The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 27,1989 19 Phone 623-3303 Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m, Articles for Sale Sales For Rent Pets Livestock For Sale BALED oat straw to be picked up ANTIQUE iam cupboard, circa MHVIMfiQfllC U. nnn .,r JAIN floor of house for rent, cen- 2)NE bedroom apartment^ $500. FREE to good home, lovely 10 FIVE purebred Dobermann 31-tfSN COMMERCIAL woodsplitler and commercial mortar mixer. Excellent Excellent running condition. Rhone 623- 5180 alter 6 p.m.36-tlSN LEWISCRAFT - Craft supplies. Carnation Flower Shop, 33 Division St., Bowmanville, 623- 5577. 1-lfSN OAK washstands, bow front china cabinets, oak sunburst dining room suite, oak microwave stand plus oak, oak and more oak. Port Hope Country Barns, Hwy. 28 and Cone. 7,6 miles north of 401. Open Fri., Sat. and Sun., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1-797-2127.11-tfSN COUCH and chair in good condition, condition, asking $100. Phone 623- 2675.39-1SN FORTRESS 2000 Scooter, three years old, used by an arthritic, heeds batteries. Phone 623-7461. 39-1 SN JOHN Deere 1830 c/w ft/end loader; 183 mdl. John Deere 50 wide wheels, completely restored, c/w ft./end loader; New Holland 268 baler, ex. condition. Phone 434-6310 leave message, 623- 4648 alter 8 p.m.39-1 SN RESTAURANT contents - Fryer/ grill, coffee, etc. Apply Country Haven, Hwy. 35/115 north of Kirby, first building north of Con. 8, Clarke Twsp. Phone 985-2121. 39-4S. WALLPAPER, thousands of rolls, large selection, pre-pasted, current current stocks, only $4. - $6. per double double roll. Phone 623-8788 for ap- pointment to view.38-2SN HELEN'S Tailor Shop. Quality alterations. Sewing machine tune-ups. Bernina-Omega Sales. Phone 623-2741. 1-tfSN PINE harvest tables 5', 6', and 7 lengths, pine captain and side chairs, pine armoire 5', pine blanket blanket box, pine mirrors, pine wash- stands, pine china cabinet, plus pine and more pine. Port Hope Country Barns, Hwy. 28 and Cone. 7, 6 miles north of 401. Open Fn„ Sat., and Sun., 9 a.m. -5 p.m. 1-7 -797-2127. 11-tfSN ARMSTRONG Best Value Flooring, Flooring, assorted Candide patterns. Professional installation available. Phone John Rice, 623-2601. 29-tfS 1979 BONAIR tent trailer, 16 ' York River canoe, upright freezer, complete complete Canon AE1 outfit. Saturday, Sept. 30,9 - 3,14 Rosalynne, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 39-1S MATCHING brown fridge and stove, $250., white Provincial bunk beds, $50. Phone 983-9672 after 5p:m. 39-1 SN We now have NEW and RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Also, appliances wanted for parts or restoration. Durham's largest selection of used parts for most makes. PADDY'S MARKET 263-8369 1-tfSN ROKA FIREWOOD Dry Hardwood 4x8x12" $55. 4x8x16" $60. Softwood , 4x4x8'$40. 4x8x16" $40. Delivery Available 1-705-277-3381 eveninas 434-6665 Phone 623-6424 after 6 p.m., weekends. 39-1 SN COMMODORE 128 computer, complete. Phone 623-6467. 39-1 SN FOUR Uniroyal Tiger Paw tires P205, all season radiais, 14" used approx. 4000 km., asking $250. Two 15" all season radiais, $75. pair. Phone 987-5789. 39-1 SN GOOD quality unscreened topsoil for sale in Bowmanville. Please phone 623-4172 or 686-3643 Mon. - Fr., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 39-1 SN KITCHEN table 30" X 41" (reduces to 22"), chrome legs and 2 upholstered upholstered matching chairs, very good condition, $50.; 19" Baycrest color TV, just been serviced, $60.; 3 shade pole lamp, $10.; floor lamp with two goose neck shades, $15. ; large open Wicker basket with handle, handle, $7.; 29" tall table lamp, $7. Phone 623-3921. 39-1 SN BAUER Supreme Custom 1000 skates, helmet and face mask, Cooperall hockey pants/girdle. Phone 623-9198. 39-1 SN FREEZERS by Woods on sale' now starting at $299., from 5 cu. ' ft. to 22 cu. ft. For the best deal in Durham see Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King St. W., 623-8160. 39-1 SN FURNITURE - Ideal for rec room or cottage, sofa, two armchairs, coffee table and two end tables. Good condition, $350. Phone 623- 2269. 