6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, June 7.1989 Canadian Statesman Firefighters Turn Hoses on Dirty Cars for Muscular Dystrophy Durham Region's Great Family Journal Established 135 years ago in 1854 © Also Incorporating I * The Bowmanville News MA The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Second Class mail registration number 1561 Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited 62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K9 416-623-3303 Fax 416-623-6161 cn John M. James Editor - Publisher Richard A. James Associate Publisher Peter Parrott Associate Editor Geo. P. Morris Brian Purdy Donald Bishop Business Mgr. Advertising Mgr. Plant Mgr. All layouts and composition of advertisements produced by the employees of James Publishing Company Limited are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. Subscription Rates Six Months --$11.00 One Year--$20.00 Three Years -- $57.00 Five years -- $90.00 Foreign -- $60.00 per year Although every precaution wiH be taken to avoid error. The Canadian Statesman accepts advertising In Its columns on the understanding that It will not be liable for any error In the advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement Is requested In writing by the advertiser and returned to The Canadian Statesman business office duly signed by the advertiser and With such error or corrections plainly noted In writing thereon, and In that case If any error so noted is ncX corrected by The Canadian Statesman its liability shall not exceed such a portion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement. The Longest Day To many members of the Canadian public, June 6th has few significant memories attached to it. But to some, it was one of the most important days of their lives. Certainly, in terms of recent world history, there are few days which are as important as June 6th. For, you see, on that date the allied invasion of Europe took place. Those 24 hours that shook the world have been frequently frequently described as "The Longest Day". The facts of the day are the subject of many volumes of work by many historians. historians. But, simply put, the D-Day invasion invasion was an assault by the largest armada of ships ever assembled in the world. A total of 5,000 craft of all sizes moved out of British ports to attack the beaches code-named Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah. And an equally impressive air armada of paratroops, paratroops, gliders, and other aircraft attacked attacked from the skies. Nearly three million troops were part of the invasion. Indeed, even in our age of modern technological marvels, the D-Day attack attack represents an accomplishment in military logistics and human courage unmatched to the present day. On the eve of the invasion, the commander commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, General Dwight Eisenhower, issued issued to his troops a message which reads, in part, as follows: (We "are indebted indebted to Doug Walton for sending us a copy of this document) "You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people every where march with you. In company with our brave allies and brothers-in- arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe and the security for ourselves in a free world." There are some folks who, would claim that an understanding and remembrance remembrance of historical events such as the D-Day invasion are not really very important. They might suggest that it's more important to deal with the present than to pay tribute to the past. But that's not a very good idea. One look around today's world will tell you that although Nazi tyranny was defeated about 45 years ago, there are other threats to personal freedom now. Events from China in recent days reveal that oppression continues to exist exist and even thrive. And many modern nations of the 1980s are ruled by regimes regimes and individuals just as deranged deranged as the Nazi system under Adolf Hitler. It seems to us that the only way to stand against such threats to freedom is through courage, self-sacrifice, determination determination and a belief in certain principles which are worth fighting for. About 45 years ago, on the eve of the D-Day invasion, such characteristics characteristics were not in short supply. And, therefore, we nave much to learn from those who fought and won the D-Day battles. The kind of courage shown at that time is still needed today and it will be needed in the future. Wright or Wrong For months, American House of Representatives Speaker Jim Wright has been in the eye of a bitter political storm over his alleged violations of House ethical rules. Last Wednesday, he removed himself from the storm and expressed his hope that it soon will blow over. In a lengthy speech to his colleagues colleagues in the House, the nation's highest ranking Democrat (and third in line for the Presidency) denied that he had done anything wrong and promised to resign once a successor has been elected. The resignation is the first ever offered in mid-session by a Speaker of the House and is a clear victory for combative Republicans, ea- ' ger to inflict some political damage on the majority Democrats in Congress. Despite Speaker Wright's eloquent and impassioned exit speech, the 34- year Washington veteran will be remembered remembered as an abysmal Speaker of the House. He presided over the collapse collapse of the Savings and Loans industry industry in his country, encouraging its demise demise by leading the push for legislation which loosened government control over the industry (much like Canada's trust companies) as it fell further and further into the red. The result is a multi-billion dollar debt which President Bush recently pledged to underwrite through a complicated