Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1991, p. 24

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' 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 8,1991 Section Two Orono Residents Head to Niagara Falls Orono News by I. Challice Quote - "Mothers Day is when everybody waits on Mother, and she pretends she doesn't mind the extra work." Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stapleton and family, Oshawa, and Mr. John Robinson Robinson Orono, were Sunday . evening dinner guests of Mr. - and Mrs. Alfred Pigott. ! Mrs; Jenny Bowins spent - several days last week visiting visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haslam and family, family, Oshawa. The O. Challices spent last Monday and Tuesday at their daughter's cottage, on Crowe River, Campbellford and found the waters level - extremely high! Several bridal showers r. for local bride-elects! Miss Leanna Reid was entertained entertained at a shower last Sunday, Sunday, at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. Donna Hutton, Division St., Orono, and Sunday May 5, she was entertained entertained at a lovely community community shower at Kirby United Church. A bus load of local folks enjoyed a trip to Niagara Palls on Monday, May 6, with Lorna Atkins in charge of the trip. Mrs. Thelma Gilbank, Mrs. Inez Harris and Mrs. Gladys Greenwood enjoyed dinner last Friday evening and then the "Horseless Car- riagemen" barbershoppers program at Eastdale Collegiate, Collegiate, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice and Mrs. Barbara Munneke, Cavan were last Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Lake- field. Mrs. Joan Hollingsworth, Bethany, was last Wednesday Wednesday evening visitor with Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings. Glad to report Mrs. Rosie Graham is home from hospital hospital and Mrs. Marion Kilpatrick Kilpatrick is out of hospital and convalescing at her sister's, Mr. and Mrs. Wolstein; Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Leskard Card Party and News There were 9 tables at the monthly euchre party held Thurs. May 2, in Leskard Leskard Church hall and the following were winners. High scores - Walton Mitchell Mitchell 90; Olive Little 85; Marie Couroux 80; Low scores - Carl Gimblett 44; Marg Todd 41; and Marg Todd won the lucky door prize. Next Meeting Thursday June 6, at 8:00 p.m. The ladies of unit #5, invite invite all Leskard ladies to attend attend their annual Pot-luck luncheon and dinner at 6 p.m. in church hall, June 11. The ladies of Leskard invite invite all ladies to attend their Tupperware party at church hall, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone invited to attend! Town Hall Card Party Fourteen tables of progressive progressive euchre at the weekly weekly card party, in Orono Town hall, held May 1 and the following were the results: results: Kathy Mitchell, Aleck ny P Moffat, Hilda Caswell 78; Paul Mucho 75; Don Thompson, Thompson, Marion Sears 74; Low - Ray Staples; Lucky draw winners; Joyce Cowan, Marg Todd, Thelma Vagg, Marie Couroux, Gladys Greenwood, Greenwood, Art Bedwin, Edgar Millson, Charlie Stapleton. Card party every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Ladies Ladies invited to bring lunch. St. Saviour's Church News The sacrament of Holy Communion was held Sunday, Sunday, May 5, at St. Saviour's, with servers Lisa and Christine Christine Johnson. Advisory Board Meeting: Thursday, May 9, at 7:30 in Parish hall. Confirmation Class: Thursday May 9 at 4 p.m. in Parish Hall. Confirmation on Sunday, June 23 at 10 at St. Saviour's, Saviour's, Orono, with Bishop D. Blackwell (Trent-Durham) officiating. Sunday, May 5, was Rogation Rogation Sunday. Rogation comes from the Latin "Rogo" to ask. To ask God at planting planting time for a good harvest in fall. Many services took place in fields on this day. One of the oldest festivals in the church, this practice predates predates Christianity. Next Sunday our guest speaker will be Cnpt. Don Hughes of the Church Army; the Church Army in Canada was established in 1929. For more information on the work of the Church Army, please contact; "The Church Army in Canada" 397 Brunswick Ave., Toronto Ont. M5R 2Z2. Hostel services; The Oshawa Hostel has ongoing needs for its operation. Items needed arc towels, kitchen ■ aprons, bedding, clothing (men's), toiletries and food. If you can help please leave items at back of church ( God's Groceries). Your support is greatly appreciated. appreciated. Orono United Church Nows Two very pretty vases of spring flowers graced the front "of church, for Sunday morning service, and opening opening hymn "This is My Father's Father's World" reminded us of the beautiful world outside. Following the announcements, announcements, Mrs. Bertha White and her Explorer girls group opened their part of service. Following their program, the girls received their graduation graduation diplomas from Rev. Milnes and Bertha pinned on a pretty corsage on each girl. Mrs. White congratulated congratulated the girls and welcomed Sharon Reader at this service, service, as she