39-1 SN HAY, 100 round bales, alfalfa and Timothy mix, no rain. Phone 263- 8443.39-1 SN SALE on all in-stock refrigerators, stoves, dishwahers, washers, dryers, freezers and compact refrigerators. refrigerators. New and used. Guarantee and delivery available at Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King St. West, Bowmanville, 623-8160. We beat big city prices! 39-1 SN TRUCK Load Sale - Used 10 and' 13 cubic foot refrigerators from $189. Limited quantities. So rush down to Bowmanville Appliance Centre, 47 King Street West, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, 623-8160. 39-1 SN WASHER and dryer, $225. each; Stove, harvest gold, $100.; medium size freezer, $300. All in excellent condition. Phone 571- 1775 or 263-4148. 39-1 SN FREE manure Phone 983-5980. Denalt Paint Complete stock available from John Rice 623-2601 35-tfS 15% Off BEER and WINE MAKING SUPPLIES 623-3018 EVENINGS . t 25-tfSN ALL STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Summer Clearance on 21' X 24'; 30' x 40'; 40' x 60'; 50'x 100'; 60'x 100'; 60'x 125'. WE CAN ERECT OR DELIVER TO SITE Supply is limited. Please phone 983-5872 32-8SN. 'VfR 213 BYRON STREETS. AT DUNLOP WHITBY, ONTARIO L1N4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 Toronto Line: (416) 683-7785 Bulletin Board System: (416) 668-2078 e • AUTUMN SPECIAL AT* Compatible Computer System Complete with 40 Meg Hard Disk Drive 8028612Mhz. CPU with 1 Meg of RAM 1.2 Mb. 51/4" Floppy Drive 720K31/2" Floppy Drive 40 Mb. Hard Drive High Rez. Amber Monitor Hercules Compatible Graphics Enhanced AT Style Keyboard (101 keys) 200 Watt CSAApprqycd Power Supply Serial, Parallel, games port and real time clock Dexxa Two Button Mouse 1 Year Parts and Labour Warranty FREE Redbaron T-shirt (quantities limited) $1995 or just $65 per month o.a.c. XT* Compatible Systems From $895 or just $35,30 per month o.a.c. System Includes the following software: DOS 3 4 Wordpioceitor, spreadsheet data base program and desk organizer. Ask about our 3% CASH discount coupons! •XT and AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines All sysiemsaie CSAand DOC approved. 3MSN Personal Alono? Frightened? Need help 1 / Wo care. Wo will listen. Phono nnylimo. Distress Centro, 623- 8844,623-8845. 39-1S SEEKING the whereabouts of Beverly Brown living formerly 85 Scugog, Bowmanville. Please contact Gerard Fortin, 1230 Car- swell, Sto.-Foy, Qc„ G1W 3R3. 142. LADIES In Orient seek correspondence correspondence w/slnglo gentlemen. The Friendship Olflco, Box 5248 Sin. A, Calgary, Alborln, Canada, T2I-I 1X6. 38-15SN 1-418-653-8042. Raye Davies, please pick up your free flowers by Salurday, Sept. 30llt at Carnation Flower Shop, Bowmanville. 39-1S - Large,,,quantity of horse i mixed wlmpjne shavjngs. I; 38-2SN•: Everything must go! Appliances, pull-out-sola, household items, toys, etc. 9 Vanstone Court, Bowmanville September 30 at 8:00 a.m. 39-1S YARD SALE Friday, Sept. 29th 9 a.m,-dusk Saturday, Sept. 30th 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 3 miles east of Bowmanville Proceeds for Christian Education 39-1SN FLOWERING SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS Greatly reduced prices. Friday, Sept. 29 Saturday, Sept. 30 Sunday, Oct. 1 Monday, Oct. 2 Directions: Turn left off of 115 at Sandaraska Park Rd. Phone (705) 277-2806 39-1 SN OPPORTUNITY SALE Saturday, Sept. 30th 10 a.m.-2 p.m. St. Paul's United Church Church and Silver St., Bowmanville Clothing, Flea Market, Produce, Home Baking, etc, 1 P.M. BUCK-A-BAG 39-1 SN YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 30 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 14 Rosalynne, Bowmanville Canoe, camera, camping equip., appliances, tent trailer, plus household items. 39-1S YARD SALE FAMILY MOVING TO SMALLER QUARTERS Many household items Kirby vacuum, stereo turntable, 2 CB radios, complete 10 piece Blue Rose iron stone dish set. Saturday and Sunday Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 • /'from 10 a.m. -4 p.m. k, 03 ,at,89,Bql.dwln,i' rf i;; y-," - ' ' Newcastle Village ; ijt jp one block-north of Newcastle Arena YARD AND BAKE , SALE Sponsored by Enniskillen United Church September 30 9 a.m. -4 p.m. Church Sunday School Room 39-1 SN 35 Rhonda Blvd., Bowmanville Saturday, Sept. 30 8 a.m.