Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1990, p. 17

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I I I III III! Credit Union Holds Annual Meeting The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. March 21.1990 17 Orono News Quote--"Remember when Abraham Lincoln used to walk 12 miles to school everyday? everyday? Kids today feel deprived deprived if the bus doesn't pull m to the curb!"- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pi- gott returned home recently, after enjoying a vacation to Florida. The U.C.W. ladies catered catered to the Oshawa Presbytery Presbytery dinner held Tuesday in Orono United Church. Meeting Meeting followed dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aiken, Lindsay, were last Thursday evening dinner guests of his sister, the 0. Challices, and report a building boom on in Lindsay. Our areas are really on the map these days! The "neighbours" section of Toronto Toronto Star (Thurs. March 15) has colorful picture on front page of Reverend Douglas Hall, rector of St. Savidur's Orono, and St. George's Anglican Churches, Newcastle. Congratulations on again winning prizes for his excellent wooa-carving of û duck In last Saturday's "Star" in "New Homes Section", a picture and article of our Mayor Hubbard. At the recent Horticulture Horticulture meeting in Oshawa, John and Pat Windatt, New- tonville were guests, and John special speaker oh "Spring Pruning";. Pat is a director on Orono Horticulture Horticulture executive and the 0. Challices were judges for the "St. Patrick's Show", same evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Staples Staples and family returned home Sunday evening after enjoying their "winter break", in Lake Placid. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Yeo and Christopher arrived home safely from their holidays holidays in Dominican Republic. Remember our first spring meeting of Orono Horticulture is this Thursday, Thursday, March 22 in Main Hall, Orono United Church. Slide presentation Mr. Jack Goer- ing, naturalist. Miss Becky Kimmett, Lindsay, spent a few days holidays with her grandmother grandmother Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and her aunt Mrs. E. Billings. Billings. Annual Meeting The Orono Credit Union held their annual meeting March 9 in Orono United Church main hall. A delicious delicious roast beef dinner before before meeting and catered by' U.C.W. ' Very encouraging financial financial reports and a special item on program was the surprise presentation to retiring retiring sec-treas. Mrs. Mary Clàpdorp, she received an attractive plaque and words of appreciation for her eight years of faithfulness. Resident Marks 90th Year 1 We sleyvüle N ews If! II by E. Barrawcloug] illllll Ill 111 1 , I!! hi Intended for last week The days for ice fishing in Rice Lake for 1990 are drawing drawing to a close. After a certain date in March the strong rays of the sun soften the ice so no risks are taken for the 3000 or so huts there. Heated Heated with propane gas, the fishermen and women enjoy their sport in comfort. A strange change takes place each year and it happened about last week. Trout which remain in the deep water at the centre of the lake suddenly move to the shallower water, and chase all the other fish before them. So the huts are moved with them. There was still a plenteous supply for everyone everyone last week. Winter break has arrived and in- homes where there are children, the pattern of the days will be changed. Homes with grandchildren in other places will expect some of them to visit the old home on the farm. Carroll Nichols and June are expecting expecting Doug and Gloria Young with Allyson and Catherine of Mississauga, and John and Joan McGuirck of Burlington Burlington for part.of the holiday holiday while Grandson Mike will be making a visit to Toronto. Toronto. The annual .appreciation dinner for Stephen Sword and his choir of Welcome United Church was held on Thursday evening, March 8th with about 26 present. Several guests were unable to be present including Mrs. Reeve suffering from one of winter complaints, a cough, and Babe Symons who is recovering recovering from iinjuries re-, •ceived in a fall. She is home from hospital and it is hoped she will be completely well soon. It was a very happy banquet with delicious food and good conversation. Regular Regular choir practice was held following the meal and some Tenders THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the supply and delivery of the equipment listed below, addressed to the Corporation Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing closing time and date. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address, Tender NW90-8 - One (1) Only Triple Combination 1050 G.P.M. Fire Department Pumper Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (local time) Wednesday, April 11,1990 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Date of Publication: March 21,1990 Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ex. 267 12-1SN * rehearsing done for the coming coming men's concert at the end of the month. The choir members performed the usual usual tidying up, while the others others sang. Friends here are interested interested to know that Shelley (Payne) Renaud who . works for a computer firm in Toronto, Toronto, was in Calgaiy last week teaching a class in computer technology. Congratulations to neighbour neighbour Allan Peters of Morrish who celebrated his 90th birthday on Sunday, March 11, 1990. Best wishes for many more years of his useful useful life. Also congratulations to Mae Ferguson who celebrates celebrates a birthday soon, and to Truman Austin whose daughter Bonnie and family' of Scarborough came on Sunday to celebrate her father's father's approaching birthday. There are still a considerable considerable number of wild animals in the area. "Journey into the Unknown" Unknown" was the title of Reverend Reverend W. Sedgwick's sermon at Welcome United on Sunday Sunday morning March 11. It was based on readings from . Genesis and John, concerning concerning the meaning of "Ye Must Be Born Again." The explanation explanation _ of this spiritual change in the children's talk was further clarified in the sermon by' "examples"'."of 1 change in the lives of well known people. It was not used, but there was a similar similar story of a well known person's changed life told in the last church jiaper, The Observer.' The choirs beautiful beautiful anthem was "Thanks be to Thee" by Handel, led and accompanied by Stephen Sword. The offering was received received by Ron Brimacombe and Harold Symons. Bright yellow chrysanthemums continue to bring their message message of cheer to the service and Arnold and Kay Thorn- dyke greeted the congregation congregation at the door. March 12,1950. The farm forum meeting at Maurice O'Neill's had a small number number in attendance because of the prevalence of flu. Income tax was discussed and considered considered as fair a way as any, to provide money to run the nation's business. It was felt there should be allowance made for the farm family where so much work is contributed contributed by the wife and children. Ontario Hydro Ultrasonic Inspection Services Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Ontario Hydro Invilos contractors to submit Tenders for tho Supply of all Labour and Equipment to perform Ultrasonic Inspection Services at tho Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. Work is to bo for a ono year Mi period commencing on 01 Ontario Hydro Radiographic Inspection Services Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Ontario Hydro invites contractors to submit tondors for the Supply of all Labour and Equipment to perform Radiographic Inspection Services at tho Darlington Nuclear Nuclear Generating Station. Work is to bo for a ono-yoar peri- I May 90, la y od commencing on 01 As a proroquisilo to submitting a tender, all tenderers are to attend a site tour. Such silo lour will bo hold on April 3,1990. Tondors will bo received up to 12:00 p.m. Local Time, Wednesday, Wednesday, April 11,1990. Tendering documents may bo obtained obtained from: Ontario Hydro Darlington Purchasing Unit Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Holt Road, South Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3Z8 PHONE: (416) 697-7311 OR WRITE: Ontario Hydro Alin: G. H. Stephenson Darlington Nuclear Purchasing Unit Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3Z0 Did security In tho form ol n curll- nod choquo In tho amount ol *25,000,00 must accompany each tondor. Tito lowosl or any londor will not aocosoarily bo accoplod, As a prerequisite to submitting a tondor, all tenderers are to attend a site tour. Such sito tour will bo hold on April 4,1990. Tondors will bo received up to 12:00 p.m. Local Timo, Wednesday, Wednesday, April 11,1990. Tendering documents may bo obtained obtained from: Ontario Hydro Darlington Purchasing Unit Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Holt Road, South Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3Z8 PHONE: (416) 697-7311 OR WRITE: Ontario Hydro Alin: G. H, Stephenson Darlington Nuclear Purchasing Unit Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3Z8 Did security In tho form of n codified codified choquo In tho amount ol $25,000. must accompany oncli tondor. Tho lowosl or any londor will not nocossnrily ho accoplod, 12-1S Ontario Hydro Portable Toilets Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Ontario Hydro Invilos contractors to submit Tenders for tho supply of all labour, equipment and material material (toilot tissue) necessary to provide portable toilot services, Including daily maintenance and return pick up and disposal of waste off sito for Darlington G.S. Work is to commence 28 Apr. 90 and end 27 Apr. 91, Tondors will bo received up to 12:00 midnight Local Timo, Tuos- day, April 10,1990. Tendering obtained li 'rom: Ontario Hydro Darlington Purchasing Unit Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Holt Rond, South Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3Z0 PHONE: (416) 697-7412 OR WRITE: Ontario Hydro Attn: Kenneth Way Darlington Nuclear Purchasing Unit P.O. Box 4000 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 320 Tho lowest or any tondor will not nocossnrily ho accoplod, A large crowd at the weekly euchre party held Wednesday March 14, in Orono Town Hall, with 14 tables playing - High scores - Hazel Murphy Murphy 97, Marg Linton 89, Eddie Eddie Couroux 86, Harvey Partner 85, Velma Johnston 82. Low scores - Marion Staples. Staples. Lucky draws - George Buckley, Grace Coatham, Dorothy. Branch, Myrtle Wood, Wesley Wood, Marion Staples. Euchre parties every Wednesday night in town hall, 8 p.m, and ladies to please bring lunch. Orono United Church News The very lovely vase of spring flowers this Sunday >laced in lov- late Mrs. „ daughter Lois Cox and family. Greeters at doors - Doreen Doreen Wood and Nancy West. Ushers - Gerald Rainey. Clayton Read, Grant ana Chris Yeo. Birthday Greetings to - Bonnie Luke March 20, Nina Madill March 21, Scott Yeo March 23, Brent Hutton March 24. The Lenten Candles service service was conducted by Marlene Marlene Ross and assisted by Jeffrey, Gregory and Alison Finlay, and children's hymn "Jesus Loves Me", was sung and then children retired for Sunday school. The choir rendered "O Lord, Send Out Thy Light", and the choir invite new members to help out with upcoming Easter Music. We meet Wednesday night 6:45 p.m. lower C.E. hall. Remember those in our areas less fortunate than we and bring in donations to our food bank boxes on front table. U.C.W. executive meets Monday March 26,1:30 p.m. E.R. and remember Easter breakfast at Kirby church 8 a.m. "Walk Thru the Bible" - New Testament Seminar. Saturday, April 7-9 at 5 p.m. Oshawa Salvation Army. A 12 mins, video introducing this will be shown after the service on March 25 in lower C.E. hall. Praying Hands Pens - are available from the M&S committee. Please see Willis or Marilyn Barraball, Pamela Pamela or Gord Werry, Thelma Vagg or Donna Hutton. Gold Rush Winners Stake Claim on $500 in BIA Bucks : gold rush taking place in Bowmanville is roll- >, , m j n t • -n.\ in .?. along as Jennifer De Jong and her father, Tom, K mg along as Jennifer Dedong and her father, Tom, ïcAW-b' T Â 5 1 lu b ^\ T 6 will tell you. The DeJongs, from Bowmanville, were E°?,^ B , uck . s - • SUg if st y0 \ keep your eyes op ^ the first winners in the gold rush contest taking place f or ,j; ke ne ^ winning gold nugget number, you could at downtown businesses throughout the month of be the next winner. 11 It's Gold Rush Time Stake your claim on these great HITACHI^ Specials... Pan for Gold êê In Our "Icy Stream it VM-2200 Camcorder and win great prizes like a: ■ Portable CD player ■ Cassette tapes ■Portable "stereo ■ Free movie rentals ■ Digital discs * with any purchase • v Friday, March23-6-9p.m. Saturday, March 24-9-5 p.m. ■ New transistorized image sensor (3 lux) ■ Bulge lead head ■ Full size cylinder stabilization mechanism ■ Edit search ■ 6 to 1 power zoom ■Autofocus ■ flutoIris ■ fluto computerized white balance (TTL) Only =1199" Demo Model 1 IV Iff *Win a Hitachi Portable Hi-Fi in our "Pan for Gold" MT-2870 21" Stereo Television ■ MTS stereo with dbx ■ On-screen plcture/sound graphics . ■ Luminar white balance control ■ 430 lines of resolution ■ 137 channel cable compatible ■ square black-tinted picture tube ■ fludio/vidao input/output jacks ■ Scanalock fluto Programming Only *619" 5-Year Warranty 20-year service Warranty * Remote control colour TV's from $369.00 SAVE 51" Prism TO Panasonic SAVE Car Audio ■ Stereo Packages 51" Giant Television $3999.95 14" TV-VCR combo $849.95 20" Stereo Television $499.95 Stereo with C.D $729.95 CD Player $249.95 33" Prism Television $2399.95 fill VCR's Are On Sale! Win a Panasonic Portable CD Player in oar "Pan For Gold n PV-4904 Video Cassette Recorder ■ Variable and double-fine slow motion ■ On-screen display programming ■ 155-channel digital quartz tuning with auto set ■ Auto function: On, Rec., Off, Play, Rew., Eject, Timer ■ 1-month / 2-program calendar / timer ■ Unified remote (VCR/TV) Only $ 429 M.S.L. $549.95 95 PC-335905 33" Prism Television Demo Model - 2 only Must Be Seen! ■ Art picture tube ■ Improved audio ■ Graphic E. Q, ■ Dolby sound ■ On-screen display ■ flV terminals ■ Learning remote ■ Stereo sound to name Just a few features SAVE $1000. Only =2399" M.S.L. 2499.95 ~ 5 YR. WARRANTY- Audio 58 King Street West Telephone 623-2312 "Bowmanville's Complete Electronics Store" - SERVICE TO MOST MAKES -

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