The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 21,1990 15 I Phone 623-3303 Wanted CEDAR trees, 4-6' high, also white birch clumps for transplanting. transplanting. Phone 1 -705-432-2237. 12-2SN WANTED to borrow - Colored slide of old Bowmanville post office, showing clock tower. Phone Ralph Poole, 623-3544. 12-1S Sales GIANT BABY BASEMENTSALE Sat. and Sun. March 24 and 25 10 a.m. to 4 p.m; 12Deerpark Créa., Bowmanville Everything you'll need for baby from clothing sizes infant to 2 years, crib, playpen, carriage, bedding and much, much more. 12-1SN For Rent RETAIL or office space, various sizes, King St., Bowmanville, large parking lot. Also parking spaces for lease. Phone 623-5455. 6-tfSN EFFICIENCY apartments only 10 minutes from Bowmanville, fully furnished, from $80. per week. Phone 786-2329, Newtonville. 4-1 0SN IHHEE bedroom house for rent, first/Jast, $900./month plus utilities, near school and shopping, references references required. Phone 987-2281. 11-1SN AVAILABLE April 1, large one bed room apartment, fridge, stove, parking, $540. plus electricity. Phone 579-1589. 11-3S BACHELOR apartment, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, $450./month, utilities included. included. Phone 579-2610 after 4 p.m. 12-1SN BEAUTIFUL one bedroom apt., excellent location, $550./month, first and last, plus heat and hydro. Phone 623-2099. 12-1S BOWMANVILLE - Two bedroom basement apartment with fridge and stove, Includes utilities, $660. per month. Phone after 6 p.m. 1- 416-655-4133. 12-1S BOWMANVILLE, brand new large one bedroom apartment for rent In older part of town. Fully carpeted, 4 pc. bathroom, new stove and refrigerator. refrigerator. No pets, non-smoker. Please phone 623-2992 after 6 p.m. 12-1SN FURNISHED room for rent in beautiful country home. All facilities, facilities, close to main highways in Enniskillen. Enniskillen. Considerate non- smoker, $60./weekly. Phone 571- 1775 work, 263-4148 home. 12-1 SN FURNISHED room, kitchen, bathroom bathroom use, microwave, private entrance, entrance, own parking, summer barbecue, barbecue, television, south Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Phone 623-5640. 12-1S HOUSE for rent, first/last month's. Phone John at 623-7373. 12-1SN LARGE one bedroom apartment in Newcastle Village, first and last month's rent, references required, available, immediately, $490. plus utilities. Phone Lori 623-4445. 12-2SN LARGE two bedroom apt., Newcastle, Newcastle, includes fridge, stove and all utilities, $650./month, first and last, references, no pels. Phone 983-9083. 12-1SN ONE bedroom apt., Newcastle village, village, available immediately, $575. monthly, first/last, no pets. Phone evenings, 987-4834. 12-1SN ONE bedroom apartment, $500./ month plus utilities, fridge, stove, blinds Included and carpeted. Phone 623-0128. 12-1S THREE and Jour bedroom new homes in Newcastle, available from April 1. Please phone Vinnle Gupta, Remax Cornerstone, 623- 6000 or 987-1709. 12-1S THREE bedroom semi, newly renovated, renovated, blocks from downtown Bowmanville, $995./month plus utilities. Phone (705) 738-5649 after 5 p.m. 12-1SN TWO bedroom apt., downtown Bowmanville area. Phone 263- 8045. 12-1SN TWO bedroom apartment, central location, $500./month, first/last, no pets, available April 1. Phono 623- 7438. 12-1S TWO bedroom houso, lirst/lnst month, no dogs, $750. monthly plus utilities, available after April 1st. Phone 623-5835. 12-1 SN TWO bedroom apartment, fridge and stove Included, heat Included, pay hydro, first/last month's ronl, $470., available April 1, 1990, Orono. Phono 983-5012. 12-1 SN TWO prosllgoous country homos In Bowmanvillo area. Two bedroom bedroom bungalow, family room, fireplace, fireplace, garogo, $1,200./month. Newcastle • two bedroom legendary legendary log bungalow, doublo sided llroplaco, pond, approx. 2 acres, $1,500./monlh. Phono Choi Jackson, Snlos Roprosonlallvo, W. Frank R. E. Ltd., 023-3393, 263-8377. 