-4 p.m. In case of rain will be held in garage. 39-1S YARD SALE One 1/2 mile west of Hwy. 115 on the 4th Cone. 79 Monte Carlo, many auto parts and other various items. SALE DATES: September 30 and October 1 9 a.m,-4 p.m. qq.iQM MOVING SALE Saturday, Sept. 30 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 40 Brown St., Bowmanville Come and make an offer 39-1S YARD SALE 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30th Lake Road on way to East Beach 39-1S 3 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 30th 9 a.m,-2 p.m. 110,114,116 Roser Cres., Bowmanville 39-1S GIANT CYSTIC FIBROSIS YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 30 10 a.m. -3 p.m. on Bundle Road N, Large appliances, furniture, pumpkins, apples, bake table and other small items. 39-1SN TWO FAMILY YARD SALE 3rd Cone, of Bowmanville between Middle Rd. and Scugog St. MOVING SALE Toaster oven, small B & W TV, bird cage, skill saw, all kinds of household items. Friday, Sept. 29th Saturday, Sept. 30th Sunday, Oct. 1st 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FALL RUMMAGE SALE St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville Clothes, household items, bake table, tea room, etc. 10:00 a.m,-2:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12 . 39-2S GREAT GARAGE SALE!! Well, a GOOD Garage Sale Well, It should be ADEQUATE!! Well, If It Isn't ADEQUATE, It should at least be FUN!! Anyway, come and see what we have, some old books (cheap), some old clothes probably (cheap), an old stove (missing one burner - make an offer), even some antiques (not everything old is cheap!) WHERE: CENTRE Street, Bowmanville Five households (at least!) WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 30 9 a.m. 'til sometime in the afternoon Trucks 1978 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88, needs work or good for parts, runs well, as is, $500. Phone 623-5065. 39-1 SN 1978 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door, pw. steering, pw. brakes, pw. windows, new paint, many new parts, $3,000. or b.o. Phone 623- 7387,39-tfSN 1982 PONTIAC Phoenix 4 door, 6 cyl., am/lm cassette, new tires, new brakes, $1,200. or b.o. Phone 786-2912, ask for Joanne. 39-1 SN 1989 SUNBIRD Turbo GT, white, tinted windows, 5 speed, fully loaded, under warranty, $14,200 or best offer. Phone 263-8976. 39-1 SN GRAHAM'S GARAGE 1987 HAYDON 263-8172 1986 Bulck Century, 4 door, 2.5 automatic, p.s., p.b., certified. 1983 Toyota Tercel, 4 door, 4 cyl., 5 speed, stereo, certified, 39-1 SN' 1980 PONTIAC Phoenix, 2 door, blue, exc. cond., $1,900. or b.o. Phone 263-4317. 39-1 SN 1981 CHEVETTE, gray, runs well, brakes all done, new battery, tires good, as Is $900. Phone 786-2779. 39-1N 1981 MERCURY Cougar, 4 dr„ auto., 302, p.s., p.b„ pw. windows, pw. dr locks, pw, seats, air conditioning, conditioning, cruise, tilt steering, pulse wipers, am/lm cassette stereo, body and Inlorlor In good condition, runs good, 135,000 km„ must sell, certified, asking $1,700. firm. Phone 987-5789,39-1 SN 1983 ACADIAN - Must sell - Great condition, new brakes, shocks, springs, exhaust In last year, $600. uncertified, Phono 983-5551. 39-1 SN 1984 TOYOTA Torcol, 5 speed, 4 door hatchback, good condition, asking $2,200. Phono 623-3565. Irai Bowmanville, room, available Nov. 15, references, references, $830. plus ulililies. Phone 623-6000, Pat Irwin Lycett. 39-1 SN STUDENT welfare? Low salary? Will rent room at $45. weekly to responsible person in exchange for housecleaning and some babysilling, non-smoker. Phone 623-1185.39-1S THREE bedroom home in Newcastle Newcastle village, new kitchen, central vac, close lo schools, shopping, bus and 401, $900. monthly plus ulililies. Phone Faith Burke-Bailey, Remax Apple 576-3111 or 987- 4257.39-1S THREE bedroom side split for rent in Kendal, 1 1/2 bathrooms and outdoor pool, $800. per month plus ulililies, optional storage barn available available for $200. per month plus hydro. Please phone 623-4172 or 686-3643, Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m,37-lfSN NEW three bedroom bungalow, Newcastle, three bathrooms, family family room, fireplace, no pets, mid October possession, $1075./ month plus utilities, references, first ana last. Phone Bev. 498- 1711, 881-0955.37-3SN 'EFFfCIENCY apartment for rent from $75. a week. All furnished, newly renovated, complete kitchen and bath facilities. Private entrances, entrances, parking. "Phone Newton- ville, 786-2329.5-tfSN THREE bedroom house, Orono, $800./month plus utilities, available available November 1, references. Phone 985-9971 after 6:30 p.m. 38-2SN LARGE one bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, parking, $490./ month plus utilities. Phone 579- 1589. 