t ) I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, November 6.1991 3 ■ Peel* 'll 'H ■ Mdm 'H * Ptcliiü 'll 1 Peel* 'H *Picwn'fl s PicIiIei 'H 1 Three Candidates Campaign for Two Spots on Public School Board, Ward II Charmaine Dunn-- Nora Gust Mike Slocombe After serious consideration, I offer my services as a trustee of the Newcastle and Northumberland Northumberland Board of Education - to assist our community in ensuring ensuring a high standard of education education for our children, so that they will be ready for tomorrow. tomorrow. There arc many challenges and changes facing today's educational educational system that need to be carefully studied. Challenges Challenges to parents, students and teachers, and changes that could affect all of us as ratepayers. ratepayers. We need to work for sensible sensible utilization of tax revenues for maximum benefit, with strong representation for ratepayers ratepayers and parental concerns; reduction of the school dropout dropout rate, improving student literacy, literacy, and ensuring that teachers, teachers, secretaries and custodians, arc paid equitably and treated fairly. We also need to examine examine our priorities with regard to 'Streaming' versus 'De- Streaming', class size and facility facility allocation. There is growing awareness that the Continuing Adult Education Education Programs arc an csscn- Charmaine Dunn liai and important part of our communities growth and as such should be encouraged. Co-operation and dedication dedication are key factors for the future future success of our schools. The Board's motto, 'Leaders in Learning,' is one that I feel needs to be adhered to - by all of us! When, on November 12th, you cast your vote, I ask that you remember how important a 'quality education' is and vote for Charmaine Dunn in Ward 2. After serving for five years as a school board trustee in the Swan Valley, Nora and her family moved to Bowmanvillc. Nora and her family have lived in Bowmanvillc for four years. Two of her three children are already through the school system. system. Her daughter currently attends attends Bowmanvillc High School. Nora's primary concern is for children, "The children and their education arc the most important reason for schools', the teachers' and the boards' existence." Nora Gust wants to encourage parents to keep on being involved in the education of their children. Nora foresees that her background and experience experience will greatly assist her in making dependable decisions as a school board trustee. Nora Gust sees running for Trustee in Ward Two as a window window of opportunity to help the local school board work to gether with the provincial Ministry Ministry of Education. A two-year business course at Durham College coupled with Nora's hands-on experience in her family owned and operated business, equip her to serve effectively effectively as a School Board Trustee. For over ten years Nora has been actively involved in Christian Education and has served, on boards at her local church. This has furnished Nora with valued experience with both youth and children in the area of education. As a taxpayer in Bowman- ville, Nora Gust is prepared and very capable of doing an excellent job on behalf of her constituents. Children arc our most precious precious resource. In order to ensure ensure our future, their welfare must be one of our highest priorities. priorities. Schools are the focal points in neighbourhood communities communities from which we should be co-ordinating services services to our children. It is imperative that the current current co-ordination of vocational vocational education, skills training and apprenticeship programmes, involving our secondary schools and community colleges colleges be enhanced. Greater efforts must be made by all concerned to address address the problem of the alarming alarming increase in the number of students "dropping out" of school, the consequences of which has a major impact on our social services system. It is essential that we retain There are 23,278 students in the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. That's up by 1,000 over last year's enrolment. and expand upon flexible programmes programmes which allow students to keep their options open, thereby encouraging them to complete their studies and graduate. While continuing to provide a solid education in mathematical mathematical and language skills, constant constant review is essential to ensure ensure that we arc teaching our children to adequately cope with what we perceive their, needs will be for the future. The fostering of self-esteem and respect for others must be a high priority. No previous generation of children has gown up facing the tremendous environmental concerns with which our children children will have to contend. Since 1975, the Provincial government has consistently reduced its financial commitment commitment to education in general and public education in particular particular (from 60% to most recently recently 40%) causing significant increases increases in property taxes. It will be crucial in the next few years that we persuade the Provincial Provincial government to find ways to reduce the dependence on property taxes to support the education system. I am a parent with two children children in the public school system. system. I believe that the knowledge knowledge and experience which I have gained during my eight years as the Trustee for Ward 2 will be an asset in the cmcial years ahead. I respectfully solicit your support on November 12th, 1991, as I seek re-election to the position of Public School Trustee for Ward 2. D. Mike Slocombe Lucinda Cull Lucinda Cull Lucinda Cull, a resident of the Village of Newcastle, is seeking one of two seats for Public School Trustee in Ward 3. Mrs. Cull was bom and raised in the City of Toronto. She has been a resident of Durham Durham Region since 1983 and has lived in Newcastle for the past three years. As a mother of two young children in the school system, caring about the quality of their education is foremost in her mind. After graduating as a Developmental Developmental Service Worker in 1977, Lucinda has been actively actively involved in the Social Service Service field. She has