12-1S VERY largo ono bedroom bnso- mont apatlmonl, with 4 pc. bath, all utilities Included, would sull quiet person, $495. monthly, first and Inst, Phono 623-9402. 12-IS NEW APARTMENTS One bedroom with private entrance In Newcastle Vlilege, Available April 1st, 1000 $575, monthly plus utilities, Please phone Lori 623-4445 12-2SN For Rent TWO building lots, Enfield, 10 minutes minutes from Oshawa, $150,000. each. Phone 263-2036. 12-1SN Two bedroom house, fronting Lake Ontario (Bowmanville), $155,000. Phone 743-1112. 11-2SN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE Sat. and Sun. March 24 and 25 2-4 p.m. 27 Rhonda Blvd., Bowmanville 3 bedroom, 2 storey, finished basement with walkout, large lot. Close to schools. Phone 623-4228 12-1SN COLBORNE New three bedroom ranch bungalow on three acres near 401. Quality built with double garage, dining room, main floor family room with walkout, Under $200,000. Durham St. at Purdy Rd, OPEN HOUSE Sat. 10-5 Sun. 2-5 or phone 1-416-372-9763 12-1SN 5 ACRES VACANT LAND On dead end road, near Bethany and Hwy. 115. High and dry, beautiful view. Permits available. 250' road frontage. $130,000. Phone after 5 p.m. (416) 263-4434 BEAUTIFUL poodlo pupa (toys and minis) rods, nptlcom, tonls- lurod vol chocked and noodlod, $375. Phono U23-970Û or 023- noon. Innvo mosuoqo. 1I-2SN FREE lo pood homo, 0 yonr old boanlo/lorilor, voiy omnll and al- loclionnlo, Dollar nnlurotl with oldor chlklmn and ndnllo. Plonso phono 023-9100, 12-ISN Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Pets BOWMANVILLE - Large one bedroom bedroom apartment. Appliances and all utilities included. Available April 1, no pels, $575./month, first and last. Phone 623-6628,623-7401. 12-1SN BOWMANVILLE - Luxury one bedroom bedroom apartment with loft and skylight, one block from downtown. downtown. Available April 1st, 15th or May 1 si, $711 ./month. Phone 623- 5477.12-1SN NEW three bedroom house, 2 baths, family room, garage, $950. Phone 623-9557. 12-1S NEWTONVILLE - One bedroom apartment. Appliances and/all utilities included. Available April 1. No pels, $500./monlh, -first and last. Phone 623-6628,623-7401. 12-1SN SHOP space, 20 X 32 garage door, work bench, insulated, woodstove, $350. plus hydro. Phone 983-9432. 12-1SN DOWNTOWN Bowmanville storefront storefront for lease, approx. 750 sq. ft., first and last. Please contact Dar- lene 623-1021.12-1SN THREE bedroom apt. in modern adult triplex, very clean, parking, near 401, available April 1,1990. Phone 623-4029. 12-1S THREE bedroom apartment, downtown Bowmanville, available April 1, first/last. Contact Darlene at 623-1021.12-tfSN TWO bedroom apartment, Orono, heat and hydro included, first and last month's rent required. Phone 983-8159. 12-1SN BROWNSDALE Community Centre, Golf Course Rd., Newcastle Newcastle Hall available for dances, weddings, weddings, slags, etc. For rental information information phone 1 -705-277-3668. 12-tfSN BOWMANVILLE, three bedroom semi-detached home freshly decorated, decorated, close fo all conveniences, $850. per month. Phone 623- 8372. 11-2SN FIVE room home, central Bowmanville, Bowmanville, near hospital and shopping, shopping, finished rec room, full basement, basement, sun deck, steel tool shed, first/last, no pels, $775. plus heat and utilities. Phone 623-4428. 11-tfS TYRONE Community Centre for rent. Most up-to-date kitchen, lots of parking, playground, country setting for picnics, weddings, anniversaries, anniversaries, etc. Phone Christine 263-2215. •' 22-tfSN BACHELOR apt. in. Bowmanville, upstairs, In small quiet apt. building, building, 1 bedroom, livingroom, kitchenette kitchenette and bath, $300. monthly includes includes heat, fridge and stove, pay own hydro, suitable for one working or retired person. Avail. May 1,1990, references required. Reply fo Advertiser 1499, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville L1C 3K9. 