39-1S ONE bedroom apartment, appliances supplied, downtown Bowmanville, no pels, $450./ month, first and last. Phone 623-" 2694 or after 6 p.m. 623-7945. 39-1 SN BACHELOR apartment, $550. includes includes utilities. Phone 623-2916 or 623-6909 and leave message. 38-2SN CEDARCREST Beach, newly renovated, renovated, two bedroom house, livingroom with fireplace, $800./ month plus utilities. Phone 623- 7927. 39-1 SN ences, first and last, single adull preferred, available immediately. Phone 623-7542.39-1S ROOMS - weekly. Three bedroom basement apartment - furnished or unfurnished, 'available Nov. 1. Phone 686-8323. 39-1 SN LARGE one bedroom basement apartment, $650. Includes utilities. Phone 623-2916 or 623-6909 and leave message.38-2SN ■ LARGE two bedroom apartment, garage, yard, $900. includes ulililies. Phone 623-2916 or 623- 6909 and leave message. 38-2SN PLANNING a wedding or a dance? Phone 1-705-277-3668 evenings between 6 and 8 for rental of Brownsdale Community Centre, Golf Course Rd., Newcastle. 37-tfS TYRONE Community Centre ferrent. ferrent. Most up-to-date kitchen, lots' of parking, playground,; country selling for picnics, weddings, anniversaries, anniversaries, etc. Phone Christine 263-2215. 22-tfSN FURNISHED room in new home. Newcastle village, kitchen and TV privileges, $60. weekly. Phone 987-5017,987-4470 or 987-1285. 39-1 SN THREE bedroom house, available Oct. 1, Waverley area, $950./mo„ first and last. Phone 623-3211. BACHELOR basement apt. 1er rent, suitable for one "mature",, quiet, reliable person. Available Nov. 1, $475./month, f/l, f/s. Phone 623-6592. 39-1 SN BACHELOR apartment - four piece bath, stove, fridge, newly decorated, decorated, apply highway 35/115 north el Kirby, first building north of 8th Con. Clarke Township, $500. includes utilities. Phone 985-2121. 39-1 SN SELF STORAGE UNITS for rent, Newcastle Village from $45. Phone Newcastle Storage at 623-4445 38-2SN 1987 FORD XLT Lariat, 21,000 km., 302 automatic, A-1 condition. Phone 623-4543 after4 p.m. 39-1 SN 1989 GMC 1/2 ton SLX, V8, auto., lilt, pulse, am/fm cassette, boxliner and rails, $14,800. Phone 986- 5456. 39-1 SN 1988 CHEV S10, extended cab, air con., V6, 5 speed, $11,000. or best oiler. Phone 623-9482. 39-1SN 1986 MAZDA B 2000 4 cyl., 5 speed, a.m./f.m. radio, 95,000 km., with super cap, asking $5,500. Phone 786-2433. 39-1 SN 1,500 SQUARE; foot brick bungalow, bungalow, three bedrooms, main floor laundry and family room with walk out, detached 2 1/2 car garage,, paved drive, large country lot, 5 minutes to town, asking $249,000. No agents please. Phone 623- 4903. 39-1S Sat., Sept. 30, 10 a.m. 2 Lakefront cottages, contents, boats, motors, property of Robinson's, Rice Lake - South shore (giving up summer property property after 35 years) Cottage, furniture, appliances, 15' wooden boat, 25' wooden boat with Volvo in/out 110 h.p. motor and H.D. tandem trailer, 3 outboard outboard motors. REAL ESTATE: 100 ft. frontage on Rice Lake, beautiful lot with mature trees, 2 cottages, septic system with weeping bed, good drilled well, steel storage shed, boathouse, Don't miss this excellent property on lake. Use one collage and rent the other or build a permanent house. Good year round roads, close lo all conveniences. conveniences. Selling subject to reserve reserve bid. 15 minutes to 401, Cobourg, Pt. Hope, 30 min. to Oshawa. DIRECTIONS: 10 mile north of Pt. Hope on 28, turn east on Rd. 9 south of Bewdley, 4 miles turn left on Tower Manor Rd. to lake (see signs). Terms: $5,000. at sale, balance 30 days. Contents 10 a.m. Real Estate 11 a.m. Property Property must be sold. For flyer or appt. lo view phone (705)745-5007 Pelerboro Auctions. Dale and Orval McLean, Auction eers. PRIVATE Sale - Whiteclilfe, Cour- tice. 3500 sq. ft. of luxury living, four bedrooms, study, large kitchen and sunken familyroom, skylight, 2 - 5 pc„ 1 - 2 pc., jacuzzi, southern exposure, walkout to ravine, green belt lot, quiet court, $389,900. Phone 432-7283. 