Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1994, p. 21

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 16,1994 3 and Comments Suggestion for Seized Cigarettes Is the bloom off the rose? The de- • cision by the Federal Liberals in regard regard to the cigarette problem, makes me believe it is. With a single stroke, the federal government has destroyed years of progress against smoking in Canada. They have created a disaster for our health system. If Ontario is forced to join in this madness - only time will tell if we must - it will cost the taxpayers of Ontario upwards of $500 million a year. What are we as a government supposed to do? Raise taxes to provide a subsidy for those who smoke? Cut social programs to pander to smokers? Tax for increased health costs associated with smoking? smoking? Most Ontarians don't smoke, and they sure don't want their children children to smoke cither. Of course we know the real reason behind this madness, which is to get the Provincial Liberals in Quebec reelected. reelected. Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson, Johnson, will be able to tell Quebeckers he has ended illegal profiteers on native native reserves, and delivered cheap legal legal cigarettes. Is Chretien going to bow to Quebec's every move the way the Mulroncy Tories did? In my opinion, opinion, Ontarians have been blackmailed by a federal government that just a few weeks ago promised to be different, different, and isn't. Lately, Chrysler has been airing TV ads over the success with their new car lines, and rightly so. Chrysler Chrysler Canada President and CEO, Yves Landry said in Windsor recently, "I want everyone to know the unwavering unwavering support we have received from Premier Bob Rae. He met with us at Queen's Park when the project was going nowhere, time was getting short and Bob Rae grasped the economic economic importance of the "NS" project project for Chrysler, for the workers, for the Province of Ontario and for the economy. Bob Rae came through with a $600 million investment in Ontario, and without that kind of support support the project wouldn't have been possible". Who said the Ontario NDP government was anti-business? As you have probably read, the provincial government reached an agreement with the National Basketball Basketball Association over the Pro-Line sport lottery. The NBA will compensate compensate the province with a package worth at least $10 million and the franchise will guarantee construction of a sports arena creating 2,000 construction construction jobs. What was that about not being able to manage a peanut stand? The Minister of Citizenship, the Honourable Elaine Ziemba, is seeking seeking nominations for the 1994 Community Community Action Awards. As in the past, they will be people who have shown leadership in extending the participation of people with disabilities disabilities in our society and economy. If you have someone you would like to nominate please contact the constituency constituency office for a nomination form. Entries close on Friday March 4, 1994. Last week, down at Queen's Park the. public presentations in response to Bill 120, An Act to amend certain statues concerning residential property, property, came to an end. I must say that sitting sitting down for up to seven hours every every day for the last four weeks, didn't do much to enrich my physical wellbeing. wellbeing. I hope my doctor will understand understand come check-up time, that my plumpness was gained in the line of duty. The presentations were carefully carefully prepared, and each focused on issues issues of considerable concern to those who appeared before the committee. I will have the opportunity to sit down with the Minister of Housing to bring the concerns I have, and those constituents have with the legislation, on February 15. This week, I will be sitting again as a member of the Standing Committee Committee on General Government, as we hear deputations concerning Bill 20, An Act to amend certain Acts with respect to Land Leases. Tlris is the legislation that will finally finally come to grips with the concerns If you are new to Bowmanville... would like to call on you with Housewarming Gifts and Information about your new location. Call Your Hi Neighbour Hostess Rhoda Holt at 623-7070 of the folks at Wilmot Creek and others, others, who are caught up in land-lease agreements. The pursuit of this legislation legislation has been one of my personal goals following my election in 1990. In a column of recent date, I told you about the companies, such as Al- goma Steel, the former Kimberly- Clark paper plant at Kapuskasing, and de Havilland, all