The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 20,1991 Section Two Little Critters Causing Big Problems by Andrea Adair They aren't very large, but they are capable of causing causing big damage. Zebra mussels are clamlike clamlike creatures who earn their name because of the stripes on their back. Normally Normally they are inhabitants of eastern Europe, but they are now becoming unwelcome unwelcome guests in Ontario. The creatures are quickly spreading through the Great Lakes and are potential problems for any user of the lakes. Fleur Ely, from the Environmental Environmental Protection Department Department with Ontario Hydro, Hydro, has been studying the creatures for over a year. She explained that the mussels aren't very big. They can grow to be 5 cm in length and have a lifespan of three to five years. "We could be proven wrong," Ms Ely said, explaining explaining that the mussels are new to Canada and they are just learning about them. It's believed the mussels came to Canada when a ship from eastern Europe discharged discharged its ballast water in Lake St. Clair in 1986. ' The creatures moved from there through the Detroit Detroit River to Lake Erie before before moving into Lake Onta- ; rio. Rapid Producers Erie and Ontario are both shallow, moderately warm ' lakes which mussels like, al- . though some of the crea- • tures have been spotted in ' the colder Lake Superior. They prefer freshwater lakes, Ms Ely said. They seek bodies of water that that are high in calcium (calcium (calcium forms their shells) and they breed in water with a temperature of at least 12 degrees Celsius. In one year, a female can produce up to 30,000 eggs. They exist by attaching themselves to solid objects such as boat bottoms, rocks and water pipes. Because of Van Belle [Ftoral Shoppes ...much more than a flower , store! 14 STORES .tfghwy'No.2 King St. W., Oshewe SimcoiSt. N., Oshewe 100 Dundee St. W., VANitLLE Whitby Trtdriartu of Vi Mh G*nT«ni Ltd. this trait, they can cause serious serious problems. If they attach around intake intake pipes, they could cut off water supplies because they also attach to each other, forming layers and layers of mussels. Ms Ely said Ontario Hydro Hydro has been dealing with the zebra mussel problem since 1989 when the creatures creatures were first discovered near their thermal generating generating plant in Nanticoke near Hamilton. Close to $10 million corporate corporate dollars have been spent trying to control the creatures since 1989 while $2 million has been spent on research. Nanticoke is the only Ontario Ontario Hydro facility to date that has had a problem with the creatures, although some were found in lake sediments sediments from the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. "Nanticoke is the facility dealing • with mussels the longest," she said. Last year alone 10,000 mussels were removed from areas around the plant. Research For this reason, hydro staff are being trained and testing is being carried out at the Nanticoke facility on Lake Erie. Ontario Hydro has discovered discovered that chlorine and external structure cleaning are successful measures to remove the mussels. "We're also testing underwater underwater paints that will provide provide a' coat the mussels wouldn't be able to attach to," she said. At this point, researchers have found that a silicone base coating helps with the removal of tne mussels. "They attach still but they are scraped off easily," Ms Ely noted. The mussels float freely in the water for two weeks after birth before attaching themselves to something. They can put down 12 threads an hour and if they decide they don't like where they are, they can dislodge and move. Clogged Pipes The potential for damage from uncontrolled mussels is great. Because they attach to each other and form layers, they can clog water intake ana outlet pipes used by municipalities, municipalities, business and electrical utilities in the Great Lakes. Zebra mussels have existed existed in Europe for hundreds of years, Ms Ely said. She explains that in Europe, Europe, they design around the problem. "We're more reactive," reactive," she said. In Europe they may have two intake pipes in order that one can be shut down if it gets clogged. The intake pipes are also deeper. Mussels have been found up to 20 m of depth in water. water. But, she said, they prefer prefer 4 - 7 m. In addition to possible damage of water pipes, fish life in the lake is also threatened. threatened. Zebra mussels filter one litre of water a day and eat plankton. Fish also eat plankton. "There are more mussels than fish," Ms Ely noted. In addition, mussels also cling to clams and crayfish and, in a very short time, can cover spawning beds used by fish. An additional concern is the threat of the mussels spreading to other lakes and entering into cottage country. country. They can live for up to two weeks out of water in damp, cool conditions. When they are in the larva larva stage, they can't be spotted spotted by the naked eye and could easily be transported in a bait bucket from one lake to another. "The Ministry of Natural Resources is sure they are going to get to cottage country," country," Ms Ely said. Stop the Spread To try to stop or slow down the spread of mussels, it's suggested you don't transfer bait from one water body to another. Since the larvae are impossible impossible to see, Hydro recommends recommends scrubbing boats and trailers clean using a chlorine bleach and water (one tablespoon bleach to 4.5 litre of water) solution. If the boat is moored in infested waters, outboard motors and stern drives should be tilted out of the water when not in use. Ontario Hydro and other industries and universities are working together to find solutions to controlling the zebra mussels in the Great Lakes. Sound, ultra violet light, filters, electric shock, heat, and chemicals are all being investigated as possible solutions solutions to controlling the problem. E Its <. m fisseg - iu, : ' > « . "kr* : WEEKLY QUOTE "The beaver is a good national symbol for Canada. He's so busy chewing he can't see what's going on." - Howard Cable JIM SOUCIVS mwTflnrarFnrr LINCOLN • MERCURY • FORD TRUCKS BOWMANVILLE 623-8166 * WHITBY 668-5893 Fleur Ely, from the environmental protection department with Ontario Hydro, holds a log covered with zebra mussels. Ms Ely was at the Information Centre at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station last week to explain what the mussels are and to discuss the problems they can cause. The mussels on the log are several layers thick. Durham College Has New Tech. Programs Durham College will be offering a new Environmental Environmental Technology program in September 1991. The three year Diploma Program will provide students students with the technological background to work in areas of environmental concern. Study of environmental legislation, legislation, community interaction interaction and concerns and regional regional environmental planning will supplement the scientific basis of this program. Studies have shown that employment opportunities in the environmental field are widely available as companies, companies, governments and communities respond to local local and national concerns. Many career opportunities already exist, with significant significant increases predicted for years to come. With companies the need We Install WINDOWS .srW .Al/y ' j i i ! 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