Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1991, p. 16

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i 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday. November 13.1991 Community Correspondence Isabelle Challice -- 983-5824 Quote - "Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is." Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carson entertained recently at the Dutch Oven Restaurant, Mr. and Mrs. Barton MacNcil of Oshawa, also Mr. Wilson Car- son and friend, Ncwtonvillc. Everyone enjoyed birthday cake and ice cream, celebrating Mrs. MacNcil's birthday. Did our readers appreciate the gorgeous sunsets last weekend weekend (Friday and Saturday) evenings? At this time of year we sure enjoy seeing this colorful colorful display. Also the exciting display of "Northern Lights" of glowing pinks and white lights. Congratulations to our newly newly formed C.G.I.T. group (Canadian (Canadian Girls in Training) formed recently in United Church. Sixteen new members and three excellent leaders, Mrs. Yco, Mrs. Coalham, and Mrs. Donna Morrison. For more information call Carol Yco 983-9396. Mrs. Inez Harris was Sunday Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, Kendal. Happy to report Mrs. Marjorie Marjorie Dickson was home for Sunday and looking excellent, after her long ordeal in Oshawa hospital. Our other neighbour Carl Tamblyn, home for weekend from a Toronto hospital and out to church Sunday Sunday morning. A bridal shower was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Linda McCullough, in honour of her niece, Nadine McHugh, formerly Bolton and now Peterborough, bride-elect. A number of Orono folks in attendance attendance and bride and groom received lovely gifts. Miss Sarah Bailey, Oshawa is spending a few days visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Bowins. Dist. No. 17 Workshop A brand new event in the life of Dist. #17 Ontario horticulture, horticulture, happened Saturday, November 9 in Ncstleton Community Community Hall. A workshop on design was organized by Miss Amie Bourkc, dist. director and hosted by Pine Ridge Horticulture Horticulture Society. Seventy-two registered registered members of dist. #17 in attendance, plus guests from outside our areas, and Miss Liz Trolub, Burks Falls, Dist. #18 O.H.A. Miss Bourkc welcomed the crowd and everyone enjoyed coffee and donuts before program. program. Isabelle Challice, former dist. director was First on call, and brought an interesting display display and talk on the "basics" of floral design. Kathleen Petrie, Donalda Nurseries, created a pretty dining dining table design, using fresh flowers and foliage. Carol Davidson brought a cute bird's nest container, made from grapevines and again displayed a beautiful Eu ropcan type design, using various various mosses, holly and greens and fresh flowers. Several other other excellent designs brought much admiration from audi- Pet of the Week These cute little critters are looking for a home. They're seven-weeks-old and have had their shots. There are lots of cats available. Beat the Christmas rush and take home a new friend now, Animal Shelter 623-7651 Sponsored by: cnee. Another excellent designer designer in person of Joan McWilliams, McWilliams, (Pickering society) presented two extraordinary designs, using real pineapples, along with Saico Palms and artificial artificial flowers. Mrs. Yvonne Hubbs, Pickering Pickering made excellent use of while pine in her delightful Christmas arrangement. In centre of hall were two long tables of beautifully decorated decorated lunch boxes, with flowers, flowers, and even teddy bears! This created a most difficult task for Ken Brown to judge, however Pine Ridge pretty well cleaned up in prize depts. Following lunch break, Dr. Rex Groves, asst, director, Cannington thanked the designers designers and presented them with little gifts. Ken Brown showed interesting interesting slides on upcoming, exciting exciting tour to Europe, May 24,92, to Holland, Germany, Switzerland etc. The tulip gardens gardens are featured in this trip. Our special guest Liz Troleob, brought along a delightful design, design, featuring red peppers, and sure colorful! Attention then turned to the guests trying their own hands to creating their own designs. Lots of good ideas and