11-2S PUPPIES for sale. Healthy and cuddly and cute. Phone 263-8098. 12-1R PUREBRED German Shepherd pup for sale. Phone Andy 623- 8481. 12 : 1SN 25 LOVEBIRDS for sale, $25. and up. Free one year old Collie cross. Phone 623-5835. 12-1SN I would like to thank all my customers for their kind support over the years. I wish to inform inform you that .I am no longer associated with Terribrae Pet Foods. Sincerely, Ruth Ann Miller Mangden Dog Training - 12-2S Terribrae Pet Food and Supplies Farm Equipment $57.00 TO TORONTO AIRPORT Deluxe Sedan Executive Service 24 Hra, Dlv. of Deluxe Taxi 623-2916 or leave meaeage for quick appointment» Visa and MO nccoplod MSN DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED MONDAY 4:30 P.M. Notice to Creditors Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Streot West Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop" 51-DSN PUPPY POWER Starting March 24 Bowmanville Library A seminar for puppy owners, and adult dog owners, who want to learn the .correct method of praise, discipline, nutrition, housetraining, obedience training, training, games to play and much more... A total concept of positive and responsible dog ownership. For pre-registration and Info. Mangden Dog Training Ruth Ann Miller 263-2339 10-3SN PUPPY PRESCHOOL (8 weeks to 6 months) Prevent puppy problems LEVEL I - 6 months and older LEVEL II (All claesee are limited to 15 dogs.) Begins April 3 PRE-REGISTER Ruth Ann Miller 263-2339 10-4S WANTED to breed Grade Mare to well mannered Appaloosa Stallion with good blood lines, good coloring, coloring, good confirmation. Phone 416-987-4236.12-1S WESTERN saddles, tack, riding horses, ponies, a Clysdale gelding, gelding, female donkey In foal, ducks, geese and fancy poultry. Phone 436-2512. 12-1SN FOR reseeding horse pastures for 1990, phone Swain Seeds.Jor cheapest prices, R.R. i 2, Blackstock. Phone 1-416:986- 4331. 4-tfSN Riding Lessons for Adults and Children Also lessons In dressage and ' jumping for more experienced riders. Phone 623-7336 12-6SN < .111 \on m l AIDS Irnm sharing .1 nvvillv wlnlv lining drugs' YES! Get the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1-800-668-AIDS 12-1SN CFimSën^TWÎSsêHriËiôr: 2000 hours. 50 Ii.d. c/w loader, heated cab, lights, gauges, like new condition, asking " $9,700. Phone 576-7697 Oshawa. 11-2SN CASE (arm trader with loader 3 pit. and pto., 4 cyl. gas engine, $1,200. or best offer. Phono 263- 8079.12-1SN JD 336 baler with No. 30 kicker and wagon snagger, $6,000.; 22' 5 lino cultivator with single rolling harrows, $4,200.; 14' Kowanoo disc, $1,300.; 20' hay olovalor, $250.; 2 thrower racks 0 X 20 on 6 ion gearing, $3,500. for bothl Plonso phono 416-263-0947, loavo message. 12-4SN PRIVATE Mortgages - The place to go when your bank says No! Anubus Investments, (416) 668- 7200, 110 Green Street, Whitby, Ontario. 37-tfSN TINA'S HOUSECLEANING Hire the Best Pay for what you get. NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Phone 623-2657 12-tfSN HOME MOVIES TRANSFERRED TO VIDEOTAPE European video tapes converted. LOW, LOW PRICES Phone 623-5555 37-IISN BUSINESS and PERSONAL TAX RETURNS prepared by » Qualified Tax Professional DIVERSE DATA SERVICE Phone 416-623-5730 11-4SN REMOVE CHLORINE Make your drinking water taste great. Just pennies a litre ... reallyill Free Information and free trial Phone Kate 623-1327 12*13 Help Wanted NOTICE TO CREDITORS Claims against the estate of Mrs. Margo luTa, late, of the Town of Bowmanville, who died September September 17, 1989, must be in our hands by April 21, 1990, so the estate can be settled. Mr. John H. Rivers, Executor Box 310, R.R. 1, Hallburton, Ontario K0M 1S0 12-1S NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF CLIFFORD SHRED, commonly known as CLIFFORD ANDREW SHRED, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Durham, (nis residence being 157 