< 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 23,1994 Section Two Happenings in Hampton by Michelle Balson - 697-2349 nee Tyrone Nutrition Club News An Easter Sunrise Service will be held at Enniskillen Conservation Area. Folks are asked to bring their breakfast and utensils for this 7:00 a.m. service. The Hampton Board of Stewards arc having a Beef Supper on Sunday, April 17th. There will be one sitting at 5:00 p.m. in the C.E. Wing. For tickets, please call Stan Norrish at 263-801^ or any other board member. member. As you arc busy filling your month of April in your calendar, Hampton Junior Public School parents parents wish to remind you of the next P.T.O. meeting. This is scheduled for Thursday, April 28th, at 7:00 p.m: where a follow-up of Positive Parenting Parenting will take place. That's all the news I'm going to share with you. I have to save something something for next week. Until then, stay safe and enjoy life. Springtime Sunshine Brings Out the Best It's official, spring is here. Time to bring out the galoshes and the umbrellas. umbrellas. It's interesting how the weather can affect people's moods. The melting snow seems to take the gmmblies away with it. People are just generally more friendly when the , sun shines warmly upon them. The First Hampton Scouts ven- , lured into the big city of Toronto this past Saturday. Their destination was the Sportsmen's Show. The young men travelled by different forms of public transportation, the L.R.T. (light rapid transit), the subway and even a street car. While there, they tested their skills at the rifle, pistol and bow and arrow ranges. The Scouts who chose to participate in a fishing course were rewarded with a certificate. Everyone had a great time and all arrived home safely. There were nine tables of players at the Wednesday, March 16th, Eu- _ chrc Card Party. Fred Griffin had the '^highest score of 86. Leona Wright : and Art Compton both tied for scc- ond with , scores of 80. This was y closely followed by Bernice Renton ;\ with 79 and Ruby Griffin with 77. El- don McKay had the Most Lone > Hands of 4. Again, no one won the *}Special. The Draw's winners were Bernice Renton, Agnes Schofield, *. Ruby Trewin and Muriel Butsbn » who won twice. The Hampton United Church i Women met in the C.E. Wing this ;• past Monday. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. ; The guest speaker, Mrs. Sayeau, spoke to the group, which included ; the Eldad U.C.W. who had been in- X vited to listen in on this informative ° talk. ?■, Calling all parents: This is your ■ - last opportunity to register your child 0 for baseball. The Hampton Commu- •• nity Center will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. this Saturday, March 26th. Boys and girls, age five and up, are able to participate. Of ?' course, coaches are always needed. 5 You don't necessarily have to be a : parent to enjoy this position. Seniors Hold 1 Pot Luck Lunch l In Elizabethville by Edna Thickson : A very good crowd'turned out for service. We still are getting a number L of small children for Sunday school. Reverend Sedgwick opened the ser- / vice and welcomed Janice Eastwood *. from Peterborough. She attends / Emanual United Church in Bailiebo- v ro and she also is a member of the > Port Hope and district Pipe Band and ». she lead the choir and played the bag ;• pipes while the choir marched to the choir.? >; Alan and Helen Peacock took up / the offering. At the close the Sunday ' school served hot-cross buns with ei- ■- ther butter or Jam, cool drink or cof- fee. On Thursday the Seniors held their February Pot Luck dinner that '• had been postponed from last week, \ due to stormy weather. About twen- / ty-five attended. Those celebrating '« were Eva Longyear and Eva Lalonde. / The draw was won by E. Lalonde. All enjoyed a pot luck dinner. Games X were played and the following won; (• Vi McCool first, Lottie White scc- X ond, Bill Graham third, Charlie ' Prouse fourth. Vi Jiggens won low, Lone hands Bill Graham. UNO was '■ won by Hazel Bristowc. Lucky draws Margaret Hancock. ") Elmer and Pearl Elliott Oshawa /had dinner with the Quanlrill's on ;! Friday. / Betty Mercer and Edith Camithcrs attended the show Oklahoma at Markham theatre on Saturday. •i On Sunday Suzanne Wcstheuscr / and myself attended a sixty years =•] wedding anniversary in Oshawa. Elizabethville Women's Institute *. The meeting was on Tuesday at > Sybol Van dc Wall's home, with > twelve members and a visitor attending. attending. The president Irene Beatty pre- >. sided and Lcta McAllister secretary. : The roll call was Should our M.P.'s be accountable to their electors? Mot- ( to fair representation