16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, March 13,1991 Graduate Stephanie Nickerson Miss Stephanie Nickerson Nickerson graduated from Durham College, January 26, 1991, having completed the Registered Registered Nursing Program. She is the daughter of Lynda and Eric Nickerson of Bow- manville. Stephanie has accepted accepted a position at Toronto General Hospital. Crombie Will Address SAGA The Honourable David Crombie, Commissioner of the Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront, will be the special special guest speaker at SAGA's (Save the uanaraska Again) first Annual General Meeting. Meeting. Mr. Crombie was appointed appointed to the Royal Commission Commission two years ago to study the future planning, development and enjoyment of the Toronto waterfront. In the process of this study, Mr. Crombie's mandate mandate was extended by the Provincial Government to include the waterfront from Burlington to Newcastle, and north to the Oak Ridges Moraine. This included all the watersheds watersheds in the Greater Toronto Toronto Area, including the Ganaraska, a press release from SAGA states. The Interim Report entitled entitled "Watershed", was released released in August of last year as a result of this extended mandate. In this report, the Commission Commission recommended principles principles for waterfront ana watershed watershed regeneration based on an ecosystem approach. One of the racist important important recommendations in that report stated: "preserve the ecological, scenic and recreational significance of the Oak Ridges Moraine and river valleys," the press release release states. Mr. Crombie has spent the last 25 years in the political political scene both at the municipal municipal and federal level, beginning beginning as a Toronto councillor and then becoming mayor in 1972. His political career took him to Ottawa where he has served in the Federal Cabinet Cabinet under two Prime Ministers Ministers with the portfolios of Health and Welfare under Joe Clark and Indian Affairs under Brian Mulroney. "Reflecting his ongoing concern for the preservation of parks and neighbourhoods neighbourhoods in large urban areas, he has been the perfect choice to head up the Commission Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront," SAGA says. Everyone is welcome to attend the general meeting to hear Mr. Crombie. It will ! take place on April 2 at 8:15 p.m. at the Orono Town ; Hall, Main St., Orono. Good Neighbors For Newcastle Good Neighbours is on its way to the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. A June 1 launching date of the initiative has been set for the municipality. The initiative, introduced to the municipality by Roxy Barnes, administrator of Community Care, is designed designed to encourage people to think about employing neighbourly behaviour in the community. Ms Barnes said a number of activities, such as displays displays at the town hall and a colouring contest, are being planned to introduce the community to Good Neighbours. Neighbours. "People are interested in the prom-am," she said. Good Neighbours was created by the Office for Senior Citizens' Affairs to encourage individuals to be more aware and sensitive to the needs of the frail, isolated isolated and vulnerable people in our communities. The Royal Bank and Shoppers Drug Mart arc sponsors of the program at the provincial level. Ms Barnes explains Good Neighbours is a concept similar similar to the "Imagine 1 campaign campaign encouraging volun- toorism.' Good Neighbours is encouraging encouraging people to perform neighbourly tasks such ns running an errand or visiting visiting with someone shut-in. The Town of Newcastle is .one of 26 communities in Ontario participating in the program. HENRY é / . ^ . \ /A",\ *'X N n, " 'v *' \ A ■ . / x iÈ/ X : xXv. ;X\ ÀMSÈw xX x BURDALL COURTICE ONLY! ! GIGANTIC CLOSE OUT SALE LUMBER, PLYWOOD, PANELLING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SEASONAL, PAINTS AND ACCESSORIES, HARDWARE, TOOLS, INSULATION AND FLOORING MARCH 14TH 8:00 a.m. ' • >v iX'-xr y\ \ v - c> A'• X XU-t I If#® 1 ;XV ' S3 ACRES OF SAVINGS $ x. 3< m : PBEEIg CASH, CHEQUE, VISA, MASTERCARD HO DELIVERIES FIRST COME FIRST SERVED ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE WHILE QUANTITIES LAST HO LAYAWAYS OR SPECIAL ORDERS ALL SALES ARE FINAL - HO RETURNS AJAX AUD OSHAWA STORES ARE EXEMPT FROM SALE PHOHE ORDERS HOT ACCEPTED HO SORTIHG OF LUMBER OFF Oshawa Hwy. #2 BloorSt. Nichols I | 5 Chev /Olds 0) c "c 1 H Bloor St, [ Hi ] 5 Bowmanville 0) o '•E D <3 HI Ebenezer Church Harmony Rd. | | Holiday Inn / Hwy. 401 / HÉNRY BUILDALL ! M /• trzs, ' ix GXP c GXP C ilL. :>c...p x \ct ..) ( - : 0( j; jïji ' JsL i A,. R;t CP .XYX, tit: iX / ' cdc; p: j c-p'; \ \ ' ! v @ î rfe cl...) Xvc .. jc :rri.jgxcpL :> i Q C. )C,X .) t f s il . : /:/' \ i xC ' 0Ct U.U-jXxMvCT) Monday - Wednesday - 8:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday -- 8:00 a.m. -- 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m.