-V 1 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 20,1991 Plan Carefully Before Bringing Home a Pet Dear Sir, For several months on a weekly basis, I sponsored the column "Pet of the Week" on behalf of the Newcastle Animal Control, in the hopes that these animals animals could find good homes. V Later, I heard rumours that animals were being shipped off for research from the Pound. I called their office office and spoke to a staff member who said that animals animals were being sent away, tilt it was not general knowledge. This person Went on to say that at the present time the animals 'Were going to the University of Toronto for dental research, research, and they had a great ,success . rate for adoption from the university! a I contacted the University University of Toronto, spoke to the Veterinarian who said that ho animals were being used for dental experiments, that they were not an adoption agency. The animals are either either put to death upon their arrival (killing is another word, and I Hear that the word sacrifice is a term that the medical community likes to use). Other animals are used for experimental research, research, when usefulness is over, euthanasia. I personally am against experimental surgery, etc., and tests for beauty and household products. Perhaps we can all remember having to go for surgeiy, and the Doctor saying "You will experience experience some discomfort"!! Agony/Pain/S ufifering is what they should have said. There are other methods of testing, but I feel that using animals is just a cheaper way. I was appalled when I heard the rumors, and devastated devastated when I found out the truth. My intentions for sponsoring the advertisement advertisement were honourable, but in reality animals were going going for slaughter, their bodies bodies sold. for cash and the money goes to municipal funds. I appeal to prospective pet owners: THINK CAREFULLY. CAREFULLY. BUYING A PET That adorable little kitten/puppy kitten/puppy will soon grow up to be a sedate dog or cat. Under caring circumstances your pet could live many years. Are you prepared for the time you will have to spend, feeding, walking, cleaning, veterinarian visits - it's a big responsibility. WHAT TYPE OF PET First, read up about the animal you are considering. Whether you have time to walk a large dog, do you have a fenced yard? Cats should be kept indoors for their protection, prepare yourself for kitty litter! Do not buy your animal from a pet shop, they usually sell animals from the States (puppy mills). Buy from a bréeaer,get references.Take the animal you decide upon to a veterinarian for a complete complete check up, make sure that is a condition of sale. COST Your pet unless a registered registered purebred animal should be neutered,this is essential to avoid more unwanted unwanted animals. Have the animal tattooed for identification identification purposes. Vaccinations Vaccinations on a yearly basis. Rabies Rabies shots are required by law. Buy your dog licence. LOSS OFA PET If you have lost your pet. telephone the animal control centre at 623-7651, and phone eveiy day. Better still visit and look for yourself. Notify every veterinarian in 'the area, send out flyers, in stores, everywhere you can. Place an advertisement in the newspaper. FINDING A LOST ANIMAL Take caution. Not all animals animals are looked after by Engagement Announced Marriage Announced ;; Congratulations! i Just married - Cathy Beers and Joe Morrisey were united in marriage on January 11, 1991. Love, * Your sister Patty James and Jan Wintonyk are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Jon Ja- nack. Jon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Janack, formerly of Bowmanville, currently residing in Parham, Parham, Ont. The wedding will take place on Saturday, March 9, 1991, at Trinity United Church in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The couple will be residing in Bowmanville after the wedding. Tenants - Landlords We want your views on Rent Control You can help the Ontario Government develop a new rent control law by letting us know your views. Because both tenants and landlords want to settle the rent control issue without delay, wé, want to have a rent control law in place within a year. To help us do that, we will meet with tenant and landlord associations, municipalities and other interested groups across the province. But most important, we want to hear from you. Here's how you can make your views known: J A newsletter summary of the main rent control issues will be delivered to most apartments during the next few days. It gives you a way to get back to the government with your views. If you don't get one, just tell us. 2 You can obtain the full discussion paper on rent control. Free. We welcome your written comments and suggestions. ^ You can