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario), Retired General Motors Employee, deceased who died at said Town of Newcastle, on the 27th day of December, 1989. Creditors and Others having claims against the said deceased or his estate are required to send full particulars and full proof to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of March, 1990, after which date the assets of the estate estate will be distributed having regard regard to the claims then received. DATED at the Town of Newcastle, Newcastle, this 1 st day of March, 1990. POLLITT, WALTERS, DIZENBACH, 351/2 King Street West, . P.O. Box 9 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1H0 Solicitors for the Executrix, Sheila Eby, R.R. No. 3 Port Perry, Ontario 10-3S MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING - Over 12 years of experience - Ontario's oldest and largest - Over 5000 graduates - Offering evening and weekend courses. -Job search assistance FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PHONE 1-800-265-3559 Head Office: 16 Corydon PI., Cambridge 10-tfSN Opening available for SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST Successful candidate must have excellent communication and organizational organizational skills. Experience in dealing with public and word processing processing (Word Perfect) would be a definite asset. FORWARD RESUMÉ TO: WINTERS, SUTHERLAND &MOASE Chartered Accountants 118 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C1N5 Help Wanted Times are changing. Having trouble adapting? We'll listen 24 hours a day. Distress Centre, 623- 8844,623-8845. 12-1S CAROLYNE Flint, Mrs. N. Hen- derson - please pick up your free flowers from Carnation Flower Shop, 33 Division St., Bowmanville, Bowmanville, by March 24,1990. - 12-18 FUtTloving, attractive rinaie wisnes to meet comparable lady 35 - 45. Must enjoy active outdoor lifestyle, cultural events, preferably financially financially stable, who enjoys simple country life. Reply with phone number and address to Group 1, Box 48, Enniskillen, Ontario, LOB 1H0. 12-3S NEWCASTLE HEALTH CARE CENTRE is seeking an individual for the position of SECRETARY The successful applicant will report directly to the Administrator and will provide a full range of secretarial duties. Applicants should possess excellent communication skills, have experience in accounting procedures procedures and an ability to work with the elderly. This permanent part-time position involves approximately 30 hours per week and will commence on or before April 1,1990. Interested applicants should submit an application no later than March 26,1990 to: Mrs. E. Bazarln, Administrator, Newcastle Health Care Centre P.O. Box 190, King St. W., Newcastle, Ontario L0A1H0 ' 12-1SN MCL MOTOR CARRIERS LTD. Requires a TRACTOR - TRAILER REPAIRER / WELDER ($19.34 hourly plus shift premium) Our maintenance facility In Oshawa needs a certified tractor - trailer repairer / welder. The successful applicant must possess: - tractor - trailer repairer certificate -welding experience In all positions/types In ARC, GAS, and -3-5 years experience preferred - able to work shift work and to communicate effectively - Experience In hydraulics, brakes and suspensions would be an asset We offer excellent employee benefits such as semi-private, Blue Cross, dental, life insurance, pension and tool allowance/replacement. We have been in business for 40 plus years and offer a stable work environment with average tenure of 14 years. Please send resumé detailing experience to: Personnel Department Box 1070, Station "B" ~ -, OSHAWA, Ontario L1J5Y9 or Phone 1 (416)576-5911 FACTORY help, Newcastle area. Phone 987-4781 between 1 - 4 p.m. for appointment. 12-1SN ARE you interested in part time work in the insurance business? Our office is modern and has the latest in computers; If you have some experience in office routine please drop off your resume at 108 Waverley Road, Bowmanville. Phone 623-4482. 