: 1 1 New Slate of Officers for Beehive Rebekah Lodge It V m mm  ? I'- ■ V -it: -v On Tuesday, October 28th, 1991, the new officers of Beehive Rebekah Lodge #125 were installed during an impressive ceremony Toy D.D.P. Marjorie Palmer, assisted assisted by Whitby installation staff. They are: front row 1-r, Sectry. D. Wollstein, L.S.N.G. R. Mitchell, R.S.N.G. M. Vinkle, N.G. C. Roberts, D.D.P. M. Palm- M hi :■ er also Chaplain, V.G. C. Alexander, R.S.V.G. L. Far- row, LjS.V.G. D. Burgess, Fin. Sectiy. G. Murdoch, Treas. G. Gordon; back row, O.S.G. L. Hendren, I.S.G. A. Wray Cond. B. Kennedy, I.P.N.G. S. Severn, Pia- ?i S r.i * 0un S raan i Warden B. Alldread, Colour Bearer M. Stacey. i This is the Installation Staff of Beehive Rebekah Lodge who, during the month of October have installed installed officers in tne district, including Oshawa, Oro- no, Port Perry, Port Hope and Whitby. They are, front row 1-r, B. Kennedy, F. Moore, A. Wray, D. Wollstein, Hallowe'en Party in Solina Village People (Solina) Jun- and each child left with a goo- XX/nmnn'c Tnctîllllf 1 . tmcfP/l - (j|(> büg. In addition to prizes for costumes, costumes, we held a raffle draw for several prizes which were donated by businesses and individuals individuals in the community. ior Women's Institute hosted anolheAgrcal Hallowe'en party for the children in the community community at tile Solina Hall on Tuesday, Tuesday, Octibcr 29. It was well attended attended with over 100 children, Our sincere thanks to the following following for their prize donations: donations: a Hallowe'en Party Plat-^ ter from The Paper Factory (Ritson Road North, Oshawa); disposable camera from Japan Camera Centre (Five Points 'We Make It Eas Q / ft • A ;|V. Handling your insurance claims Paying your $50.00 deductible on ALL WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS. FREE PROMPT Mobile or Pickup Service for Customer Convenience MOST installations in less than one hour with a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE. NOVEMBER IS TRUCK MONTH Have a Rear Sliding Window -Installed starting as low as $89.95. 157 Baseline Rd. E., Bowmanville Unit 2 can 697-1221 Locally owned and operated by Glen Morris 24 HOURS VISIONPLEX OPTICAL 'v ■ Sr Y. All Khan, F.N.A.O. EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Former ChTmanot Board of. With very little waiting period, l °P licia 1 s Ontario Former ,, J lecturer m Optics at Ryerson, • rully covered by OHIR Seneca and Georgian Colleges, OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY "S EVENINGS and SATURDAYS iLLs for your convenience. \SSSHL ONTARIO HYDRO and G.M. EMPLOYEES We can outfit you with safety glasses in several styles. OFF $ 70off Buy two complete prescription glasses and save. Expires Doc, 31/91 "Quality and Best Customer Service Guaranteed!" 210 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-0482 See Yellow Pages for other locations. I 1 All in-stock I FRAMES fi I I Expires Doc. 31/91. OFF Colour Opaque Contact Lenses "Change the Colour of your Eyes." Expires Dec. 31/91 FREE l FRAMESi With the purchase | of 2nd pair | from our selection. | Expires Doc. 31/91 || VISA Clubs & Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 6,1991 11 Lions Help Restore Sight for Blind by Lorraine Manfredo Last Monday's Lions Club meeting was devoted primarily to Sight-First, an international organization dedicated to wiping wiping out preventable blindness. Past District Governor, Lion Tom Barker, used his own enthusiasm for the work of Sight-First, to inspire the Bowmanville Lions to re charge their own club's commitment commitment to the organization. "Die goal of Lions is to eliminate preventable blindness blindness in the entire world," said Mr. Barker. He reminded the Lions that this directive has not changed since Helen Keller personally challenged the Lions Lions Club, almost seventy years ago, to bxe the "Knights of the Blind." jf million people now blind, in the Third Thirty worldwide arc many of them World. "I try to think internationally," internationally," said the Past District Governor. Governor. He advised the Bow- manvillc Lions to do the same. "In India, there is a doctor performing one cataract operation operation per minute, by the light of r one incandescent bulb." This tireless doctor's expense per patient is $25, the Lions were told. Mr. Barker then pointed out how easy it is to raise the necessary necessary $25 through the mint sale program or the "Loonic" banks located in supporting retail retail outlets in the town. He said that a gift of only 25 dollar coins could "give a grandmother, who has never, ever, seen her grandchildren, the chance to see them. "And if that isn't worth $25,1 don't know what is," he added. The number one cause of preventable blindness is cataracts, cataracts, although blindness caused by vitamin 'A' deficiency deficiency or by diabetes is preva lent in underdeveloped countries. countries. Lions International, through Sight First, has helped reverse this tragedy of preventable blindness by collecting used eyeglasses and out-dated medical medical equipment for redistribution redistribution abroad. Proceeds from mint sales in participating stores and other regular fund-raisers are local contributions to the cause. Zone Chairman, Gil Jurchi- son, said in his own speech to the group: "Wc'rc involved in Sight-First if we help drive a blind person to an appointment, appointment, or hold a fund-raiser for diabetes or even if we collect eyeglasses. "Our objective is, above all, to promote Sight-First." "Jacob Two-Two" is Ideal for Youngsters : < Marshall B. Goode, D.D.P. M. Palmer, G. Murdoch, A. Waller, C. Alexander, P. Alldread; back row, C. Roberts, Roberts, L. Farrow, M. Vinkle, G. Gordon, A. Jones, F. Russell, M. Stacey, S. Severn, E. Smale, R. Mitchell, L. Hendren, D. Paeden, B. Fryer and J. Youngman. Mall); musical doll from Deborah's Deborah's Country Traditions (Hampton); child's book from The Art Room (Mitchell's Corners); Corners); toy tractor from Evergreen Evergreen Farm and Garden Centre; Centre; Hallowe'en cake by Janice Dillworlh, Blue Jay sweatshirt and Larry Bird poster donated by Eve Langley; Intrigue Bath Gel and jewellery set donated by Mary Millson; tupperware butter dish and lunch bag set donated by Bov Wotten. Our congratulations to the winners of these great prizes. We would also like to thank all children who participated in our Great Hallowe'en Pumpkin carving contest with a special congratulations to our winners; Darren Langley, Ian Knox, Brandon Baker, Bradley Knox; Colin Baker and Grant Hoskin. Congratulations, as well to the winners of our candy counting contest; Grant Hoskin, Hoskin, Luke Thompson, Sherri Jeffries and Danielle Hanc. We would like to thank our judges for the evening, Dorothy Dorothy Snowden and Dorothy Pas- coe. It was very hard to pick out the winners for best costume costume in each age group as there were so many great and ingenious costumes. Larraine Bennett our M.C. for the evening evening also deserves our thanks for a job well done. Hope to see you all next y car - Gail Hoskin P.R.O. Village People Junior Women's Institute (Solina) , sgsl " I In appreciation for the many local merchants who provide counter space for the sale of Lions Club mints, the Bowmanville Lions welcomed them all to last Monday's meeting at the Lions Centre. Speeches by visiting club dignitaries explained explained how all money collected through mint sales and "Loonie" baulks goes directly directly to Sight-First, a program dedicated to eradicating preventable blindness. Here are, (back row from left), Carson Elliot, chairman of the Sight-First Committee Committee of the Bowmanville Lions; Tom Barker, Past District Governor of the Newmarket Lions Club and Co-chairman of the District 'A' Sight Conservation arid Diabetes Awareness Committee; Gil Jurchison, Zone Chairman for the Bow-. manville Lions; Elmer Banting, President of the Bowmanville Lions Club. Sitting at front are mint sales representatives, Lion Ted Miller and Lion Bill Foote. If you have young children or are still hopeful of heart, plan to attend the Bowmanville Drama Club's Presentation of Jacob Two-Two by Mordecai Richlcr. Performances at the High School auditorium. Jacob is two plus two plus two which means he's just six years old. Life can be pretty tough when everyone is older and can ride two-wheelers by themselves. Are you still not allowed to cross the street by yourself? No matter what age or size; small and large will enjoy this tale of discovery and triumph and justice for all. Power to the little people of all ages. The many actors and actresses actresses are