1 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilic, Wednesday, October 23,1991 A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago -- 987-4201 Last Tuesday noon we were pleasantly surprised to greet Albert Graham at the door. He was wondering where his Newcastle Newcastle High School reunion letter letter was. Albert and his wife, Marion, had been visiting the Archie Bernard's at Fleshcrton and saw their letter. We promptly supplied Albert with one which he immediately .filled out. The Pedwclls report that our-of-town former pupils arc being very prompt with their replies. Locals, please send your answers. Missed some Thanksgiving news. Mrs. Grace Gaines accompanied accompanied Reg. Evelyn and Donnie Meadows to Lindsay where they spent Thanksgiving weekend with Gary and Shelley Shelley Kelly and girls. Sisters Cindy Norton and Sandra Schmahl enjoyed Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago Chicago where they attended the Oprah Winfrey show with guest Shirley MacLainc. They also visited Katherine dc Jersey, Jersey, an astrologer in the John Hancock Building. Birthday greetings to Donald Donald Parker, Ron Munro, Philip Woo, Patti Andrews, Tim Yates, and Mabel Wade. To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sik- ma, and Jack and Gloria Gordon, Gordon, congratulations and best wishes on October wedding anniversaries. anniversaries. On Saturday Mr: and Mrs. Morlcy McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy went to Haliburton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parish and also Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberts. On Thursday evening, October October 17, the Newcastle Seniors Seniors met in the Newcastle Community Hall for their •monthly evening of cards, i Winners were 1st Ailecn Tum- ; er, 2nd Ellen Burras, 3rd Doris : Joli, 4th Velma Jakerhan, 5th Josephine Watt and 6th Stanley Powell. Saturday overnight guests' of Mrs. Bessie Dean were son Tom and his wife Ellen, of Orleans, Orleans, Their son Glenn, his wife Lindi and girls Nicole and Amanda, Greenwood, Nova Scotia have also visited recently recently .with his grandmother. To friends and relatives of ■Mr, Melville Samis, a lifetime resident of Ncwtonvillc, but recently recently Port Hope, we extend our condolences. His funeral took place on Tuesday. While we think of Newton- ville, the United Church is having having a ham dinner and entertainment entertainment on Saturday, November 16. If you would like a ticket, call Shirley Stapleton or Bernice Bernice Henderson. Last Tuesday evening the Lioness Directors met in Lions Den. Their regular meeting will be held on Monday, October October 28. On Friday afternoon, October October 18, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell accompanied by Hazel Crago attended the funeral of Mac Walker in Port Hope. Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Beth and Wayne Marklc, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buckley and son Jamie and Christopher, London were weekend visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. .and Mrs. John Broad- foot, Braccficld, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended the 80lh birthday parties for Mary Broadbent, Port Hope and Clarke Martin, Orono. Sorry we missed Clare's birthday party but extend congratulations. congratulations. The Pearce families called on Sunday to wish Myrtle happy happy birthday. Granddaughter Viki telephoned from McMaster. McMaster. Mrs. Gladys Wood attended the wake for Mrs. Pyc-Finch on Tuesday evening and the funeral funeral in Scarborough on Wednesday. The Bemic and Red program program sponsored by Bowmanvilic Bowmanvilic Legion Branch 178 was certainly well attended on Sunday Sunday evening at Newcastle Community Hall, Their'British' comedy was well received. Mr. Bill Scott, Glendale, California, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, helping his mother Wilma celebrate her birthday. On Wednesday noon Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a property property meeting of the Children's Aid Society. In the evening she attended the annual foster parents parents appreciation night in Oshawa. Thursday night Pauline was present at the monthly meeting of the CAS. On Friday evening Mrs. Storks attended the Clarke High school Commencement. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Scott drove to Samia where they visited former neighbours, the Ron Feather-' stone-Haugh family. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Saturday and Sunday John and Wilma spent with the Rob Scotts in Stratford. On Monday they enjoyed fall colours colours on the way to Port Carling where they visited Mrs. Alme- da Brown and on their homeward homeward trip called on the Ken Morrows at Millbrook. To celebrate celebrate Wilma's birthday they were dinner and overnight guests of daughter Cathy on Saturday. Cathy resides in Toronto. Toronto. Last Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robin AUdred were Charlie and Jean Alldred of Victoria, British Columbia. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Other members of the Alldred family were also present to visit with Charlie and Jean who will soon be returning returning to British Columbia. On Sunday Mr. Douglas Rowe and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Doug and Annette Annette Nugent, Bowmanvilic were all supper guests of Donna Donna and Brian Bannister, Bow- manville, celebrating Doug and Annette's second wedding anniversary. anniversary. We extend congratulations. congratulations. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Bridge- north. St. Francis of Assisi There was a good attendance attendance at the October meeting of the Catholic Women's League at ST. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church. Guest speaker was Susan Hendricks, whose topic dealt with the differences differences in communication with men and women, and was very interesting. Plans are underway underway for the November 30th bazaar and ticket sales arc proceeding proceeding for 1st a duvet, 2nd .too* lampi and 3rd baby quilt. At the November 14th meeting crafts will be done for the bazaar. bazaar. St. George's Anglican Church A letter from the Honourable Honourable Karen Haslam, Minister of ; Culture- - : -en4-' Comriiimications for the Government of Ontario, was received last week con- finming a grant of $52,917.00 for the restoration of "architecturally "architecturally significant component of historic St. George's Anglican Anglican Church." This letter has been anticipated since July when work on the steeple and bclltowcr was originally scheduled scheduled to begin. As masonry and painting cannot be done in cold weather, the startup date has now been postponed until April 1992. On Sunday, October 20, the Rector, the Reverend D. W. Hall celebrated Holy Communion Communion at eight and eleven. The flowers above the Altar were given by Fran Holland in memory memory of her husband Jack. The sidesmen were Jackie and Sierd DeJong. The children of the congregation were invited to stay for lunch in the Parish Hall and to start making crafts for the annual Craft and Bake Sale on November 2. The mon ey raised by the children is donated donated to C.B.M.I. the charity supported by the Sunday School. Next Sunday, October 27, there will be Communion at eight and Morning Prayer at eleven. United Church On Sunday, October 20, 1991, St. Luke's Day, and Holy Baptism were celebrated at Newcastle United Church. Lay Reader was Mr. Harry Wade. The Senior Choir anthem, anthem, Little Lamb Who Made Thee, was most appropriate for christening Sunday. Rev. Stiles' sermon, A Three Fold Ministry, dealt with teaching, preaching and healing healing -- body, mind and spirit. Children baptized were Christine Lecannc Button daughter of Terry and Sandra (Phibbs) Button; Haley Victoria Victoria Cook, daughter of Darrell and Eleanor (Lambert) Cook; Haylcy Elizabeth Eikens daughter of Henry and Denise (Fisk) Eikens; Kristina Sharon Green, daughter of Brian and Lynn (Scott) Green. Adult