had been a former former leader. Girls graduating: Jane Easton, Connie Fluke, Shelia Shelia Woods, Paula Partner, Sara Demeter, Jennica Fernstrom. The girls greeted at doors, were ushers. Congratulations Congratulations to all. Birthday greetings to - Gordon Hardy, May 6; Sable Rae Empey. Orono Bd. of Stewards - meeting, Monday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday School meeting - Changed from May 9 to May 16 at 7:30 p.m. in lower C.E. Hall. Up-coming Services: Sunday, May 12 - Family Sunday - Baptism- Mothers Day. Sunday, May 19 - Regular Regular service Kirby 9:30 a.m., Confirmation service, Orono, 11 a.m. Sunday May 26 - Regular service at Kirby 9:30 a.m., U.C.W. Sunday service, Orono, Orono, 11 a.m. Thursday, May 9 Orono Congregational Meeting 7:30 p.m. upper C.E. hall, MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor Serving Bowmanville and area residents since 1968. REAL ESTATE - COURT - WILLS ESTATES - MORTGAGES INCORPORATIONS - FAMILY LAW 41 Temperance St., Bus.: 623-4444 Bowmanville Res.:623-9161 Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477 GRANT PHYSIOTHERAPY and ASSOCIATES First Appointment FREE in May Evening and Saturday Appointments 623-3185 23 Silver St.,- Bowmanville, Ont. For all your Home Improvement Needs • Doors • Windows • Siding • Fascia • Eavestroughing ftpc] 47 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-0444 Dr. Bruce G. Wilson DENTIST 118 King Street West Newcastle Village 987-2155 Mon., Wed. 9 a.m. -1 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Old Munich Restaurant 255 King St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa 436-5065 Live Entertainment and Dancing Fri. - Sat. - Sun. Dinner Special Mon. - Thurs. $6.95 Licensed Under L.L.B.O. REGIONAL CONSTRUCTION • custom building • additions ■ renovations ■ garages • drywall fencing decks .GENERAL CONTRACTING HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Main Street, Orono Telephone 983-5115 Serving your insurance needs since 1942 Kirby Congregational meeting meeting 7:30 p.m. in F.R. Joint meeting of Charge - 8:30 upper C.E. hall. All reps from church, S.S., U.C.W., Stewards, Trustees, M. and S., etc. Mission and Service appeals: appeals: Although we need to contribute regularly to M. and S. there are two special needs at this time. Assistance Assistance to Kurdish refugees, mark your envelopes Kurdish Kurdish refugee funds. Horn of Africa appeals: this is a continuing continuing aid from last year to Sudan and Ethiopia. Food Banks - Donations may be left at the back of church. As levels of donations donations have declined, there is an urgent need for food. The Kirby - Orono film boards have completed this season's films and are already already planning next fall's menu. We were pleased at community response and look forward to next seasons. seasons. In last week's news we failed to thank Marion Milnes for contributing to our music programs by rendering rendering a lovely solo "Evening "Evening Prayer." U.C.W. News A good attendance of ladies ladies at the monthly meeting of unit #1, held Wednesday May 1 in the main hall of United church. The tables were lovely with fresh daffodils daffodils and pots of african violets. violets. Dorothy Robinson, our leader, read a spring poem "Robin's in The Tree Tops" and welcomed the group. Several announcements were read out - Sunday May 26 is U.C.W. Sunday and guest speaker is Mrs. Mini- tie, Cola Springs; May 30 is general U.C.W. and guest is Mrs. Billie Kemp, with slides of Mexico. Top Students Selected for April at M.J. Hobbs School h:' i : UGiffJTiiJii w; im'MKM «nu t m ? Ai M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School has announced its Students of the Month for April. The students honored honored last month are shown here. The group includes: Paul Annis, Hendrik Wagenaar, Miranda ICetela An- drea Walkau, Pauline Chappie, Ken Walker, Julia Fo- PORT DARLINGTON MEMORIES - That's the title title of the main display in the Bowmanville Museum Exhibit Galleries this spring. Using old photos, postcards, postcards, posters and advertisements, this exhibit provides provides a sense of what it was like to live on the lake- shore in the era of steamers and sailing ships. Another display is a scale model of the Boys' Training School as it looked when it was a prisoner-of-war camp. Everyone is welcome to drop by the Bowman- ville Museum and see the latest displays that are being being presented in this, the 30th anniversary year of the museum. BIG BROTHERS/SISTERS NEEDED - Little Brothers and Little Sisters of Bowmanville are getting very anxious to make our community aware of the need for Big Brothers, and Big Sisters. Seven children on the waiting list were at the Bowmanville Mall on Saturday, displaying posters designed to recruit additional additional volunteers. The Big Brothers and Big Sisters hope that at least three more recruits can be obtained from the latest project. If you would like more information, information, just call the Big Brothers Association of Newcastle Newcastle at 623-6646. COMPUTER USERS GET TOGETHER - The next meeting of the