attend public meetings which will be held in Barrie, Etobicoke, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Sudbury and Windsor throughout March. If you wish to speak, please call the number below. ( This opportunity will obviously be limited by space and time.) Also when the proposed rent control law is introduced, you may appear before a legislative committee to make your views known. We would like to hear from you by April 5, please. Contact us for information or materials by phoning toll-free: 1-800-461-6767 Ministry of Housing Ontario v their owners. Rabies is a serious serious problem. If the animal is acting strangely, do not touch, call the Animal Control. Control. I personally take the animals I find to the Ontario Humane Association, Ward Street, Port Hope. (416-885- 4131) Thfr agency does not send animals for research, but finds homes, and they are very dedicated people. NOVELTY HAS WORN OFF/ALLERGIES/ MOVING? Be careful of strangers answering looking for a pet. Check out who they are, and visit their home. Get references references from thèir veterinarian. veterinarian. People can make money by selling your pet for research. research. I again suggest the Ontario Humane Society. I adopt animals, and I try to do all the right things. But I have five cats that I have lost since I have moved to this area, some with tattoos. tattoos. I wonder if people ever read the tattoos, do the research research staff really care? No doubt tattoos can be removed removed as the animal is being being operated on. Selling pets for research is big business. Dogs work for us, police work, seeing eye companions, companions, hearing impaired, protection, protection, farm help, ana give health benefits for senior citizens. citizens. They offer undivided loyalty ana love. These pets deserve better from us. If anyone is interested in trying to stop these practices. practices. Please write, fax or phone me. Cynthia Ann Morgan "Stolen Hours" R.R.#2 Newcastle, Ontario LIB 1L9 Tel: (416) 987-1334 Fax: (416) 987-1877 Heritage Week Planners Issue A Challenge Dear Editor, The Heritage Week Committee Committee has declared WAR on all communities in the Town of Newcastle and are announcing: announcing: OPERATION HERITAGE STORM We are challenging all communities to muster their forces and fight for their community! Sound ominous?- Could be fun! Who will pick up the gauntlet? Who will win the trophy for "best community spirit? c 1 event during the Heritage Heritage Week,, Celebrations May 25 through June 2? The committee has had many service clubs entering events, but what about each community? Can you organize organize a pet show? How about a soap box derby? There's always always a ball tourney to prove the best community. There are thousands of ideas floating floating around, and the committee committee is confident that each of 14 communities will our pick up the Operation Heritage Heritage Storm gauntlet and run with it to the finish line. Call O.H.S. headquarters at 623-9147 to register your troops and/or book a field general to speak to your regiment regiment to help you build enthusiasm enthusiasm in the "celebration of community spirit," our best Heritage. Heritage Week Committee, Sher Leetooze, Chairman. Homecoming Planned for Tara Residents Dear Editor: We are writing this letter to your newspaper to tell your readers of an exciting event to take place in Tara, Ontario. On August 2, 3 & 4, 1991 the Township of Arran and the Village of Tara residents residents are inviting past residents residents to attend their "Homecoming" "Homecoming" celebrations. The Arran Tara Homecoming Homecoming Committee are busy making plans for a very fun- filled weekend, with a friendly, warm, setting to renew renew old acquaintances. The purpose of this letter, also, is to make a request that if any of your readers are past residents of the area or know of any such residents, that they will forward forward their addresses to the Committee so that we may ensure a proper invitation is sent to them, with all details of our upcoming "Homecoming" "Homecoming" weekend. The person to contact is the Tara & District District Kinette Club, Box 220, Tara, Ontario NOH 2N0 Attention: Sharon Trelford. Thank you, Mr. Editor, for your cooperation in printing this letter, in your newspaper. Sharon Trelford Tara & District Kinette Club Prices effective at Miracle Food Mart and Miracle Ultra Mart in all departments subject to availability until Sat. Feb. 23, 1991 only. Savings indicated are off our own regular prices. We reserve the right to limit quantities. COMMITTEE When It come» to Sunday Shopping the 17 A ¥13 C?¥ ¥'XT/' 1 real leiue Is Mrn.ir And your Right to Choose ¥ £\ lv/Jl 1 ll MOST STORES OPEN SUNDAY NOW - 12 NOON TO 5 PM ? 1/2 PRICE SALE THIS WEEK! 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