Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1994, p. 18

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18 The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, January 29,1994 f New U.S. Budget Directors Mother-in-Law Lives Here Mtâmm VOLUME 115 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1!)«9 15< Per Copy NUMBER 5 Jjzqion diali OvchflowA (joJi SjuJwa' VUqM Construction Offices Burn at Cement Plant Robert P. Mayo Robert P. Mayo, a son-in-:of the United Church, lor sev- law of Mrs. R. R. Nicholson, ieral years wrote a column for 33 Church Street. Is the new!the Statesman entitled "Relig- Dircetor of the United Statcsiton for Today." He and Mrs.- Bureau of the Budget. Mr.jNicholson moved to Bowman-1 Thn Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band's Burns Night Slipper, Slipper, a traditional celebration for the Scottish and their friends, again on Saturday night filled the Legion Hall to capacity. ; Jack Knight, a past president president of the band, was chairman chairman of the committee In charge of arrangements for the sue- c : tut event. Other members 'of this committee were Bill ! Colville (tickets), Ab Mavin, l the secretary-treasurer, Presl- jdent William Yeo, Gerry Tay- 'lor, Ray Thertell, and Art ! Brooks. |REPORTS HELD OVER | Because of the length of i the report on the annual ; meeting of the Memorial Hospital last Wednesday, the entire story has been crowded crowded out and will appear next week. Mayo. Vice-President of the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company, was chosen by President Richard Nixon for this important post. His wife. Marian, was born ville in 1948. Before her marriage marriage Mrs. Mayo worked for| the Canadian External Affairs Department. In May, 1941, she) became a member of the staff j of the Canadian Legation ini in Inglewood near Toronto.! Washington, one month before I Her father, the late Rev. R. R.'her future husband arrivedI Nicholson, a retired clergyman j (turn to page twoi I NO REPORT ON PUC Unfortunately, our news staff have not been able to contact members of the Public Public Utilities Commission to shed more light on the results results of an enquiry Into the indefinite suspension of two employees recently. The outcome outcome should be available next week. Rotary Speaker Stresses Community Benefits from Producing The Boy Friend' The attractions of "The Boy Fi .end", the musical to be presented in the Town Hall auditorium next week on February 5th, 6th, ' 7th and 8th, were emphasized by Roy Higgins, the director, in his address at the Bowmanville Rolary Club's luncheon meet- ling at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn on• Thursday. Tod Samuel, Chairman of the Play Committee, in in troducing the guest speaker epoke of the theatrical achievements of Mr, Higgins, a Canadian, in New York and Hollywood during the 10 years he spent in the U.S. He also mentioned Mr. Higgins.' Higgins.' presentation of a play at Expo, his direction of the Clare Players' excellent productions productions of "Hamlet" and "A Man For All Seasons", and his great work (or the Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts last summer. Mr. Higgins said that after the presentation of "The Boy Friend" here is over, the time will come to assess its values. The financial returns are not as important as Ihe fine spirit of co-oporation it has engendered engendered as a result of community community involvement, he pointed pointed nut. "In addition to the more than 56 people in the cast and working backstage there (TURN TO PAGE TWOI Successful Swim Test Candidates Successful candidates of swim tests held at Pine Ridge School. Dec. 11th and Dec. 18th,i 1968. were as follows: Red Cross Beginners: Marion Brooks, Connie Francis, Gerald Eng- berts. Pat Galien, Phyllis Galien, Eileen Smale, Verna Kennedy. Connie Cockwell. Elva Ahhotl. Juniors; Barbara Gibson, Joan .To.vnl, Sue Wight. Gail Pickard. Intermediaire John Parker, Brandon Lander Seniors' Barbara Vansfonr, Toil Broome. Royal Life Saving Society Brnnze Medallion Linda Stevens, Susan Burgess. Lor- rie Turner. Lewis Patterson. Garv Phavre, Rick Morrison. Rick Knight 1st Bar to Bronze Medal: Sally Prcerc. Award of Merit: Siisnn Clark, Doug Parker. Senior Artificial Respiration' Respiration' Dnuc Parker. Susan Clark. Bill Thompson. Lorraine Lorraine Turner. NEW COLUMNIST Tills week The Statesman Is nlcnsed In Introduce a rnoliing feature called "Kitchen "Kitchen Capers" on Page 13 of thh edition. It is written by Nancy Klein whn cninys cooking ami is Ihe wife of Donald Krai», owner nf Cnnndec. one of Rnwmnnville's newest jylusli'los. * Comments f>mn venders on her recipes will be appreciated. appreciated. BITS pro PIECES | ON THE JOB -- Following the overnight sleet storm, Bowmanville's Works Department staff were on the job quite early Wednesday morning, spreading salt on roads and sidewalks to remove the glare ice that had been deposited. It was still quite slippery for walking or driving and no doubt there will be quite a few falls and