Durham PC Users' Club will be held Thursday, May 9, at the Michael Starr Building in Oshawa. (Please note the new location.) The meeting is open to all who are interested and a "bug session" is a regular feature of the meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. For further information, please call 655-4156. SENIORS MEET -- The next meeting of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Senior Citizens' Club will be on Tuesday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. The seniors will meet at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions Centre for cards. Please note that this is not a pot luck supper as was reported in last week's Statesman. FEDERAL LIBERALS MEET -- The Durham Federal Federal Liberal Association has announced that it will meet on May 13th at the Corinthian Hall in Columbus. Columbus. The purpose of the meeting is to elect delegates to the party's annual general meeting in June and to select delegates to the Constitutional Convention slated slated for Ottawa in October. The meeting is at eight p.m. SÀVE-A-HEART -- Durham Save-a-Heart is offering the 12-hour basic rescuer CPR course on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, May 7, 9, 14, 16, from seven p.m. to 10 p.m. each evening. Weekend courses are also being being offered later in the month, Basic rescuer recertification recertification CPR courses are also available, starting Saturday, Saturday, May 11. Six-hour infant/child CPR courses complete thé program. All courses are being held at the Durham Save-a-Heart office, 1450 Hopkins St., Whitby. Registration is required in advance. For information, information, please call the office at 666-0095. EVANGELISTIC TEAMS VISIT SCHOOLS - Msgr. Leo Cleary School, and St. Francis of Assisi Elementary Elementary School will be welcoming members of the National National Evangelistic Team (NET) on Tuesday, May 14, and Wednesday, May 15. NET is a Catholic evangelistic evangelistic ministry which shares the Gospel with nearly 100,000 young people in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Australia. It is primarily a retreat outreach for Catholic junior and senior high school youth. THE ENCHANTED -- This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, (May 9, 10, and 11), the Clarke High School will present "The Enchanted," a play by Jean Giraudoux. Giraudoux. Performances will be in the Clarke High School Auditorium, commencing at eight p.m. For tickets, please call 987-4771. "INTERFACE WITH NATURE"- An exhibition of mixed media installations which deal with nature, landscape, and the urban environment will be presented presented at the Visual Arts Centre this month. The show opens on Sunday, May 12, with a reception from two p.m. to four p.m. The exhibition will be on display to June 1. The work in this show is by artists Tony Cooper and Maralynn Cherry. Cooper and Cherry will also lecture and instruct a hands-on lesson dealing with "New Approaches to Landscape" starting Wednesday, May 15. In keeping with the theme of landscape, a lunchtime lecture will be held on Thursday, Thursday, May 16, at the Visual Arts Centre. Following an informal lunch, Joan Murray, director of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, will lecture on the subject of her book, Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven. REALTORS MAKE DONATION TO CANCER SOCIETY SOCIETY -- On Tuesday, April 30, the Oshawa and District District Real Estate Board presented the Canadian Cancer Cancer Society with a cheque for more that $6,000. The money was raised from the annual ODREB hockey tournament. George Van Dyk, of Van Dyk Real Estate, Estate, Bowmanville, was a member of the hockey committee committee which organized this event. HOSPITAL'S ANNUAL MEETING - Memorial Hospital Corporation will hold its annual general meeting on June 18th ; The meeting takes place at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the hospital. Items on the agenda will include reports, the election of officers, and revisions.to the corporate by-laws. AGRICULTURAL JOBS - The Agricultural Employment Employment Services Office is actively recruiting workers workers for the upcoming busy season. Shelley Holliday is working at the Port Perry Office. Evelyn Bittner is in charge of the Victoria County Office and Susan Chyn- oweth is responsible for Peterborough. They'll do their best to refer workers willing and able to assist with your farm needs. Effective June 3rd, summer hours for Port Perry will be from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays weekdays and from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Saturdays and holidays. holidays. Their number is 985-3831. ARTS FESTIVAL - The separate school board is holding an Arts Festival May 15 and 16. Over 1,500 students from five of the Peterborough-Victoria, Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate Separate Schools in the Lakeshore West Region will participate participate in the festival which takes place at Bowmanville Bowmanville High School. The two-day event will conclude with group presentations by students