provided support, leadership and coun selling to parent groups, families, families, teens and children with special needs. Most recently she worked in a managerial capacity capacity for a community based, residential mental health program. program. Currently a full time home maker, Mrs. Cull says, "I am now able to make the time commitment necessary to be an active representative for the educational educational needs of our children. children. Furthermore, as a parent and taxpayer, I am highly motivated motivated to work hard in order to provide Quality Education with a Reasonable Cost." Lucinda wopld like to see better rapport between all partners partners in education. Cull states "I will strive to improve communications communications between families, teachers and the school board by being both accessible and responsive to the educational concerns of our community." "I would also like to see ' more involvement between the school boards and councils during the planning process in order to accommodate new growth." Cull believes that Caring, Commitment and Communication Communication arc the three C's to get the job done. Nora Gust 1 Debbie Nowlan Debbie Nowlan is a life long resident of The Town of Newcastle and is seeking re-" election for the position of Public School Trustee for Ward 3. Debbie and her husband husband Tom live in Newtonvillc with their two children, Joanna and Katie. "During the past three years I have been an active member of the board and have had the opportunity of sitting on all the major committees of the board. I was chaiqrerson for the affirmative affirmative action/employment equity equity committee. Bob Willsher Education is a most vital service in our society. A sound educational system is essential to the growth and development of our young. For many education education has become a life-long endeavor. endeavor. A quality education in" our schools is essential, as it forms the foundation for all learning in life. Our Board faces many challenges. challenges. Rapid growth in many areas has ' created an overcrowding overcrowding situation. Rising costs and lower Provincial grants have placed a heavy burden on taxpayers. Demands for more services in schools from parents and the Ministry of Education have placed more expectations on our teachers. Teachers' Federations are demanding demanding more in wages, benefits, benefits, and better working conditions. conditions. Parents and the community demand more accountability accountability for quality. All of these arc expected within a reasonable reasonable cost to the homeowner. homeowner. To deal with these, and other other challenges, will require knowledgeable and dedicated tmstccs. I am running for office office because I believe my 6 years as a tmstcc, my 27 years in business, and my 24 years as a parent, will be of value to the taxpayers of Ward 3 and the Board in addressing these challenges. challenges. I believe a trustee must be prepared and able to help parents resolve problems. We must provide leadership to ensure ensure the schools are providing educational programs relevant to today's society and the Board's Administration is cusing expenditures on child. Debbie Nowlan I must say that as a Trustee you face many challenges, items like declining provincial support that causes strain on the local tax share, rapid population population increases, dial always cause someone to be unhappy with the decisions that must be made, recession, and many mandated programs that the Province forces us to implement implement and that make budget process difficult at the best of times. I feel as a member of the board for the past 3 years, we have found creative solutions to address most of the issues, but unfortunately not everyone was happy with our decisions. I do think we must look at the cost of education and address the issues before us as if we were working on our own family family budget and start living within within our means, Unfortunately, there is a bottom to the barrel and I feel we arc there. I would recommend that this year the board take a serious look at the base budget. My background is Business and Marketing Management. I am a graduate of Sir Sanford College. I feel that my experience experience of sitting on various committees committees and boards across the Region, my commitment to the youth of today, education and to my community gives me the desire and ambition to seek re- election. I have worked hard for the schools in the Clarke area for the past three years and will continue to open the lines of communication between between home and school. I feel that the future brings with it many demands on our education education system. We must be very careful not to take on more responsibilities responsibilities until we can afford afford to. The school setting is the ideal setting for health and social programs and with the recent increase in disturbed children it is an increasing part of our system. We must make sure the local tax dollar is not forced to pay for all these services. services. We need the resources we presently have, to be able to maintain and educate in an ever changing society. Technology Technology and science arc continually continually amazing us and we must have programs in place that keep up with those changes. I will continue to speak on your behalf at the board table, The future of our educational system is what the country is built on. We must as a community community take interest in our educational educational system and our youth to build a strong community in which to live. All Candidates Meeting Ward Three November 7,7:30 p.m. Newcastle Village Town Hall Newcastle Village Chamber of Commerce (We won't be beat) MVENTORY (The best selection in Durham Region) CAVALIER *9,889." STK. #806096 8.9% financing or ^500. OVER 100 AVAILABLE Cash Back Vehicle not exactly as illustrated. Financing O.A.C. Cost of financing $10,000 over 48 months at 8.9% is $1,922.24 - payment is $248.38. Vehicle price has factory incentives and cashbacks assigned to Dealer. Freight, license, and applicable taxes extra. If 8.9% financing is used, cashback of $500. is not available and will be added to the above price. See Dealer for details. 140 BOND ST. W CHEVROLET • 0LDSM0BILE GEO • CADILLAC