accidents with, it is hoped, no serious injuries. f t t t t WINNERS -- The entire area must have been excited and thrilled on Monday night when Port Perry's ace figure skaters Anna Forder and Richard Stephens came through to win the Senior Senior Pairs Canadian Championship. Their performance performance on television Tuesday night was almost flawless, leaving no doubt that they are tops in their field in this country. More power to them as they get ready to take part in the World competitions. T t t t t ' SCOUTERS -- AH Scouters of Packs, Troops and Venturers in West Durham are reminded of the important meeting that will be held in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, next Tuesday evening, Feb. 4th at 8:00 p.m. The meeting is urgent so don't miss it! t t t t t RESULTS -- Mrs. Vasey of Port McNicoll will be delighted to learn that the parcel she found on the road outside The Statesman office has been claimed. The little item in this column last week was rend by Mrs, Bruce Mills of Enniskillen whn was wondering where she had lost her purchases. All is well and Mrs. Mills expresses her sincere thanks to Mrs. Vasey. v t t t GOING FAST -- Tickets for "The Boy Friend" are going fast for the four-night production that starts next Wednesday evening. Rehearsals are an every night affair as cast members put the finishing touches on their parts. Sounds as though it should be one of the best, shows seen here in many years. V V 7 . f f • COLD -- Bowmanville Kinsmen must be still shivering after their experiences on the weekend while promoting that two-day Snowmobile event at Mosporl. For the second year, the weatherman really crossed (hem up by converting their snow In ice and then lossing in the freezing winds Hint made it uncomfortable for everyone. However. However. the event gave Don Harvey and his crew from Bowmanville Area Ambulance an excellent opportunity to try out their rescue snowmobile and the sled that hooks on behind to bring in the accident victims. They and the St. John Ambulance folks had a busy day on Saturday. r T T T + BLOOD -- The Red Cross Society advises that quite a few operations in Metro hospitals have had to be postponed because of a critical shortage of blood. The National Medical Director Dr. George Miller, formerly of Bowmanville, has launched an urgent appeal for donors to come forward to ease this shortage. shortage. Apparently, across Canada, donations are down 25 r « for this time of year. •: ' -, •: t CONGRATULATIONS -- His many friends have been extending best wishes and congratulations to Reeve Roy A. Foster of Clarke Township who last week was elected Warden of the United Counties. In town, best wishes arc also extended to W. Rex Walter of Ontario Hydro who was elected Chairman of the Memorial Hospital Board, succeeding Keith Jackson. Both men hovp » hi» hilt ahead of them during the coming year, but they no doubt will be equal to the task. 1 President Yeo presided. Others at the head table were Mrs. Yeo, President Ron E. Richards, Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Mrs Richards, a past president of the Bowmanville Ladies Aux lliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Jack Williams, acting padre of Branch 178, Mrs. Ede Cole, President of the Tartan Club, and her husband, Fred. The delicious meal was pre pared and served by the Bowmanville Bowmanville Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion. The catering convenors were Immediate Past President Mary Westover and Secretary Florence Knight, a past president. president. The Tartan Club members were responsible for the at tractive decoration of the spacious spacious hall. A portrait of Robbie Burns had the place of honor in the centre of the front of the stage. It was flanked with effective arrangements of the MacKenzie tartan (this is the tartan worn by the band), • (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Fire Destroys Feed Mill at Fraserville On Sunday night, fire destroyed destroyed the elevators and feed mill at Fraserville in a spectacular blaze that cojld be seen for 25 miles. There were 15,000 bushels of grain, 15 tons of concentrate, concentrate, machinery, cattle feed, seed grain, corn, 2,000 galons galons of molasses and several bundles of baler twine consumed consumed in the blaze. Millbrook firemen fought the fire from 10 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. in near zero temperatures temperatures and managed to save two adjacent residences. Richard Skuce of Peterborough Peterborough bought the mill In 1963 from George Stephenson Stephenson of Omemee. He employed employed three full time and two part time .employees. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Please don't forget the Red Croee Society's Blood Donor Clinic next Wednesday, Wednesday, Feb. 5th at the Lions Centre. Details are Included In the advertisement on the Classified Page. The shortage of blood has forced the postponement of several operations in the Toronto area. You can help ! Bowmanville firemen were called out twice last night. The first was a false alarm that someone had turned in at the box on the corner of King and Division Streets early in the evening. The second came between midnight and 1:00 a.m. when the temporary offices of Cape Construction caught fire on the St. Mary's Cement Company property. The blaze burned furiously, destroying most of the plywood plywood structure before it could be brought under control. Firemen were at the scene for a couple of hours. No estimate of damage or cause of the fire has been established. Mothers March Collects $1203 Bowmanville, Ont., January 28, 1969 Dear Mr. James: ■ Let me take this opportunity opportunity through your paper to thank the citizens of Bowmanville Bowmanville for their generosity generosity In our recent Blitz for the "March of Dimes". The people of our town should be proud that we raised $1,203.00 for the disabled adults throughout Ontario. To my many canvassers, my captains, my six co-ordinates, co-ordinates, Mary Ann Richards, Gayle Piper, Linda McRob- bie, Pat Marjer'rison, Marlon Brooks and Linda Crossey and to my seventh co-ord- lnator, Jo Ann Richards who also served as my valuable and much needed assistant, I say humbly and in appreciation, appreciation, thank you. A special thank you to Mr. R. Lawton who so kindly opened up the Toronto-Do- mlnion Bank for us on the evening of our Blitz. To organize a town of this size for such a campaign Is a great challenge, one that without people eager and willing to spend their time and energy, could not have been so successfully done. Sincerely, Marilyn L. Cole, Campaign Manager, March of Dimes. Lions District Governor Urges Club Members to Make a Self Inventory District Governor Ron Wis- mer, Peterborough, when he officially visited the Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions Club at the dinner meeting in the Lions Community Community Centre on Monday evening, brought greetings from International President David Evans. The District Governor extended his personal personal thanks to the local Lions for the community work they have carried out. 1st Vice-President Jack Dunn introduced the District Governor, who in his address told the club that Linns Inter, national has reportèd 23,000 new Lions during the past PROSPECTS OF FOG The weatherman fa predicting predicting fog pins freezing rain for this evening that should make driving and walking as hazardous as it has been all day. Many who had contemplated contemplated flying out of Mai ton today have been forced to revise their plans because of cancelled flights. year. He spoke of the importance importance of proper indoctrination so that each new member will have a clear understanding understanding of his duties and of the aims of the club. He said that it is hoped that the membership in Lions Clubs in the many countries around the globe will reach 1,000,000 this year, and Lion- ism's great aim is world peace. The District Governor stated that Lions International International is the only group with a representative at the U.N. He pointed out that if each Lion in all countries influenced influenced 10 others this could have a great effect in bringing bringing about world peace. Each Hons Club should take an inventory of the value of each of its members, the District Governor advised. advised. He said that a man's value has the following three dimensions, dimensions, to his self, to his family, to his club and community. community. The speaker emphasized the importance of working for (TURN TO PAGE TWO) WILL PERMIT USE OF SNOWMOBILES ON ROAD SHOULDERS The Ontario government has amended Us legislation governing the operation of motorized snow vehicles to permit them to use the shoulders of all highways except the freeways. St. Paul's U.C.W. Install 1969 Officers St. Paul's United" Church Women held their January general meeting in the Fellowship Fellowship Room of the Christian Education Building. Mrs. H. Turner conducted the installation of officers who are as follows: Executive-- Past Pres., Mrs. H. Cuthbert- son; President, Mrs. J. Welsh; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Blair; Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. A. Blair; Corr. Sec'y, Mrs. L. Eldridge; Treas., Mrs. L. Welsh; Pianist, Mrs, B. Trigg. Committees--Citizenship and Social Action, Mrs. D. Kennedy; Kennedy; Community Friendship and Visiting, Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs. G. MacPherson, Mrs. L. Trull; Flower, Mrs. D. Boe, Mrs. L, McMahon; Literature, Mrs, D. McArthur; Manse Committee, Mrs. C. Purdy, Mrs. D. Boe, Mrs. S. Adams; Kitchen Committee, Unit 6; (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Chargex Credit Card Plan Expanded to This District Power Engineers Present Painting to Pine Ridge School Pine Ridge School students were the recipients of an unique gift (luring morning Assembly on Friday, Jan. 24th. A beautiful framed original oil painting, to be hung permanently permanently In the auditorium, was presented by the Kawnrtlin Branch, Institute of Power Engineers, ns an expression of their