4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 20,1991 Reader Upset with Federal Government yoi Hi An Open Letter to MP Bill Scott: I am writing in response to our report from Parliament 'ill published in the Newcastle Newcastle Independent March 6, 1991. I am finding it more and more difficult to swallow swallow the foul tasting rhetoric which flows from the mouths of the Federal Conservative Conservative party. You mention that Canada is facing difficult economic times. Well! It only took the Government six months to admit that the country was in a recession. In past budgets budgets Canadians were assured assured that high interest rates and a high dollar would guarantee Canada's economic prosperity for future future years and would reduce the deficit to a manageable level. Mulroney and his henchmen have almost succeeded succeeded inbringingthis country country to its knees. The unemployment unemployment rate is at its hignest since the 1982 recession. recession. There was 80% of the population against the Free Trade Agreement and a similar similar amount against the "GST," but it seems that the message fell on deaf ears. There has been an unprecedented amount of manufacturing jobs lost in Canada since the implementation of the "ETA." Now you speak of taking decisive action. This should have been done in Mulroney's first term in office not his last. The current policy of wage controls will be no more successful now than they were during the "Pet" years. When you speak of MPs and Mulroney freezing their wages, it is about time. Fiscal restraint should start at the top. I think that this Government is a day late and a dollar shy. The Bank of Canada Governor John Crow has just received a 4% wage raise. This brings his percent wage increase to a whopping 35%-40% in the past 2-3 years. Is that an example of restraint? The unpopular GST was touted as being revenue neutral. Now you claim that "the revenue created" from this tax will be used to buy down the deficit. You further state that this revenue will not allow Ottawa to continue with a "business as usual" Public Meeting Municipal Conflict of Interest Consultation Committee We want to hear your views to help us improve municipal conflict of interest laws. Public meetings of a government-appointed consultation committee will be held across the province. The committee will consider all aspects of this subject including such questions as: • does the current legislation adequately determine when a conflict exists? • should the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act extend to local government employees? • should conflict rules extend to gifts and benefits received because of position or office? • should local politicians be required to disclose significant significant assets and interests which may create conflicts? • do the current rules deal adequately with elected officials undertaking additional paid activities? _ Meetings will be held at: Toronto -- Thurs. Apr. 4 Toronto Board of Education Auditorium, 155 College St. Oshawa -- Tues. Apr. 9 Oshawa Municipal Offices, 50 Centre St. South Peterborough -- Tues. Apr. 23 Peterborough Municipal Offices, 500 George St. North Scarborough -- Wed. May 8 Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. Newmarket -- Thurs. May 9 Newmarket Community Centre, 221 Cedar St. All meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. and all meeting locations are wheelchair accessible. If you would like to make a presentation, please call the toll-free number listed below to book the time. An advance copy of any material you intend to present would be appreciated. Please send it to: Municipal Government Structure Branch 11th Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Written submissions will also be welcome. Please send them to the above address before May 31, 1991. All presentations and submissions may be made in either English or French. All submissions to the committee will be considered public information. Discussion paper You can get a copy of a discussion paper on this topic prepared last year by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs or the committee's terms of reference, by calling us. Copies for reading are'available in the office of your municipal clerk or at the main branch of your local library system. Contact us for information or materials by phoning toll-free: 1-800-668-0230 © Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario attitude. What assurances do the citizens of this great nation have? History has proven the contrary. Income tax was implemented as a temporary measure to assist the Government of that day to bring the country back to economic stability. How long does it take to accomplish this goal? Now we find that each and every Canadian has been burdened with an additional debt of $15,000. Thanks, but no thanks. This additional personal debt you claim threatens the prosperity of the country. If you can recall that very message has been echoing in the House of Parliament since your Government came to power. There were promises made in 1984 that the budget