abandoned and left to perish, workers and all, by their owners. With help from the Ontario Ontario NDP government, all of the above and others are now making a profit. I found it interesting to read from Hansard during one of my lunch breaks, what the provincial Liberal industry and trade critic, Mr. Monty Kwinter said at the time we were engaged in the rescue operations. operations. Mr. Kwinter said, "Who in their right mind would imagine that the workers can do something that the professional managers cannot do? I am prepared to put my name on the line and say that those companies are going to go." If anyone has to go, may I suggest Mr. Kwinter? Some lolks, and some municipal politicians too, say the provincial government should let the pharmacists pharmacists continue to sell cigarettes, notwithstanding notwithstanding their claim, to be concerned concerned about the health of citizens. Let me remind those folks, that Shoppers Drag Mart, one of the drug stores most prominent in the lobby group against our anti-tobacco legislation, legislation, are owned by Imasco Limited, Canada's largest tobacco company, who account for one quarter of its cigarette distribution system. Next week, the Good Roads Convention Convention is being held in Toronto. I will be in attendance along with some area politicians, meeting with the Minister of Transport to discuss local issues and concerns. The convention convention is now a tradition in Ontario. I suspect the new "Build/Design" policy for the construction of Hwy. 407 will be a topic for discussion among most who attend. Until next week - a thought - have you noticed that people who snore always always drop off to sleep first? I have a suggestion to offer to government. Why not, instead of having having the hundreds of cases of cigarettes cigarettes shredded and destroyed into a pile of nothing, cannot the government government resell them to the public at the retail price and then use this money and transfer it into the budgets of the health care system and other programs programs to further educate the public on the dangers of smoking. They could also use a percentage of these funds to go back into the budgets of the police force that initially seized these illegal goods thereby helping to lower the costs that these forces need in order to continuing their investigations. investigations. It would, I think, reduce the cost to tax payers in reducing our tax burden. Would this be too difficult for the government to undertake or even look into these possibilities. I would think that it would cost far less than the costs of administering the dreaded GST. If this new form of revenue income income is successful, then it could be expanded to seized alcohol and those funds given to help or aid in the abuse of alcohol. More important though, would be that instead of destroying destroying all contraband drugs seized in raids, they be sold or given to our hospitals and research labs to reduce the costs of administering pain killers to the terminally ill or in the treatment treatment of cancer victims and other life threatening diseases for the chronically chronically ill and the aged. Surely, a drug program could be started to aid the addicts who are hooked on these dmgs in the form of some kind of a treatment centre. Many robberies, purse snatching and muggings are done by drug addicts who are desperate desperate and will do anything possible to get money to feed their habit. This is just a thought and maybe it might work. Yours truly, Andy Cobean Regional Chairman Roasted From Page 2 only other person to hold that office in the region's 20-year history, was among the many who recognized Mr. Herrema. Since the event was, after all, an informal roast, the compliments may have come in a backhanded way. For example, the current Uxbridge mayor, Gerri Lynn O'Connor, observed: "He can speak for half an hour without a note and without a point." But, there was little doubt that the speeches, although couched in good-natured banter, showed an underlying respect and admiration. Gary Herrema, has developed a reputation as a straight-shooter -- a politician who is not afraid to give an unequivocal, answer. This is a rarity in these days when elected officials and public servants sometimes try to be all things to all people. No one could ever accuse the regional chairman of being bland. Gary Herrema's genuine interest in people, his directness, his sense of humor, and his ability to lead a group of more than 30 politicians with more than 30 different view points are all reasons why he is so widely respected by a broad spectrum of Durham Region residents. Aspiring politicians would do well to emulate these qualities. 