hard at work (or) hard at play every Monday and Thursday evening rehearsing in emest for this fall's production; production; directed by Vic Goad and produced by Sheila Majid. In other parts of the town, seamstresses and tailors work late into the evening stitching and sewing costumes for the Hooded Fang or the Slimers or Master Fish or Mistress Fowl! New voices sing and clumsy clumsy hands poke at stubborn piano piano keys. Boots arc tossed towards towards windows that let out this rusty sound to haunt the still night fog that hangs over Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Cats howl at dogs who bay at the of ten-empty and slim silhouette of Town Hall. Fathers and Sons, Mothers and Daughters cut and saw as elaborate sets arc wrestled to _ completion. Writers and editors editors debate the fable and constitutional constitutional experts and equal rights analysts trade arguments by facsimile machine. New and hopeful politicians pose and prepare for opening night prestige. Frustrated lawyers lawyers and judges address imaginary imaginary jurys and prepare the sentence sentence for Jacob. His fate already sealed? Reserve the evening of November November 29, 1991 at seven p.m. for the opening performance of this correct and appropriate play for all ages. Matinee performance to follow follow on November 30 at one .p.m. and four p.m. There is a special dress rehearsal on November November 27 for seniors at seven p.m. There are no reserved seats. Tickets and information available by telephoning 623- 0616 or 623-3588. Sorry, facsimile facsimile information is invalid in Bowmanville. TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS ADOPT IGLOO Since rhe Adopr An Igloo program began, rhe Regional Municipality of Durham has relied on . local sponsors ro drive rhis imporronr public recycling recycling program. And you haven'r 1er us down. Dur ro improve rhe Region's performance in reduction, reuse and recycling--ro make rhis extension of rhe Blue Box program successful-- we need ro place more Igloos in borh urban and rural areas. We need more sponsors. Whar you ger when you sponsor a new three- • Igloo depor for $4,250 (or one Igloo for $1,500) is rhe opporruniry ro show your concern ro rhe residents of your Region. When your organization's organization's logo is prominently placed on rhe front of each Igloo in a 2- by 3-foor area, you receive guaranteed, long-term exposure--from rhe rime you sponsor through ro rhe end of 1990. The following Igloo sites are now ready for sponsorship: Oshawa: Harmony Volley Conservation Area Pickering: Whirevale; Claremont; Brougham; Greenwood Community Centre Whitby: Heber Down Conservation Area Newcastle: Enniskillin Conservation Area (norrh of Bowmanville); rhe Villages of Maple Grove; Solina; Enfield; Burkron; Kirby; Leskard; and Srarlsville Uxbridge: Scorr Landfill (Regional Rood 10, wesr of Leaksdole) • Scugog: Town of Greenbank Brock: Town of Sunderland /L miK you SfoNSot I 'A i Please join the ranks of those generous sponsors who have already adopted Durham Region recycling Igloos. We wish to thank the following sponsors for their commitment For more information call Glen Pleasance at (416) 668-7721 DURHAM If long distance, region call collect! JÉÉÉi "DURHAM? Dali Packaging Products Canada Ltd Doyshore Towers Condo Deochwood Homes Inc. Decrrice Foods Inc Ourler G Daird Lumber Co. Canadian Tire (Midrown Mall) Castle Dullding Centre (Uxbridge) CHOO Radio CKAR/ŒQT Radio Consumers Gas Durham Regional Housing Authority G.M. Sernas & Associates General Motors of Canada Ltd. Gino Testa Construction Goreski Summer Resort Harkow Aggregates & Recycling Ltd. Laidlaw Waste Systems Lrd. Lasco Sreel Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ontario Disposal Lrd. Oshawa Harbour Commission Oshawa Valley Park Co-op P.A.C.T. Pederson Trucking & Disposal Runnymede Developmenr Corporarion Lrd Sand ford Sanirarion Standard Aggregate Sr. Mary's Cement Team Recycling Systems Techsrar Plastics Inc. The WycHffe/Foxbridge Group Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates Town of Newcastle Town of Whitby Uxbridge Industrial Park Vicdom Sand & Gravel Whitby Yacht Club Williamson G.M, Wilmor Creek You'll be in good company when you add your support to this list. A waste management program of Durham Region November, 1991