j 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 3,1989 Section Two c ^ br *°^ Bh ! hda ?,I Hobnobbing with Harvey I Happenings in Elizabeth ville Area! Hi! My name is Holly Marie Mullen and I celebrated celebrated my first birthday on April 6, 1989. My Daddy and Mommy are Dennis and Suzanne. My grandparents grandparents are Earl and Noreen Nixon of Orono, Dennis and Bertha Mullen of Newcastle and Terry and Sandy Allen of Petawawa. Thank you to everyone who made my 1st birthday special. Canada Health Day Mamwood House and Strathaven Nursing Home join health care organizations organizations across Canada in celebrating celebrating Canada Health Day on May 12,1989. This annual annual event is co-sponsored by the Canadian Hospital Association Association and the Canadian Public Health Association. Canada Health Day is celebrated celebrated each year on May 12th to commemorate Florence Florence Nightingale's birthday. This year's theme "Health Promotion: Get involved involved - Volunteer!" was chosen chosen in recognition of the en thusiasm and commitment which volunteers bring to health care and their poten-' tial contribution to nealth promotion. A poster contest is being held in some of the local public schools. Volunteers from both homes will judge the posters, Prizes will be awarded, and the posters will be placed with a display in the Bowmanville Mall on May 12. Join our volunteers at the Bowmanville Mall and find out how you can get involved by being a volunteer! volunteer! KELLY LEGAL SERVICES 41 TEMPERANCE ST., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Mervyn B. Kelly, B. Comm., LL.B. RESIDENTIAL PURCHASES - RESIDENTIAL SALES RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES- WILLS POWERS OF ATTORNEY - PROBATE - INCORPORATIONS LEGAL AID ACCEPTED Free Initial Consultation On: DRIVING CHARGES-ASSAULT • CRIMINAL CHARGES --DIVORCE • WILLS, ESTATES AND PROBATE Office Hours: Weekdays--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. also Evenings and Saturday by appointment » The Federal Building s'uS ran " Slr "' Telephone 623-4444 Bowmanville, Ont. If our progress in the field of interior decorating continues at the same maddening maddening pace (snail that is), we may have to rename our by-line "Reminiscing with Rembrandt". Everything' was going so well with our faked bursitis until that minor minor hockey dance when our sparring partner just happened happened to notice that that right elbow and shoulder which were supposed to be semi-paralysed and was rendering rendering us hors-de-combat from arduous interior decorating, decorating, suddenly became quite active every time someone brought along a "sasparella" and set it in front of us. You can fool some people for a little while and others forever but but not Mother Superior. Well spring has sprung, again, and again and again. But this is the real thing we state confidently with our fingers crossed behind our back. We are so confident that we intend to take off those storm windows next week, or maybe the week after. after. This time we have real reason for optimism - our tree swallows have just returned returned from down south and have inspected the bird house they occupied last year. Everyone, we expect, is looking forward with joy and anticipation to Mr. Wilson's Budget. All our rowdy friends are bracing themselves themselves for an increase in what are classified as "sin- tax" - increased taxes on everything most people enjoy enjoy - nicotine and alcohol. Good job they haven't installed installed computers in the nation's nation's bed-rooms. Why, just for a change, don't they tax the daylights out of all those sober stuffed- shirts who never appear to get any fun out of life. Perhaps Perhaps they could revert to the days of yore and re-create a Boston Tea Tax but as they say in-the commercials - only in Canadar you say - What a pity! In last week's column we were critical of the Provincial Provincial Government for some of the things they didn't do. This week we give two of their Cabinet ministers a mild pat on the back. To Whats his Name for putting a cap on Car Insurance premium premium increase at 7% ilus and to the Minister of Education Education for opening their pocketbooks for some badly needed School construction money. Hope a slice of it gets out to. the local Boards and eventually to our Township Township for-a new-school. Wishful Wishful thinking! As this column is being written, two events of considerable considerable significance are taking place to-day - no doubt to commemorate the 100th Birthday of that most detested of men in our century century -Adolph Hitler. The first was the swing from the Conservative regime i in Newfie country back to the Liberal party. Because of their geographical location their economic future certainly certainly does not look too rosy regardless of political affiliation affiliation or party in power! The other more auspicious auspicious event is the "passing of the Buck". To-day the last dollar bill comes off the presses. In the not too distant distant future the "Looney" will be the coin of No choice. Our male population will probably