24 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, June 7.1989 Retirees Honored at Teachers' Spring Tea f. m . \|r. « : I" v 1 :'--.i-'-t # . ° ■ À a i. o , c V" .LU ' ■ c « • The Northumberland and Newcastle Women Courtice Soutn Public School; Jeanne Simpson, a Teachers' Association, Unit 1, held their spring tea speech teacher, and Eileen Burgess, a teacher from last week at which time they honoured three retirees. Enniskillen Public School. The tea took place at St. Pictured from the left are: Ann Taylor, teacher from Paul's United Church. SAVE *50.00 DEDUCTIBLE ON ANY INSURANCE WINDSHIELD CIAIM* ™ m/memi 1 'OFFER UALID FIN MIST CANS & INSURANCE CIMMNIES REFER EXPIRES JUNE 14.1988 j| f:\Al AutoGlQ/; DOUGLAS RD. ACROSS FROM m CASMIR ST. ■Rill 19 SILVER ST. 623-4225 vi-i, L'«- * c ' k' FREE MOBILE SERVICE &Ut Hodaty pon, Speedy 0 ZUi*uUAutd PZefutin, On, fêefilacemeHt ËMËRGENCYJ KRAZY KELLY'S 4 DAYS ONLY HUNDREDS OF ITEMS NOT LISTED. CHECK INDIVIDUAL STORES TO MAKE A DEAL TODAY. HURRY QUANTITIES LIMITED. SUPER 21" RCA WIRED REMOTE $ 366 Non-opl. Service $34.95 Full 21 " remote colour TV Demo Sale Use your old TV as down payment Chrome Extra II S5.99 ea. 10/S49.99 As Good : as i: j c.d. TDK SA90 10/ s 24 00 ACA T120 s 5.99 ea. 10/ s 48 88 NO INTEREST -- NOT A DIME No Credil Applications Refused UNTIL OCTOBER 1989 Ask aboutnem-To-ow.! PHONES . CARTEL DEALER , • Pfolmlonil Imtillilloni. toweil • Ttilnid Silts SliM • Wldi Virlity ol Brandt 4 Moduli • Spiclal Riln lor Fliit Siln • Coni to Coni Sinrlcu Cmlrn KENWOOD 70 WATTS «70 Wall Amp • Digital Tuner • Dolby Cassette Deck • Semi Auto Turntable « 2-way speakers OQOO mm W month 588 CELLULAR CAR PHONES authorized Cantel agent Panasonic PORTABLE CAR PHONE • authorized CANTEL • lull feature • includes charger & *1695 PRICE SMASH ORIGINAL EVERYDAY LOW PRICE SALE PRICE SHARP 26" Color Console, remote, cable ready $1188 $888 TEAC 20 Band Equalizer ...$299 $188 OUT OF BOX TURNTABLES $100 $39.95 28" Top of the line Stereo RCA Full Console $1288 $844 HITACHI 30 Mega Blaster $499 $333 TOWER SPEAKERS - High Quality $349 ea. $99 ea. RCA HEADCLEANERS $49.95 $49.95 KENWOOD COMPACT DISC $399 $248 TOSHIBA 1 cu. ft. Microwave $488 $288 SHARP CAROUSEL II Microwave 549 $368 lM^inTT77îTÏÏMMïïïnïï>iTuT!kTTl^^Wa 1 l1iUiLYIIilVllliim».T!tll'Jillnl AUDITION AM/FM CASSETTE $89.00 $39.00 KENWOOD AM/FM DIGITAL CASSETTE..... $399.00 $268.00 PYRAMID DIGITAL AM/FM CASSETTE $219.00 $119.00 LEARJET HIGH POWER AM/FM $299 $129 I KENWOOD, LEARJET, HITACHI, PYRAMID BOOSTERS FROM ....$39.95 KENWOOD, PYRAMID, HITACHI, LEARJET, speakers, all sizes from $9.95 ea. BASF, TDK, TEAC, ACA, RCA, MEMOREX, GOLDSTAR, PROTEK, AUDIO, VIDEO, VHS-C, 8 mm Reduced up to 75% OFF Air Conditioning 5500 BTU 12000BTU 14 in stock Ask about Rent-To-Own ■IfirrTiT? E •leBBI SHARP • Remote Control • Cable ready • Stereo MTS • Monitor Inputs/Outputs Rent to own $9.00 Weekly $888 klv KRAZY KELLY'S UNBELIEVABLE DEMO SALE bÆKÎEst rtTPIWECMIlTV -- $277 Mî MÊ orA vue u SAMSUNG ^ - MICROWAVE m? sgg SAMSUNG CQMIINATI0N s 688 20" REMOTE CONTROL COLOUR TELEVISION •Aulo Color Auto Tint Digital Tuning • o s 333 SHARP • F-om toad • Vv-'dvs Remote • CaDie Read» $333 RCA 21" MvA ZB STEREO REMOTE STEREO MONITOR COLOUR TV /RECEIVER • MTS STEREOh-^Q^n * Unified remote • Cable ready I '• Auto-program' • On screen , ming display • tr---in I* missilheum^Ôi* Uni 3 ft II* Cable ready PH '• Au n ft ■I* On screen , mir iL, display --w • 3 yr warraniy • Vyv ' e *CG*s»»**co^«t ' ,s 549.,i:± $ 688 RCA VHS HQ WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL Only 11 Jl Wtekl, $359 SHARP SUPER HI) VHS STEREO ON SCREEN PROGRAMMING RCA STATE Full Size VHS Camcorder • • Auto Img «HiFi Stereo • Direct kx*u • MTS Stone Decoder • Stow Motor, fnm* by Franc • Paled Sft aa&aa Lets Then 9.00 wkly. • Ai*lO fOCuS • b to ' POAO' ZOO" • Macro Focus • Ml Speed Electronic Shutter NEW USED DEMOS THE HOME OF RENT TO OWN!" HiMt .itMS.N M-vim s« ,l, tl IMHViHv ANY VVHI HI IN DURHAM' MINI AMI CASH N CA«Ov IS HI (HIM SI I IISHAV. A AND NO lNt|»ISt r|RMS(H' /x , n , „ _ .. , , NOt appi v au ni ms W 1 '» Opr*f' I JO lo 9 p m Mon to f • • pavminîs appi * Sal 9 30 to b p m 571-1412 Monthly ptymml less Von $10 I we* •NON OPTIONAL SERVICE POLICY $34 95 Many Week-end Visitors in Enniskillen Mrs. Laura Eady, Toronto Toronto spent three or four days with Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNair. Holly, Erin and Scott Slack spent Sunday with their grandma and grampa. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stain- ton enjoyed lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope, Black- stock, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe attended a 50th birthday party dance in honour of one of Dick's sisters on Saturday evening at Beaverton Curl-' ing Club. Belated Happy Birthday goes to Mrs. Joe (Kay) La- fave of P.E.I. Hope you had a nice day on the second. At the township buildings in Hampton (North side of Taunton Road) there are 3 large recycling bins for metal metal cans: newspapers and glass. It is suggested that cans and glass be rinsed and .labels removed. Cans can be flattened (to reduce bulk). Metal lids from glass jars are not acceptable. We urge the use of this recycling facility facility to reduce the amount of garbage. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. I vison Tamblyn Tamblyn at the Northumberland Heights near Baltimore. These are the announcements announcements from the church bulletin bulletin on Sunday. I Enniskillen's Annual Congregational Picnic at 12.00 noon on June 11th at C.L.O.C.A. North Shelter in Enniskillen (off the 8th Concession. Concession. Please bring lunch (i.e. casserole/salad/dessert) with serving spoons to share. Bring your own plates, cutlery and lawn chairs. Drinks will be provided. provided. Friends and neighbours neighbours are welcome. Fun and games for everyone. II Notice from the Enniskillen Enniskillen Stewards Committee. Anyone wishing to borrow Charities Benefit from Chocolate Bar Sales Students at St. Stephen's High School ran a successful successful chocolate bar sale as a fundraising effort recently. recently. Students donated the money raised to different areas' of concern. Pictured here are some of the students students presenting the donations to the recipients. From the left are: Fran Radcliffe, from Jamaica Self-Help, receiving a 'donation of $300 from student Robert De- Berteuil; student Josephine Iannarilli presenting $300 to Mrs. Evans, whose house was destroyed in Newcastle in a fire recently; and Elaine Mason presenting presenting $580 to Father Bill Moloney for Camp Northern Northern Lights. The chocolate bar drive lasted six weeks. the chairs or tables from the Sunday School room will please contact one of the Stewards for permission to do so. Ill Enniskillen Stewards Yard Sale. There will be a yard sale held on June 24th from 94. For further information information you may call a member member of the Stewards Committee. Committee. This sale will be held in church parking lot. The Stewards Stewards are looking for donations donations for the sale. Enniskillen-Tyrone Vacation Vacation Bible School. - Vacation Bible School will be held in Tyrone Church from July 10th to July 14th. For further further information you may call Gail Clark at 263-2622. Providence-Shaw's W.I. Providence Shaw's Women's Women's Institute had an evening evening meeting at 7:30 on May 25th at Betty Blaker's home. President Joan Tax welcomed welcomed everyone and turned the meeting over to B. Blak- er who introduced our guest speaker. John Veldhuis, of the Port Granby Newcastle Environment Environment Committee, gave a most interesting talk on "Global Change." Mr. Veldhuis Veldhuis stated that we did not have a garbage problem but a crisis. It is our attitude toward toward dealing with the problem problem that has to change. We have to get the garbage to work for us. There are companies companies willing to recycle tires, plastics, film wrappers, wrappers, etc. Plastic containers are recycled recycled into lawn furniture, siding, guard rails, drainage pipes,etc. The Knob Hill boxes boxes are made of 25% recycled plastic but the blue recycle boxes are made of virgin plastic. We are destroying our