15/ ÎVr Copy NUMBER CABLE TV COMING TO TOWN Cable TV will come to Bowman- I . . . . . r i. , L cL J d ville within the next six weeks accord- ïHeavy Loss in Machinery, Supplies as Lumber Shed burns ing to information presented at the meeting of Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday even ing. Three representatives of the Bell Telephone Company and Bill Leask of Oshawa Cable TV made a presentation presentation regarding plans for the installation installation of Cable TV here, and also showed a series of slides depicting aspects of this service. "O.-howa Cable-TV is -apply-, The fee for each user would j Ing tar a renewal of Its license M " 1 and the Department of Trans, port Hearing concerning this will be held In London, Onion Onion March 4th. This license will include operation in Bowmanville Bowmanville as well as in Oshawa. Council was informed that construction and installations would begin here on March 14th, and Cable Television would be in operation in Bow- manville by March 31st. be $4.95 per month. Mr. Leask: stated. He pointed out that] Coble TV now offers 12 chan-i nels. and is planning on new equipment that will provide 22 channels. This service also ensures the best reception for color television. television. and because of signals amplification will also ensure excellent reception of black and white pictures even in (TURN TO PAGE TWO) CBC Newscaster ' Linda Mountjoy, 17-year-old Cartwright High School student, right, was crowned Miss Heart for the township at the big Heart Fund Valentine dance in the community hall on Friday night. Cathy Loucks, Oshawa's Miss Heart, placed the crown on Miss Mount joy's head. There were five finalists in the contest contest who spoke on the reason for the Heart Fund. Canvassing for the campaign will be done by student volunteers from the school starting this Sunday, according according to campaign chairman Daniel Corby. „ Photo supplied through the kindness of the Port Perry Star. Approve Red Cross Blitz Councillor's Resignation Criticized by New Member Says Quebec Question One of Most Serious Facing This Country The Quebec question is one of the most serious issues facing facing Canada, Stanley Burke, the well known CBC newscaster, newscaster, stated in his address at the meeting of the Canadian Club of West Durham held in the Trinity- United Church Sunday School on Tuesday evening. He told the club, that the Quebec problem will not Publishers yisil Ottawa for Convention Town Council on Monday evening gave permission to the Bowmanville and District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross to hold a Blitz Canvass on Monday, March 10. Deputy Reeve E. J. Bundle, seconded by Councillor Leslie Coombcs, moved that council concur to Many Ontario weekly news- McKNIGIIT SWORN IN paper publishers and their m wives will be attending the an- On Tuesday morning: Bow- mini Ontario Weekly New*-1 manville'* council was back papers Convention to be held up lo full strength afler this year at the Chateau Laur- -Murray McKnlght, Simpson 1er Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, on. Ave„ was sworn In as a February 21st and 22nd. Earl 1 councillor to fill the vacancy Morrison of the Napanccl left by Glenn Frys résigna- Beaver is Convention Chair-|_Upnu Regretfully, circumstances made it impossible for the publisher of The Statesman to attend. Delegates will be welcomed on Thursday evening by W. R. Workman. Mr. Workman Is { mblishcr of the Winchester 'rcss and president of the association. association. Irwin McIntosh of North BatUcford, Sask., president of the Canadian Weekly News- the requests of the Red Cross for permission to hold the blitz, to fly the Red Cross flag over the Town Hall, and to use a room In the Town Hall for headquarters that evening. The motion was carried. Council decided to support the Town of Whitby's active opposition to the Bell Telephone Telephone Company's request for a rates Increase. Tills was moved by Councillor Maurice Prout and seconded by Councillor Councillor Robert Dykstra. A letter from Councillor R: Glenn Fry stated: "It Is with regret that I must Inform you that I cannot continue to (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Auxiliary Making Plans for Birthday Party on March 26th papers Association, will address the delegates. There will be speakers on all aspects of weekly weekly newspaper publishing during during the business sessions. Dorsey Biggs. Atlanta, Gn., the foremost authority on newspaper make-up on the continent, will be a guest speaker. The President. Mrs. E. R. Thompson, presided at the meeting of the Women's Hospital Hospital Auxiliary held