we even had a young gentleman who showed up the ladies, with an excellent arrangement. Those from these areas in attendance, Pres, of Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc Mrs. Verna Robinson, Mrs. Vicki Lesnick, Mrs. Nar- da Hoogkamp and Mrs. Hazel Crago, all • from Newcastle. From Orono Mrs. Loma Atkins, Atkins, Mrs. Minnie Zegers and the Challices. A very successful day and requests for more workshops in future. Thank .you to Pine Ridge for hosting our exciting event. Congratulations to our Orono Orono Jr. Gardeners who won 2nd prize at the Royal Winter Fair, last week.. Community Care, Bowman- ville, again sponsored a very successful bus trip. This time to Royal Winter Fair, and a number of Orono folks enjoyed the day out! Town Hall Card Party Fourteen-tables of progressive progressive euchre 1 at November 14 Wednesday night card party, in Orono Town Hall and following following winners - Helen Couroux 82, Hazel Murphy, Ray Hayward Hayward and Bill Grady lied at 78, Lcta McAllister and Hilda Caswell Caswell tied at 77. Low Score - Edith Gordon. Lucky draws - Carl Todd, Eddy Couroux, Edith Gordon, Tom Wilson, Marion Staples, Walter Murphy, Bca Robinson. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and ladies to please bring lunch. U.C.W. News Twenty ladies in attendance at the unit #3 meeting held Tuesday, November 5, at the home of Dorothy Bailey and Eileen Billings. Dorothy Bailey Bailey read poem "Are all the Children In?" and Elaine Elson gave minutes from previous meeting, and Leila Werry gave a very encouraging treasurer's report. Adele McGill gave us the announcements from executive. executive. Our next general U.C.W. meeting is pot-luck dinner November November 28, 6 p.m. and will be our Christmas meeting. SHOP TODAY FOR BEST SELECTION MIDWAY MOTORS 1300 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-6828 1 w1 - OUR VOLUME SELLING MEANS YOU SAVE - CUSTOMER FIRST SERVING THE DURHAM REGION SINCE 1960 .I lœEWI; If anyone wishes to donate Christmas poinsettas to church, please contact Donna Scott, flower convenor, 983-5026. Several upcoming lunches etc. re catering. Good news for all who missed the very excellent U.C.W. Cook Book, as it has been republished, so order early early from your units. D. Bailey read poem on "Armistice" and hymn 77 "Holly Spirit, Hear Us" was sung, with Joyce Gray at organ. organ. Marion Kilpatrick read a humorous poem "Survivors" and much enjoyed by all present. Dorothy Bailey gave scripture scripture readings and Marion K. gave talk "3 things for us all TO DO, TO LOVE, TO WALK". Prayer by Dorothy Bailey. Collection by Leila Worry, and hymn 87 "Praise Our Maker" sung. Marion Kilpatrick Kilpatrick read poem "Touching Shoulders." Closing hymn 109 "0 God of Love, O Power of Peace" was sung, and a delicious lunch was served, to close our meeting. Orono United Church News Willis Barraball, on behalf of M&S Committee gave "Minute for Mission" on Sunday Sunday morning and Adele McGill, treasurer of Orono U.C.W. presented a cheque to M&S Committee Thelma Vagg in amount of $1,350.00. Following call to Worship 1 the Orono choir presented the beautiful anthem " A Song of Peace" by "Scbclius", in remembrance remembrance of Armistice Day. Reverend Clappison gave the children's story and the sermon sermon on the "Widows Might." Birthday Greetings - Gail Empey November 10, Jeremy Weeks November 13, Cindy Ross November 15. Our greeters at doors Cliff and Eleanor Terrill. Our ushers Lynn Rodd, Doreen Doreen Wood, Loma Atkins and Donna Scott. Reserve the date December 8 Sunday 7 p.m. for Christmas films, country "Focus on Christmas Community Concerts" Concerts" film Bd. of Orono United United Church. More details later. Orono - Kirby Official Bd. meets Thursday, November 21, at 8 p.m. For all members of session, trustees, Stewards, Reps from S. School, Ministry and Personnel, M&S, U.C.W., Manse etc. As this is time to plan our budget for 1992, please plan to attend this important important meeting.' ' A Birthday Celebration - Friends and family of Mrs. Annie Annie McNally (Cornish) are all invited to an afternoon tea, to celebrate her 90th birthday, on Saturday November 23, from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. in Main hall of Orono United Church. Flowers - Anyone wishing to donate