complicated long-range plan guaranteed to add to the unimaginably large American American deficit. He also treated House operating operating rules as though they were guidelines to be obeyed at his discre tion, thereby alienating the long-time minority Republicans in the House. Some of the members of that minority last year decided they were sick of Mr. Wright and of the way he exercised his authority over them. The evidence against Mr. Wright piles very high. Still, the entire episode episode is rather sad. American politicians, politicians, the successors of great men and orators such as Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, Madison, have reduced their jobs to a mean-spirited game of extracting an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Drug wars rage in American cities. Panamanians live under a drug peddling peddling bully who does not allow free elections and who will control the country's crucial canal by the turn of the century. NATO faces challenges from many sides. The entire American infrastructure continues to decay. And the cold war is thawing to reveal a far more dangerous and complicated world than we have seen since the Second Second World War. Meanwhile, the most powerful men and women in the United United States sit huddled in their offices gossiping about the misadventures of a colleague which they might turn into political gain. Ironically, the fiercely partisan Speaker Wright called such action "mindless cannibalism" and urged members of Congress to put it behind them. The world still needs a strong and vibrant America to provide leadership both inside and outside its borders. The Race is On? Not having sponsored a leadership contest for nearly 15 years, the federal New Democratic Party should be forgiven forgiven for the dismal state of its current current race. Lacking is any sense of excitement, excitement, urgency, or importance; New Democrats are missing a rare opportunity opportunity to make Canadians sit up and listen listen to their message. Leadership contests are about more than choosing a leader. The current leadership campaign should be about choosing a political direction. direction. Will the party soften its more radical stances on nationalizing banks and abandoning NATO in hopes of becoming becoming the official opposition next time around? Or should its members cling to their ideals and effectively abandon plans to gain power in their lifetimes? There is nothing insignificant about this dilemma. However, there seems to be something insignificant about the leadership race. In a party which has come to rely so heavily on the charisma charisma of its leader to mask its deficiencies, deficiencies, the mediocre quality of the announced announced candidates is troubling. Four NDP members of parliament Firefighters from Station 1, assisted by helpers from other stations in the town, were busy on Saturday Saturday washing cars to raise funds for Muscular Dystrophy Dystrophy research. Here, are a few of them in action. The fi- '-1- ppii *•••■• Kr 1 4- ffe nal amount raised was still being calculated late Monday morning. The event was held at the rear of Brock's Service Station. There are many things I have learned since landing landing in Bowmanville last September. Part of my new-found knowledge concerns the environment and the understanding understanding that people are capable of doing some pretty nasty things to it. Fortunately, people are also capable of doing some pretty wonderful things to clean the environment environment up. If you have never given any thought to how your lifestyle affects the world, perhaps now is the time to do so. We are in the middle of National Environment Week, June 4 f 10. The theme this year, "Our Common Future: It's in our hands", is an appropriate thought for this municipality since there are many people who believe the environment environment is in their hands and they live each day doing doing all they can to make sure they can continue holding on to it. The Committee of Clarke Constituents and the Port Granby - Newcastle Newcastle Environment Committee Committee kicked off the week in the Town of Newcastle Newcastle by staging a successful successful clean-up at Wil- mot Creek on Sunday. Volunteers from these two committees have also been attending schools in this area promoting Environment Environment Week and providing providing students with ideas ideas on how they can do their part to ensure a healthy environment is in their future. The people who work so hard on these committees committees are concerned about the environment in this region and are willing to do their share to ensure there are parks to play in and water to drink and clean air to breathe. But it isn't enough. A handful of volunteers, volunteers, ' hard-working though they are, is really just a handful of volunteers. volunteers. The only way the work they do can be effective effective is if every individual begins to take responsibility responsibility for his or her contribution contribution to environmental pollution. Reducing the amount of waste generated in a hoùsehold is a good place to start. One of the most successful successful ways to begin reducing reducing curbside waste is by taking advantage of the recycling program of- im£ fered by Durham Region. This is one of the most convenient methods of reducing reducing waste since the region region provides "blue box" collecting at the curb. Instead of throwing newspapers, cans ana glass into the garbage bag, put them into the blue box. Reducing the garbage at the point of purchase is also an effective meth- ,od to curb waste. Many products have excess packaging around them. Pollution Probe, a national environmental organization, claims that packaging makes up for 38 per cent of our waste. They suggest comparing! the