Bible Study group meets Wed. mornings at 10 o'clock. Children in costumes will collect for UNICEF on October October 27. Tickets are available for the turkey supper, from Marjorie Paterson 987-4628 or K. Kimball Kimball 987-4269. Sec the advertisement advertisement for times and prices. Rev. Karen Ptolcmy-Stam, Fenelon Falls, will be guest speaker at Nov. 10 Anniversary Anniversary Service. Thanks from the United Church Women for all who made this year's Golden Harvest Harvest and Craft and Bake Sale a great success. Through the IGA Hot Dog and Soft Drink Sale Days in October, St. Francis, St. George's, United and Baptist Churches each received over $100. We thank Mr. Norman Gyaltsan and his staff for their donations and community spirit. spirit. Newcastle Village Community Bowling Monday Ladies: Marilyn Major 189-246-197; Norma Moffatt 196; Betty Major 227- 233-215; Cindy Poirier 182- 180; Marilyn Kent 268-187; Linda Campbell 223; Loma Crockett 206-215; Mary Pierik 209-225-265; Shelly Rivers 183; Linda Norrish 187-214; Trixie Wright 179-220-176; Bernice Henderson 201-213; Nancy Bell 254-193. Seniors: Lon Pardy 221; Olive Little 162; Albert Pearce 233; Loma Crockett 238; Vance Cooper 180-254; Stan Allin 163; Alice Hopson 164- 157; Marion Allin 195; John Thome 182; Ron Burley 157- 164. Thursday Mixed League: Fae Forget 206-184-201; Bob Forget 218-176-178; Ken Jury 200-218-176; Jean Hall 198- 184-181; Bill Brown 191; Don- Council Candidates Debate at Wilmot Creek Forum These are the regional council candidates who took n °t Wotten, Ann Dreslinski, John Blogg, Bill Clarke, part in the Wilmot Creek meeting on Sunday: 1-r, Ar- Frank Harris and Larry Hannah. na Mcndonca 175; Ken Boyd 234-227; Greg Forget 186-239; Garry Saxby 215-243; Tom Kindratiuk 192; Joe Forget 199-302-253; Wes Forget 243; John McGucy 178-201-196; Rick Murphy 176; Ted Ritchie 181-190; Joe Mcndonca 219- 183; Brian Forget 227-205- 197; Lyn Murphy 193. Youth Bowling Seniors 100 and over; Lyndscy Holmes 134; Rene Mathias 129; Nicole Norton 109-145; Brent Roo- zenboom 103; Leigh Wood 161-183; Vincent Norton 119; Jason Noble 154-135; Chris Mathias 149-225; Richard Martin 118-118; Laura Wood 123-122; Chy-Anne Poirier 106; Ashley Poirier 104; Doug McCurdy 101-145; Kelly Holmes 102; Nick Brown 164- 147. Intermediate 75 and over: Shannon Saxby 85-128; Ben Koslik 103-98; Brett Griffin 75; Jennifer Wilson 93; Lori Giles 108-146; Adam Stripp 105-95; Nathan Schroor 119- 105; Maryanne Marcotte 76- 76; Shannon Couch 100; Nathan Nathan Laing 95; Sean Higgins 112; Jeff Giles 127-165; Melissa Melissa Carroll 119-133; Douglas Walton 96; Jessica Henderson 105-109; Brian Trotman 84; Peter Marcotte 85-94; Robert Walton-120-108; Sara Castellano Castellano 88-114; Cheryl Perkins 146-86; Ryan McCracken 83- 107; Julian Norton 78-85. Juniors 50 and over: Jason Griffin 89; Lara Shkordoff 50; Lisa Welsh 55; Joshua Landry 53; Caitlin Laing 78; Oliver Koslik 80; Matthew Schroor 65: Jillian Bugden 73; Daryl Lucyk 58; Michael Imhoff 86; Bailey Duetta 82; Shaun Couch 53. Happenings From Tyrone by Bessie Vaneyk Tyrone Church Thanksgiving Thanksgiving service was held in a sanctuary sanctuary beautifully decorated by the Worship Committee. The Junior Choir, led by Jane Koene, sang unaccompanied a song for Thanksgiving. The Senior choir sang Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Prayer by Besig and Price. Reverend B. Kelly delivered her usual good message - let's not get caught up in a frenzied circle of consumerism, but move in a gentle flow of giving and caring. On Sunday, October 20, Debbie Phillips played for the service. Reverend Bonnie Kelly Kelly will be on study leave on October 27, and Reverend Barry Barry Pogue of Oshawa will be with us. Tyrone UCW met orr October October 9 for an interesting program program on the environment. Lori O'Neill and Lynn Adams of Oshawa encouraged us to take a good look at some of the cleaners and waxes we are using using to see it we could decrease our. use of the cleaners and waxes we are using to see if we could decrease or use a safer safer alternative. Pumpkin pic and whipped cream made a lovely lunch for our visiting time. Thanks to May Loveridge and Elsie Roy. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Verna Hodgson last weekend. Many of us remember remember her as a kind, soft- spoken lady with a lovely smile. Our sympathy to the Da- vey family. Mr. Harold Clemens of St. Catharines passed away on Tuesday at the age of 92. Harold Harold left the area in the 1920s and only returned in 1988 to bring the Otho Staples placque back to our church. His grandmother grandmother laid the cornerstone of the church. He is survived by his second wife, Winnifred. Don't forget to come and hear the GM Choir at the church on Saturday, November 2. Tickets arc available from Ted Brock at 263-2781 or Jacqueline Jacqueline Vaneyk at 263-8460. See Coming Events. We Make It Eas We handle your insurance claims and WE PAY YOUR $50.00 DEDUCTIBLE on windshield replacements. Have your windshield replaced at WORK or AT HOME FREE MOBILE or PICK UP SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE •MOST JOBS DONE IN ONE HOUR OR LESS 157 Baseline Rd. E., Unit 2 i Bowmanville can by cit4i Locally owned and operated by Glen Morris 24 HOURS !«■■■■ WILLIS Bowmanville Mall 243 King St. E. , M FTNANHAT Bowmanville, Ont. ■ It ri IN /VIM VIAL Tel. (416) 623-6957 SERVICES Fax (416) 623-9382 ANNOUNCING THE CASHABLE GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE! Do you purchase or currently hold Canada Savings Bonds? If so, consider the "CASHABLE" Guaranteed Investment Certificate as an alternative. Like the Canada Savings Bond, Cashable GICs can be cashed anytime but yield an Interest rate GUARANTEED to be higher than Canada Savings Bondsl Offered by several trust companies and available through us as authorized agents, the Cashable GIC carries the same Insurance and protection as a regular GIC. The Cashable GIC carries an Interest rate guaranteed for one year. If you redeem after 90 days, full Interest Is paid right up to the date you cash It In. However, like the Canada Savings Bonds, If redeemed prior to 90 days after purchase no Interest Is paid. If the Cashable GIC appeals to you, please contact us for further details - Act soon as this offer Is available for a limited time only. As always - our best Interests are yoursl Sincerely, John Willis, President Willis Financial Services Two of Four Mayoralty Candidates Debate Issues On Sunday afternoon, a crowd of well over 100 attended attended the first candidates meeting of the current municipal municipal election campaign. It was held in the spacious Wilmot Creek Wheelhouse recreation centre at the retirement retirement establishment, and organized by the Home Owners Association who looked after all the arrangements. arrangements. Their president Mrs. Phyllis Baker was chairperson, chairperson, assisted by other members of the group who were in charge of speakers' timing, refreshments, etc. Discussions by three levels of candidates ranged over a wide area, including problems connected with the Wilmot Creek development, property taxes, lakeshore bicycle paths and even the referendum concerning the town's name change. Only two of the four mayoralty candidates showed up, Ann Cowman and Diane Ham- re and are shown here with Mrs. Baker. Those running for local council seats in Wards 1 vak and David Scott. On behalf of the participants, and 3, participated in the Wilmot Creek session on Mary Novak thanked the Wilmot Creek Home Own- Sunday. They are, 1-r, Jim Hale, Ken Smith, Charles ers Association for their efforts in organizing the Ewert, Monte Hennessey, Bill Tomlinson, Mary No- meeting. covers this area better than we do! ATTENTION CANDIDATES! We can provide you with complete printing and advertising services to complement your election campaign. Call the pros at The Canadian Statesman The Newcastle Independent The Canadian Statesman 7(/ee6e*tde>r 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Phone 623-3303 Fax 623-6161