Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Pets Terribrae Pet Food and Supplies Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Street West Bowmanvllle 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop" 51-tfSN FREE to loving home, 5 year old part Corgi, spayed, very affectionate, affectionate, obedient, great with children, all shots. Phone 623-4675. 14-1SN WANTED - Loving home for 8 year old Westie, great pet, requires a lot ot T.L.C., owner moving to apartment. Phone 623-6057. 14-1S TOY poodles, females, one year old, red, CKC reg., non-shedding hair, affectionate, $350. Phone 623-9788 after 6 p.m. 14-1SN E and J Livestock. Wanted - crippled, crippled, disabled, culled cattle. Highest Highest prices paid, Orono. Phone 1- 416-983-5566. 7-8SN VALLEY Livestock Exchange, HIGHEST cash prices paid for crippled, disabled and down cattle. Phone collect anytime, Valley Livestock Exchange, Cobourg 416-372-6413, Lindsay 705-324- 0743, Lie. No. 3307. We buy old horses. 13-tfSN RED clover seed for hay or plough- down. Phone 436-2528 after 7 p.m. 14-2S SEED SOYBEANS Certified Maple Arrow Paul Vaneyk 623-2060 6-ttsN SEED CORN Ensilage blend $40. per unit, Red clover tree foil and all farm seed supplies. SWAIN SEED 986-4331 14-8SN CERTIFIED Donald, Ogle and Woodstock Oats, certified Blrka, Rodes and Leger, certified Mapleglen, Maplearrow, O.A.C. Scorpio, Bi-Centennial and NKS 15-50 Soya Beans, complete hay, pasture and lawn seed supplies SWAIN SEED 986-4331 14-8SN FIELD SEED orders taken Garden and Lawn Seed Garden Supplies CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanvllle 623-5577 14-1 SN Business Opportunity hall, Bowmanvllle. Phone 1-640- 1666 after 6 p.m. 14-1S NEW bachelor basement apartment, apartment, separate entrance, electric heat, parking, all utilities, non- smoker, suit retiree or day worker, $485. monthly, first and last and references. Phone 623-1359. 14-1S BRIGHT, clean, furnished room for rent, close to 401, non-smoker, kitchen privileges, $70. weekly. Phone 623-1185. 14-1S CLEAN furnished rooms in Bow- manville. Phone 623-9700, 11:30 - 7 p.m.14-1S LARGE, one bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, parking. Available May 1st, $445. monthly plus utilities. Phone 579-1589, 14-2S no hni.iot tnilirw boi JJAlvtd BOWMANVILLE'- luxury one bedroom bedroom apartment with skylight and loft, $625. monthly plus hydro. Available Available May 1 st. Phone 623-8538. 14-1SN BACHELOR apartment for single person, $375. including utilities. Private, clean, available May 1st, south of Blackstock. Phone 986- 5618,14-1SN COMFORTABLE rooms for rent with color TV, small fridge and electric heat, $109. weekly. Furnished Furnished apartment, $489. Phone Diana Motel 983-9711. 14-4SN EFFICIENCY apartment for rent from $75. a week. All furnished, newly renovated, complete kitchen and bath facilities. Private entrances, entrances, parking. Phone Newton- ville, 786-2329. 5-tfSN CLEAN, two bedroom apartment, large deck, in Orono, first and last required, references, $425. monthly plus utilities. Available May 1 st. Phone 786-2982. 14-2SN HALF of a duplex, two bedrooms, first and last, $550. per month. Ask for Dave at 623-6121 or 623-3408. 14-2SN TWO bedroom apartment, walking distance to hospital and downtown Bowmanville, utilities included, available available May 1 st. Phone 6 23-1103. 14-1SN TYRONE Community Centre for rent, cheaper rates for off-time. For more information phone 263-2215 or 263-2256. 42-tfSN FOUR bedroom townhouse for rent in Bowmanville, 1 1/2 baths, $840. per month, available May 15th. Phone 623-5599. 14-1S PLANNING a wedding or a dance? Phone collect 1-705-277- 3668 evenings between 6 and 8 for rental of Brownsdale Community Centre, Golf Course Rd., Newcastle. 31-tfS Articles for Sale COLOURED TELEVISIONS New and Used, Guaranteed $100 and up Television Service Co. 185 Church St., Bowmanvllle 623-3883 13-2SN DURHAM HAIR & BEAUTY SUPPLY For Flairdressers' convenience 67 King SI. W., Bowmanville 623-8858 49-tfS Asselstine's Yamaha have the parts and the personnel to service your Yamaha DURHAM RD. SOUTH OF BLACKSTOCK 986-4437 52-tfSN Cars for Sale 1981 HONDA Accord, 2 dr. hatchback, hatchback, 5 spd., excellent condition, new lires, certified, $1,800. Phone 623-9565. 14-1SN 1978 CHEV Caprice, 2 dr., good shape, 190,000 km., as is, $600. o.b.o. Phone 786-2352. 14-1SN 1981 Honda Civic, re-built engine, new brakes, new tires, good condition, condition, as is $1,450., certified $1,550. Phone 987-4836. 14-1.SN 1988 Grand Prix, black, grey interior, interior, 4,000 miles, excellent condition, condition, good financing available. Phone 623-4247. 14-1SN GRAHAM'S GARAGE 1987 HAYDON 263-8172 1986 Acadian, 2 door, 4 cyl., automatic, certified. 1984 Grand Marquis LS, 4 door, 302 automatic, p.s., p.b., loaded, certified. 1981 Olds 98 Regency, V8, automatic, p.s., - p.b., loaded, certified. 14-1 SN Motorcycles for Sale 1979 SUZUKI GS 550, very good shape, $1,500. or best offer, must be seen. Phone alter 4 p.m., 987- 4567. 14-1S Trailers BOX trailer, 6'5" X 8' 5", asking $375. Phone 623-4289. 14-1S SOFT-top camper, sleeps five, good condition. Phone evenings 987-4657. 14-1SN 23' PROWLER 1977, very good condition, new carpet throughout, sleeps 8, winterized and on lot in Newcastle area, asking $6,500. Phone 786-2470. 14-1S 1987 COLEMAN Laramie hardtop trailer, three way fridge, three burner stove, furnace set by thermostat, thermostat, privacy curtains, Coleman add-a-room, Jumbo tires wilh new spare and cover, owned by mature couple and used tor two trips, in as new condition with all manuals. Purchased late August 1987 for $7,370. will sell for $5,500. 1989 model over $8,000. Please phone Orono 983-9773 for showing. 14-1 SN 1978 "TROPHY" travel trailer, 35' long, livingroom and bedroom tip- outs, full'bath, kitchen has gas range, frost tree fridge and lots ol cupboards, fully furnished wilh . new carpet throughout, $12,000. Phone 416-786-2918 anytime. 14-4SN Mobile Homes MOBILE home for rent or sale, 14' X68', only six months old. Phone 786-2532, ask 1er Danny. 14-1 SN Boats GREW 15.5 (l. S.S. convertible top, 50 Merc. Thunderboll, sleeper seats, c.b„ Explorer trailer, $3,500 or oiler, perfect condition. Phone 623-7455 aller 5 p.m. 14-1S Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $10.00 Service Charge on Sheep - Goats - Pigs $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals PHONE VARIETY store and three bedroom bedroom home, close to schools and 401, excellent potential, asking $229,000. Phone Frank Magnus, Bagot Realty Inc., Realtor, for further details 579-4010 (24 hours or 683-8154. 14-1 SN MAC TOOLS OF CANADA uuo to expansion wo are iuum,ig lor sales minded people, who are looking at owning their own business In the Bowmanvllle area. Investment required. For (urther information, pleaso contact: Employment Wanted E.C.E. teacher offering loving Individual Individual daycare and creative educational educational program, infants welcome, welcome, Waverley/401 area, 8 years experience. Receipts given. Phone 623-6218. 14-1S DAYCARE available in my home, Hwy. 2 Newcastle, snacks and lunches provided, dally walks, reasonable rates. Phone 987- 4953. 14-1 SN TINA'S Professional MARGWILL FUR FARM 4/-tis Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 STEVE EYRE '705) 325-7035 BEV FORD 1-800-263-5019 Cleaning Services Thorough, Dependable NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL 623-2657 Help Wanted MATURE part-time help wanted for cleaning, 20 plus hours a week. Excellent for housewives. Phone 623-5437 or 623-6179, ask for John. 14-1S NEWCASTLE Multi-Care Centre requires part time R.N. for all shifts. Experience in long term care an asset. Contact J. Clark, Administrator, Administrator, 987-4282. 12-4S NURSES Aides/homemakers required required for private and general duty in Durham Region, particulary in Bowmanville/Newcastle areas. Phone 433-7600, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 12-3SN BABYSITTER required for five year old attending Hampton Public School in September. Prefer on school bus route. To start immediately. immediately. Phone 263-8803 after 4:30. 14-tfSN FULL-TIME money, part-time hours. Major lingerie company expanding expanding in this area looking for ladies interested in earning above average income. No collecting, no delivery, free training. Forappoint- ment phone Ella 728-4481. 14-1SN LOCAL heating/service dealer requires requires licenced oil burner mechanic, full time and or part time, references. Phone 263- 8501, leave message. 14-1SN PART-TIME Secretary/Receptionist Secretary/Receptionist needed for Real Estate office. office. Please drop off resume at Edvan Realty Ltd., 214 King St. E., Bowmanville or call Carole, 623- 4445 for further informalio n. 14-1SN POSITION now available in our downtown office for a manager, salary plus commission, previous experience an asset. Also day and evening positions for telephone solicitors available, good hourly wage, no experience necessary. Phone 623-8363. 14-2SN WAITRESS wanted, must be over 18. Apply in person at Dennis Pizza, 219 King St. E., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 14-1SN PART-TIME help for cleaning service, service, day or night hours. Please apply to Box 1466, c/o The Canadian Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville L1C 3K9. 14-1S JOB Suitable for homemakers In potato processing plant Start immediately Straight days Phone 786-2224 2R33WJ-- 48-tfSN Full and Part-time WAITRESSES NEEDED Phone 277-3211 14-1 SN PART time office clerk required for Bowmanville manufacturing plant. Must be a proficient typist, have good clerical background and a pleasant telephone manner. Interested Interested applicant should contact Sue Carter at 623-1880. 14-1 SN WAITRESS wanted. Apply Forum Restaurant, Hwy. 115/35. Phone 987-4226.14-1SN AIR conditioning mechanic for installation installation and service. Local Carrier Carrier dealer. Leave message 983- 9106.14-1SN MAJOR lingerie company expanding. expanding. Ladies interested in earning above average income, work your own hours. Phone Sharon 986- 0628 for appointment. 14-1SN A loving and responsible person is needed to care for our infant son. Daycare needed is in Bowmanville on days, Mon. - Fri. If you have a lot of love to give, please phone 623-9317 after 5:30 p.m. 14-1S LETTER Press operator, minimum three years experience, Newcastle Graphics Factory. Phone 433- 0250. 14-1S WANTED full-time/part-time waiters, waiters, waitresses, bartenders, dishwashers, dishwashers, cafeteria help and front desk personnel. Good wages and company benefits. Contact 623- 3373. 14-1S WE have immediate openings for general laborers and light industrial industrial workers, packagers, assemblers assemblers and maintenance persons. persons. Must be reliable. Both short and temp, to perm, positions available. Bowmanville, Oshawa, Ajax, Whitby, Pickering. For an interview interview please phone Janet at Francis Personnel Sen/ices at 436-6202 or 427-0717 or come to our office at 11 Simcoe St. N., Suite 303, Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Oshawa. 14-1S HANDŸMÀN/WOMAN required immediately for large nursing home. Part time hours leading to full time day position. Some knowledge knowledge of plumbing/electrical/ H.V.A.C. and carpentry required. General janitorial work involved. To apply phone Gary at Strathaven Nursing Home, 623-2553. 13-3SN Experienced HAIRSTYLIST Full or Part Time Salary plus commission 623-4551 ' 'O 'il- - 14-1SN SUMMER; JOBS Triple A Student Painters Now hiring in' Bowmanville, Newcastle area Phone John Lassaline 433-4243 13-2SN The Texaco 401 Service Centre Is now accepting applications for full and part time CUSTOMER SERVICE ATTENDANTS Part Time and Full Time Nights We are seeking courteous, energetic and friendly males and females to join our team. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WILL RECEIVE: - Competitive Wages - Training Programs - Incentive Program For more information phone 623-1565 Or pick up applications at the Service Centre on the eastbound lanes of Hwy. 401, Just east of the Newtonville turnoff. 