size of the item to the: amount of packaging! around it. If the packaging packaging is too much, don't buy' it and look for an alterna-' tive. The organization also suggested purchasing reusable reusable items rather than convenient throw-aways. Another proven method method for reducing waste is composting. It is an effective effective method because not only does it reduce kitchen kitchen wastes that normally would enter a landfill site, it also enriches backyard backyard gardens. Egg shells, coffee grinds and grass are just a few of the items that can go into it. The resulting compost is a terrific soil enhancer. Household cleaning products are another area where individuals can make choices on using less hazardous products to clean their homes. Friends of the Earth, another organization concerned concerned with protecting the environment, suggests suggests using three tablespoons tablespoons of washing soda in four cups of warm water to clean floors, walls and woodwork. Or, they claim, a solution of half white vinegar and half water works just as well. They also state that baking soda is an effective effective scouring powder for sinks, toilet bowls, tubs and counters. It also works well to remove grease and scuff marks. White vinegar on an old cloth works well in removing removing mould and mildew mildew from. tile grouting, Friends of the Earth say. From the few examples given here its obvious there are alternatives to shipping waste to garbage garbage dumps. If everyone showed a little more concern concern for the environment by altering some of their garbage habits, then the volunteers who have been working so hard will be -making a difference. Our common future really is in our hands. Perhaps, now it's your y° turn to do something about it. Cureatz Bill Could Give Children Access to Pension Of Deceased Parents Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. for Durham East, has introduced introduced in the Ontario Legislature Legislature a Private Member's Bill to amend the Teachers' Superannuation Act to allow the child of a deceased contributor contributor to receive his or her parent's pension if the whereabouts of the contributor's contributor's spouse is unknown. Cureatz says currently, if a contributor dies, his pension pension is paid to the surviving spouse. However, in some cases, it cannot be deter mined whether that person is dead. In this instance, the children of the contributor cannot access the pension. "There are cases out there, some in the Oshawa area, where people cannot receive one parent's pension because they don't know where to find the other parent," parent," said Cureatz. "They've been waiting for the Liberals to introduce this kind of Legislation for too long - - it's time that something was done to correct correct the situation." 50 Years Ago, Thursday, May 18,1939. The Royal Train bearing their majesties, HRH King George and HRH Queen Elizabeth, will pass through Bowmanville, at the CPR Station, on Monday, May 22, at 9:20 a.m. Local school children will take pat in welcoming welcoming their majesties, and local veterans will guard the station. His Lordship, Bishop W.L.D. Brougall of the Anglican Anglican Diocese of Niagara, will officially induct B.H. Mortlock, associate editor of the Fort Erie Times Review, as a lay-reader of Saint Paul's Anglican Church, Fort Erie, this Sunday evening. evening. Roy and Dean McLaughlin McLaughlin leave this week to participate participate in a world series of horse shoe pitching in Washington Washington and at the New York Fair. Jack Allin opened his new Milk Bar, on Thursday, May 18, 1939, opposite the Balmoral Hotel. Jack says he has a wonderful machine called the Waring Blender which mixes everything from ice cubes to carrots ana spinach. It can even make a turnip shake in 20 seconds. The officers elected for the ensuing year of the Northumberland and Durham Durham Medical Society include Pres. Dr. G. M. Ferris, Co- bourg, Vice Pres. Dr. McNeil, Campbellford, Secty-Treas. - Dr. F. G. Robertson, Robertson, Cobourg. The retiring president was Dr. H. Ferguson, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and the retiring Secty.-Treas. Dr. J. A Butler, Butler, Newcastle. 25 Years Ago, Wednesday, May 27,1964. Taking part in the regular regular meeting of the Friendship Friendship Club of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville on Friday, May 22, were Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Bradley, who were in chargé of the worship worship service, the pianist was Mrs. R. Hallowell, with a sing song led by Mrs. Ken Sumersford with Mrs. J. Albert Albert Cole at the piano. Mrs. Claude Ives was chairman of the program committee. Geoffrey Cann from Ireland, Ireland, was lyelcomed to Durham Durham ' County 1 by ! Donald Welsh, Salem, fieldman .for the Durham'Federation of Agriculture. After a visit to this counttry on an exchange exchange basis, he will leave for Winnipeg to visit his brother. ABWS Doug Hughes, Halifax, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Bowmanville has completed his second diver's course heading the class with 92 per cent. Robson Motors, Ltd., of Bowmanville, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Colvin Cooke to their sales staff. Lily and Lenore Harper, and Cindy Kowal, pupils of the Burns School of Dancing, Dancing, Oshawa, recently passed their examinations in Toronto,".with very high honors. On June 5, they will appear at a recital to be held at McLaughlin Collegiate, Oshawa, when jazz, tap, ballet ballet and baton dancing will be presented. 