; / / * * i / i > > > i x > t r ) 1 I ) Y r I -i î 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 20,1991 Section Two Lucky Miracle Mart Shopper Wins $1,000 In Groceries '■ Miracle Food Mart Manager Trevor Bardens, and 0 f the McCain Great Grocery Grab. Mrs. Kealy said McCain Ontario East Sales Manager Kevin Crux s he started cleaning out her freezer in December hand a $1,000 cheque over to Jean Kealy, local winner when she found out sne had won her prize. Separate School Board Hires Info Co-ordinator A Freedom of Information/Records Information/Records Management Co-ordinator has been hired by the separate school board. Martha Pendlebury was appointed to the position in early January by the Peterborough Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Separate Separate School Board. Her duties will involve the development and implementation implementation of system-wide policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the terms of the Municipal Freedom Freedom of Information and Protection Protection of Privacy Act. She will also be putting into effect the Arenburg Records Management System System to facilitate the requirements requirements of the new legislation and provide a standardized records system in all P.V.N.N Separate School Board locations. Ms Pendlebury obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Secretarial and Administrative Administrative Studies from the University University of Western Ontario. Nine years ■ of experience in administrative manage ment have qualified Ms Pendlebury Pendlebury .for the position, the supervisor of communications communications said. Formerly employed with Dephax Systems in Mississauga, Mississauga, she served in the positions positions of Manager of Training Training and Administration, Materials Management, Operations Operations Planning and Analysis, Analysis, Scheduling, Marketing administration and Business Business Planner. During her employment with Depnax, she served on the Advisory Committee and taught at Ryerson Polytech- nical Institute in the Administration Administration and Information Management Course. Ms Pendlebury was self- employed as a Consultant to industry in End-user Training Training and Implementation of Business System Software before assuming her new position position with the Separate School Board on January 14. Spring is just around the corner and the YWCA wants to remind you that it's time to shape up for the warm months ahead. They have a number of exercise programs designed to help you lose those pounds and tighten those muscles. For the children, the YWCA Playgroup, as well as fitness, dance and crafts are being offered for children ages three to 12 years old. New programs offered by the Y will be out soon. The organization suggests you look for the new flyers coming coming home with your elementary elementary school children within • the Northumberland and Newcastle School area. Registration for all Spring programs begins on March 4. The YWCA will again be hosting summer day camps this year for Pre-schoolers (3-5 years), Juniors (5-8 years) and Seniors (9-12 years) in the Bowmanville and Orono areas. For more information regarding regarding Summer Camp Registration Registration or Day Camp Counsellor applications, contact contact the YWCA Bowmanville office at 623-9922. Happy First Birthday This happy one year old is Chad Robert Lunney McDonald. He celebrated his first .birthday on January January 31, 1991. Proud parents are Bob and Sandy. Proud grandparents are Mr. Harvey Lunney, Mrs. Beverley Beverley Oudsnorn and Mrs. Marg and the late Ernie McDonald, and the late great grandfather Mr. Norman Norman Allison. A special thank you to his Auntie Sharon for all her help throughout his first year. And she was off! Jean Kealy, of Newcastle Village, took to the Bowmanville Mall Miracle Food Mart aisles on Friday morning, Feb. 15, to grab $1,000 worth of groceries during a ten-minute time limit. In her race around the store and against the clock, she grabbed meat, turkeys, canned goods, and a variety of frozen foods. Mrs. Kealy was the local winner of the McCain y s Great Grocery Grab. If# Pet of the Week The latest in doggie fashion is being sported this year by all the pooches "in the know". Here's Benny, a three-month old terrier, attired in the latest in the "basic black" look. Notice the dash of white at the neck. It's a perfect outfit for day or night-time wear. This fashion statement is totally totally wash-n-go. Just a quick dip in the tub and Benny's ready for fun. Benny will be happy to sport his new look in your home where his loveable loveable personality and cute antics will keep you in stitches for years to come. You can contact this radical fashion plate at the Bowmanville Animal Shelter. Animal Shelter 623-7651 Sponsored by: Local Chapter Eastern Star In 63rd Year Centennial Hall, Queen S t. was the scene of a special birthday 'celebration on Tuesday evening, Feb. 12th. It was the 63ra birthday of Durham Chapter #181 Order Order of the Eastern Star. The hall was filled with a happy group of our own members and visitors from neighbouring neighbouring chapters, including Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering. Port Perry, Cobourg and Bracebridge. Following the regular business meeting everyone retired to the banquet hall for an evening of entertainment, entertainment, fun, good fellowship and special birthday refreshments. refreshments. The Order of the Eastern Star is a world wide organization, organization, and the Grand chapter chapter of Ontario recently celebrated celebrated its Diamond Jubilee, 75 years of giving assistance to many charitable organizations, organizations, also donating to research research projects in many fields, and donations for hospital hospital equipment totalling millions of dollars. Estarl awards are given every year to young people entering the ministry, 113 being awarded in 1990. A great many people are really surprised when told that Eastern Star donates millions millions of dollars to charities around the world. We are a hard working organization whose members members promote love, friendship friendship and good will among our many members both women and men. no More Litter! James Publishing vo. Ltd. 66 King St. W. 623-3303 Bowmanville The Canadien Statesmen The Newcastle Independent "We fire Environmentally Conscious"