is our right. The . minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Bertha Trcw read the treasurer's : report. Mac Muldrcw and myself moved and seconded dial a nominat- ing committee be selected to plan » next meeting. Some mail was read. ■v We plan to go out for dinner for our ; April meeting and finish, meeting at Lottie White's in Port Hope. The meeting was then turned over 1 to Sybol and she spoke on some new i ideas that arc planned for n improved > law about powers of attorney that /goes into effect in early 1995. Wills - were discussed and we really had a very interesting discussion, Everyone ' needs to know about this substitute ' decisions act. If you want to know >moro about this law or get free power of attorney fonns write to S.D.A. Information Information Office of the public Trustée, Trustée, 145 Queen Street West, Toronto Ontario, M5H 2N8. Irene closed llio [■meeting and we enjoyed a dainty - lunch. PRO Edna Thickson Monday, March 7,1994 On Monday, March 7th, members gathered for our fifth meeting. It was entitled "Microwaved Meals in Minutes". Minutes". We called the meeting to order, order, said the pledge and heard the minutes from the previous week. Mrs. Betty Pascoc helped with the club in Nancy's absence. We learned about: cookware for the microwave oven, a microwave dish test, cookware cookware and utensil guide, defrosting, reheating reheating and the placement of leftovers leftovers on a plate if you were to reheat in a microwave. Once we were done, we split up into two groups. One group went to make the fust batch of rice pudding with raisins and the other other went to learn how to judge loaf pans in the microwave. You'll never guess which pan won?? Give up?? The clear thick glass one. After both puddings were made, we all sat down to enjoy the feast!! It was so Good some people even had thirds! The meeting was adjourned. Monday, March 21,1994 Monday, March 21st was the final meeting for the Tyrone Nutrition Nuts. Lindsay Woodcock called the meeting to order, the pledge was re peated and Janey Knowlton read the minutes from meeting 5. Mrs. Plea- sancc reminded us the Achievement Program would be on Saturday, April 9, at the Tyrone Sunday School Room. The program starts at 9 a.m. We will be meeting with the Oshawa Lakers and learning how to decorate Easter Eggs. Books are to be handed in to the leaders by Wednesday, March 30. Members had time in which they could catch their books up to date or help on the exhibit board. Our topic is "Comparison of Puddings." The club was finished early and notices were handed out regarding regarding April 9th. Results from Music Exams Three piano pupils of Margaret Munday were candidates for the Winter Winter Examinations of the Royal Conservatory. Conservatory. Results were: Grade 1 - First Class Honours - Emily Martin, Krista McCreary. Grade VIE - Honours - Alex Wal- cer. (\larinqton ONTARIO GOOD FRIDAY 0ARDACE COLLECTION GARBAGE REGULARLY PICKED UP ON FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1994 WILL BE RE-SCHEDULED FOR PICK-UP ON FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1994. Due to the expected volume of garbage; please refrain from putting out large items on this date. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Brownlng-Ferrls Industries (Garbage Collection) 433-5075 MUNICIPALITY OF m Waste Systems Municipality of Clarington Public Works 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 (905) 623-3379 CHEVROLET • 0LDSM0BILE • GEO • CADILLAC COMPLETE INVENTORY CLEAROUT NEW AND USED VEHICLES mem . Jf JÊ sfs Au-s Kiy ty tiHEJ a We are moving our complete New and Used Car Inventory to the former Henry Buildall Centre Warehouse (King St. and Thornton Rd., Oshawa). This is a Factory Authorized Clearance Sale of New Cars and Trucks, Demos, GM Auction Vehicles and all Used Cars. Don't miss this Event: • Indoor shopping on hundreds of vehicles • Clearance prices clearly marked on each car • On-the-spot financing • Low, low competitive interest rate • Top trade-in allowances with expert appraisers on the premises • All GM incentives will be available to qualified buyers •NO DEALERS ALLOWED! Y SPECIAL SALE HOURS Thursday, March 24,1994 - 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday, March 25,1994 -11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, March 26,1994 - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27,1994 - 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Look for the Big Gorilla on tk Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. • Serving Oshawa for 70 years • (905) 725-6501 (formerly Henry Buildall Centre) Comer of King St. and Thornton Rd., Oshawa ©