22 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 1,1990 News from Blackstock The tenth annual Devitt's Dungeon Horseshoe Tournament was held last weekend at Phil and Claudette Archer's farm with cohosts cohosts Tom and Wilma Wotten. With about 75 participants the winners were Men's Singles - Terry Black; Women's Singles - Wilam Wotten. Doubles - Danielle Millson and Steve Hawes and for the second year in a row the "Try again, Horse's Behind" - Nancy Bryans. Visitors with Patti and Rick Alpe and Nathan were their friends Diane and Laval from Quebec to take part in the tournament. June Degeer and Marjorie Bradburn attended the funeral of their cousin Mrs. Gertie Drew at Whitby Baptist Church. The tragic news was received of the passing in a car accident of Linda Calder, daughter of Jack and Verna (Harris) Chapman of Port Perry. This accident took place in Zambia where Linda and her husband lived. Sympathy is extended to her husband Keith to her parents Jack and Verna Chapman, her sister Lori Chapman Chapman and their many friends and relatives. On Sunday, Kathleen and Dalton Dorrell, Bill and Jean Ferguson and Lloyd and Thelma Wright attended the Ferguson family picnic in Gorrie in the Wingham area. A bridal shower in honour of bride-to-be Debbie VanCamp was held at the C.E. Room of the United Church on Sunday afternoon. afternoon. Debbie was assisted by her attendants Lynn McLaughlin and Ann-Marie Hoogeveen in opening her many lovely gifts. During the afternoon Lynn McLaughlin gave a reading and Ann-Marie Hoogeveen Hoogeveen conducted several games. Debbie replied fittingly and a social time enjoyed. The David Kyte family enjoyed the weekend at the cottage home of Rev. Dale and Anita Davis. There were 13 tables at the weekly card party with the following following winners - Grace Bassant, Elsie Pogue, Vera Fawns, Doris Hill, Georgena McLaughlin, Laurrena Bright Low-George Harper. Draws were won by Ross McRoberts, Bernice Wells, Dorothy Beech, Neta Fish and Betsy Staniland. Harvey and Joan Graham returned on Saturday night from a most enjoyable trip to Por- tugual where they toured many sights and activities. They were part of a group of forty-eight • classmates and a professor of Kemptville Agricultural College so enjoyed much fellowship and visiting as well as the interesting tours. The group visited another classmate who lives in Portugual and who acted a guide for the trip. On Friday evening, dinner guests of Gerald and Joyce Kelly and Elaine were Barb and Tony Mata, Tonya, Tammy and Teana of Brooklin. Later Peter and Elizabeth Peelers and Courtney of Omemee joined the group. 4-H News - Sheep Club by Allan McKenzie ; The second meeting of the Sheep Club was held on May 21 at the Coombes farm. Mr. Coombes fold us how to judge lambs and what to look for. Following his talk, we judged 4 of his lambs. . The members then held our meeting when we discussed some of sheep diseases and the stresses that may cause them. . On June 18th, at 8 p.m. the third meeting was held at the Vet Clinic in Bowmanville for our third meeting of the Durham East Sheep Club. We took a tour of the building, saw all of the equipment they use and they told us what they used if for. After the tour we discussed some diseases and how you might treat or prevent them. One common thing that happens to animals is bloating. Following ice cream and pop we went home. Ailan McKenzie, Press Reporter * A lifetime resident of this area Leslie Taylor passed away last week. Sympathy is extended to. his wife Annie Taylor and family Fred, Alice, and June, In Editor's Mail ; Dear Sirs; ; Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy, Six days shnlt thou labour and do all thy work, but the seventh is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. In it you shall not do any work, Neither you or your family. ; For the past two millenium millenium s people who call themselves themselves Christian have tried to obey this mosaic law, in spite of differing ideas about which day of tnd week the Sabbath is. This law has never been flouted ns it is in the last half of this century. A wide open Sunday is practised practised by the majority it seems. What happened to the present Liberal provincial government's law, when they wore at least poing to lot the municipalities vote on it. In spite of religious be- liofs, Sunday ns n day to rest and relax is important to largo numbers of people and I think it is a crime that large stores and supermarkets supermarkets arc all set to open Sundays. Sundays. I don't know how the people who speak for the charter of rights can make such n decision. (Whoso Rights?) llow can the big storos'arguo that little convenience convenience stores are taking away their business? It is ridiculous ridiculous and wicked to take away their one chance to break oven. I feel that anyone who opposes opposes this matter should boycott the big stores and not only on Sunday. I am. sincerely, Mrs. Pearl Craig R.R.G, Bowmanville Durham Building Supplies fcfc *i! n i ■ is <&• . ■: Hi ffl 111 ü ■4 • WM mi pi « rif Kb •4 §8H Si km ,ï-.v m 1111 n HI pi m 8Ü? 1 \ B si ■ "'T--'.r '; ■< ; pi ËÉÉ II m ■Sgl Saturday, August 4th Sale starts at 8:00 a.m. Drywall V x 8* x 1/2" 4' x 4' x 1/2 $ 4.29,h«t $ 1.99,h,« Vanities Mil 2* * ft ^«ru r •• r -d r, i< Prices are too low to advertise SfiVE $$$ Pressure-Treated Pine Kitchen Cupboards Odds and Ends Great Low Prices Huge Savings fill In-stock C-l-L PfilNTS SflVElO° /o All In-stock Fertilizers .Z"' A Door Seconds Clearing In-stock Tiles 10* to 505 pee. Plastic Trim Only 25' P «. Check out our Bargain Bins for Great Specials! fill In-stock Olympic Stains Z0 0/o Open Bundles sjoo Bundle Interlocking Brick SfiVE 10 ÜS Mi *| ; | ! ! !■ / a PI y i. i job £ m&kmM V BUILDING SUPPLIES HOMECARE BUILDING CENTRE Salt One Day Only Hurry In! These Great Specials Will Go Quickly! All Prices are Cash and Carry 164 Base Line Rd. E. Bowmanville Telephone 623-6341 &i:&~d&6sb '■ " - v . 1 5 ' i ' •-'2 1 H B6 BBHm We accept MasterCard and Visa Hwy. #2 W to Base Line Rd. IT Durham Building A Hwy. #401 3