j j li The Canadian Statesman. Boumanville. January IS. IflSit Pines Volleyball Team Captures *A 9 Championship Correspondent Brings News from Manvers Bowmanville Senior. Public hosted a grade eight volleyball tournament last Saturday held at Bowmanville Bowmanville High School. The first place A champions are pictured here from The Pines Senior Public School. Front row, from left, includes: Dwayne Mor ton, Tyler Sokoljuk, Tom Tamblyn, Jeff Darrach and Jamie Lovekin. In the back row from left are: Mike Farrington (coach), Evan Davies, Daryl Reid, Aaron Staples and Jeff Pearce. Coach Tim Nobes was absent from the photo. Attention Advertisers Our 1959 Bridal Supplement will be published on Wednesday, February 5th Contact one of our advertising representatives at 623-3303 for full details Pictured here are/members of the Bowmanville David Hilliard, Brock MacArthur, Brian Pickard Senior Public School/boys' volleyball team. The team and Jeff Bryant. In the back from left are: Robert lost to The Pines try'place second in the A finals. Pic- Staples, Scott McGregor, Jason Thompson, Mike tured here in the front row from left are: Mat Garrett, Sudsbury, Ryan Robinson and coach Dan Knight. Addition Made To College's Board of Governors Effective January 1st, there is a new student representative representative and a new administration administration representative on the Durham College Board of Governors. Margaret Foley of Oshawa, a student in the Business Division and in her second year of the Human Resources option, is the new student "Internal" Governor. Her term is for one year. Margaret is a graduate of Queen's University. Tony Rahilly, Chairman of Aviation, Civil and Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Technology Technology is the new Administration Administration "Internal" Governor. His term is for three years. He has been a member of the Durham staff for 10 years and was the first manager of the College's Innovation Services Services Institute. Before coming coming to teach in the Business Division at Durham, Tony was. Manager of new product product development at Ortho Pharmaceuticals, and has held positions in process and quality control and sales. By Beverley Fisher "Tis the season to have flu and colds and other nasty ailments. I hope all those who have suffered with illness illness the past few weeks are recovering. Church News On Sunday, January 8, there was a dedication of the new hymn books at both the Pontypool • and Bethany Unitea Churches. Over 60 books, the supplement to the red hymn book, called "Songs for Gospel People", were purchased by the Bethany Bethany congregation and a similar amount by the Pontypool Pontypool congregation. The books were presented to the Church by various members of the congregation in memory memory of, and in honour of, friends and relatives. A new Bible study group is meeting at the home of Sue Locke, of Bethany, on Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Contact Sue at 277- 2425. Another member has been welcomed to the other Tuesday Bible study group. Helen Fry has joined that group. Pontypool Church Volunteers The Pontypool Church Volunteers will be holding a meeting at a member's home on Wednesday January 18 at 7 p.m. Contact Linda at 277-2377 for more information information about this group. The Volunteers are sponsoring sponsoring a "Happy Days" dance on February 4. Get your costume ready as there will be a prize for the best- dressed Fonz and Joanie. The dance will run from 8 to 1 and will feature the music of the 50's and 60's with DJ Dennis Franfesen. For more information and tickets contact contact Joan at 277-2678. MR Art The final weekend for the 20% sale of all items at M R Art, Bethany will be on January January 21 and 22. This will be your last chance to browse and buy until May. Pontypool Keenagers The Keenagers held their regular meeting on Thursday Thursday January 5 followed by euchre. The winners for the evening were: Ladies' High Jean Dunford, Margaret Wright and Lillian Christie; and, Men's High were Stan Wright, John McMillan and Harold Moore. The next regular regular meeting will be on Thursday, Januaiy 19 at the home of Ruth Pickering. Bethany Golden Stars The Golden Stars began their 1989 season with a meeting on Wednesday January. January. 11 and commencing with the singing of the Golden Golden Stars theme song, led by Ruth Jennings ana Lillian Fall is on piano. Bob Graham read a poem entitled "Hugs". The group sends their sincere sincere sympathy to Bob and Leah Graham on the very sudden death of Bob's brother. brother. The group hopes that Winnie Strong and Marjorie Coppins are feeling better soon. The bus trip to the Festival Festival of Lights at Niagara Falls has been proposed for February February 1 to 3. The phone committee committee will be contacting people in regards to the trip. The Theatre Guild of Peterborough Peterborough has invited the group to a dress rehearsal of their play on Thursday January January 19. « d 1 o BOWMANVILLE/Oshawa D fil y ! i J Gi SCHOOL *New Branch* 99 King St. E. Bowmanville First class for Driver's Ed. starts Feb. 6th, Mondays and Wednesdays 6 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. *Opening Special* SAVE $25.00 off our regular fee if you register before January 31, 1989. OSL approved, income tax deductible, insurance certification "A FAMILY BUSINESS" and was given by Violet Carr. The program was on the history of quilting and was given by Georgina Scott. She discussed the various types of quilting: piecework, applique, applique, Seminole patchwork, trappunto and reverse applique applique and showed samples of all the different types. She also displayed a number of her own quilts and a lovely quilted winter jacket she had made. Quilting has enjoyed a comeback. Quilts are not only useful objects but very decorative works of art. People People are quilting because of the satisfaction they receive in creating something themselves. themselves. With today's timesaving timesaving conveniences and the abundance of materials, quilting couldn't be easier to learn. Following the meeting there was a lovely lunch. The next meeting will be on Monday February 13 . The speaker that day will be Mrs. Walter Dobrew who is originally from Switzerland. Manvers Historical Society The Manvers Historical Society held an executive meeting on Monday January January 9. There was a good turnout to discuss plans for painting the Old Post Office. On Tuesday January 17, the Society will commence preliminaries preliminaries to painting the inside inside of the Old Post Office and they are looking for volunteers volunteers to help with the painting of the walls and ceilings. Contact Viola at 277-2S46 if you can help. The Historical Society purchased the Old Post Office Office and the goal is to completely completely restore it. It is still on the original property in Bethany, Bethany, on the main street although although it has been moved back from the road. The outside outside has already been painted painted during the summer and fall. The book "The Rolling Hills" can still be purchased and the sale of this book does help in the restoration. If you are new to the area or can trace your family tree to early early Manvers, this book offers interesting rending on the early history of Manvers Township. Grandview School News The school continues its skating program at the Are na. This hourly physical education education program provides fitness fitness in a fun way. The Home and School Association provided provided pizzas to the school during the week of January 9. January 24 to 26 will be soup lunch week. The Downhill Ski Club gramme on Wednesday Jan uary 11. Buses were cancelled on Thursday January 12 as road conditions were terrible. terrible. Vice-principal Dave Allen will bo teaching in Lindsay on January 16-18 and January January 23-25 as part of the Strand Enrichment Pro- pro- goi Jan- Th f rnmme. This programme rings a number of children from all over the county to the Enrichment Centre in Lindsay for a number of ini teresting courses in different strands, or subjects, such as math, language and art. The Intermediates will be oing to Mosport Park on Tiursday January 19 fori a full day of cross country skiing. skiing. < January 25th begins the MS Readathon program at Grandview. Not only does this help in raising funds for MS Research through your donations, but it also encout- nges the children to rend more. Letter to the Editor Dear Sir:. I would like to convey to the merchants of Downtown Bowmanville that I think it is a good idea to have a contest at Christmas to promote shopping downtown. However, However, I think it would be an even better idea if they reverted reverted to their previous prizes prizes of Merchant Money (to be spent only in downtown Bowmanville, of course). It is rather hard to whip up enthusiasm enthusiasm for a contest where you don't know what the prizes are. When you win merchant money the prize can be whatever you choose. And that pretty exciting! One merchant mentioned to me that he thought there had been a problem with people keeping the merchant money ana not using it. This would create an ongoing debt which has to be held on the books. It would not be unreasonable to print an expiry expiry date on the merchant money, in the same way as is done with some credit notes or gift certificates. My husband and I have been here long enough to remember remember when the first prize was $1000. in merchant money. We spent a long time dreaming of how we would spend it if we were lucky enough to win and we spent every Saturday in town at the stores trying to win it. This year when we found out it was just for unspecified unspecified prizes, we did not even bother to fill in one ballot. Nor did it encourage us to make any special effort to go into town. So I do hope the merchants will keep this in mind when they are considering considering their next promotion. To end on a positive note, I would like to say that we have been pleased to see the "sprucing up" which has taken taken place downtown over the last while - particularly at the Strike & Strike building. It also seemed to us that more merchants this year wore making an effort to have a Christmas display or decorations in their windows. windows. This certainly adds to the festive mood and the merchants are to be applauded applauded for their initiative. Sincerely, Evylin Stroud. BLOCK PARENT We hate to Bug you February 7 at the Red Oak Inn, Peterborough, the Lift Lock Chorus (of which Bob Fair is a member) will entertain as part of Peterborough's Peterborough's Snow Fest activities. Bob Fair will have tickets available at the next meeting to be held on Wednesday January 25. There were 11 tables of euchre following the meeting. Ladies' High was Wilma Davidson and Ladies' Low was Viola Thorndyke. Men's High was Dave Brooks and Men's Low was Bob Fair. Bethany Women's Institute The W.I. held their meeting meeting on Monday January 9 at the home of Georgina Scott. Viola Thorndyke chaired the meeting with fourteen in attendance. attendance. The roll call was a display of a craft or hobby which each member was working on. The motto was "when skill and love work together together expect a masterpiece" u 99™ 623-4641 [fe^® presents The John G. Powers Collection The Incredible World of Bugs January 19th - 21st Visit Oshawa Centre lor a good look at some of the most exotic insects you'll ever see together in one place. You'll see the bird-eating spiders of the Amazon, giant walking sticks of New Guinea, iridescent butterflies from Brazil, and the magnificent Goliath beetles of the Congo. "The Incredible World of Bugs"™ is at Oshawa Centre. You'll be just itching to go! The Centre for Everything.