Rain Forests which supply the earth's oxygen, pickling our earth with chemicals and polluting our waters. He took us on a fascinating journey on how our garbage cans work for us. Joan Tax thanked our speaker and presented him with a gift. Joan Tax opened our business meeting with a poem, " A Touch of Loveliness." Loveliness." J. Buma read the minutes of the last meeting and the Treasurer's report was given by M. Dow. Thelma Gilbank gave report report on the District Annual meeting held at Nestleton. June is W. I. month. It was moved by and seconded seconded by M. Dow that we donate $22.22 to the District. District. The total collected will be presented to the Jubilee Fund by Dr. Ellen McLean, president of A. C. W. W. at the Convention to be held in Kansas City. Garbage bags were passed out for our Annual Pitch In. A motion was passed by M. Dow and seconded seconded by T. Gilbank that we enter a float in the Orono Fair Parade. The theme is to be "Wild West Days". J. Buma announced that she has applications for anyone wishing to run for President ofF.W.IO. Roll Call was - name a group or person responsible for world change in recent years. B. Blaker gave the motto - The world is a neighbourhood neighbourhood - we must make it a brotherhood. The meeting closed with the Mary Stewart Collect and a social hour followed. The next meeting to be held at R. Cahais' home on June 15 at 1 p.m. Gail Guthries P.R.O. Happy 45th Anniversary June 10th, 1989 &<MÿnatulaU<Mà, Çu*te f *Votu*tteen of t6e ty&vi Homeowners depend on QUALITY Benjamin Moore paint to protect their homes. Why? Because Benjamin Moore makes paint that is TOUGH, resists fading, goes on EASILY, and lasts for a long time. MoorGard LATEX HOUSE PAINT • High hiding, kwMuslie finish • Lasting durability and color retention •. Over 1600 custom and ready mixed colors • Resists lûmes, blistering and mildew MoorGlo LATEX HOUSE & TRIM PAINT • Distinctive soft-gloss protection for all types ol exterior surfaces • Outstanding gloss and color retention ■ Perfect lor repainting aluminum siding SALE PRICE/4L $29-- REGULAR PRICE $39.95 SALE PRICB4L $3395 Moore's® high gloss House Paint ■ Beaulllul high gloss, weather resistant finish • Extremely durable with excellent levelling and sealing properties ■ Resists chalking and rundown on adjacent surfaces 1* REGULAR PRICE $43.95 •SALE PRICB4L $2995* REGULAR PRICE $33.9: 'Some Custom Colors may be higher In price SALE PRICE $ 29 95 REGULAR PRICE $39.95 Latex Exterior Primer . Excellent hiding and leveling ■ Recommended tor use under latex paints 1 Resists blistering on new construction ■ Minimizes staining ol new cedar and redwood Moorwhite® Primer • Excellent hiding and leveling ■ Can be used under both latex and oil based paints ■ Provides a uniformly sealed surface lor prepared chalky and weathered surfaces • Resists mildew *»*»*-*»*-*- !V|)0DEXTEp(F|T|iPi Protection & Natural Beauty ■ if i f i I If If 111 1 11 m m il ® a m a « SALE PRICE REGULAR PRICE $31.95 vinyl acrylic latex stain . Latex base . Masks wood grain, enhances texture . For smooth or rough siding, shakes, shingles, trim & tenting . Excellent color retention ' ? , penetrating clear wood finish & preservative ■ Penetrates & seals .Does not alter color substantially • Protects against surface moulds & mildew For siding, shakes, shingles & plywood • Repels wafer solid color exterior stain . Masks wood grain, enhances texture • Resists cracking, peeling, blistering • For shakes, smooth siding, saw-textured lumber, fencing . Rich, rustic colors semi-transparent stain & wood preservative . Penetrates, protects, beautifies wood . Enhances natural grain patterns . Protects against' surface moulds & mildews • Repels wafer deck stain for exterior use ■ Penetrates, protects, beautifies wood . Enhances natural grain patterns . Scuff resistant . Repels wafer 'some custom colours may be higher in price Sale Held Over! We bought a TRUCKLOAD! 20% to 30% off Drop in and inquire Wallpaper Book about our INTERIOR Orders PAINT SPECIALS fi ABERNETHY'S fmX PAINT and WALLPAPER % 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanvillc