14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 13,1991 __ p _ h ° , 2® C13 s s if i 623-3303 Classified Deadline ■ ied Ads 623-3303 -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Auction Sales Auction Sales Wanted to Buy Daycare Darlington Auto Atoms Shuffled Off to Buffalo AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Estates, farms and all consignments wanted. 20-tfSN Fri., March 15, 7 p.m. Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Selling the contents from Bowmanville Bowmanville and Newcastle apts., 9 pc. mission oak dining room suite, drop leaf Duncan Phyfe table, set 4 upholstered antique chairs, occasional occasional tables, mission oak'china cabinet, bookcases, 4 pc. bedroom bedroom suite, dressers, chests of drawers, sofa bed, chesterfields, lamps, Toshiba color TV., RCA - VCR, Hoover upright vac., small microwave, bedding, linen, glassware, dishes, small appliances, file cabinet, books, portable typewriter, pictures, household effects, numerous antiques, antiques, etc. Terms: Cash or good cheque. Auctioneer: Frank Staple- ton, 1-786-2244. 11-1SN Fri., March 29, 1:30 p.m. Mini Stocker Sale Selling at Lindsay Community Sale Barn A Feature of Our Regular Friday Sale Selling at approx. 1:30 p.m. Contact Contact Carl Hickson, 705-324-2774 or 705-324-9959. 11-3S Sat., March 16,10 a.m. Excellent Antique Estate Auction Quality Furniture, Antiques Collectables,Tin Toys at Orval McLean Auction Center Lindsay Contents of Marjorie BROOKS estate, estate, Omemee, contents of Ige. Victorian home and balance of Verena SANDERSON estate. 12 Royal Doulton figurines, beautiful dining room stes., gorgeous bedroom bedroom suites, canopy bed, round oak table and chairs, beautiful buffets buffets and chiqa cabinets, chests, sideboards, approx. 50 old tin and wind up toys, Marx and Alpine train sets, Victorian settee, some Canadians furniture, 25 cal. Stevens Stevens Favorite rifle, beautiful lamps incl. cranberry hall and banquet, portable Edison gramophone, early brass cash register," stamp collection, baby grand piano, Victorian Victorian furniture, hundreds of high quality and unusual pieces, many collectables, glass and china. Large sale. One of our best this winter. For flyer call Orval McLean Auctions, (705) 324-2783 Lindsay. 11r1SN AUCTION SALE Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. At Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcomed. Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer, 725-5751 8-tfS Thurs., Mar. 14, 6:30 p.m. and Sat. Mar. 16,10 a.m. Auction Sales - Two Days at Warner's Auction Hall, Col- borne Selling the estate of Mr. Henry Gaber, late of Colborne plus others, including 1980 Pontiac Grand Prix from the estate will be sold as is. Coppertone fridge; matching stove; other white single dr. fridge ideal beer or second fridge; small chest freezer; portable portable color TV; modern bedrm. set with double bed, dresser and chest; wooden table and chairs; modern wooden rocker; weight and bench set; 2 sofa and chair sets; several good occasional chairs; antique pressback rocker (needs refin.); antique oak china cabinet; Niagara type adjustable single bed; modern 2 pc. china cab.; wringer washer; 1980 Pontiac Pontiac as listed above; nice teak wood dining rm. suite; dishes; Iris pattern depression vase; knick knacks; books; pots; pans; qty. bedding and linens; gas lawn mower; garden and lawn tools plus numerous mise, articles; 1 hp. compressor - All to be sold Thursday. Thursday. ■ SATURDAY sale includes early 10 pc. dining rm. suite (needs refin.); nice walnut bedroom suite in original and excellent cond.; child's roll top desk (needs refin.); an excellent high mirrored back oak sideboard; several antique dressers and chests of drawers; antique wooden rocker; modern sofa; qty. odd chairs need refin.; 1/4 cut oak desk; 2 drawer oak filing filing cabinet; antique treadle sewing machine; bamboo chair with matching settee; 2 model ships, Santa Maria with 20" hull, Blue Nose with 25" hull; 1930's style sofa; old hump back trunk; qty. of old pictures, paintings and prints; qty. copper and brassware; approx. approx. 