38-2SN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Three Bedroom Link with garage and fireplace In Bowmanville, $159,000. MUST SELL. Phone 623-7219 39-1SN HAMPTON PRIVATE SALE $164,900. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, full basement, new roof; 12' x 24' covered deck, large lot with creek, backs onto woods. Phone 263-8525 39-2SN DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE New all brick, two storey, quality link homes. 3 bedrooms, 3 washrooms, master bedroom with ensuite, 2nd floor laundry, eat-in kitchen with French doors to deck. Large lot with mature trees, central vac, high efficiency gas furnace and large, single garage. Immediate possession. $209,000. Phone 263-8464 loves children. Musi find a home due to allergies. Phone alter 6 p.m. 263-8248. 39-1 SN Phone 987-4022. 39-1 SN Terrlbrae Pet Food and Supplies Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Street West Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop' TO a good country home - 2 year old purebred Border Collie, female, breeder from English stock. Phone 263-8682. 39-1S BIRDS Baby Cockatiels, Budgies, Finches, Lovebirds Let our knowledge and advice help you in the selection, care and feeding of your baby bird. Also Goffln Cockatoos. Selection of cages, stands, books, toys and supplies. Phone for appt. 983-9311 Crozier Aviaries Telephone (416) 983-5980 SECURITY OFFICERS In Bowmanville area. Full and Part Time help required. Suitable sites available for males and females. We urgently require full time help. Apply to CANADIAN PROTECTION SERVICES 124 Wilson Road S., Oshawa, Ontario Apply: 9 a.m,-9 p.m. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 35-tfS The Texaco 401 Service Centre Is now accepting applications for full and part time CUSTOMER SERVICE. ATTENDANTS Part-time/Full-time We are seeking courteous, energetic and friendly males and females to join our team. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WILL RECEIVE: Competitive Wages Training Programs Incentive Program For more Information phone 786-2909 Or pick up applications at the Service Centre on the eastbound lanes of Hwy. 401, just east of the Newtonville turnoff. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PART TIME FIREFIGHTERS part-time for a Fire Road 57 and the 8th Concession, former Darlington Township. Applicants will be required to successfully complete the physical and stress testing at York University. All persons who have applied within the past year need not reapply. Your application will be reviewed during this selection selection process. Interested persons may obtain an a; 1, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville a.m.-6:00 p.m. plication at Fire Station No. between the hours of 6:00 M. Creighton, Acting Fire Chief. Date of Publication: September 27,1989 39-1 SN Cedar Valley Resort E. of Orono 4th or 5th Cone. Line 7 km. E. of Hwy. 35/115 Seasonal Campground, Beautiful $732. 1-786:2562 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 A house In Orono, Kirby area. A couple, no children or pets, non- smokers. Phone alter 5:00 p.m. 1- 705-743-0509. 39-1S 99.ti=; Pets 3 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED MONDAY 4:30 P.M. REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $20,00 Service Charge on Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Horses, Ponies, Colts and Newborn Foals. PHONE MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 38-tfS BUDGIES for sale - Albino, yellow, blue, green, etc. Very beautiful and cheerful. Please phone Janet alter 6 p.m. 263-2103. 39-1 SN KITTENS - Beautiful cuddly, black- grey tabby kittens, free lo good home. Mother Is a very good house cal. Phone 263-8098. 