12-1S LANDSCAPING positions for 1990 season must be self motivated and willing to work. Please send resume resume or phone Pro Lawn Landscaping, Landscaping, Oshawa, 434-2458, Orono. 983-5978. 12-1SN PERSON Friday required by manufacturer. manufacturer. Must have high typing speed, pleasant telephone personality personality and at least 5 years applicable applicable business experience. Computer Computer experience helpful. Phone D. Carew, 623-1880. 12-1SN PLANT manager wanted - Experience Experience necessary in people management, management, inventory control, budgeting and production forecasting. forecasting. Bowmanville area. Send résumés to: I.M.S., P.O. Box 9, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K8. 12-1SN LANDSCAPE and lawn maintenance maintenance labourers required for the 1990 season. Applicants must be hardworking and enjoy the outdoors. outdoors. Experience an asset but not necessary. Please phone Holland Holland Landscaping 263-4144 after 4 p.m. 12-2SN PART time Office Assistant required required by the Clarke Museum. Experience Experience in office procedures, management, minor bookkeeping and handling cash. Must be outgoing, outgoing, friendly and able to deal with a wide variety of people. Retail, reception reception experience and ability to take dictation would be an asset Minimum typing speed of 45-50 words per minute desired. The position is for 28 hours per week, 40 weeks per year, Tues, to Fri. Remuneration $7. per hour. Please reply in writing with resume to: Mr. Mark I. Jackman, Curator, Clarke Museum and Archives, P.O. Box 152, Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0. The Clarke Museum is an equal opportunity employer. Application Application deadline 26 March 1990. 10-3SN 12-1SN ifvq $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ HELP WANTED PAPER CARRIER ® REQUIRED The available routes are... Route #2 Jackman Rd., Barbara St., Frederick, Edsall, Rehder Ave., Sturrock, Scugog (N. of O'Dell) Route #6 Prout Drive, High St. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED MONDAY 4:30 P.M. Itr WHAT WILL YOU BE PAID? 10q per paper You don't have to collect from customers and papers will be delivered to your home. PLUS... If you deliver for an entire month with no complaints from customers, you will receive an extra week's pay as a tipi PLUS... Deliver for an entire year with no complaints and receive a $100 bonus! If you would like to take advantage of this great business opportunity, please phone 623-3303 and ask for Marilyn. E&t Cmfriatt Statesman 62 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3303 Your friend, neighbor and business partner slnce1854 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SCHOOL BUS DRIVER wanted for a short route In Bowmanville. Phone Trans County Transportation (416)983-5422 11-2SN NEED EXTRA INCOME FOR THOSE EXTRA NEEDS? Make new friends, have some fun and earn extra income. PHONE AVON Canada's No. 1 Beauty Company. Ask for Margaret at (416) 725-9696 12-3SN THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Applications are invited for the position of GRADE 3 TEACHER (This Is an occasional position) Duties to commence 2 April 1990. Please apply by telephone and in writing before 23 March 1990 stating qualifications and experience experience to: Ray Slmser Principal Newcastle Public School Box 418 Newcastle, Ontario L0A1H0 (416) 987-4262 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Gary Tushingham Director of Education and Secretaty Diana Stewart Chairperson of the Board 12-1S ^3 ^3 \3 FULL TIME MIDNIGHT POSITIONS The following positions are available from 11:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m., weekends off. • CUSTOMER SERVICE persons are needed to operate the cash register, prepare food products and maintain the dining room and kitchen