25 assorted bells plus strips of sleigh bells; signed Loates ' prints; signed oil painting; cups and saucers; china bells; old mantel mantel clock; unusual marble clock with matching candle holders; pressed and cut glass pcs.; plus numerous mise, articles too many to list. Thurs. sale starts 6:30 p.m. - Sat. starts. 10:00 a.m. Terms: Cash, cheque, also Visa and MC accepted. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, Auctioneer, 355-2106. 11-1SN Wanted - Machinery for Consignment Sale at Durham County Sales Arena Sat., April 13 Please give us a call Charlie Harris, 983-5162 Charlie Reid, 983-5914 10-3SN MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES Estates, Consignments, Households, Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location or ours. Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West FREE PICK UP ON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 44 : tfS (416) 983-5556 10-tfSN MOTORCYCLE Camping Grounds Cedar Valley Resort East of Orono 4th or 5th Cone. Line 7 km. E. of Hwy. 35/115 Seasonal Campground. Beautiful, $840 1-416-786-2562 11-15SN Business Opportunities "WANTED" DEAD OR ALIVE MINI BIKES UNDER 100CC, ANY MODELS WILL PAY CASH TOM 571-1202 OSHAWA 11-1SN Tender NEW exciting opportunity to work at home! $600. plus weekly. For info. 623-4842. 11-1SN DISCOVERY TOYS Start your own business Refuse to become part of the recession For Info, phone 623-5021 11-1SN THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER DRIVER EDUCATION IN-CAR Employment Wanted R.N. wishes to find employment as live-in nurse companion, available 5 days per week, light housekeeping, housekeeping, own transportation and home. Willing to stay weekends if necessary. necessary. Rhone.623-1542, leave message.:' message.:' .Y/.. J1-1SN. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenic Tronl-Sovorn Walorway or Rideau Canal; private slato-rooms, meals, (roe brochure. Wrilo Caplaln Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADIAN RIVERS. This year, spend 3, 5, or 7 nights aboard ologanl ropllca steamships cruising calm- walor rivers and visiting romantic dllos, Ihe world-famous 1000 Islands, magnilicenl Ijords and tho International Soaway and locks. Experience whalo-walching al Ils very best. $592-52,050. Dial-a-brochuro 1-800-267-7860 tolllree. area, Immediately. Potential $600+ weekly, commission. (416) 756-2156, (416) 756-3174. TOTALLY TROPICAL INTERIORS Is looking lor parl/full lime consultants lo sell silk planls/lrees through homo parlies or commercial businesses. Call Brenda, collect (204) 467-9330. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiths Falls, 65 Cornelia Slreel, East, year round. (613) 263-8448.150 Insldo stalls. Dealers welcome. Lowest prices, bosl selection In Iho valley. COMPUTERS COMPUTERS: Now XT-8006-12Mhz $413, AT-80286- 12Mhz $521, 80386-16Mhz $1063, VGA Color Monitors $402, Printers $247, Modems $125, Harddisks $300, Soliware call, warranty, catalogue, 1-000-627-9273, lax/BBS (514) 247-3365. FARM SERVICES GST. GET YOUR Ono-Timo Crcdil. Ollawa owes you a GST starl-up crodll ol up lo $1,000. Gol yours wllh TaxGuard GST HandlorTM. Call 1-800-260-6735. WANTED TO BUY POSTCARDS, MAPS, TRADE CATALOGUES, books, magazines, photographs, pamphlots, olhor pro-1960 paper collocliblos wanted. High Prices paid. Wrilo 1er inlormallon. Noil Hayno, Balli, Ontario, K0H 1G0. OLD POSTCARDS WANTED. Pro-1950, Canadian, U.S. prolorrod. Pay up lo $5. each. Call or wrilo: Bud Guorlin (613) 475-2671, RR7, Brighton, Ont. K0K 1H0. FOR SALE MANUFACTURER OF KITCHEN CABINET DOORS. All sizes. Available In Oak, Pino, Maplo, Cherry, Ash, Birch. Two wook dolivory. (705) 047-4967. Savo, Buy Direct From Tho Manufacluor. FARMERS OR BUSINESSES: Warmth Insulation: Spray Urolhano and all spray on llbros. For Insulation, condensation control, shop Insulation. Vory compolllivo ralos. Phono (613) 267-6711, or (613) 260-2113. USED DAIRY BAR EQUIPMENT forsalo. Soli sorvo, yogurt machlno, ole. Call Rosa (613)592-6131, slush, SERVICES NEED CREDIT? Inslanl $1,500 lino ol crodit. Guaranlood approval. Cash advancos available OAC. Calaloguo shopping. Application sond SASE: AdvanlagoCord, Box 4303C, Sin. D, Hamilton, L0V 4L0. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hiring lor summer. Chambermaids, waitresses, gas allondanls, cashiers. For application sond soll-addrossod stamped onvolopo lo Glaclor Park Lodgo, Rogers Pass, B.C, V0E 2S0. FULL PART-TIME SALES. Advertising Spoclallios. Ideal lor soml-rollrod or persons on shillwork. Highosl commissions paid, Lundy Specially Advotllslng, 5-2405 Lancaster Road, Ollawa, Ontario, K1B5L1. SALES HELP WANTED •BE RICH AND FAMOUS* FT $100,000. PT $25,000. Markol Canada's Hollosl Music Vldoo Vacation Program Booklol. Prolociod Torrllorlos available, 24 hour Inlormallon lino, call 1-000-2G3-1000. YOU'RE INVITED lo change your lllol 15 yoar-old mulll- million dollar Canadian lirm sooks 2 roprosonlalivos In your BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROW YOUR OWN TOBACCO In home, garden, or greenhouse. Kils Available. For Inlormallon send sell- addressed slampod envelope lo "STOTT FARMS", Box 551, Formonl, Quebec, GOG 1J0. EXTRA 1NCOMEI Grow ballworms In your basemen! or garage. Odorless operation. Low Investment. Market guaranleodl Free Inlormallon. Early Bird Ecology, RR*1 Smllhvllle, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. OWN ALL CASH SNACK VENDING ROUTE. Newest machlno Is opening up great locations. No competition. Earnings can exceed $1,000 wookly pari-llme. $16,000 U.S. Invoslmenl. 1-800-444-0615. B.C.'S BEST DEALS. 250 Wosl Coasl businesses lor sale. Publication Includes "Introduction" lo British Columbia. Visa or M/C. Call lolllroo 1-000-665-1123. CAREER TRAINING LOG BUILDING CAREER. Pal Wollo Log Building School career courses beginning April 15lh. 10 wook, $2,200; 4 wook, $1,100; 1 wook, $350. (613) 253-0631, Ollawa aroa. FREE career guide lo homo-sludy corrospondonco Diploma coursos: Accounting, Alrcondlllcnlng, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Eloctronlcs, Legal/Modlcal Socrolary, Psychology, Travel. Granlon (5A) 263 Adelaide Wosl, Toronto, 1-600-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING al Iho Southwestern Ontario School ol Aucllonooting. Next class: Juno 8-15; Inlormallon, contact: Soulhwoslern Ontario School ol Auctioneering, R.R.H5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MORTGAGES OWN A HOME? Nood a loan? Payoll bills! Crodll cardsl Examplo: Borrow $10,000, repay $195.00 monthly. No qualifying hassolsl Call Intranslcon Financial lolllroo 1-000- 260-1429, OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario ptoporlios lo bo sold lor unpaid laxos, For Inlormallon wrilo: Properties, Dopl, CN, Box 5380, Sin, F, Ollawa, K2C 3J1, REAL ESTATE SELF-SUFFICIENT HOUSE on tlvor plus 2 acres, $22,500 cash, Complolo larm on crook plus 777 acres $155,400 firm, Lako ol Iho Woods aroa, Rainy Rlvor, Ontario, Box 530, Phono (007) 052-3640, (007) 052-3704, STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DIRECT - Thousands ol sallsllod cuslomors havo bought from Iho bosl lor loss. 25x30 $2,309. 35x40 $4,100. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1- 000-000-5422. (24 hours), BEST BUILDING BUYS -1/2 Prlco Salo - Buy ono building al regular prlco and gol doublo longlli lor 50% moto, Llmilod slool, • Paragon • 24 Hours • 1-800-263-0499. A-Z PRE-ENG, BUILDINGS INC. Now lypos, slool/wood, quonsol, cladding. For Ituo valuo, action & answers • Wally (416) 626-1704 nflor 6pm, wookonds. Froo brochuro. Clip- savo, WHY SETTLE lor second bosl wlmn you can buy Iho vory bosl lor Iho samo monoy. For nil your building Hoods call Fuluio Slool Buildings, 1-000-G60-0653. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wider market, advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Eastern Ontario 34 Newspapers All Ontario 174 Newspapers All Canada 577 Newspapers All ralos subjoct lo 7% G.S.T. For further Information, please call The Canadian Statesman Classifieds 623-3303, Fax 623-6161 $82. for 25 words $350, for 25 words $1054, for 25 words If* Pet of the Week My name is Zack. I like it like that. I'm a rapper and a tapper and a Schnauzer who's cute Now, kids and animals are my kinds of friends, 'Cause I've got the love that never ends. I sit, fetch and come when you holler. I'm 30 pounds of bounce, wearin' a collar. So, listen up, guys, All I need is a break, There's gotta be someone out there who'll take Me to a home that can be mine. Please? Rappin' Zack is just one of the many cats and dogs awaiting adoption at the Animal Shelter, Please, won't you expand your love to include a furry, cuddly, person? Animal Shelter 623-7651 Sponsored by: ONTARIO Need a sitter? I can babysit your child in my home, Hospital area, meal provided, reasonable rates. Phone 623-0986. 10-2S MOTHER of four will babysit school-aged children in her home,' convenient bus access to St. Joseph's and Ontario St. schools. Phone 623-6594. 11-1SN MOTHER will do babysitting in her Newcastle home, close to public school. Phone 987-4976. 11-4SN PRIVATE Mortgages - The place lo go when your bank says No! Anubis Investments, (416) 668- 7200, 110 Green Slreel, Whitby, Ontario. 11-lfSN WOULD you like to see your name in print? It's easy - Just drop into The Canadian Statesman office, 62 King SI. W., Bowmanville, to order business cards or your own personalized address cards. For more information phone 623-3303. 9-tfSN CATERING Qualified Chef Will cater for all occasions. Choice of Menu Reasonable Prices Phone 263-8954 ' 10-4SN The boys, a couple of weekends ago, "SHUFFLED ON DOWN TO BUFFALO" to the big March Classic. Through a schedule change we were put into a division that would see us play an all U.S, division, so being the only Canadian team left after after three games we had a big job to do. The first two teams we met were Dunkirk and Tri County and our defence and goaltending shut them down by only allowing one goal against while the offence racked up a total of 17 goals for. Our third game proved to be a nose to the grind stone sort of a game with the host team, South Buffalo, coming out of the gate very strong scoring just minutes into the first. Guy Tousignant made no mistake on a great pass from Scott Mackay to even the game at one in the middle middle of the second period. Then Mgckay from Josh Bonnitta and Ryan Winning put us in the lead only to have South Buffalo come right back to tie. With 1:26 to go in the game, Danny Macdonald got the winner on a beautiful set up from brother Scott to earn a well deserved victory, to put us into the finals against West Senaca. We thought we had this team on the ropes taking a 4-2 lead going into the third on goals from Ryan Winning, Winning, Paiil Drummond, Jason Jason Frayne and Brian Ball. With Scott Mackay picking up the fifth goal early in the third gave us even more breathing room, we thought. West Senaca came back with two goals three min- DAYCARE teacher offering all the comforts of home in established daycare business. Receipts given for tax deduction. Flexible rates, current references. Phone 623- 3495. 11-4SN oard of Education. Tenders submitted should state school(s) preferred for the summer school program offered from 2 July 1991 to 3 August 1991, Tenders will also be accepted for regular school programsstating school(s) preferred preferred from the periods September to December 1991, and January to June 1992. It is understood that: (a) Ten hours of in-car instruction and twertty hours of in-car observa- lions for each student taking the Driver Education Course are to be provided (an additional two hours are required for cars with manual transmission); (b) the car which is provided will be properly equipped according to the standards set by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications; Communications; ■ / (c) the car provided will be adequately insured with all operating costs being borne by the successful applicant; and (d) those submitting tenders are fully licensed according to the regulations regulations of the Ministry of Transporation and Communications and have complied with any local municipal licensing requirements. Selection will not necessarily be based on the lowest tender submitted. Tenders will be received by: R.C, Sudds Superintendent of Business The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 416-372-6871 HIGH QUALITY DAYCARE AVAILABLE! Teacher offers structured program with individual attention, loving care', nutritious food, and fun and stimulating environment in child-safe, non-smoking home with fenced yard on quiet, dead-end street in Waverley subdivision. Receipts available. Openings limited. Phone 623-6149 10-2S TAX RETURNS PREPARED Personal and Small Business Returns Reasonable Rates Phone 623-3814 between 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 10-4SN $67.50 TORONTO AIRPORT Cadillac Sedan Executive Service $84.50 TORONTO AIRPORT Super-stretch Limousine 623-2916 Visa accepted Div. of Deluxe Taxi ALL DELUXE SERVICES ARE OPEN "24 HOURS" 9-tfS utes apart to come within one goal. The boys dug down deep, and with some great goal tending forechecking and backchecking, we held on to defeat a very good team from Buffalo 5-4. This past weekend the boys travelled to Keene to a tournament. We met Port Perry in the first game and . came away with a 9-1 win only to have to play a very strong Millbrook team. Some, or should I say most, of the fans thought this game should have been the "A" champ's final being played early. The two teams let no one down with great chances at either end. The game could have went either way if not for the great goal- tending of Scott Sawyer and Trevor Wright. They made save after save, while at the other end, our offence connected connected eight times in the game to come away with a very big victory to move us into the "A" finals for the second weekend in a row. With Scott and Danny Macdonald having to leave minutes after the second game because of House league commitments, the boys promised them they would bring home the gold and that they did skating away with a 6-1 victory over St. Paul's of Peterborough. Danny and Scott felt bad about having to leave the tournament early but played a big part in the two games they aid play to get us the chance to win the tournament. tournament. "Thanks boys." In seven games, . 'we played over the two weekends weekends we racked up 49 goals, 69 assists and only allowed 7 goals against. Applications will be received until 1 April 1991, for the In-Car portion ol the 1991 - 1992 Driver Education Programs being offered under the iu- risdiction of The Northumberland and Newcastle l Aqua Pearl Latex Pearl F ' nish Enamel Cfytf-withan L llegflfit soft gioss ^uaPeaF '.. n ^ /♦'A'unr \ufi (•!*' ■ Dries quickly ■ Easy to apply ■ Durable and washable ■ Soap and water clean up ■ For walls, ceilings, Irim and doors in every room ol your home *32*5* M.S.L. 39.15 ideal | paints Save Now On These Products From Ideal! Ltiex Eggshell *23*' #5000 Latex Gloss #7500 Latex Primer Sealer #6000 filkyd Semi Gloss most colours $23 95' $-j 495' *25 95' CO LO SSI L SUE WALLPAPER Create a fresh, new look for your home! Choose from over 5000 patterns by Sunworthy, Shand Kydd, Storeys, Wall-Tex®and Borges. % 20 to 30% OFF WALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS 'Fabric excluded S7 : to 1/2 OFF IN-STOCK WALLPAPERS AND BORDERS * Book Price . .0 " 7 . ■ ■■ : ; 7 : ' : 7 .. 7 1 ■/', V >•. ,, ; ;v,' 7: ; - v , : , ; We now offer Computer Colour Matching! ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WfiLLPfiPER B 11 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville ® i | Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 - 6; Fri. 8 - 9; Sat. 8:30 - 5:00