In conjunction conjunction with the organization's organization's annual Membership Tea In Trinity United Church Sunday School Rooms cently. The satisfactory financial report was presented by the treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Cowic, who Informed the well attended attended meeting that the yearly yearly audit of the auxiliary's books by Humphnge, Taylor, and McDonald, Peterborough, had been completed, and all found in order. Mrs. Cowic moved the adoption of her report. Tills (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Bruce Kidd Will Speak at Durham Club Toronto's Durham County Club Will meet Feb. 28th at 8:15, In the Hall of the Church of the Redeemer, Avenue Road at Bloor St, The speaker will be Bruce Kidd, one of Canada's most outstanding long distance runners, whose subject will be "The Future of Canadian Athletes In Intcrnstional Competition." He will also answer questions and speak of personal experiences. David liavery, baritone soloist at St. James Bond United Church, Toronto, will be accompanied by Mr. Rolph Peters, organist at Klngsway, I.ambton United Church. Visitors will be welcomed. BUDGET MARCH 1 Ontario citizens probably will learn If they arc to be hit will) a provincial Income tax when Treasurer Charles MacNaughton presents his budget to the Legislature on March 4th. So far there has been no Indication of Its probable contents, Judges Praise Quality of Speeches in Finals at Orono - - ..j A spectacular blaze early Thursday evening con- : sumed the large east building at the P.G. Newell There was a break In at the former Cowan Equipment Equipment Co. building, King St. East, now J'.Mar, during Tuesday night. Entry was made through a rear w indow at the east end of the building. building. Two color television sets were stolen. CpI. John Bird is Investigating, DUTCHMAN BUSY The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn is a busy spot these days, with meetings and displays of several kinds. One of the most Interesting of the latter will be a photographic photographic exhibition presented Swain, Cartwright Central, on "Rabblls", Adrienne Moncrlof, North Cavan, on "The Honey Dec", Tina The four Ion speaker# In the county (Inal# In Orono on Tuesday nlplil were so elose that the Judges -, ■ .. coJdn'l pick a winner unlll they Imil an Impromptu Vooys, M, J, Hobbs, on "The Moon", Irene ItlotimiUor, sifcch run nil. Those taking part wore, Iront left to St. Joseph's, Dowmanyjllo, on.i'The Temporal Our right, Rory lllbbs, M. ,1. Ilnbbs, llavllnuton, on lllllnqunllm". (tilth Paterson. Newcastle, "it "Pierre Elliot Trudeau", Jane Multln, w, Ninth Hope Central, in "How tu Uetvme w Uootl Publie Speaker", Debra .... Joseph's, - -, . Times", Vlekl Drown, lleorgo Hamilton, on "Sending Messages by Ilottlo Post", Jcnnller Itcluler, Central School, Dowmnnvlllq, mi "lllrds", and Lynn Austin, I Ur. Hawkins, Port Hope, on "What It « family 1" be solved easily, "but we must, face it and come to terms with It", he declared. In introducing Mr. Burke, Mrs. Teeple, the president, referred referred to his outstanding car * 3UIUCU U1C iaifaV ... .... United ku™ P °n nd Pa n r t ls?'Lorn Lumber Company in Newcastle and threatened others don and in Algeria. The tltlclon the property. Fortunately, the wind was blowing ot Mr. Burke's address was [ r0 m the west with considerable force and kept the "Vive la Difference". [lames away from both the central lumber building catiSn between Ml TruTêi and the structure that houses the offices and show- this country and Quebec waslroom. The levelled building contained saws, planers (TURN TO PAGE TWO) | ~ riirTi^FiECK 1 PLATES -- A week from Friday night will be the final opportunity to obtain those new 1969 car licence plates. Apparently, there will be no extensions. extensions. Should be quite a rush because so far sales have been slow, with about half the motorists holding back until the last minute. t t t ' i MYSTERY -- Sometime during Monday night in Newcastle, one or more young folks were on the loose in places they had no right to bo mid doing things that can only lead to trouble. Several rooms in the community hall were broken Into lint nothing was taken, not even money that was there. The arena also was entered and a pair of hockey pants Is missing. Also, on out-of-town car's wiring was ripped out, and the distributor cap tossed in the snow. Police are investigating. + t t t t WINNERS -- Miss Joyce Fordcr of the Goodyear office staff was the winner of the fourth Shareholders Shareholders $50 draw made Tuesday night by the Optimist Club of Oshawa. In the Kin Investment Draw here, Christine Morsden and Art Mairs won $25 each. t t