Orono Skier Recovering After Accident Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, February 20,1991 7 Courtice South Students Compete in Public Speaking Playoff Orono News by I. Ch&llice Quote - "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God." - Abraham Abraham Lincoln We are happy to report Aaron Staples is now home from the hospital and recovering recovering nicely from his recent bad ski accident. Many friends and relatives relatives from Orono, attended the 90th birthday party Sunday, Sunday, for Mr. Melville Jones, in Newtonville United Church. Mrs. Jennie Bowins is spending a few days visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haslam and grandchildren. grandchildren. Saturday luncheon guests of the O. Challices were Mrs. Deanna Harmer, Oshawa, Mr. Rick Tregunna and baby daughter Korinn, Montreal, Quebec. Mrs. Denise Denise Warren, Peterborough was a weekend guest. Orono Sr. C's (Senior Citizens) Citizens) held regular monthly meeting Thurs., Feb. 14 afternoon, afternoon, in the l.O.O.F. hall. Despite the cold, blustery day, we had a good attendance. attendance. Carlos Tamblyn called meeting to order, replacing replacing Pres. Inez Harris. Steela Carson read a poem on "Valentine's Day." Cards were played and. there were 4 tables of cards. High Scores were - Ruth Grady, Jack Moffat, Bernice Moffat. Low Score - George Car- son. Bingo Prize - Marg Linton. Linton. , Happy Birthday was sung to Ruth Grady. Carlos and Mary Tamblyn Tamblyn donated special prizes for lucky cups! Winners were Ruth Grady, Bernice Moffat and Marion Staples. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice were entertained to Sunday Brunch at Darlington Manna; Manna; by daughters Denise and Laune, on the occasion of their 48th wedding anniversary, anniversary, Feb. 20th. Town Hall Card Party Thirteen tables of progressive progressive euchre at Feb. 13, weekly card party and the following winners - High Scores -Helen Couroux - 88; Harvey Partner and June Wilson tied - 77; Jean Bowen Bowen - 76; Robin Alldread - 75; Low Score - Lavina Downes. Lucky Draws - May Tabb, Lavina Downes 2, Debbie Green, Kay Beggs, Marg Todd. Euchre every Wed. Night 8:00 p.m. and ladies to please bring lunch. St. Saviours Church News Our Rector will be away on Tues., Feb. 19, attending "The Bishop of Toronto's Lenten Quiet Day" for clergy at St. John's York Mills. Wed., Feb 20 - "Prayers for Peace" St. George's church open at 4-6 p.m. Wed., Feb. 27 - Orono United Church "Prayers for Peace" open at 4-7 p.m. Wed., March 6 - Newtonville Newtonville United Church "Prayers for Peace" open 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Plan to attend any or all of the above "Prayers for Peace" programs. Deanery clerecies Thurs., Feb. 21, at 10:00 "We've been keeping Bowmanville and area residents warm for over 60 years!" • Top quality Imperial Oil products for Domestic, Industrial and Rural use. • Automatic delivery maintained by a fleet of modem tanker .trucks. • We sell portable heater fuel. • Dependable 24-hour service. ASK US ABOUT OUR TOTAL HOME COMFORT PROGRAM Telephone 623-5516 HARRISON FUELS a.m. in the new Rectory at Colbome. "St. Saviour's Famous Theatre Players" present "Taste of Spring" II dinner theatre, on Friday, April 19th. For more information please call Judy Leek 983- 9639. World Day of Prayer - Friday, March 1st at 7:30 p.m. in Orono United Church. Theme this year "On The Journey Together." Everyone welcome. Orono United Church News Mrs. Donna Hutton gave the children's story on Sunday Sunday morning and Marilyn Baraball gave "Minute for Missions". The choir rendered rendered "The Lord's My Shepherd". Shepherd". Birthday greetings to Michelle Michelle Ross Feb. 17, and Frances Sutton Feb. 19. If you wish to have your birthday printed in the bulletin, bulletin, please contact Marlene Marlene Riseborough 983-5702. A donation may be placed in birthday cake at front doors. Donations go the M.&S. funds. Greeters on Sunday were Willis and Marilyn Barra- ball. Ushers were Gordon and Lorna Atkins, Carla Werry and Don Lycett. Orono U.C.W. executive meet Thurs. Feb. 28, at 9:30 a.m. Orono - Kirby Official Board - meets Thurs., Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m. upper C.E. hall. Orono Congregational Bd. meets following this meeting at 8:30 p.m. Choir Practice - Wed., Feb. 20 at 6:45 p.m. in lower C.E. hall. If you enjoy singing, singing, we would welcome you in choir. Especially now we are preparing the music for Easter. Mrs. Sharon Weeks was welcomed on Sunday morning morning as a new member of session session of Orono United Church. Kirby - Orono United Churches present "Focus on Christian Community