14-2SN SECURITY Apartments, warehouses, construction sites throughout Durham Region. Suitable full and part time positions for ladles, gentlemen and students. Should be bondable and have own transportation. CANADIAN PROTECTION SERVICES 124 Wilson Road S., Oshawa, Ont. APPLY: 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 8-tfS THE BOWMANVILLE ZOO is accepting applications for SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Please apply in person at the Zoo 340 King St. E., Bowmanville between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Looking for General Labourers, Ground Keepers, Waitross/Waitors, Kitchen Assistant, Ride Operators, Office Staff, Show Personnel and other positions. APPLICANTS MUST BE 16 YEARS OR OLDER. JOIN US We have FULL TIME MIDNIGHT SHIFT Positions available These positions involve cash and kitchen responsibilities or cleaning some equipment and the facility SALARY $6.95 to start, plus medical, drug, dental, life Insurance benefts. All training is provided and uniforms are free for an interview. BURGER KING Highway 401 Newcastle, Ont. ■1.4-.1.SN Help Wanted Experienced WAITRESS WANTED And Full Time SHORT ORDER COOK 983-5001 New Dutch Oven Restaurant 14-2SN BABYSITTER REQUIRED Kind loving "Nanny type" wanted to care for 3 school age children in my Orono home full time. Good salary for right person. References required Please phone 983-5024 AfterS and weekends 14-1SN FLOWER DESIGNER Experienced 3 --5 days per week STORE CLERK Experienced 2 --3 days per week APPLY IN PERSON TO LEN CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville 14-1SN THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHER ASSISTANT The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invites applications for two Teacher Assistant positions (full time - 6 hours per day) to work with special needs students at Courtice North Public School. ECE qualifications or equivalent experienced required. Apply in writing stating qualifications and experience by 12 April 1989 to: Wallace Pitt Principal Courtice North Public School R.R.No.3 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K4 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Gary Tushingham Director of Education Diana Stewart Chairperson of.the Board 14-1S Looking for on extra income? Make new friends, have I some fun and earn extra 1 Income. SELL AVON In your neighborhood For an interview Phone Avon at 576-0831 or 623-5207 1 4-3SN ; MERVORR'S Transport Driver Training • Over 12 years of experience • Ontario's oldest and largest • Over 5000 graduates • Job search assistance available • Tax deductible TRAINING BY PROFESSIONALS Phone 1-800-265-3559 Pickering 3-tfSN FULLTIME FUEL ATTENDANTS We offer our full-time ployees: Wages em • Competitive •OHIPP! 'ages an Life Insurance Paid Lunch Breaks Employee Hiring Bonus Employee Discount Card If you are Interested, apply In person at: Fifth Wheel Truck Stop Hwy. 401 and Waverley Rd., Bowmanvllle or phone 623-3604 -14-1SN 'We Cate About K/ds" SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS REQUIRED Class B licence preferred or we will train you to obtain a school bus licence. Please contact Charterways 80 Mearns Ave., Bowmanville or Phone (416) 623-3811 52-IISN Rapidly growing Salon In Oshawa requires a MANAGER and STYLIST Salary plus bonus plus benefits. Phone Marsha Collect (416) 640-5557 14-1 SN TREE PULLERS REQUIRED Approx. April 10 3 -- 4 weeks employment Orono Nursery Phone 433-7290 or apply at Orono Nursery Wednesday -- Friday 9 a.m. • 4 p.m. Binkley Lawn and Garden Care Inc. 12-5SN CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD Required for the corner of Beaver and King Streets, Newcastle Village. APPLY IN PERSON Franklin Wu.M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Alt: Dianne Fernlund 14-1 SN Date of Publication: April 5,1989 Help Wanted Advertising Sales Representative Prior experience in some type of sales or demonstrated ability in a related field is preferred. Call the Advertising Manager at 623-3303 for an interview or send resumé to The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville 62 King St. W.L1C3K9 Notices TO lot owners and anyone interested interested in Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. Take notice that a meeting will be called lor 7 p.m., Thursday, April 13, 1989 at the R.M. Wood home. Secretary Treasurer. Treasurer. 14-2SN NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING The Durham Progressive Conservative Association will hold ils annual meeting tor reporls and election of officers on April 17, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. at the Shrine Club, 1626 Simcoe Streel North, Oshawa, Ontario. At the same meeting delegates v/ill be chosen for the National General Meeting to be held in Ottawa August 24 - 27,1989. 14-2SN St. Joseph Parish. Just a little reminder for anyone interested in helping wilh the craft and knitting for our C.W.L. Annual Bazaar, the date is October 14th, 1989. 14-1S Ontario Hydro Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Information Centre Open Monday -- Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. South Service Road, West of Holt Road Bus tours, films, presentations, and more. In-plant walking tours booked in advance. Groups can book other times. Phone 623-7122 14-tfSN NEW LOCATION BEEF CATTLE MARKETING VOTE INFORMATION MEETING Thursday, April 6,1989 at 8:00 p.m. - NOW AT - Little Britain Community Centre (Not Lindsay's Ont. Gov't. Conference Room) Beef and Dairy Cattle producers are encouraged to attend to discuss the vote. 14-1SN Corporation of the Town of Newcastle NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation ot the Town of Newcastle, at the meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, April 24,1989 at the hour of 7:00 p.m., propose to pass a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of the unopened road allowances described as Part of Unnamed Streets, Part of Lot 9, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, according to Hutcheson Plan, more particularly designated as Parts 3 and 4 of Plan 10R-3186, and described as follows: 'ALL AND SINGULAR THAT certain parcel and tract of land and premises, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of the unopened road allowances described as part of unnamed streets in Part Lot 9, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, according to Hutcheson Plan, more specifically described as Parts 3 and 4 of Plan 10R-3186, deposited in the Land Registry Office tor the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10), on January 25, 1989. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT before passing the said by-law, Council or a Committee of Council shall hear In person, or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by this bylaw, bylaw, and who applies to be heard. Dated at the Town of Newcastle this 22nd day of March 1989. Dates lobe Published: March 22,29, April 5, April 12,1989 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. (A) Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 File: 77.44.144. 12-4SN Corporation of the Town of Newcastle NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, al the meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, 40 Temperance Streel, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, April 24, 1989 at the hour ot 7:00 p.m., propose to pass a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of parts ot the unopened road allowances described as Part of Mann Street and Part ol Winnstanley Street, between Blocks A and B, former Township ol Darlington, now in the Town ol Newcastle, according to T.W. Herrick's Plan for Porter and Bradshaw, more particularly designated as Part 1 and Part 2 on Plan 10R-3187, and described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR THAT certain parcel and tract of land and premises, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, In the Regional Municipality ol Durham, Province ol Ontario, and being composed of the unopened road allowance described as Part ol Mann Street, and Part ol Winnstanley Street, Lois 9 and 10, Concession 2, T.W. Herrick's Plan lor Porter and Bradshaw, more specifically described as Part 1 (Mann Street) and Part 2 (Winnstanley Street), on Plan 10R- 3187, deposited In the Land Registry Office tor the Registry Division ol Newcastle (No. 10) on January 25,1989; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT before passing the said by-law, Council or a Committee ol Council shall hear In person, or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by this bylaw, bylaw, and who applies to be heard. Dated at the Town ol Newcastle this 22nd day of March 1989. Patti L. Barrie. A.M.C.T.(A) Town Clerk Town ol Newcastle 40 Temperance Streel Bowmanvllle, Ontario Dales lobe Published: L1C3A6 March 22, 29, April 5, File: 77.44.143. April 12,1989. 12-4SN 14-25 14-tfSN