of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Stephen's Elementary, St. Stephen's Secondary, Secondary, St. Joseph's and Msgr. Leo Cleary Schools. PIONEER MOTHER'S DAY -- Lang Pioneer Village will open on Sunday,. May 12, with a special Pioneer Mother's Day. Of. course, all of. the regular exhibits will be open and there are some new displays on pioneer pioneer travel in the gallery. In addition, moms will enjoy enjoy complimentary afternoon tea at the Keene Hotel and horse and buggy rides at no charge. Hours are from one p.m. to six p.m. VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT -- The Oshawa and District District Association for Community Living is looking for volunteers willing to support individuals with developmental developmental handicaps in recreational activities. Among the volunteers needed are a person willing to assist in literacy training and a person who can support a young man in developing a fitness program. If you can nelp, call 576-3011 for further details. ENVIRONMENTAL FAIR COMING UP - Don't forget the Environment Fair which will take place at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex on Sunday, May 26. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the exhibits promise to be both fun and educational. Various businesses businesses and environmental groups will be represented. The Environmental Fair is a Heritage Week Event. WOMEN'S BREAKFAST MEETING - The Third Thursday Breakfast is a women's network which meets monthly at the Old Munich Cafe in Oshawa. (King St. E., at Ritson Rd.) The next meeting is May 16 at 7:30 a.m. Members and guests are welcome. For further information, call 723-1143. CHILDREN'S SUMMER ART PROGRAM - The Visual Arts Centre has announced a Visiting Artists Summer Program which begins July 8. The subjects include painting, printmaking, wood sculpture, drama, drama, paper-making, collages, and the use of natural materials for works of art. These all-day arts and crafts programs will run from nine a.m. to four p.m. For further details, call the Visual Arts Centre at 623- 5831. DURHAM COLLEGE CONVOCATION - Graduates Graduates from Durham College will be recognized June 1 during the annual Convocation Ceremony. Business and technology grads will receive their diplomas, commencing commencing at 10:30 a.m., while the applied arts and health sciences students will graduate in the 2:30 p.m. ceremony. The graduation and a reception will be held at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. Little Brother Corner... PORT DARLINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOC. - This month's meeting of the Port Darlington Community Community Association is slated for Monday, May 13, at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. The meeting will commence commence at eight p.m. A representative from the Port Darlington Harbour Company is scheduled to address the group. M c D's PATIO CENTRE Quality Patio Furniture at Warehouse Prices "Nobody Beats Our Prices"^ 37 King Street E. IB! Bowmanville 623-5353 "Everybody has 20/20 hindsight Big Brothers of Newcastle 623-6646 JO-ELEN SPORTSWEAR & GIFTS Suppliers to Teams, Schools and Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 43 King St. W„ Bowmanville, Ont. (416) 623-8161 J. Wayne Aasen garty, Sarah Cook, Lori Risebrough, Mark Dillon, Meghan Meghan Brown, Kerrie Lowe, Chris Meadows, Herb Wallace, Jayne Robbins, Dawn Pittens, Anthea Williams, Williams, Sanjeev Karwal, Tyler Piney, Heather McMaster, McMaster, Julie Mantle, Danielle Suter and Marvin Binns. 'Best Deals on 4 Wheels call DALE AVERY at Durham Automobiles Ltd. 1250 Dundas St. E. Whitby. Ont. Bus. 668-6881 Res. 623-4401 Special on Mazda: FREE Air or Equivalent Discount X 1HVIMON Ol 7III2I ONTARIO ISl'/VjQ Ir-jG^n Siding, Soffits, Fascia, Capping Roofing, Doors, Windows, Trough No job too big or too small Telephone 434-7994 Bowmanville, Ont. BRINK'S EXCAVATING * Trenching * Gravel & Top Soil 1 * Grading & Levelling * Septic Installations ■ ' * Back Filling * General Excavating * Dump Truck Service R.R. #2 Newcastle, L0A1H0 (416) 987-4995 EVERGREENE Property Maintenance and Landscape Design Spring Clean-up, Fertilizing, Weed Spraying, Grass Cutting, Shrub Planting, etc. 62 Duke St., Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 2V5 KEVIN CROOKS (416) 623-5125 HARRY KAMSTRA f A A & SONS • INTERLOCKING BRICKS • RETAINING WALLS » SODDING & SEEDING .TREES & SHRUBS . JAPANESE GARDENS For a FREE ESTIMATE Call 263-4230 R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3K6 (416) 623-1896 Olde Tyme Fish & Chips 136 King SL E. Bowmanville 623-1781 Mon. - Thurs. 11 a.m--7 p.m. Friday -11 a.m.--9 p.m. Saturday -11 a.m.--7 p.m. We take pride in serving quality Fish and Chips. * ui fflrX "KRACO" Ir-200o! Carpentry & Contracting Q~ • Custom Homes • Renovating • Additions • Barns • Designing • Drafting • Permits • Finishing "30 Years Experience " Box 20021, Newcastle 987-5400 Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. BOWMANVILLE -- ONT 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396

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