thanks (or the use of 'lie boys' facilities for the branch's regular monthly meeting, The painting Is * shoreline - seascape of his native native Italy, done by George Bortolussl, centre, a member of school's Maintenance Staff. Introduced by William Eby, left, Maintenance Superintendent, Superintendent, Pino llldge School, the presentation was made by R. A. Libby, ' Chief Engineer, Oshawa Board of Education, The painting was accepted on behalf of the boys by Superintendent Superintendent H, M. Hooper, right, Others on the platform were C, Malnds, Maintenance Superintendent, Superintendent, Oshawa General Hospital, L. Taylor, formerly Chief Engineer, Oshawa General General Hospital. C. Ferris, Stationary Stationary Engineer, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, and John Thompson, Vice Principal, Pine Ridge School, The artist, Mr. George Bor- tolussl was a special guest for the occasion. The Institute of Power Km glneers, a Province wide org nnlzatlon, aims to improve the quality and efficiency of service service provided by Stationary Engineers, Maintenance Personnel, Personnel, and others involved In the operation of stationary steam and healing plants, The Knwarthn Branch has maintained maintained a long standing Interest In the welfare of boys at Pine Ridge. Previously, trophies have been presented for good citizenship, academic prowess and athletl# wmpetltlon. ' The expansion of the CHARGEX CHARGEX credit card plan to Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville Bowmanville was announced today by Banque Canadienne Nationale, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, The Royal Bank and .The Toron to-Dominion Bank, Enrolment of merchants in the Oshawa region will begin COACH IN HOT WATER Former Bowmanvllleite George Cawker, now of the Kendal area, has been receiving receiving considerable unfavorable publicity of late. He now coaches a midget team out of Fort Hope and so far two of his players have been refused releases to play for the Junior B Cobourg Cougars. Cougars. The father of one of the players has taken up the cudgels on behalf of his son and, it is understood, has hired a lawyer to straighten out the problem. in early March. The CHAR. GEX credit card plan will be in complete operation, in Oshawa, Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville Bowmanville by the beginning of April, 1969, In 1968, the CHARGEX credit card system was put Into operation, by the four chartered banks, in Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City and Levis, and introduction of the plan to Ottawa, Hull and Sherbrooke was announced. In the latter three cities, initial merchant enrolment nears completion, and the plan will go into effect when distribution of the CHARGEX credit cards has been completed completed by the first few days of February. Operation of the plan in Ottawa, Hull and Sherbrooke will, coupled with Montreal, Toronto, Quebec and Levis, raise the present number of CHARGEX credit cardholders to well over 1,000,001), and the number of participating merchants merchants to 15,000. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) 86 Trained Sit fers Receive Diplomas For Passing Course The I960 T.B, and Health Association Association Baby Sitters' Course Graduation was held Thursday at the Lions Centre. The program opened with the singing of the Queen, Mrs, C. Wiseman, Kinetic President, welcomed the parents, then introduced the platform guests, Mrs. Barbara Cameron, Cobourg; the Rev. I. E. Mun- ro, Welcome; Mrs. J. McDonald, McDonald, 1st Co. Guide Captain; Mrs, D. Heard, 2nd Co. Guide Captain; Mrs. V. Mcachln, District Commissioner; Mrs. J. Patterson and Mrs. H, Knight. Mrs. J. McDonald thanked the mothers who had assisted with the course, the Kinetics for their help and preparation of the refreshments, Mr, Dill- Ing the projectionist and the Lions Club for donating the hall. Presentation of the prizes was made by Mrs, Cameron, Asst, Executive Secretary, The best book, Irene Rletmul- 1er, Proficiency Awards • Gloria Chisholm, Akkle Kay Tcrpstra and Ingrid Yanden- berg, The diplomas were presented presented to the 85 girls and one hoy by Mrs. Cameron, assisted by Mrs, H. Knight and Mrs. J. Patterson. Presentation of the Child Care Badges was mado to the Guides by Mrs. V. Mcachln, assisted by Mrs. D. Heard. The guest sneaker Rev, Munro was Introduced by Mrs. Hoard, In Ills remarks to the graduates he gave n most entertaining entertaining and witty talk. An appreciation was extended to Mr. Munro by Mrs. Heard. Dun to previous commitments commitments the following Instructors and Instructresses of the course were unable to attend: Mrs, J. F. Lccson, Reg, N., Cobourg; Rev. F. K. Malnnc, Mrs, Don Anderson, Mrs. Keith Slcnion, Mr. II, Greer, Deputy Fire Chief, Cobourg; Mr, T, Lyle, Fire Chief, Bowmanville; Mrs, A. Osborne, Mrs. M, Kent, Mrs, E. Frumpton. Refreshments were served nt the conclusion of presentations presentations by members of the Kinetic Kinetic Club,

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