t t t MEETINGS -- Three meetings nrc coining up Hint should provide answers on n wide variety ot topics, On Saturday at 8:00 p.m. in Orono Township Hall, Gordon Hill of the Farmers Union will discuss the proposed General Farm Organization project Hint at Inst word was running Into problems. On Sunday, Oshawa s M.P. Ed. Bronilbent will deni with Estate Taxes at Bowmanville High School at 2:0(1 p.m, and next Tuesday at 8:00 p.m, Kirby's new Centennial Centennial School will he the scene of a meeting of Clarke Ratepayers when some highly qualified experts will speak on subjects dear to everyone s heart. See the editorial page for more details, t T t t t PAPER -- Believe it or not, but that waste paper you placed on the curb last Saturday really piled up and turned into a fair amount of cash. Scorns collected 30,-100 pounds of the stuff that was converted converted Into $121.60 for their camping funds. We'll let you know when the next one will bo held, t t t t t RADIO -- Charlie Vansloiio just brought In n page from The Wlngfoot Clan, Goodyear's house organ, printed In January 1025, One ot the most Interesting slorles concerned a concoct put on mainly by Goodyear employees over Bowman. ville'* first radio station 10AB owned ami oner, sited by C, Ernie Hehder of Bowmanville Foundry. Many familiar names are Haled ns performers, anil A, M, Hardy was the Master of Ceremonies, t t t t t FAST -- During the Midget game In Markham on Monday when Bowmanville cleaned up that series, Grove lleimott hail quite a night. Ho scored four goals, three of them within u mlnilto and -ID seconds, ilrtice Simpson came through with three, Dave Colwell Colwell and Ilnmly Rogers had one each. They'll meet the winner of the Napaneo-Oanailoqiio playoffs for the Knslcrn Ontario title, t t t t t SETTLED -- While anything could happen around Town Council these days, It would appear Hint for the moment, no more resignations are likely in came In this Immeillalc future. We shall «wall with interest the next moves In the continuing drama of Uewuiwiivllle'l civic life. and other machinery as well as supplies. Newcastle firemen were on the scene quickly and called Bowmanville Bowmanville for assistance. The two brigades fought valiantly valiantly in the frigid temperatures but had little hope of saving anything but the nearby buildings. Cause of the fire has not been established, and no estimate of loss has been released. May Form Citizens' Committee Gives Lack of Communication Main Reason for His Resignation -- ( r Glenn Fry, whose losig- Mayor in the next Bowman* BREAK IN AT J',MAR'S nation from the position ot aivlllc municipal election,'; Mr. councillor was accepted by j Fry said. He added that Mr, ** (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Town Council on Mon. evenings hopes to be Instrumental In - the formation of a Citizen's; Committee In the near future. | Today, Mr. Fry told the) Statesman that his plans for; the establishment or such a committee are Indefinite asj yet. "I will definitely inform the Statesman when the com-| mittee is organized, and the date of its first meeting Is set." he stated. Mr. Fry said that he would, like to return to council some; time indicating that he would; probably be a candidate again In the next municipal election.. His resignation came within a month of that of another . former councillor Roy W. by professional pholographen Nichols. Nell Newton. This will be \ "I don't put my resignation, held this Friday, Feb. 21*1. ion the shirttalls of another, at 8:30 p.m. anil the general but I would definitely support j public Is Invited. 'Mr, Nichols if he runs for» HYDRO STRIKE STILL ON There has been no break In the rotating Hydro strike by Local 100 of CEPE, at* though it Is understood thn two sides have been ordered to resume negotiations. So far, power has not been Interrupted. INTERESTING JOBS It was announced today that 27 young Ontario citizens citizens have been chosen to work as hostesses and hosts for the Ontario Government Pavilion at EXPO 70 In Osaka, Japan. As far as Is known, none of the It women and 13 men are from this North Hope Speaker Wins Contest Jnno Muldrcw of North Hope Central school, left, wits the winner of Hie Durham finals In Public Speaking at Orono Tuesday night. In iccniul position was Rory Gibbs of M. J, Hobbs in Darlington, Dr. O. II Dickinson. President nf the Durham County Club of Toronto, Is shown centre after piesenling Miss Miihircw wllli Hie Durham Chili shield Mb's Muldrcw spol.,- on "Ilow lo Become a Good Piddle Speaker" and Rory Gibb;, spoke mi "Hilio;ualHm". Hu won Ilia Uowmanvlllu Lluni Club Shield,

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