i 20 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 20,1990 Ebenezer UCW Meets in June Sixteen ladies were present at the U.C.W. meeting meeting at Lakeview Park on a delightful June afternoon. We enjoyed our picnic lunch and President Joan Pickell conducted the meeting. The cookbook prepared by women women of the United Church, Let's break Bread together', has proved so popular that we decided to order another 50. The group then proceeded to Simcoe Hall Settlement House at 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. We were given a complete tour of the facility, and an explanation of the variety of programs carried out to help persons of all ages. There is nursery and provisions for after school children who either do homework or crafts etc., and a summer, school program with excellent instructors. Seniors come to enjoy the friendship of their peers.The food bank is well used and some meals are served. The United Way provides 70% of the funding, with the balance balance being made up of contributions contributions from businesses, organizations and individuals. individuals. We meet next on July 10 at the Enniskillen Conservation Conservation Park, taking a bag lunch. Interesting History Behind Federated W.I. Organization "E.T. call home," this year, can be translated into "English W.I. members call home." To many, home is where the heart is and the heart of any organization is where it all began. For the 9,000,000 ACWW members around the world, the heart of the organization is a home in Stoney Creek, Ontario Ontario - the Erland Lee (Museum) (Museum) Home, owned and operated operated by the Federated Women's Institutes. In this home is the Constitution table table where Janet Lee hand- penned the first Constitution Constitution of the Stoney Creek Women's Institute. Seventy-five years ago a young Canadian widow took her children to England to continue their education. Mrs. Alfred Watt saw the need for the farm and rural women in England to have an organization similar to the Women's Institute in Canada. So, 75 years ago the English and Welsh Women's Institute was started. Not content with that, Mrs. Watt was instrumental instrumental in establishing the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) in Stockholm in 1933 and for all her efforts she was named it first president. This year the English and Welsh Women's Institutes Institutes are celebrating their 75th Anniversary. As part of their celebrations the English English Women's Institutes have received a complimentary complimentary call "home". On the 27th June at 2 p.m. a group of English Women's Institute Institute members will be gathered gathered and via phone hook up will be listening and talking to Women's Institute members members at the Erland Lee (Museum) (Museum) Home at Stoney Creek. To set the stage, the English English Women's Institute want the history of the Erland Lee Home, its lay out and general information about the Stoney Creek area. Preparing Preparing all this on behalf of FWIO will be Sandra Kell, Chairman of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home Committee and Jane Croft, FWIO Board Director in whose sub-division the Lee homo is situated. As part of the celebration celebration the Stoney Creek W.I. branch will be reciting the Institute Ode and Collect, Collect, no doubt joined by the English members. Greetings will also be given by Mrs. Vnrnnm, President of the N.F.W.I. of England. During the year there have been several bus loads of English and Welsh W.I. members making a "pilgrimage" "pilgrimage" to see the home whore it nil began over 90 years ago. To help the English and Welsh W.I. celebrate, a group of Ontario W.I. members members led by FWIO President Peggy Knapp, will visit England England in July. They will bo holding a special reception at Ontario House, in London, London, in celebration of 70 years of W.I. work in Britain. Britain. As well the tour participants participants will take part in a series series of courses at Dcnam College, a college run by the English W.I. to provide a variety variety of courses and workshops workshops for W.I. members, Mrs, Alfred Watt, Erland and Janet Lee and oven E.T. would bo happy to see so many W.I. memlwrs calling homo this year. However in 1997, tlie year W.I. celebrates celebrates Its centenary the phones to Stoney Creek will ho ringing non stop, - HHBHi si E _ f r Kmmsmsamm ■ ||| ill At IGA friendly and courteous service is one of our priorities. Were always pleased to moke that extra special effort for our customers. GLADYS & MEL TAYLOR HUNTSVUE IGA wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mMmMMmMMmmwmmtsm ■If vlLtvt rALRf vCLcx. 1 C.U YAiMk.1 Ku ¥ I I 111 III | lillililjl 1 500 a pko. ! 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