flowers for the upcoming upcoming Christmas Season, please call Donna Scott flower convener, 983-5026. Congratulations to Orono U. Church choir, who have just recently acquired 4-5 brand new young ladies to help us with our upcoming "Christmas Cantata". We are still in serious serious need of male voices, if you can sing, please accept this invitation! invitation! Many Quinte - Can letters have been sent out and we are pleased with the excellent response response to this program. Our "Memories" letters this week from Allison Cochrane. These letters arc all from folks who have at one time or another attended attended Camp Quin-Mo-Lac. Leskard Card Party A smaller than usual attendance attendance at the monthly euchre party, held November 7 in Leskard Leskard church hall and following results - High Scores - Eddie Couroux 81, Charlie Stapleton 77, Alvin Yco 76, Linda ? 74. Low Scores Rick Simpson 52, Ray Goode 49. Lucky door prize - Nonna Moffat. Next parly will be Thursday, Thursday, December 5, when the prizes will be Christmas baking. baking. St. Saviour's Church News Sunday, November 10 - Today Today is time for remembrance across our nation, a time to pause and remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice for all that we enjoy in Canada today today - St, Saviour's Bulletin. The ministration of Holy Baptism was celebrated at Sunday Sunday morning service, when little little Erin Lynn Coldin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coldin, Leskard Area, was baptized. St. Saviour's A.C.W. arc holding their "Christmas bazaar bazaar this coming Saturday November November 16 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. in John Breen Parish hall, Mill St. Orono. Do drop in and pay us a visit! New Bowmanvillc hospital chapel - A service of dedication dedication for new chapel in Memorial Memorial Hospital, planned for Wednesday November 20 1991 at 7:30 p.m. All welcome. welcome. Note - Envelope holders who contribute to missions, memorials or special funds, will have their contributions included included in the year end tax re ceipts. Building fund donations arc issued separate tax receipts. Bowmanvillc Wood Chips Club - Show and Sale on Saturday Saturday November 23 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. in Bowmanvillc Lions Centrc.Becch St. Free admission admission and refreshments, all welcome. welcome. The church office no. to call 987-5044. "Time to Remember" With beautiful afternoon sun beaming, our Remembrance Remembrance Day parade and service were very well attended at Orono Cenotaph. With the Kiltie Band leading, leading, a goodly number of veterans, veterans, Sea Cadets, Girl Guides, Pathfinders, Cubs, Brownies, Sparks, made an excellent showing. Mr. Sterling Mather as Mas ter of Ceremonies, and scripture scripture readings by Captain Cooper, Cooper, Bowmanvillc Salvation Army, and Reverend Fred Clappison, Orono United. The Bowmanvillc Salvation Army Band added extra music to event. Following "The Last Post" Sterling Mather read, following following 2 mins, silence, and Harvey Harvey Partner read names of Fallen Fallen Comrades and also read out names of Wreaths from organizations organizations (17 in all). Mr. Gordon Mills M.P.P. brought greetings from government government and Mrs. Diane Hamre from Town of Newcastle. The address was given from Reverend Clappison, Orono United Church. The closing blessing given by Capt. Cooper, Cooper, Salvation Army. Elizabethville News by Edna Thickson (Intended for last week) Church services were well attended, and two visitors also ' attended. Rev. Sedgwick opened the service with call to worship and prayer. After the announcements, Cheryl Murray Murray led us in a song with exercises exercises for our expression of Worship. The children's minute minute was taken up by the minister minister asking them what he read in the scripture, which was about a law man asking Jesus which commandment is the most important important of all? With the answer, answer, "The Lord our God is the only Lord, Love the Lord your God with all your heart; with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second most important important commandment is Love your neighbour as you love yourself. We had various answers answers enough to know they had listened, at least. On