39-1S PUPPIES - Part Old English sheepdog, part King German Shepherd. Great with children, also good watch dogs, $25. each. Phono 623-8098. 39-1S SAFETY OFFICER $35,400. - $37,300. Apply your skills in this opportunity with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations to inspect boilers, boilers, pressure vessels and piping systems for conventional conventional and nuclear installations. You will: perform inspections during fabrication of boilers, pressure vessels and nuclear nuclear components including implementation of associated quality-control programs; investigate accidents; perform plant inspections; monitor welder testing. Location: Bowmanville. Qualifications: Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Engineering Technicians and Technologists eligibility and/or 1st-class stationaiy/marine engineer's certificate; technical technical training and experience in QA/QC with emphasis on design, fabrication, Installation and operation in the pressure-vessel pressure-vessel industry; ability to liaise effectively with industry; industry; valid driver's licence; experience with ASME/ provincially qualified fabrication shops an asset. Please send appllcatton/resumé, quoting file CR-169/ 89, by Oct. 16, 1989 to: Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Human Resources Branch, 10 Wellesley Street East, 7th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J6. Ontario Public Service Dedicated to Employment Equity 39-1S stalls coming available at Trillium Morgans. Excellent facilities with many amenities, $145. per month, 983-5980. 38-2SN HORSES BOARDED Small modern stable, Kirby area, dressage, stadium and cross country facilities available. Phone evenings 983-5865 38-2SN ^ MORGAN HORSE F ARM Quality Boarding * Broodmare Care Training for Pleasure Driving and Saddle Morgan Foal Reserves Available * Champion at Stud Bob and Cathy Sampson R.R. 2, 0rono ^ B nt 1 a ^° DRIVER/INSTALLER required tor interior landscaping company. Will train. Good career opportunities for the right person. Phone Newcastle Newcastle 987-5276 or 686-0783. 38-2SN m THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites applications for the position of TEACHER ASSISTANT (Full-time, 6 hours per day) To provide assistance in a classroom classroom for the Trainable Retarded at Courtice North Public School. ECE qualifications or equivalent experience required. Apply in writing stating qualifications and experience by 4 October 1989 to: Wallace Pitt, Principal Courtice North Public School R.R. #3 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K4 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 39-1S & THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHER ASSISTANT The Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education invites applications for the position of Teacher Assistant (full-time - 6 hours per day) working with a special needs Grade 7 student. ECE qualificaitons or equivalent experience required. Apply by telephone and in writing stating qualifications and expen- ence by 29 September 1989 to: Warren Brown Principal M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School Hampton, Ontario LOB 1 JO (416) 263-2204 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Gary Tushingham Director of Education Diana Stewart Chairperson of the Board . 39-1 SN & -THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires the services of a GENERAL SECRETARY at Clarke High School Typing is essential along with a general knowledge of office clerical clerical procedures. Strong interpersonal interpersonal skills are required as the school secretary has considerable considerable communication with other Board staff, students and the public. Computer literacy is required required and Word Perfect would be a definite asset. The position involves 11 hours per week, 12 months per year. Current salaiy is $11.35 per hour. Please apply with a letter of application application and complete resumé by 6 October 1989 stating qualifications qualifications to: Esther Heberle Manager of Administrative and Support Staff The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Gary Tushingham Director of Education Diana Stewart Chairperson of the Board 39-1 SN