probably nave to re-adopt to those heavy-duty police braces to cope with the additional additional weignt incurred and those ladies purses will soon be lethal weapons. Purse snatchers could have their heads knocked off by little old blue haired ladies with a wallet full of looneys aboard. They can't say we didn't warn them Wesleyville News by E. Barrowclough We Are Your See us at the Bowmanville Trade Showjj MAY 5-6-7 in the Sports Recreation Draw Fnter our FKfcc. for a storm door (completely Install*» Compte** IKK Specialists MEKHAB EXTERIORS 623-9828 Siding • Capping Soffits • Eavestroughing Fascia • Additions Roofing • Fencing Heat Mirror Windows Plus a complete line of Doors and Windows Custom Homes -- Renovations NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Bank Financing now,available upon request. MEKHAB EXTERIORS 18 tftaM MfutÙHM ta it>u>e tfou. Sunday, April 23rd was bright with sunshine but chillier than we expect at that date. At Welcome United United Reverend Sedgwick's sermon sermon topic was "Love One Another" from Jesus' new commandment in John chapter 13. His disciples were ordinary men who felt the urgency in one of his last directions to them. Its message message to them and all who have followed his leadership through the centuries has remained the same to this day. How it can be followed has to be decided by each person trying to interpret the significance for this time and especially in the United Church. The children's story concerned a teacher in Winnipeg Winnipeg in a school where most of the children came from poor homes. Many times they had no breakfast and little lunch, so each morning the teacher made a. quantity of sandwiches and shared them. It was her way of loving loving as each is called to do. The choir's anthem was an arrangement of 130th psalm, "Out of the Depths Have I Cried unto Thee, O, Lord" and gave added inspi ration to this good service. The offering was received by John Connelly and Carroll Nichols. Purple mums and forsythia continued to bring their message of spring. Members of the Port Hope Preceptory attended divine service at St. Mark's church in Port Hope on Sunday Sunday morning and among those present were Arnold and Harold Austin with their wives. Following the service all returned to the Masonic Temple for lunch, after which members held ' their meeting. During their absence the ladies were entertained entertained by Barbara Croft, Ruth Kellogg and Brenda Ough with some of their usual delightful songs. They provided tneir own accompaniment accompaniment with guitars. The Welcome firemen were called to a grass fire on Sunday afternoon and spent several hours standing by. The fire spread quickly with e, bu the stiff breeze, burning on both sides of the railroad track north of the hydro site at the lakeshore road. Harold and Arnold Austin Austin and Gerald Trew of Port Hope, were in Don Mills last By Mrs. Thickson The Elizabethville unit of the Garden Hill United Church Women held their April meeting at Mrs. Lottie White's home in Port Hope, on Tuesday afternoon. Ten attended. Mrs. Trew, president, president, presided and had the devotional part of the meeting. meeting. She spoke on Housecleaning Housecleaning the windows of our lives. Mrs. Beatty read the scripture. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Quan- trill. Roll call was taken. The business was discussed and consisted of plans to help make bag lunches for Saturday May 27. We have been asked to serve lunch for a wedding anniversary in June also to make sandwiches sandwiches for another wedding anniversary anniversary in May as well as planning our strawberry supper June 23. Mrs. Peacock Peacock had the program a talk Wednesday, April 19, to present Mr. Charles Moise with his 60th year Masonic Pin. April 23,1934. F.W. Hayden Hayden correspondent: Reverend Reverend W.E. Honey addressed the Y.P.U.; W.A. crokinole party prizes went to Mrs. H. Brooking, Clarence Paeden, Mrs. J. Paeden and Harold Best. Class in the comer held a work bee at the cemetery cemetery assisted by Roy Nichols, S. Barrowclough, Wilfred Bee and Arnold Thorndyke. Mrs. Reg. Bee who recently moved to Roche's Point, was taken to Newmarket hospital hospital for an appendectomy. from the iqandate on comparing comparing the life of three women women and their problems from South Africa. Lunch was served by our hostess. The seniors met as usual on Thursday. Registration forms for Northumberland Senior games June 1st to June 9 were given out. Our April potluck will be this coming week. Congratulations are extended extended to David McIntosh and Melody Johnson who were married in Chatham on Saturday. Mrs. Mae Mul- drew David's grandmother was at the wedding. Mrs. Lewko became a great grandmother, recently, when Tittle Katherine Lynne was born in Texas. Church services were held as usual. Reverend Sedgwick was back with us after being absent last Sunday. Sunday. He spoke on Love one another taken from John 13: 31-35. Another scripture Acts 14: 8-18 was also read. The Choir sang the little brown church in the dale. He had a story for the children children on sharing. Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Davis took up the offering. Jesus spoke to his disciples the night before he was taken taken prisoner trying to explain that he would not be hack and that he wanted them to spread the gospel and also love one another as I have loved you. Mr. H. White was at the door. Congratulations are extended extended to Leighanne Ter- benche and Glen Pearce who were married on Saturday in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Port Hope. Leighanne Leighanne is the only granddaughter granddaughter of Mr. ana Mrs. C. Mercer. Linda Staats our granddaughter granddaughter obtained 80,81,82,83 and 84 marks in the events she entered, at the Musical Festival in Brantford last week. Mark, her brother didn't compete as he is trying theory 2 and a music exam in May. Mrs. Mae Muldrew had lunch with Eva Longyear and visited Walter in Port Hope Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Muldrew is improving a little. She is no longer on intravenous. Mr. ana Mrs. Bill Muldrew spent Sunday with her and are going out to-day again. Mr. J. Peacock left for Newfoundland on Saturday, where he will spend a few days with his son, Andrew, and family. Mrs. Irene Beatty Beatty and Mrs. Mary Trew are with Mrs. Peacock while he. is away. Spring must be here. The motorcycle troup were in the village on Sunday and riding riding at the Ganaraska. ..... Mrs. Dorothy Bell visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock Peacock recently before Mr. Peacock Peacock left for Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peacock and Sandra Stothart were with Mrs. Susan Peacock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quan- trill had Mr. E. Robinson and Ross for tea on Sunday evening. • ; Mr. and Mrs. E Fowler had Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yarrow, Colborne, on Sunday. Sunday. ..i 7 GENERAL MOTORS The most comprehensive offering available. NO LIMIT ON AMOUNT FINANCED ON ALL NEW CARS, COMPACT PICKUPS/JIMMYS/BLAZERS !LLlN<4 FULL-SIZE PICKUPS* LIMITED TIME OFFER PLUS t NO EXTRA CHARGE AIR OR NO EXTRA CHARGE AUTOMATIC OR UP TO *1000 CREDIT ON SELECTED MODELS PLUS" UP TO *1000 CASH BACK ON OTHER SELECTED MODELS. SAVINGS AVAILABLE ON RETAIL LEASES WITH SMARTLEASE™. See your participating dealer for full details on available SmartLease™ lease rates, Limited time offer, effective April 20,1989. LOOK AT GM TODAY unancing otlor ovallablo on all now and unusod 1989 and prior modol yoar cars, S/T-10 and S/T-15 compact pickups, C/K Full'SIzo tlmo limited. Otlor valid on rotall purchosos only. Factory orders, (loot orders and retail loaso orders pro Ineligible lor Ills ol oc Tim :tlon. Oltor ovolloblo only |o qualified retail buyers llnoncfngjholr purchosos through GMAC on a maximum 48ffluii purchaSo amo crodîl w'horosiandard oqulpmonl), on spoclaliy oqüippod now and unusod 1909 Cnvolior, Sunbird, Oorotln, Corsica, Tomposl, Grand Am, Calais. Skylark, Colobrlly, 6000, Clara, Conlury, Ivnntngo of GM's $750 reduction Iront lira M.S.H.R on Skylark ond $500 reduction IromlhoM.S.R.P. on Colobhly.GOOO mid Clora nol oqulppodvnth --+ ulppocf now and unusod 1989 Covnllor, Sunbird, Borollo, Corsica, Calais, Tomposl, Grand Am, SfT Pickups. S/riJlminy/BInzor and C/K Pickups. OR *9.9% Otlor Is tlmo llml * -tFoclory Inslollod air conditioning nl no oxtra chorgo (OR oqulvalont M.S.R, " C/K Full-Size Pickups, orT " " 1 r, ~ l, " OTV no '" La il 20,1989, llmooltho i approved nirrondlilonlno OR nùtomnilc transmission al no extra charrie on snoclallv-oQuIppod now and unusod 1989 Cavalior, Sunbird, uorolla, uorsica, uniais, lompost.Grand Am, tj/iHCKijp3,S/T*Jlinrny/BlazorandC/K Pickups, OR ■■■ji ■■ BÏÏSÏÏÏ2;ni gmTî7?o mduciGn I o n M S R P on Cavalior Sunbird s/MO. S/T-15, S/T-JImmy and S/T-Dlazor equipped with manual transmission. OR toko advantage of GM'o $1000 reduction from M.S.R,P.on Boretla, [7T1 m ■ tw Corsica Tomoosl Grand Am Calais and C/K Pickuns onuiepod vvith manual transmission. Oiler applies to spoclally-oquippod models of now and unusod 1989 vehicles as Indicated. Anv applicable tnxos. ncluding federal excise I S1iconso a P nd rB applies to vehicles purchased and delivered between January 9,1989 andcloso ol business August 31,1909. On C/K Pickups, no ox rn charge --■ 1 |Æ%L nulomShctrnnsm ss?on SlieroanfionShiv to3Sod nu omatlc t anstS oqulppod with 4-spood automatic transmission will receive an M.S.R.P. credit oqulvalont to tho 3-spood automatic transmission crodn. 1 ■ ?tîtoÔoclmhb?'kon n i988G n rand%?x8 CubOMSupromKndRonolsf W'body Ironl-whool dr vo modolsonly), ond 1989 Grand Prixo, Cutlass Supremos rind Rogns onuppod with 2.8L onglno. $700 cosh bock on 1989 Grand pllxs cuiImb SuDromos nndRoaola oauldDod with 31L onalno Youmny reçoive cosh bock direct Iront Gonornl Motors, othorwlso It will bo applied lo your Irnnsoc Ion, bllor valid on roln purchosos only, O lor opp loo ton Pl •nusodwffipure hSsedanŒ January 9,1989 ond close ol business August 31,1969. Otlor Includes doolor participation. Soo your participating donlor lor lull dolnils. ««an or («crutwc and unusod vehicles purchosi 3-YEAR/80,000 KILOMETRE WARRANTY