10 Years Ago, Wednesday, May 23,1979. Bowmanville Lions Club recently presented Mr. Ross Sim a anil „ listant ; -JL past Stevens with a life member- ' ship certificate in recogni-i? tion of his 43 years perfect- attendance as a Lion. Mr. Geoffrey Bonnycas- ' tie, Crown Attorney, was honored by members of the; OPP from Northumberland 1 County, local police and. members of the administra- , tion staff of the county at a' dinner held at Dalewood: Golf Club, in honor of his re-' tirement on May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boun- ; sail and son Peter of Hali- ' burton visited friends and: relatives in Bowmanville on Friday. _ Congratulations to Paul! Press wood of Bowmanville' who aced a hole-in-one at; the Bowmanville Golf Club, last week, on the 160 yard, 1 third hole, using an eight; iron. The feat was witnessed" by Ray Twist, Ralph Jen-' nines and Byron Blundell. The official opening of the" new fireball, Hall Four,. Courtice will be held Friday, June8. Winners of the Legion Ladies Ladies Dart League this sea-; son is the team of Linda. Bates, Val Smith, Diane Howarth, Marg Perris, and Irene Whitney. Writer Warns ; Of Problems ;;i? With Democracy "FEET OF CLAY" ! In the midst of the current current uproar in China, a 21 year old student informed the nation's 84 year old leader leader - "You really don't understand understand the point...!" This reminds reminds us of a cartoon we saw some years ago which depicted a student rushing out of university and proclaiming proclaiming to the World - "I've just got my B.A.!" The World responded - "Take it easy, son, sit down and I'll teach ou the rest of the alpha- et." . Too many university students students these days are idealistic idealistic youngsters who would tear down all existing institutions institutions overnight, but, unfortunately, unfortunately, lack the experience experience and maturity to replace them with anything better. In the image seen in vision by Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2), the four World Empires are symbolized by precious ; metals. Democracy, however, however, is the clay element of the composite. It has proven to be the weakest form of government government devised in the nu- man experiment. In essence it is just one level above anarchy anarchy - a conclusion reflected reflected in ominous current trends developing in Western Western society. K. Barrett 53 Speedvale Ave. W. #806 V' J V Guelph, Ontario 1-519-821-9436. I Save Me! Recycling is Sniaii Do Your Part? Volunteers Doing Work for Recycling are in the race. Three could be described described as hard working parliamentary parliamentary veterans. But Simon De Jong, Steven Langdon, and Ian Waddell cannot cannot be described as young and energetic energetic leaders with the vision and courage to bring the NDP out of the wilderness. wilderness. Yukon representative Audrey McLaughlin may or may not be that person. Unfortunately, she has been in Ottawa for so short a time (two years) that it is difficult to know. If Stephen Lewis can be taken at his word (the word is "No" and he has said it dozens of times), then he will not be a candidate. Without Mr. Lewis, Lewis, the field of candidates is very level and devoid of an obvious favourite. A level field of candidates is not necessarily necessarily bad if delegates to the December convention seriously debate the purpose purpose of their party. With only six months to go before the NDP chooses a replacement for Ed Broadbent, the blandness of the current current race threatens to obscure the needed focus of the convention. The New Democratic task during this campaign campaign must be that of rediscovering the soul of the party and the issues in which it believes. The Town of Newcastle is indeed very fortunate to have people such as Helen MacDonald, Suzanne Elston, Elston, Irene Koch, David Scott, Jasper Holiday and the many, many others, working on behalf of committees committees such as The Port Granby-Newcastle Environment Environment Committee, the G.O.O.D. (Garbage of Ontario Ontario Diminished) and the Committee of Clarke Constituents Constituents to safeguard our environment. These people are not paid, yet work full-time or nearly full time to organize the clean up campaign of Wilmot Creek, visit every school in our town, private, separate and public, to assist assist teachers in teaching the benefits of recycling and care for our environment, organize organize many activities, evaluate evaluate mountains of information information and proposals to locate dumps in our Town. Why do it? Because they firmly believe believe in the value of a clean environment and they arc willing to put their beliefs into practical reality. They are not alone, however. however. Hooper's Jewellery and Cathy's Gold continue to collect collect thousands of small batteries batteries which would have been thrown into the garbage. garbage. Many schools have an active recycling programme in place which diverts fine paper, news print, glass, cans and some plastics from going into the garbage dump. Ebenezer Church has demonstrated what the churches and social clubs can do. Goodyear has reduced part of its waste by selling it to another producer of rubber rubber products. What are you doing? During During this National Environment Environment Week we hope more people, industries and commercial commercial establishments become become involved in doing something, anything no matter matter how small that will benefit benefit the environment. If you cannot think of anything why not give a member of one of the committees or one of the individuals mentioned above a call? They have thousands of suggestions. J. Vclduis. Former Central School Band Mem bers Perform, at Banquet One of the highlights of the Central Public School Centennial banquet and concert Friday night at the Lions Centre was the performance by former Central band members, now in high school. They played several several selections, and even asked former director Dale St. John to lead them in one number.