would bring the deficit under control within Mulroney's first term. What happened? Now you say that this new budget will bring lower interest rates and that restraint begins at home. To prove this, Mulroney and the boys will freeze their wages for one year. That should have been policy six years ago. Then, it could nave been said that the elected leaders of the country were setting a good example. It seems to me, and to many other Canadians that all Mulroney is doing is positioning himself and his pack. for re-election. I can assure you that the people will not forget the unrelentless and unforgiving unforgiving pre-occupation Mulroney has had with attempting to bring this nation to its knees. He has almost succeeded in dividing the country into 12 different little countries. Meech Lake, a disgusting failure, for which the blame can only lie squarely • on Mulroney's shoulders. To add to this fiasco, we now have the Spicer Commission romping around the country asking people "what is wrong with Canada." Why didn't he listen years ago? Instead of dancing the "Irish Jig" and singing "Oh Danny Boy" with his "good ole buddy" south of the border. I personally will not forget the dismal performance of your Government and its leader. I will make this promise to you and Mr. Mulroney that I will do my utmost to insure, that you and the • Conservatives do not get the chance to govern this country for many years to come. This country deserves a Government that listens to the people and does not become insulated from real life Canadians. The Conservative Party m did not deli ed this and did i romis- iver. Colin Argyle 2179 Hwy. 2 Bowmanville Ont. L1C 3K7 Resident is Famous in Orillia An Orillia newspaper recently ran this photo of a former local well-known young lady, Dony Ewers, whose sister, Clara Nesbitt, brought it to our atten tion. No doubt, many former friends and acquaintances acquaintances will be interested in' this member of a family're- nowned for their musical proclivities. DOTTTE EWERS Dottie Ewers says she can't remember when she didn't play the piano. It started with her family where they all played a musical instrument and made their own entertainment. She has played for the Leacock Sale Days for many years, at the Leacock Home and twice a year, Ewers plays at Shoppers Drug Mart. A recent engagement saw her tinkling the ivories at the Chamber of Commerce Commerce dinner held out at Fern Resort. Ewers plays by ear and calls her talent at the piano, piano, a gift. Her busiest time of year is during the Christmas season when she plays at seniors homes for the Golden K Club or the Young at Heart Workshop or other groups in the area. Her many activities include being a member of the Quota Club since 1967. "I guess I'm their official pianist," she said. She is also a committee member of the CNIB and a member of Branch 34, Royal Canadian Legion. Dottie grew up in Nestleton and came to Orillia in 1962 with her husband, Robert. It was the motel business business which drew them to the area. They have two children, three grandchildren and one great grandchild. grandchild. Joyce McGuire Chairperson of the Board Peter Roach Director of Education m Pturborvugh. VKtorti, Noatwmtortomi t NtwatOt seront i senoot §oert), JUNIOR/SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for September 1991 Parents with children who will be attending Kindergarten in September 1991 are requested to enroll now. (Children currently enrolled in Junior Kindergarten need not apply). -- Junior Kindergarten students must be four years of age by December 31 st, 1991. -- Senior Kindergarten students must be five years of age by December 31st, 1991. To simplify the procedure please bring your child's Baptismal Certificate, Birth Certificate, Immunization Record, Health Card Number, your Lot and Concession Number (for rural students) and Proof of Separate School Support (ie. current tax bill). Please contact the school to set up an appointment time: Thurs., Apr. 4th - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fri., Apr. 5th - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Wed., May 8th -9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thurs., Apr. 4th - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fri., Apr. 5th - 9:00 a.m, - 3:00 p.m, Wed., May 8th - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Courtice Msgr. Leo Cleary Courtice (At Msgr, Leo Cleary) Mother Teresa Mr. Hart Armstrong Principal (416)433-0331 We guarantee your satisfaction. And our experience in preparing complete and accurate tax returns will give you peace of mind. Canada's Tax Team. Put us to work for you! 243 King St. E. Bowmanville Mall 623-6957 1413 King St. E. Oshawa 432-6800 Prices effective at Miracle Food Mart and Miracle Ultra Mart in all departments subject to availability until Sat. Mar. 23,1991 only. Savings indicated are off our own regular prices. We reserve the right to limit quantities. # ® COMMITTEE FOR When It comes lo Sunday Shopping the T7A ¥D O¥_¥/'YDTITM real Issue Is Mrne»». 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