areas. • CLEANERS who will maintain our nightly cleaning schedule throughout the facility. $7.00/hour to start ALSO FULL TIME POSITIONS Are you looking for a full time job? If so, Burger King, Newcastle, is interested in talking to you. Those positions are available during the day and evening, Monday to Friday. Shift work la Involved. $6.50/hour to start Wo provide a full bonofit pnekngo, uniforms and ntonl nllownnco for nil full lima omployoos. Please phone 987-4231 to arrange an Interview or apply at BURGER KING Highway 401, Newcastle, Ont 12-2SN DURHAM TV & ANTENNA TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception Towers Rotators Remote Control Rotators Antennas Transmission Wire Hardware TV, VCR and Stereo Repairs 151 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville 623-9955 Bill Van Der Herberg Depend on the Leader Channel Master ' Work Wanted DRIVERS WANTED Must have own car. APPLY IN PERSON AT: Dennis Pizza 219 King St. E., Bowmanville 12-1SN APPLE PACKERS WANTED Phone Martin Gerrlts & Sons 623-2252 12-2SN KENWORTH EAST DEALERSHIP Experienced truck parts person required Full time in Pickering Phone Jenny 683-9000 11-4SN LICENSED MECHANIC Flat rate shop Benefit package Front end experience an asset APPLY Roy Nichols Motors 436-2228 to Cathy Oliver 12-1S EXPERIENCED STORE CLERK Part time APPLY IN PERSON TO LEN Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St., Bowmanville 12-1S SALESPERSON Highly motivated individual required to work in specialized HEALTH/FASHION environment in Bowmanville. Training provided. Must be bondable with references. PLEASE SEND RESUMÉ TO: Verrex Management Services 250 Division Street, Cobourg K9A 3P8 or phone for appointment (416) 372-6535 12-1SN DAVAN Construction - Specializing Specializing - Interior renovations, will do exterior renovations. Also custom woodworking. For free estimates phone Dave 623-9157 anyime. 8-6SN NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, phone 983-5206, Bowmanville phone 623-2301. 1-tfSN INSTALL a combination wood oil, wood electric furnace or boiler. Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. furnace. Harvey Partner and Sons, Bowmanville, 623-2301 or Orono 983-5206. 4-lfSN GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 PAINTING, PAPERING, CARPENTRY, REMODELLING, GENERAL REPAIRS 24-tfS BARRETT HEATING Oil Burners - Furnaces Cleaning, Repairs, Installation Bowmanville 623-1025 12-tfS SPRING CLEAN Complete home cleaning Windows, etc. Phone 623-2270 12-1SN MR. YARD CARE • Mow lawns • Do flower beds • Trim hedges, etc. Phone 623-1844 12-6SN Stu McGee FLOOR SANDING SANDING-REFINISHING REPAIRS AND STAINING Supplied, Laid and Finished Phone collect after 6 p.m. 1-705-944-5529 12-6SN SPRING IS HERE Need your attic - basement - barn - garage - cleaned? ,, . $8.00/hour Senior Citizens $6.00/hour Phone Al at 623-3787 Till 11 p.m. 12-1S DRYWALL, PLASTER REPAIR, PAINTING, RENOVATIONS, SHINGLING No Job Too Small 987-5568 or 986-0498 12-1S MEL ROZEMA PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 25 years of experience in painting and paper hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8976 42-tfSN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday- Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all types of glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. 7-tlSN NEWCASTLE UPHOLSTERY Pick-up and Delivery FREE ESTIMATES 987-4958 119 Edward St. W„ Newcastle 37-tlSN CARPET STEAM CLEANING C & J Services Personal Service Satisfaction Guaranteed $49. Dlnlng/Uvlng Rooms plus Hallway Phone Dennis at 623-2095 2-tfSN ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Aik about eur l:i> ,, cicmutAL Lj ",) SALVAGE SERVICE CALL US NOW 987-4741 NEWCASTLE DURHAM REGION'S LEADER IN ANTENNA RECEPTION EQUIPMENT 11-TFSN Now accepting fridges, stoves, batteries All recyclotible metal* Hours: 8*5 Mon.-Fri. 8* 12 Sat, 11-IISN