On the Farm Supplement of The Canadian Statesman and Newcastle Independent, Wednesday, March 20,1991 5 Evergreens Shield Orchards from Salt Damage by Tom Clarke Horticultural Crop Advisor, O.MA.F. As winter subsides, and temperatures slowly start to rise in early March, salt injury injury symptoms may appear on roadside evergreens and fruit trees. Damage becomes more visible through spring and summer. Many times, salt injury is mistakenly blamed on winter-kill, winter-kill, drought or nematode nematode injury, but there is a distinct pattern to "salt damage. damage. Injury will be most severe severe on the side of the tree Complete Coverage at Competitive Rates. !'»n, 'Be, ta il Bï \il p Plus... excellent rates for home owners located within 3 km or 15 km of a fire hall. iDai Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Lindsay) Blyleven - Stoter INSURANCE BROKERAGE INC. 2278 Hwy. #2 R.R. 6, Bowmanville 623-5300. FARM MORTGAGES You've thought a lot about your mortgage. You've decided on a term. You've picked your repayment schedule. All your decisions are based on your current situation. But what if your situation changes? Bank of Montreal has fixed rate farm mortgage features that let you change your mortgage payments if your situation changes. 10% prepayment of principal. 10% increase in your mortgage payments once each year without penalty. Find out more details. CALL LINDA MASON-BROWN at Bowmanville - 623-4860 ûû First Bank Agri-Services® Bank of Montreal facing the road. Tree damage damage decreases as distance from the highway increases.. Studies have shown that the salt spray whipped* up by heavy and fast moving, traffic is the main source of damage, with salt solution run off creating secondary injury. This aerial salt spray will damage trees more on the downwind side of the road than trees on the opposite opposite side. On conifers, damaged needles turn brown beginning beginning at the tips, progressing toward the base, and will fall off prematurely. As injury injury continues, branches become become bare and will develop a distinctly one-sided appearance. appearance. Branches that are snow covered for most of the winter will be green, while higher branches on the same tree will have turned brown. Symptoms appear on fruit trees and other deciduous deciduous species when growth begins begins in spring. Flower and leaf buds facing the road will not open or open slowly, but flowering and budding are normal on the unaffected unaffected side. Damaged branches will have new growth from the basal section, which results results in a tufted appearance Secondary salt injury includes includes impairment of cold hardiness, and may lead to susceptibility to some fungal E athogens. Experiments ave shown that salted soil can increase Verticillium disease infection on young sugar maples. Salt tolerance of many plants is often based upon their ability to retard the uptake and accumulation of salt. Plants with thick wax layers on leaves, needles and twigs, have more salt protection. Trees with large resinous buds, (Eastern Cottonwood, Cottonwood, Horse Chestnut) or which have buds submerged in the twig, (Black and Honey Honey Locust) accumulate salt relatively slowly. Use of resistant evergreens, evergreens, or deciduous varieties, varieties, can be used as screens to trap salt spray and protect protect sensitive fruit trees and other plants. Recommended salt screen evergreens that could protect protect fruit trees include, Austrian Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra) and Blue Spruce (Picea pungens glauca). Austrian Pines grow bushy and wide and fairly quickly. Growers should watch for "Tip Blight," which is a stress-related disease which can disfigure Austrian Pines, but usually won't kill them. Pines also can withstand the dry soil • conditions that provide suitable suitable salt spray protection Unnamed (generic) varieties varieties of Blue Spruce also provide provide suitable salt spray protection protection and are less expensive than landscape quality Blue Spruce. On the Niagara Peninsula, Peninsula, peach growers sometimes plant a row of Sour Cherry trees along highways to protect protect peach orchards. There has been research on "anti-desiccant" sprays for fruit trees, but the number number of applications that would be needed to help make its use impractical. University of Guelph researchers researchers have been testing new compound which could provide an alternative to road salt and be non-toxic to vegetation. Com growers CMA is safe for plants, and won't rust cars, but it's estimated to cost 15 times more than common salt. Guelph researchers are also looking at another safe al- are looking optimistically at . ternative called sodium for a compound made from corn mate, which is a salt found called calcium magnesium in honey, cheese and straw- acetate (CMA). berries. Partnership Hints A farm partnership is a relationship involving two or more individuals whose objective objective is to satisfy their life goals through farming together. together. In reality, farm partnerships partnerships in Ontario are common common and vary in nature. Some are short term, some are long term. Some function function very well, while many do not. Recently, I read an article-which said there are no "perfect" partners because because each human being is different. What a remarkable remarkable statement! It is absolutely absolutely impossible to find two completely similar . people due to different genetic make-up and the impact of different life experiences. Who would want a relationship relationship with a completely identical identical partner n^v wav? Successful farm partnerships partnerships have six profound characteristics: Number One: Partners have similar goals and objectives objectives for the farm business. Number Two: Partners realize their own personal and family goals are attainable attainable through the partnership. Number Three: Partners have a profound basic trust in each other. Number Four: Partners respect each other. Number Five: Partners agree with mechanisms to deal with life's contingencies. contingencies. Number Six: Partners agree a written agreement may well be the single most important ingredient in a partnership. Nesta Akey Eleanor Damant James Insurance Broker Limited 26 King St. E, Bowmanville, Ont., L1C1N2 416-623-4406 BBimaai ana nee am Matas BRBR LIMJ Representing Farmer's Mutual (Lindsay) ayle Windsor • Doug James Cathy Wlerzbickl JAMIESON TIRE FARM GRIP - NYLON -R1 Deep biting lugs for soil penetration. 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