) $28 (NM) $38" Location: Bowmanville Senior P.S. Hip Hop (8 to 11 years) Date: April 13 to June 1 (8 weeks) Time: 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$36 (NM)$46 Location: Dr. Emily Stowe P.S. FRIDAY Recreational Ballet (5 to 7 years) Date: April 15 to June 10 (8 weeks) Time: 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Fee: (M) $32 (NM) $42 Location: Dr. Emily Stowe P.S. SATURDAY Beginner Ballet (5 to 7 years) Date: April 16 to June 11 (8 weeks) | Time: 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Fee: (M)$32 (NM)$42 Location: St. John's Anglican Church Intermediate Ballet (5 to 7 years) Date: April 16 to June 11 (8 weeks) Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12 noon Fee: (M) $32 (NM)$42 Location: St, John's Anglican Church CHILDREN AND YOUTH MONDAY Kids' Sports Night (8 to 13 years) Date: April 11 to June 6 (8 weeks) Time: 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Fee: (M) $28 (NM)$38 Location: Dr.'Emily Stowe P.S. Girl's Drop In (9 years +) Date: April 11 to June 6 Time: 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Fee: $3/night Location: YWCA Office * Crafts, games, movies and special theme nights will entertain you! WEDNESDAY Baby-sitter Training (12 +) Date: April 13 to May 18 Time: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$34 (NM)$44 Location: YWCA Office Counsellor in Training (15 +) Date: April 13 to June 1 Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Fee: (M) $70 (NM) $80 + 7% G.S.T. Location: YWCA Office (4 hr. workshop on June 1) THURSDAY Kids After School Program (6 years +) Date: April 14 to June 2 Time: 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Fee: $3/visit Location: YWCA Office * Simple recipes and creative craft projects are completed in this program. After school snack is made by children. Co-ed Basketball (8 to 13 yenrs) Date: April 14 to June 2 (8 weeks) Time: 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$28 (NM)$38 Location: Bowmanville Senior P.S. ADULT FITNESS PROGRAMS MONDAY Aquacize Date: April 11 to June 6 (8 weeks) Time: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Fee: (M) $30 (NM)$40 r - Location: Flying Dutchman Hotel Pool Low Impact Aerobics - Beginner Date: April 11 to June 6 (8 weeks) Time: 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Fee: (M)$24 (NM)$34 Location: Dr. Emily Stowe P.S. TUESDAY Low Impact Aerobics Date: April 12 to June 7 (9 weeks) Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$27 (NM)$37 Location: Orono P.S. Line Dancing Date: April 12 to June 7 (9 weeks) Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$33 (NM)$43 Location: Newcastle Town Hall WEDNESDAY Mom & Daughter Line Dancing Date: April 13 to June 8 (9 weeks) Time: 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$48 (NM)$58 Location: Dr. Emily Stowe P.S. * Daughters 8 -18 years. Cost per couple. Yoga Date: April 13 to June 8 (9 weeks) Time: 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. Fee: (M) $33 (NM) $43 Location: Central P.S. Low Impact Aerobics - Intermediate Date: April 13 to June 8 (9 weeks) Time: 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Fee: (M) $27 (NM) $37 Location: Dr, Emily Stowe P.S. Beginner/intermediate Line Dancing Date: April 13 to June 8 (9 weeks) Time: 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Fee: (M)$33 (NM)$43 Location: Dr. Emily Stowe P.S. THURSDAY Aquacize Date: April 14 to June 9 (9 weeks) Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$33 (NM)$43 Location: Flying Dutchman Hotel Pool Teen Aerobics (14 to 18 years) Date: April 14 to June 9 (9 weeks) Time: 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$22 (NM)$32 Location: Waverley P.S, Aerobics - Intermediate Date: April 14 to June 9 (9 weeks) Time: 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Fee: (M)$27 (NM)$37 Location: Waverley P.S. Low Impact Aerobics Date: April 14 to June 9 (9 weeks) Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Fee: (M)$27 (NM)$37 Location: Orono P.S. Ask about our White Water Rafting Trip on the Ottawa River June 30 to July 3. Limited spots available, call soon. YWCA SUMMER DAY CAMPS 76c cxfunUtcc tfat Uric * Uptime! CRAZY CRITTER CAMP SPECIALTY CAMPS TERRIFIC THEME DAYS (3 to 5 years) AM and PM programs in Bowmanville, Orono and Courtice locations. (6 to 10 years) Special events are planned throughout the summer months. (8 years and up) AM and PM programs tor Basketball and Baseball. Also Babysitter Camp (12 years and up). In Bowmanvie/OroiKVCourtice locations. Watch for an updata on tlmaa, dataa and locetlone. Registration for Day Camp Program will begin on April 5,1994. GENERAL PROGRAM INFORMATION REFUND POLICY: 1 ) A lull tolund will bo glvon II tho YWCA conçois or chongos tho tlmo ol a piogrnm. A $7.00 administration loo will bo doductod from all oihor refunds. 2) Rolands roquoslod at least 3 working days boloro tho start ol a program will bo lor tho full registration loo, loss tho administrative loo. 3) Ono'hall Iho registration loo Is non-rolundablo alter tho program has slmlod. 4) NO REFUND will bo glvon altor Iho -1th session, 6) In enso ol carious lllnoss or out-oMown Iranslor, rotunds will bo glvon lor tho unused portion ol Iho registration loo loss tho administrative loo. A inodical cortlllcalo or written prool ol Iranslor must accompany tho rotund roquost. 0) Momborshlp loos aro NON-REFUNDAULE. 7) Ploaso allow 1 • 2 wooks lor rotunds to bo procossod. CHEQUES: 1 ) Mnko clraquos payable to "Oshawa YWCA". 2) A $15.00 loo will bo chargod lor nil N.S.F. clioquos. 3) Postdatai clioquos will not bo nccoptod lor somo programs. DISCOUNTS: A10% sonlor cltlzon's discount Is avallablo lor tlioso G5 yonrs and ovor lor most programs. MEDICAL: A Par Q form must bo complotai by ovoty roglolrnnl boloro participating In any YWCA lllnoss program. SUBSIDIES: Inability to pay pail or all Iho loo should not bo a barrier lo participating In a YWCA Mn|tn ( t Wnv program. Conlact tiro Program Dlrocior lor moro ' Inlormntlon. All Inqulrlns aro conlldonllal,AflOm Mcmitoulin - Bruce - Huronia - Thousand Islands 2 to 5 day tours Guide and van escort Inn to Inn to B & B Delicious meals ntario 'ours For a free brochure of our 1994 tour schedule, write to: P.O. Box 20044 North Bay, Ontario PIB 9N1 or call: (705) 752-5693 lialiburton - Mttskoka - Rideau - Prince Edward County

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