Concerns:" Concerns:" This is a film series beginning this coming Sunday, Sunday, Feb. 24th at 7:00 p.m. in Orono United Church. First film is "Cry From the Mountain," an adventure in new beginnings, filmed in the majestic Alaskan wilderness! wilderness! This is strictly a family family film for all ages, and gives the answers to many of today's today's family problems. (Eve- one invited). Lunch and scussion time following picture. Plan on joiningtis. ' ' "OrortoSbeial News -■ Another new'"~btisiness has opened in our fair, village! village! "Mrs. Claus' Work- shop"(formerly The Bin) is owned and operated by Mrs. Sandy Larson. Mrs. Larson is a talented seamstress and has exhibited at many craft and hobby shows. She won 17 awards at the Lindsay Craft Show. Drapes and all types of window coverings are also a specialty! Orono boasts many talented talented people and especially artists. Dick Morton "Dika- del Farms" presently has an exhibition of his beautiful art in Bowmanville Administrative Administrative building. Pay a visit visit and you will enjoy his work! Welcome your heart fund canvassers as this is "Heart Month" - Heart disease and strokes kill more Canadians than all other diseases combined. combined. But over the past 25 years we've improved your odds and lowered the death rate by 34%. As a result 20,000 lives per year are saved due to research developments. developments. Please give generously! generously! Eyeglass Project is Ready for Jamaica The Rotary Club of Bowmanville Bowmanville met at the Flying Dutchman Hotel for its weekly meeting last week. Guests of the club were from Oshawa, Cobourg, Bowmanville, Orono and Manitoba. Rotarian Jack Locke reported that "The eyeglasses and grinding equipment for the clinic in Jamaica were on their way with Dr. Sorrel." President Bill received a card from one of the "Trip of the Month" winners who is enjoying the sunshine in San Francisco. du Esso '12 Sturrock Road Bowmanville Van Belle I Floral Shoppes ...much more than a flower store! 14 STORES .«ghwayNaZ ./\ • King St W., [< Oshiwi m \ • Slnico# SL H., *«2 Oshiwi .100 Dundee SLW., v*n st lle Whitby Tr»dtmwkt of Van Otrdmt Ltd. PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Durham IN THE MATTER OF: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.oi 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-laws authorizing authorizing construction of the following projects: Road No. Road Name Municipality Location 3. Winchester Rd. Oshawa/Newcastle Upgrading from Road 33 (Harmony Rd,) easterly and northerly to Lot 21/22, Town of Newcastle, 4 Taunton Rd. Pickering Taunton/Steeles Connection from the West Duffin Creek Bridge to Road 1 (Brock Rd.) 4 Taunton Rd. Whitby Intersection Improvements at Anderson St. 5 9th Cone. Rd. Pickering From west ol Claremont westerly to the Durham/York Boundary. 6 Saintfield Rd. Scugog Replacement of culvert Lot 18, Concession XIII/XIV. 28 Rossland Rd, Oshawa Rossland Rd, from Road 16 (Ritson Rd,) to Grierson St. 39 Road 39 Uxbridge Upgrading from Road 30 easterly and northerly to Zephyr. 47 Road 47 Brock Upgrading from Road 23 to the north Regional Boundary. 55 Townlino Rd. Oshawa/Newcastle Townlino Rd. from Hwy, No. 2 (King St.) to Road 58 (Adelaide Avo.) Plans showing details of tho projects and the lands alfoctod may bo soon at tho office of the Chief Design Englnoor of tho Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as tho hearing body, shall hoar in person or by his or hor counsol, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land will bo prejudicially affected by tho by-laws and who applies on or before March 5,1991, to tho undersigned to bo hoard at a mooting of the Works Committee on March 12,1991, DATED at Whitby this 6th day of February, 1991 J. AKER WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN W. A, TWELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS Alf Allin and his wife have just returned from a trip down the Amazon. The speaker was a representative representative of The Statesman and the regular Rotary Club reporter, Lorna Miller, who spoke on the history of Valentine's Valentine's Day. President Bill closed the meeting with a quote from the Precepts of Rotary concerning concerning the encouraging and fostering of service within the community. That's all from Rotary for this week. Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day. ss A group of eight students from Courtice South Public Public School competed in a "speak-off' held at their school for public speaking. The students, in grades four, five and six, spoke about a variety of subjects such as Montreal, a trip to Mexico and sailing. Pictured Pictured here are those who took part. They are: (in the ■ back from the left) Chris Henry, Chris Bickerstaff, Brad Found and Wyatt Purvis. In the front (from the left) are: April Campbell, Kim Metcalf, Kami-Ann Brown and Stephen Fice. Chris Henry placed first and he will be representing the school at the Bowmanville Legion public speaking competition on Feb. 24. •:V.rr, Ill is K>T, ms. in . - 3 'k v':0. Ids j§! mm Sccotttete t&e *Wee& V' X Ï '< * : • ... Justin and Ryan (seated) with their father, Blayne Flint, owner of Hooked on Video, want you to know that Hooked on Video has the largest selection of CDs and cassettes in the area. It is also the dealer for Pioneer, Sony, Mitsubishi, and Cerwin Vega. In addition, addition, the store has over 3,000 movie titles available for rent. Hooked on Video is located in the Bowmanville Mall. Hi, friends, meet my two boys... We cordially invite you to visit our "Fun Centre" in the Bowmanville Mall - known as "Hooked On Video!" I am Blayne Flint and I would like to introduce my wife, Carolyne, my two sons Justin and Ryan (in the picture picture with me) and all our associates. associates. We all happily run this "Sight and Sound Emporium," Emporium," and, to the best of our ability, hold qur motto - "Quality and Service" -- to be gospel. ' ' We have ' |over 3,000 square feet in which to entertain entertain your dreams and realizations realizations through thousands thousands of C.D.'s and cassettes, (from the latest to the obscure) and also a wide • selection of VCR's, televisions televisions in a wide range of sizes sizes up to a 60-inch screen. We boast the best in "The Sounds that Soothe" with the tops in Quality stereo equipment. All or any of these dreams can be yours. Let us emphasize our authorization authorization as the dealer for Pioneer, Sony, Mitsubishi, and Cerwin Vega! We're in great company, eh, friends? And, finally, as our name suggests, we have over 3,000 movie rentals for your enjoyment enjoyment at competitive prices or better. Remember, my friends, our Saturday movies (any movie) need not be returned until 5 p.m. Monday. A plus, wouldn't you say? Another competitive edge, we think, is "No insurance insurance charge on ANY movie rentals!" We all at "Hooked On Video" assure you the best in quality with great service at competitive prices. So, my friends, don't forget forget your "Fun Centre- Hooked On Video" in the Bowmanville Mall, where we have served you "with pleasure" for the last nine years and will continue to do so! Come visit us! --Blayne, Carolyne, Justin, Ryan and Associates ■ ■ ::WW< *'■ ■ • clislle ORONO FUEL & LUMBER LIMITED P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 SICO PAINT SALE 25% MARŒ16TH/91 Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 mmmmMixsMM:' , « jjgj " " ,, ft , n ■ T.: :; i ; V J , 1 ■. ■ ■ • L- ' Æ 7' W\ . rW tvIV V..7/V V if ■ : ] ■••■•yr', LIGHTHOUSE 4 M UfCWpMv LU AND 1 RESTAURANT "We Stretch Your $ to the Limit" You can dine on a 3 course meal nightly, only $9.95. Your choice of /Hi ,™ E C* v / 3 entrees. Liberty St. and 401 Bowmanville 623-3373 I/?,? mm-,-. ■ .; : 4 I ' "1111 - i Property Valuators & Consultants Real Esta te A p p r a i s e r s (Accredited Member of The Appraisal Institute of Canada) Commercial Agricultural , Industrial Residential iÇ/' Robert W. Gowdy AACI, MIMA 29 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3H7 (416) 623-6023 Fax: (416) 623-7038 Everything in our store is now on sale. Enjoy a cup of coffee while you browse. • Longines Wittnauer Watches • Custom made to order jewellery • Expert repairs • See our selection of Fred Stone plates We'll pay the GST until March 623-1933 78 King St. W. Bowmanville m ■ -:ÈÈÆÊÊi oo Visionplex OPTICAL SAVE $70.oo When you buy two complete glasses! WE HONOUR Metropolitan Lilo Blue Cross Green Shield Social Services Saloly Glasses GM EMPLOYEES Wo lolly cover Meliopolilnn Lilo and Glue Cross plans. Special llama selection at no exlra cosl. Special CLEARANCE Frames from only $19." TT7TTTPCJ. 210 King St. E. XaUUxtO. Bowmanville Mon, - Friday ( across from Kentucky 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fried Chicken) Saturday „„„ „ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 623-0482 ; f tv' I 1 I . T V T-:. y.--.;V Matthews I Associates INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED SOLID LOW RATES - EXPERT ADVICE PROTECTION mi • HOME•AUTO • BUSINESS • FARM • LIFE 83 King St. W. Newcastle 987-3200 ■ Jfe i&É-É ■y-A-■»;•'■■■ : M'-sMiïk 1 » I FARM fit GARDEN LTD, JOUn DEERE SALES tif SERVICE WOOD-CUTTERS' SPECIAL ONE CHAINSAW SHARPENING WITH THIS COUPON (includes nil taxes) xxfx (muy not bo while you wait) Valid until March 10/91 Taunton Rd., Orono 983-9119 | 1-800-461-2120 | !