Thursday, the seniors met for the October Pot-luck dinner, celebrating six birthdays, birthdays, Edith Carrulhers; Margaret Margaret Peacock; Mae Muldrcw; Mary Gardiner; Charlotte Thompson; and Ken Trew. Charlotte won the draw for a plant. The others received a small crocheted doily and Ken Trew got a small gift. Our Christmas dinner is set for Nov. 28 at the Township building. building. Elizabethville Sunday school had an excellent turnout on Sunday. Jackson Peacock is going to teach the teenage boys and he had three there and would like to invite more to attend. attend. ; The Whilbreads from Oshawa spent a night at Sun- nyside this past week. Alyson Westheuser with her room mate were home with Suzanne Suzanne and Lesley over the week-end and they went back to St. Catharines on Sunday. Their first experience of driving driving in the snow. The three girls enjoyed a shopping trip on Saturday Saturday in Toronto. Glenda Mercer was with Clarence and Betty Mercer on Saturday. Jackson and Susan Peacock had Steven and Christy home on the week-end and had Mary and Margarette Walker for supper supper on Sunday. Howard and Vivian Quan- trill had Norccn and Charley Prouse, and Morlcy and Wilma Robinson on Sunday. Elmer and Pearl Elliott, Oshawa, visited with Orlcy and Inez Mercer and me on Sunday. Irene Beatty has a new V.C.R. and got a film and had the Austin's on Friday night and the Burton boys; Shirley and family on Saturday night to see film. Susan and Jackson Peacock had dinner with Steven and Christy Peacock at Belleville last Wednesday and Christy came home with them and she spent a few days with Margarette Margarette Walker and helped her finish finish a bit of painting in her new house. Sorry « there was no news printed last week maybe wo will get two lots this week. [ Yelverton News by H. Malcolm A family grocery business that has been in the same family family for many generations without without any noticeable change except except certain cosmetic additions, has this year really started to boom.' We refer to the grocery business owned and operated by the Bums family - the Robt. John or the John Robert (reversing (reversing name every other generation) generation) of Janctvillc since back in the 19lh century. The Bums ensemble, with Robert Jr. the motivating force, has embashed on a major expansion expansion of amazing proportions. proportions. A whole new building of vast dimensions has been built adjacent to the former store, which now houses a full- fledged hardware store, a delicatessen, delicatessen, a bakery in the works, the new local post office office boxes, a liquor store etc. A large parking lot has been pul in with new entrances off the side street which has eliminated eliminated the dangerous parking situation on County Road 5 that has existed with the vast increase of business. An official opening of the new facilities was to be held on Wednesday, November 6th. We extend congratulations to the Bums family on their foresight in providing these new services to the community at large and wish them well in. their new business endeavours' providing additional full and and part time employment to many local residents. On Saturday evening, November November 2nd Howard and Eileen Eileen Malcolm motored to Elm- vale, Ontario where they attended a Pork Producers Banquet Banquet for North Simcoc County. Howard had the honour of presenting presenting long service awards to 10 recipients who had amassed collectively 160 years of service service to this organization. On Sunday Ms. Candy Malcolm Malcolm of T.O. visited her parents parents and other family members. members. Vn a war, evnyoot tuHta... : m must never let It happen again.' The War Amps of Canada JUST LOOK AT THE VALUE; • Incredible 2-Lux Low Light Performance 6x, F1.2 Power Zoom It's So EASY to capture your Precious Memories. • Hot Shoe for Full Colour Enhancement Light (Pv-LTIVK) • Hi Speed Shutter with G-speeds • Digital Aulo Focuo with Auto-Macro •A/V Dubbing • 90-Minute Recording in SLP It's the (WISH 3® '899- Palmcorder BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VISION 58 King St. W. Tel. 623-2312 Heard the Rumours I regarding Newcastle IDA Pharmacy... Mike told you or maybe Margaret, or could be Lina, or Linda or

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